Chapter 41 - Listening Guide Quiz 32: Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, IV Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 41 - Listening Guide Quiz 32: Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, IV

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What instrumental group performs Symphonie fantastique?
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What instrumental group performs Symphonie fantastique?
Which of the following describes the melodic contour of the first appearance of Theme A in March to the Scaffold?
What instrument plays a countermelody in the first appearance of Theme A?
What instruments play Theme A when you hear it a third time?
After Theme A in pizzicato (plucked) strings with bassoon countermelody: [Theme A]
you hear Theme B, a contrasting theme: [Theme B]

What happens in Theme B that is different from Theme A?
Theme B is played loudly by brass and woodwinds.
At the end of the piece, you hear a passage played loudly by brass, then the "fixed idea" played softly by a solo instrument. What is the solo instrument?
After the idée fixe is played by a solo instrument, the guillotine blade drops on the lovesick artist and his head falls below. How does Berlioz use music to describe the action?
one loud chord followed by two softer notes in low strings
Match the descriptive words or phrases with the different elements of music as found in Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique, IV.
Meter - duple
Dynamics - Sudden changes
Form - Sonata-like with two themes