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Text From Computer

Vangie Beal
Last Updated May 24, 2021 7:56 am

Text from computer is a feature that allows you to send a text message (also called SMS) to a cellular phone or wireless device on a cellular network from an Internet-connected computer using email.

To text from computer you need an email account and the full ten-digit phone number of the person you want to send a text message to. You will also need to know who the recipient uses for cellular service.

Each cellular phone service provider (also called a carrier) will have an email address that you will need to send a text from a computer. You need to put the recipient s full 10-difit cell number in front of the @ symbol in the email address used by the service provider for email text messages.

Service Providers Text from Computer Addresses
Most text from computer messages can be a maximum of 160 characters in length. To text a person on any of the following U.S and Canadian networks you can use these email addresses:

For most services, standard messaging rates apply for the recipient of the text from computer message. Some cellular service providers may also offer a web-based form on their website that you can use to send a text message by entering the recipient s full 10-difit cellular number into the form.

Text from computer is also called email text message.