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What is science and technology

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Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

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Final answer:

Science is the systematic study of the world through observation and experimentation, while technology is the application of scientific knowledge to create solutions and improvements for society. They work in tandem, with science driving the development of technology, which in turn aids scientific exploration.


Science is a systematic way of learning about the world through observation and experimentation. It focuses on understanding the natural world utilizing evidence, theoretical explanations, and the scientific methods. Examples of science include fields like physics, biology, and chemistry, each of which explores different aspects of nature and the universe.

Technology, on the other hand, is the practical application of scientific knowledge to solve problems and improve the quality of human life. Technology extends from things such as the invention of new devices or tools, to development of new ways of organizing work, like the invention of the assembly line or the creation of innovative institutions. From the steam engine to the cutting-edge robotic surgery tools, technology addresses the needs of daily life.

In sum, the relationship between science and technology is synchronistic: technology is driven and advanced by science, and in return, science often employs technology to explore and test theories. The advancements in both fields have led to significant societal changes, such as the digital divide and revolutionary ways to communicate like the Internet.

Learn more about Science and Technology here:



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