Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers | Harry Potter Amino

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers

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Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided to do;

:clapper: The Top Eight Harry Potter Youtubers :clapper:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Disclaimer: All these people are in my opinion, and if you disagree do tell me!

Also, if there are any other HP Youtubers you think I should talk about, tell me in the comments!!

ALSO the list is not in order of my most favourite!

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1. ~WiseHufflepuff~ :yellow_heart:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Vegard is such a nice person, who posts all sorts of things! His channel is mainly based around Harry Potter, but you can also find all sorts of other things there too! There are all sorts of DIYs for the creative Potterhead, theories, quizzes and all sorts of other things! I love his DIYs as they help a lot when I make things! Vegard also has an Amino account, you can find him here: WiseHufflepuff

DIY Harry Potter Room Decorations!

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2. ~TheBakeey~ :star:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Meet Sophie, a hilarious, loud and funny Potterhead! Her HP collection puts mine to shame and she loves collecting all sorts of Harry Potter merchandise. Sophie's videos are mainly Harry Potter, however she is also a huge Doctor Who fan too! Videos on her channel include, theories, hauls, room tours and all sorts of fun things! She also has a Amino account and you can find her here: TheBakeey

Biggest Harry Potter Room Tour!

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3. ~Cherry Wallis~ :cherries:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

If you're into Harry Potter AND makeup, you're in for a treat! Cherry is such a sweet girl, who is a huge Potterhead! She posts videos varying from DIYs, hauls and all sorts of other things. However, HP is not the only thing on her channel. She's a skilled and amazing artist, and does some amazing work!

Hogwarts House: RAVENCLAW | Makeup Tutorial

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4. ~Laurasalwayspottering~ :hibiscus:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Meet Laura, a sweet girl who loves Harry Potter so much! She started her amazing collection at a very young age, and still keeps collecting. Laura's channel is filled with hauls, vlogs and loads of fun! If you love to see hauls, you're in for a real treat! Her bubbly, sweet personality just keeps you hooked!


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5. ~The Luna Diaries~ :book:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Meet this sweet girl who cosplays as Luna Lovegood! She's so sweet, kind and fun to watch! From hauls, games and all sorts of other things, she'll make sure to keep you entertained! Also, the cosplay is on point! :ok_hand: 🏽


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6. ~Tessa Netting~ :eyeglasses:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

I'm pretty sure most of you know Tessa! She's a funny, bubbly character and is so fun to watch! From unboxings to "mail-time," Tessa is a huge fangirl and Potterhead!

If Harry Potter Spells Could Talk In Real Life ft. Brizzy Voices

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7. ~Brizzy Voices~ :microphone:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Finally the time comes for one of the best voice impressionists on YouTube! Meet Brizzy, a funny and hilarious character who loves doing voice impressions! She's a huge Potterhead, and viewers can expect to see hilarious videos, from voice impressions, vlogs and quizzes.


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8. ~King Books~ :books:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Meet Alana, a huge Potterhead! She's such a sweet and interesting girl! Viewers can see loads of hauls, unboxings and reviews on all sorts of HP items! You should definitely check her out if you need help with what to buy and choose, she's perfect!

Hot Topic Exclusive Harry Potter Funko Pops | Unboxing/Review

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So that's it for now guys! If you have any other HP Youtuber suggestions for me to watch, tell me in the comments!!


- Google Images

- Pinterest and Tumblr


- My mind

Thank you! 🦄

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided

Unicorn out! :sparkles:

Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided
Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided
Top 8 Harry Potter YouTubers-Hi guys! I'm back with another blog! YouTube is a big part of many people's lives, and I decided
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Agree but instead of king books you should of done Seamus Gorman

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0 Reply 05/13/19

Brizzy,Tessa,Vegard, The Bakeey,and Seamus

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0 Reply 05/11/19
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