Swedish-English dictionary - translation - bab.la
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Use the above search field to search the Swedish-English dictionary by entering the English word or the Swedish word you wish to translate. There are filters to help narrow the results of Swedish to English translations if the results for Swedish are too extensive. Hide irrelevant Swedish-English results with the search filter settings for grammar, language regions and style.

Search the Swedish dictionary by letter

Are you trying to find the translation for Swedish terms, but are unable to remember the right spelling? Here you can search the Swedish dictionary directly. Pick a letter below to browse a complete alphabetical list of Swedish words and phrases.

The list below shows you the latest Swedish translations added by users to the Swedish-English dictionary. Before these are included in the Swedish dictionary as accurate Swedish-English translations they need to be checked. You can help out by verifying the correct translations and suggesting changes as needed to both English and Swedish phrases and words.

Help us improve our online dictionaries by taking part on bab.la and joining our community of language lovers. We aim to be the largest free online Swedish-English dictionary in the world, and you can help us reach that goal. User contributions are the fastest way to build the dictionaries. For example, new interpretations and translations for Swedish slang develop every day. Meanings of a word can change depending what region it is used in. Before these Swedish translations become common knowledge, users can suggest them as additions to the Swedish-English dictionary. Also, certain types of special translations can differ greatly. The same Swedish term could have two very different translations in English depending on what field it pertains to.
Sign up today and become a registered user with the bab.la community. For any contributions you make, like proposing new words for addition to the Swedish-English dictionary, you earn points for the world ranking. If you want to add a new word, but are unsure how it translates from Swedish to English, other bab.la users are there to help you. Post a question in the Swedish-English forum and discuss topics like translation of common Swedish phrases, Swedish grammar and other things related to the Swedish language.