Microbiology Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet

Microbiology Chapter 12

1. A zoonosis is a disease
A. found in animals and arthropods.
B. transferred from animals to humans.
C. found in epidemic proportions around animals.
D. transmitted from humans to animals.
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Terms in this set (69)
1. A zoonosis is a disease
A. found in animals and arthropods.
B. transferred from animals to humans.
C. found in epidemic proportions around animals.
D. transmitted from humans to animals.
2. Anthrax may be acquired by all of the following methods except
A. consumption of contaminated meat.
B. inhalation of airborne spores.
C. contact with infected animals.
D. consumption of food from vacuum sealed jars.
3. Anthrax may be treated with antibiotics because
A. anthrax spores germinate into vegetative cells.
B. anthrax spores are susceptible to antibiotics.
C. the spores remain dormant during disease.
D. anthrax only infects the brain.
4. Woolsorter's disease is another name for
A. anthrax.
B. plague.
C. tetanus.
D. tularemia.
5. Which of the following forms of anthrax are the most deadly without early treatment?
A. Intestinal anthrax.
B. Cutaneous anthrax.
C. Inhalation anthrax.
D. They are all about the same.
6. The toxins produced by tetanus bacilli
A. are endotoxins.
B. induce uncontrolled contractions of the muscles.
C. cause paralysis.
D. are produced under aerobic conditions.
7. Lockjaw associated with tetanus arises from
A. infection of the jaw muscles.
B. generalized muscle stiffness in the jaws.
C. endotoxin invasion of the jaw muscles.
D. microbial invasion of the jaw tissues.
8. An antitoxin is an effective treatment for
A. tetanus.
B. gas gangrene.
C. tularemia.
D. bubonic plague.
9. The "second most powerful toxin known to science" is produced by
A. Clostridium botulinum.
B. Clostridium perfringens.
C. Salmonella typhi.
D. Clostridium tetani.
10. Which of the following symptoms of tetanus are the most deadly?
A. general muscle stiffness.
B. spasms of the jaw muscles cause teeth to clench.
C. seizures in the diaphragm and rib muscles.
D. all of the above lead to death in an untreated patient.
11. Infections due to Clostridium perfringens are accompanied by
A. rapid multiplication in leukocytes.
B. intestinal lesions.
C. a red skin rash.
D. gas in the muscle tissue.
12. Clostridium perfringens exists widely in the soil and in the spore form
A. and are introduced through large open wounds in the skin.
B. in the skin glands of birds.
C. in the skin glands of animals.
D. in the cerebrospinal fluid of fish.
13. When it grows in the dead, anaerobic tissue of a wound, Clostridium perfringens
A. produces large amounts of gas.
B. destroys the nerve tissues.
C. causes the tissue to shrink and degenerate.
D. produces a green, aromatic pigment.
14. Hyperbaric oxygen is a
A. symptom in which the lungs collect oxygen but cannot expel CO2.
B. treatment in which oxygen is forced into a wound to treat gas gangrene.
C. treatment in which oxygen is forced into the lungs to treat pneumonia.
D. symptom in which oxygen cannot enter muscle tissue.
15. Which of the following diseases are treated with debridement?
A. Tetanus
B. Anthrax
C. Leptospirosis
D. Gas gangrene