Linguistic Intelligence | Definition, Characteristics & Examples - Lesson |
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Linguistic Intelligence | Definition, Characteristics & Examples

Rachel Jankielewicz, Yolanda Williams
  • Author
    Rachel Jankielewicz

    Rachel Jankielewicz holds a Master's degree in Psychology. Currently she teaches adult learners age ranges 18-65 for about 3 years. The courses range from Intro to Psychology to Child Psychology to Cognitive Psychology and everywhere in between.

  • Instructor
    Yolanda Williams

    Yolanda has taught college Psychology and Ethics, and has a doctorate of philosophy in counselor education and supervision.

Explore the concept of linguistic intelligence. Learn what linguistic intelligence is and find a list of famous people with linguistic intelligence. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What does linguistic intelligence mean?

Linguistic intelligence is a part of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Linguistic intelligence means the ability to use language and exhibit the ability be sensitive to words and languages.

What are the characteristics of linguistic intelligence?

Linguistically intelligent people are often people who want to understand and explore language. These types of people love words and imagery, and can express that through language. These people are often actors, writers, or poets.

What is an example of linguistic intelligence?

A person who loves to debate or a person who loves to discuss and develop stories are examples of people with linguistic intelligence. This type of person is good with their words, imagery comes easy to them, and they can learn different languages.

Why is linguistic intelligence important?

Linguistic intelligence gives an individual the ability to learn new things. Being able to verbally express oneself and use the written word to communicate are extremely important in making connections with others.

Linguistic intelligence is having an understanding and appreciation for the rules and functions of a specific language. It can also be described as the ability to learn languages as well as the ability to use that language to achieve or accomplish goals. Characteristics of a person who exhibits linguistic intelligence are: good at learning different languages, explaining words or phrases come easy, and skilled at using language.

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  • 0:01 Introduction to…
  • 0:21 Gardner's Theory of…
  • 2:17 What is Linguistic…
  • 3:31 Examples of Linguistic…
  • 4:20 Lesson Summary

People possess different ranges of abilities. Psychologist Howard Gardner proposed his theory of multiple intelligences to show that people do not just have intellectual intelligence, but many kinds of intelligence. Gardner proposed eight different types of intelligences.

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Each of Gardner's intelligences has characteristics that are specifically associated with that intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is no different. An individual with linguistic intelligence is good with languages and learning languages but there are other characteristics that define a person as linguistically intelligent.

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There are many different qualities that one can hold when they are considered to have linguistic intelligence.

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There are many famous people that are known to be linguistically intelligent.

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Linguistic Intelligence is an understanding of the rules, rhythm, meaning, and function of languages. A person with this type of intelligence can easily explain words or phrases to others, learn different languages, and excel at using language. Careers that are suitable with someone who is skilled with linguistic intelligence are lawyers, actors, poets, and writers. These careers are suitable for individuals with linguistic intelligence because those people are more likely to be well-versed in the meaning, rhythm, and understanding of word flow. A mathematician would not be the ideal career for someone with linguistic intelligence. Psychologist Howard Gardner proposed that people are not only born with intellectual intelligence, but other intelligences as well. He proposed the theory of multiple intelligences. The theory included eight intelligences:

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Video Transcript

Introduction to Linguistic Intelligence

Have you ever been told that you have a way with words? Maybe you enjoy writing and giving public speeches. Are you good at persuading people to see your point of view through spoken or written language? If so, you have demonstrated linguistic intelligence.

Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Linguistic intelligence is one of eight intelligences that was introduced by Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist, in 1983. Before this point, intelligence had been treated as one single trait. Gardner proposed that there are eight different types of intelligences and that each one is independent of the other. The eight intelligences are:

  1. Musical intelligence: includes the ability to distinguish between music and sound patterns, rhythms, etc.
  2. Visual/spatial intelligence: includes the ability to detect different patterns and designs in places and use or manipulate them
  3. Body/kinesthetic intelligence: includes athleticism and the ability to effectively use the human body
  4. Naturalistic intelligence: includes the ability to distinguish between different elements in the environment and knowledge about nature
  5. Interpersonal intelligence: includes the ability to relate to others and understand them
  6. Intrapersonal intelligence: includes a deep understanding of oneself and one's limitations and goals
  7. Logical/mathematical intelligence: includes deductive reasoning, critical thinking skills, and understanding of complex mathematical equations
  8. Linguistic intelligence: includes the ability to persuade others using words, creative writing skills, and the ability to pick up on other languages easily

It is important to note that just because you have high intelligence on one area, it does not mean that you have high intelligence in another area. Our levels of intelligence on the different types are independent of one another. For example, a choir director may be good at picking up on the different rhythms and sounds in the voices of the choir members (musical intelligence) but may be physically weak and not good at sports (body/kinesthetic intelligence).

What Is Linguistic Intelligence?

Maya Angelou, William Shakespeare, and Oprah Winfrey are famous people who have high linguistic intelligence. In other words, they have a deep understanding and appreciation of the rules and functions of language. People with linguistic intelligence are skilled writers and speakers. They can understand the languages and words of others more easily, and can learn foreign languages much faster than the average person.

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