ethical relativism & non-ethical relativism Flashcards | Quizlet

ethical relativism & non-ethical relativism

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the prejudicial view that interprets all of reality through the eyes of ones own cultural beliefs and values
ethical relativism
the doctrine that the moral rightness and wrongness of actions varies from society to society and that there are no absolute universal moral standards binding on all men at all times.
subjective relativism that claims that morality is relative to individuals and that individuals can decide what is right and wrong for them. But conventional relativism says that it is cultures—not individuals—that decide.
Explain the difference between subjective ethical relativism and conventional ethical relativism:
Cultural relativism is a theory about morality focused on the concept that matters of custom and ethics are not universal in nature but rather are culture specific.
Explain the difference between cultural relativism and ethical relativism:
there are universal constraints any morality should accept, in particular, that one function of morality is to promote social co-operation
conventional ethical relativism and cultural relativism are the same thing
it is possible to be consistent while subscribing to both cultural relativism and ethical relativism
it is possible to be consistent while subscribing to both cultural relativism and a belief in objective morals
it is possible to be consistent while subscribing to both conventional ethical relativism and a belief in objective morals
it is possible to be consistent while subscribing to both ethical relativism and non-relativism
Conventional ethical relativists can believe that someone trying to reform society is doing a morally good thing, provided that that person's morals are better than his/her society's morals
According to Pojman, there is a difference between cultural relativism and ethical relativism
If you are a non-relativist, you have to believe that your society's moral rules are the right moral rules