English-Swedish dictionary - translation - bab.la
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Find an English-Swedish translation in the English to Swedish dictionary. Enter the word in the field above to translate it into Swedish. You can also enter a Swedish word since both sides of the dictionary are searched. There are handy filters you can use, should the English or Swedish word you searched for have too many translations in the dictionary. Refine your Swedish translation search results with our advanced search filters by changing the settings for grammar, region, style and more.

Search the English-Swedish dictionary by letter

Click on a letter in the alphabet below to see all words, phrases and expressions included in the English-Swedish dictionary. Use this function to browse the English to Swedish dictionary manually. Visit the dictionary page for a word and see all Swedish translations as well as relevant Swedish synonyms by simply clicking the link.

Users are always adding new Swedish translations to the English-Swedish dictionary all the time. The most recent of these are shown below. Use the verify function to tell us which English to Swedish translations should be included in the dictionary and which should not. If you see a mistake you can also suggest an alteration.

Join us and help create the world's premier free online English-Swedish dictionary together with other bab.la users. Both the English and the Swedish language are developing continuously. The English to Swedish translations, therefore, will also change and develop. You can help us keep the dictionary up to date by adding your own translations to the dictionary. Whenever a new English or Swedish expression is suggested as an addition to the dictionary it is tagged as unverified. This means it will still show up in the results when the English-Swedish dictionary is searched, but that users are aware the Swedish translation may not be 100 percent correct. Only after 10 bab.la users have had their say by voting the Swedish word as accurate is it incorporated fully within the dictionary's database.
To avoid missing out register with us today. Registered members collect points and compete for the top position in the world ranking. Any participation like adding new Swedish translations will earn a user points. Not sure about an English to Swedish translation? Ask other users in the English-Swedish forum? There bab.la users discuss everything from translation to grammar or Swedish idioms and anything else that is related to the Swedish language.