1. Since the 1800s, which human activity has changed land use and led to the growth of large cities in many - brainly.com
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1. Since the 1800s, which human activity has changed land use and led to the growth of large cities in many countries?A.



rural population growth

2. Rapid population growth can result in large increases in the infant mortality rate if there is
1. a shortage of clean food and water.
2. a higher consumption of goods and services.
3. deforestation.
4. increased migration.

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1. A. Industrialization has changed land use and led to the growth of large cities.

2. Rapid population growth can result in large increases in the infant mortality rate if there is 1. a shortage of clean food and water.

Industrialization refers to the increase in the number of industries in a given area. Industries changed land use and led to cities growing because:

  • Land was needed to build the industries
  • Land was needed to house industry employees
  • people migrated to cities where there were industries in search of opportunities thereby increasing the city size.

When there is rapid population growth, there will be an increased need for resources such as food and water. If these things are lacking, humans will not be able to get enough nutrients and this includes pregnant women.

They will therefore be unable to pass on enough nutrients to their unborn child leading to infant mortality.

In conclusion, industrialization increased cities and rapid population growth will lead to increase infant mortality if clean food and enough water are not made available to people.

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1- The correct answer is A. Industrialization.

Industrialization is an economic, cultural and social process through which production processes are modified through an automation process, through the use of complex machinery and specific organizational systems that replace artisanal production.

2- The correct answer is 1. Rapid population growth can result in large increases in the infant mortality rate if there is a shortage of clean food and water.

Population growth implies an increase in the number of people living in a given territory. Now, for this growth to be sustainable over time and not imply negative consequences for the population, it must be accompanied by a consequent abundance of natural resources, without which it will not be possible, in any case, to maintain the quality of life of its population.

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1. Since the 1800s, which human activity has changed land - 1
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