Proof of Funds or Verification of Deposit

About Our Products

Our "Proof of Funds" (POF) and Verification of Deposit (VOD) letters are services that you may use for your convenience. We only fund business entities such as Companies/LLCs/Trusts/Inc vs. the funding being in the person's name (i.e., John Smith) regardless of the POF or VOD letter type you choose to produce.

If you want to learn how our clients have used their own name while doing the deal within their company, please contact us.

The intended use for the POF or VOD letters is to give you, the investor, a letter to provide to the necessary parties involved in your real estate transactions to show you are either pre-qualified or have the funds to purchase real estate when doing a back-to-back closing (or extended back-to-back closing) and using our services to fund the "A to B" portion of the back-to-back closing.

You may only use our POF or VOD letters when making offers to purchase real estate when doing a back-to-back closing (or extended back-to-back closing). We will not be responsible for the misuse of this POF letter in anyway.

We reserve the right whether or not to provide our funding services based on the misuse of our free forms or any other products and services provided through our website or e-mails.

Proof of Funds (POF): FREE POF letter learn more...
VOD: This VOD proves that we have the funds to close your transaction and substantiates the FREE POF letter. Use VOD as often as you wish. learn more...

FREE Proof of Funds (POF):
This FREE service is offered to help you close your back-to-back or extended back-to-back closings as long as you use our transactional funding. I Want a Free POF Now Back to top

Verification of Deposit (VOD):
To get your offers accepted and closed, you’ll need a Verification of Deposit (VOD) to present a stronger offer by proving that we have the money for you to close.

Combine the VOD with our FREE POF letter, and consider it closed!

We will personally drive to the bank for you and get an available balance statement from our branch that is actually hand-stamped by a branch employee. The VOD available balance bank statement in our company name will be the latest VOD produced within the past 30 days.

This VOD service is meant for those imminent transactions where the only thing holding your deal back is a VOD to prove that our company has the funds available and a screen print or monthly bank statement is just not enough.

Best of all, you may present this VOD document as often as you wish to potential sellers. However, please keep in mind that it is dated and most sellers would like to have the most recent 30 days VOD document..

Our commitment to you is to help you as much as we can to make your transactions successfully close. Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.
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