(PDF) The Business 2 0 Intermediate b1 Student s Book | jan thien - Academia.edu
• • zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Student's Book Yhe B usiness 2.0 B 1+ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA IN TERMED IA TE John Allison with Paul Emmerson I \ 't n ~ MACMILLAN _~J 3 , . zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA U S lne S S 2 .0 ai- IN TERMED IA TE T o the stude nt B usiness 2.0 is to help you learn two things: how to do business in The objective of English and the language you need to do it. The new language and structures are presented in the Student's Book whilst the eW orkbook provides language practice and extension. Here is a summary of what you will find in each. S tude nt's Book T he m odule s The Student's Book contains 48 modules in eight units. Each unit deals with a key sector of activity in the business world. There are six different types of module: :About busine ss These m odules contain inform ation and language for the topic area of each unit. The focus is on understanding the topic and the general sense of the texts - don't worry too m uch about details such as new vocabulary. 2 V oca bula ry These m odules build on the im portant words and phrases associated with the topic and provide thorough practice. 3 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA G ra m m a r These m odules help you practise the gram m ar in a com m unicative and m eaningful way, in business situations relating to the unit topic. Before you start, read the 'Refresh your zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA m em ory' box to rem ind yourself of the key gram m ar points. Use the Gram m ar and practice section at the back of the book for consolidation. These m odules develop understanding and speaking skills in typical business situations. In these m odules, you build up a checklist of useful expressions to use in the speaking activities. The activities them selves allow you to practise these expressions and your speaking skills in realistic situations with other people. These m odules provide practice for the m ost im portant types of docum ent you will need to write at work. You analyse a m odel text, focus on key language and use both as a basis for doing a writing output activity. The case studies provide an opportunity to apply all the language, skills and ideas you have worked on in the unit. They present authentic problem -solving situations sim ilar to those you will m eet in business. h IntennetzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA researc 'I 2 Every module includes an Internet research task to encourage )'Ou to zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ explore the topic in more detail. The tasks can be done before or after working on the module. Remember that to search for an exact phrase, you may get more accurate results if~....J?ut quotation marks around it. -....___ Ib« zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 O the r fe a ture s In addition to the eight main units, the Student's Book contains the following: Business fundamentals This opening section introduces you to basic business principles and vocabulary. It provides a solid foundation for you to build on in the course and will help you get the most out of all components of IheBusiness2.0. Reviews These units can be used in three ways: to consolidate your work on the units, to catch up quickly if you have missed a lesson, and to revise before tests or exams. Additional material This section contains all the extra materials you need to do pair- or group-work activities. Grammar and practice This section gives a useful summary of grammar rules with clear examples, and also provides further practice of the essential grammar points in this level of the course. Recordings Full scripts of all the audio recordings are provided, allowing you to study the audio dialogues in detail. However, try not to rely on reading them to understand the Iistenings - very often you don't need to understand every word, just the main ideas. Glossary In each module, there is a short glossary of words you may not know. The definitions for these are in the Glossary at the back of the book. Words in red are high-frequency items, which you should try to learn and use. The others, in black, are words you just need to understand. e W orkbook T/JeBusiness 2.0 eWorkbook provides everything you would find in a printed Workbook, as well It is mainly intended for self-study or home study and contains as extra multimedia resources.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA material to support and enhance the activities in the Student's Book. Language practice This section contains activities to consolidate the language presented in the Student's Book. You can practise grammar, vocabulary, listening, pronunciation, reading and writing. Watch This section contains a video clip and worksheet to accompany each unit in the Student's Book. The video clips are episodes of a mini-drama that illustrate the communication and people skills in each unit. The exercises allow you to practise the functional language in the video. Tests You can test yourself at any point in the course using the eWorkbook, by setting either the time or the number of questions. Your test scores are recorded for your reference. Print and work This section offers a pen-and-paper version of the activities in the Language practice section. You can also download the audio tracks required for these activities. Grammar help You can refer to this section for helpful grammar rules and examples. Word lists This section contains the key words and definitions from the Vocabulary modules in the Student's Book. Dictionary Use the .R_ictionary Tool to link to thezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Macmillan Dictionary online http:/.;www.macmillandictionary.com. Writing tips This section provides explanations punctuation and paragraphing. and exercises on aspects of writing, such as spelling, Listen This section contains all the audio recordings from the Student's Book and eWorkbook, together with the audio scripts. You can download all the material in this section to a mobile device for listening on the move. B usine ss 2.0. Good luck! We sincerely hope you will enjoy working with TIJt'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA John Allison Paul Emmerson zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb 3 / h,. Business 2 0 Co nte nts Company types and structures Company finance Supply chain CVsand cover letters 1.1 Work culture and placements 1.2 Work organization and responsibility 1.3 Pasttenses and advice structures PAGE10 Reading: Monkey business Discussion: Unwritten rules in the workplace Company departments Job titles Describing responsibilities Past simple and continuous, past perfect should, ought to, it's a good idea to 2 2.1 Call centres Reading: Manila calling Discussion:The location of call centres 2.2 Customer service and telephoning 2.3 Asking questions and Customer support Personal qualities Describing problems Phrasal verbs for phoning Yes/No questions Wh- questions Have to, might have to, need to Corporate culture PAGE22 giving instructions Reviews 1 and 2 ' PAGES 3 4-35 3 3.1 Packaqtnq 3.2 Specifications and features 3.3 Relative clauses, articles Products and packaging Reading: Wrap rage Discussion: Packaging an electronic toy Measurements Product description Expressionsfor product presentations and noun combinations Relative clauses Alan, the and no article Noun combinations 4 4.1 Career choices 4.2 Careers, personal skills and 4.3 Present tenses Careers qualities PAGE48 Reading: Ten tips for creating a career that lights your fife Discussion: Managing your career Present simple, present continuous Present perfect, present perfect continuous Reviews 3 and 4 PAGES 60-61 5 5.1 Retailing 5.2 Negotiating and retailing Making deals PAGE62 Reading: Retail finds its new best friend Discussion: Social media and shopping Collocations for negotiating E-tail transactions 6 6.1 Corporate social 6.2 Meetings, ethical 6.3 The passive and reported Company and community responsibility behaviour and social performance speech PAGE36 PAGE74 Reading: The Johnson & Johnson Credo Discussion: Different aspects of corporate social responsibility Job benefits Recruitment and employment verbs Skills and qualities Meetings expressions Adjectives for talking about ethics CSRcollocations 5.3 Conditionals and recommendations If + present simple + will If + past simple + would Recommend, advise, suggest Passivestructures Reported speech - tell, promise assure, ask, say, guarantee, claim, explain, imply, state PAGES 8 6-87 7 7.1 Risksand opportunities in 7.2 Businessperformance Mergers and acquisitions M&A Financial information Describing charts and graphs Results and consequences PAGE88 Reading: Lessonsin M&A Discussion: The pros and cons of taking over a business 8 8.1 Export sales and payment Internation aI trade Reading: Pinball wizard learns from mistakes Discussion: Payment methods for exporters PAGE100 Reviews 7 and 8 Additional material 8.2 International deals and payments Making and processing paY""""u Credit and insurance Businesstransactions 7.3 Future forms and expressing likelihood Will and going to Present continuous Could. may. might, be likely/ un eJ.f to, be bound to 8.3 Prepositions T.-ne expressionswithzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed in, on and at Ago. fast next yesterday andzyxwvutsrqponmlkj ~w i)ependent prepositions PAGES 112-113 PAGE5114-121 Grammar and practice PAGES 121-131 ?eccro'::lgS PAGESl38-151 Glossary PAGES152-158 · ~ -~ 4 ---/~ !J-c'B -U ~ S -il-l-eS ~ S -2 .~ O -----------------------~ ------------'----'-'-'--'-'~ -~ --1 - - ~- !:_~ S pe a king W riting C a se study ~ -- 1.4 Meetings one-to-one 1.5 A placement report 1.6 Counselling Expressionsfor giving diplomatic advice Roleplay: a one-to-one meeting Analysis: report structure Lang.uage focus: formal phrases Discussion, reading, listening and writing related to counselling and giving advice 2.4 Dealing with problems by telephone 2.5 Formal and informal correspondence 2.6 Cybertartan Software Expressionsfor giving instructions Roleplay: a technical problem Analysis: formal vs informal Language focus: email expressions Discussion, reading, listening and presentation related to a customer service centre in Scotland 3.4 Presentations - structure 3.5 A product description 3.6 Big Jack's Pizza Expressionsfor structuring a presentation Roleplay: presentation of a new product Analysis: structure of a product description Language focus: features and benefits Discussion, reading, listening and presentation related to a Hong Kong tast food chain 4.4 Job interviews 4.5 A CV 4.6 Gap years and career breaks Expressionsfor answering job interview questions Roleplay: job interviews Analysis: structure of a CV Language tocus: appropriate CV expressions Reading, listening, writing and roleplay related to gap year placements and career breaks 5,4 Negotiations - bargaining 5.5 A proposal 5.6 St John's Beach Club Expressionsfor bargaining and making offers Roleplay: a negotiation Analysis: structure of a proposal Language focus: options and contingencies Reading, listening and discussion related to negotiating an incentive travel package in Antigua 6.4 Meetings - teamwork 6.5 Reports and minutes 6.6 Phoenix Expressionsfor contributing to meetings Roleplay: meetings Analysis: the structure of minutes and reports Language focus: linking words and expressions Discussion, reading, listening and roleplay related to a car recycling plant in Australia 1 ----- -- - - :-}J -~-:_~ 7.4 Presentations - visuals 7.5 Presentation slides 7.6 Calisto Expressionsfor describing slides and visual aids Roleplay: a presentation Analysis: presentation slide layout Language focus: being brief and concise Discussion, listening, reading and presentation related to a musical instruments manufacturer in Central America 8.4 Negotiations - diplomacy 8.5 Requests and reminders 8.6 Jeddah Royal Beach Resort Expressionstor checking understanding, correcting and reformulating Roleplay: negotiations Analysis: formulating requests tor payment Language focus: sounding polite Discussion, reading and listening related to a luxury resort in Jeddah __ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ._ -_ ---_ . II,,, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb B usiness 2.0 5 tals B usine ss fundam ,._ business structures types of companies _- j provide Business model ~ -~ - at the ways of classifying businesses. Which categories these products and services belong to? your lnternet connection your milk and cheese Business type ~ . V oca bula ry D Look Industry type ,- -~. --. -, ~ C om pa ny type s a nd strudure s your bicycle your haircut do the companies that spare parts for your car your dental care Primary agriculture, Secondary construction, Tertiary/service banking, tourism, entertainment Sole trader The business is owned by one person who is responsible for any debts, Partnership Two or more people run the business; all partners share profits and losses, Limited liability (Ltd) The company is responsible for any losses, not the owners; the company is private, i.e. shares cannot be sold to the public. *Public limited (PLC) The company is owned by shareholders who receive dividends and gain or lose money if share prices go up or down. B2B business to business - companies sell to companies B2C business to consumer - companies sell to individuals C2C consumer to consumer - individuals sell to individuals B2B2C third party vendors or consultants sell a company's products to consumers fishing, forestry. mining manufacturing -----_ --- * A public limited company can also be known as a corporation o Look at the business structures. (Corp) (Inc) Which do you think small family business global online retailer medium-sized manufacturer -------------- is best for these companies? multinational conglomerate Functional structure Hierarchical structure Scarlatti (EO Headquarters Jordan (FO Research & D ev elo pm ent zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Mosca Kilroy SALES REP SW DEVELOPER Jones TESTER M atrix structure Product structure Management Chief Executive Officer I _:::j Orange _s_oa_p_ Juice Ba tte rie s Liste ning D ~ 1:01-1:05 job, industry listen to five people talking about their businesses. Note each speaker's type, business model, type of business and company structure. e.g, S peaker 1 - geologist - m ining ----- - m ultinational corporation ._ ---_ ._ . 6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA i zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA he Buaruess Z zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Il Business fundameMals • ------------~----------------.--------------~--------------------~--------------------------~----.. profit and loss .. assetsand liabilities C om pa ny fina nce R e a ding D Read the article below and choose the best summary: a) Baker's Dozen makes healthy profits because its products sell well. b) Baker's Dozen makes a heavy loss because its costs are out of control. c) Baker's Dozen only just breaks even because its overall margin is too small. THE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Baker's Dozen Ltd's thirteen outlets bake and sell their own B akel'l fresh bread and cakes. Revenue has nsen quickly since the bakeries started selling to hotels and restaurants as well as the general public. Pastries and pies are selling well, but shareholders are finding annual results disappointing. It seems that there is very little left over to pay dividends or to reinvest in the business as retained profit. So what's the problem? The company reports a healthy gross profit, since its cost of goods sold is low: raw materials (essentially flour,water, eggs and sugar) are cheap, and most bakery staff are on minimum wage. However, operating profit is much less impressive. As the business has expanded, operating costs. such as rent, electricity, administrative salaries, insurance and marketing have increased considerably. So net profit after tax has been a big disappointment, not to mention all the money that disappears in corporation tax and depreciation (the B2B market requires customized vans that lose value very quickly). In conclusion, it seems there's still profitto be made in baking, but it's certainly not easy money] DOZEN V oca bula ry o Use the words in bold in the article to complete 1-9 in the table. money from customers e.g. materials and labour direct costs,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ 2 3 profit (or loss) after direct costs 4 other costs, e.g. administration, buildings, utilities 5 profit (or loss) after direct and other costs 6 money paid to the government and loss in value of equipment 8 money distributed to shareholders profit (or loss) after all costs and taxes -====---======-========:_ __ 9 money reinvested in the company o W ith a partner, put the assets and liabilities in the box in the correct category. bank loans buildings cars inventory invoices land money invested in the company by the founders mortgages office furniture patents production machinery raw materials retained profit unpaid customer invoices unpaid insurance premiums Assets (what the company owns) (cash and things that can be sold within Long-term assets (things that are used over more than one one year) year) Current assets unpaid salaries unpaid supplier I't ve« ~ Liabilities (what the company owes) Current liabilities (debts to pay back Long-term liabilities (debts to pay back Shareholders' equity (what's left after within one year) over more than one paying all debts) year) bank loans l he zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 7 B usiness fundamentals --- ------------ -- ----- ~----~----~- ~ supply chain logistics ~ financial supply chain Supply chain V ocabulary D Complete the text about the supply chain responsible for Suzy's new computer with the company namesfrom the chart. G eneral 'C hina P lastics Keyboards C orp. Ltd raw materials component supplier supplier C herry E lectronic C omputer D istribution Inc P LC manufacturer wholesaler H igh S treet S uzy P C s Ltd customer retailer ORDERSIMONEY When Suzy's old PC breaks down, she can't imagine a weekend without her social network. So she goes down to (1) and buys a new one. It's as simple as that. She doesn't need to know about the supply chain that makes it possible, or the multiple financial operations that will distribute her credit card payment to companies around the world. On another continent, a new order of plastic granulate (made from crude oil) is being delivered to component suppliers (2) by a (3) truck. Suzy's new computer was only delivered to the store last week by FedEx, but they're already almost out of _ stock, so the inventory system automatically places an order for ten more with (4) Every month, the manufacturer (5) , buys hundreds of thousands of components from suppliers like (6) , whilst distributors like (7) order several hundred PCs to be able to supply stores all over the country. By the time Suzy gets her new PC set up, literally hundreds of people have contributed to keeping her online. o Complete the sentencesabout supply chains with the correct preposition from the box. for from (x2) to to 0 Retailers order with (x2) wholesalers. 2 Wholesalers place orders manufacturers. 3 Suppliers sell 4 Manufacturers 5 Commodity suppliers provide manufacturers 6 Trucks deliver goods 7 Customers pay in cash. 8 Ultimately, the end-user pays everything. their customers. buy components sub-contractors. raw materials. customers. retailers, usually 6 ~ _ \.1~d I1P " DE"'" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP D Complete the diagram of a financial supply chain with the words in the box. ~ delivery goods ~ invoice made '00""." "".,.. o W ith a partner, draw a similar diagram to the one in Exercise1 to show how you think the supply chain is organized for buying books or music online. Compareyour ideas with another pair. IGl ',.",,"" despatched £ a ...t 4__ - _ _ _ ,-,DelilY'4{' ~ , ~ ~ note copy <6' _ 3 _ /zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON note signed returned ._--------_._------------------------8 fi',~ Business 2.0 Business fundamentals • CVinformation • composinga cover letter -I C V s a nd cove r le tte rs W riting D • Use the headings in the CVbelow to create your own CV with your personal details. I (Your first or given name(s)and family or surname) Lina Ramirez Moreno NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: NATIONALITY: CURRENT ADDRESS: PERMANENT ADDRESS: (IF APPLICABLE) EDUCATION: (year: from-to, starting with most recent) (namesof institutions attended and qualifications obtained) 2010-2013 Oxford High School, Buenos Aires: International Baccalaureate Diploma WORK HISTORY: (month/year: from-to, starting with most recent) (type of work, employer and responsibilities) July-August 2012 holiday job, Big Jack's Pizza, Hong Kong I worked as ... r I was responsible for '" POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY: (year: from-to, starting with most recent) (position and responsibilities) 2010-2011 Secretary of High School French Society I organized ..., I managed ... OTHER: (give details of language and IT skills, sports or cultural activities, driving licence, etc.) good spoken French, MS Office and Adobe Photoshop, volleyball, clean driving licence REFERENCES: Seenext page ~---..-..- ~........... ..... ,-~-.------,-.-------......----------' zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ---.... _ - ....... ........ S pe a king o With a partner, exchange CVs.Ask and answer questions to find out at least two more piecesof information for each item. Which type of baccalaureate did you do? What was the most difficult part of your job at Big Jack's Pizza? Why did you choose volleyball? W riting o With a partner, put the phrasesin bold in this cover letter in the correct order. Dear Ms Naqvi, As a second-yearstudent at Cracow University of Economics,lam businessexperience gain I keen to through a three-month work placement (July-September)with a leading international retailer like PCWarehouse. 2extensiveof have I knowledge the PCmarket, and 3assembling considerable of computers experience for family and friends. In addition, my university course in Customer Relationship Management 4ahas in given interest me retailing strong. I will be a Sandhighly hard-working intern motivated and I feel sure that I can 6a contribution make your valuable organization to. I am interested in all aspectsof your businessmodel, and 7acceptany happy position to be would you are abl.eto offer me. 8to answer any calli next questions week you will you may have, but "at contact time free to me any feel please for more details or to arrange an interview. Thank you lOandtime your consideration for. Sincerelyyours, Karol Kowalski D Write your own cover letter for a job or work placement you would like to do. TIll' Business 2.0 I __ J 9 1 C o rpo rate ------------- ------~ com pany culture ~ unw ritten ---l ._-------- c ulture ------------------------------------- 1.1 About business W ~rk c~lture -------- ------ ----------------- -------------------------------------------------_ a~d-placements - -- -1 : rules in the D iscussion w orkplace D Inte rne t re se arc h S earch for the keyw ords w o rk fu n . Find out how com panies are trying to create a fun atm osphere at w ork. W ith a partner,.discuss what you would do in each situation and explain why. You've just started working for a new company. Do you: a) try to look as smart and professional as possible? b) wear jeans and a T-shirt like all the otheremployees? VVhy? a) stop work at five o'clock like everyone else? b) stay longer to finish your work? VVhy? a) share your ideas and opinions at staff meetings immediately? b) say nothing like most of your colleagues? VVhy? S can reading o Scan the article opposite to find: a) what the monkey experiment demonstrated, b) seven examples of unwritten rules. c) what new staff learn about work culture and how they learn it. D iscussion o 1 2 3 In small groups, discuss the questions. W hat do you think organizations and companies can do to avoid negative unwritten rules? W hat unwritten rules do you imagine you might encounter in your country as an intern in: a government department? a small public relations firm? Think about: office etiquette, e.g. dress code, punctuality, personal calls, coffee and lunch breaks relationships with colleagues, management and clients/business partners autonomy and initiative W hich work culture above would you prefer to work in? W hich would be the most difficult to adapt to? W hy? Listening for gist II :.1:06-1:07 Listen to Sandra, an American business student. and D avid, a British civil service manager, talking about problems they experienced with work placements. Answer the questions. 1 2 W hat problems did Sandra and David have? W hat were the misunderstandings that caused these problems? Listening for detailzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D : 1:06-1:07 Listen again. W hat mistakes did the students and the supervisors make in each case? Brainstorming IJ G lossary PAG E 152 assignm ent autonom y beating dress code etiquette initiative intern pick up 10 I ,,--BUSIuess _. and presentation In small groups, compare organizations where you yourself, your friends or members of your family have worked or studied. In what ways are their cultures different? H ave these differences ever caused problems or misunderstandings? S cie ntists put a group of five m onke ys in a ca ge . At the top of a la dde r, the y hung a ba na na . As soon a s a m onke y clim be d the la dde r, I he w a s show e re d up trying I s '0 " 20 25 30 35 w ith cold w a te r; to re a ch the Next, the scientists disconnected the cold water and replaced one of the five monkeys. When the new monkey tried to climb the ladder, the others immediately pulled him down and gave him a good beating. The new monkey learned quickly,and enthusiastically joined in beating the next new recruit. One by one, the five original monkeys were replaced. Although none of the new group knew why,no monkey was ever allowed to climb the ladder. Like the monkeys in the experiment, every culture and organization has its unwritten rules. These rules are probably the single most influential factor on the work environment and employee happiness. Though many work cultures embrace positive values, such as loyalty,solidarity, efficiency,quality, personal development and customer service, all too often they reinforce negative attitudes. In many businesses, an unwritten rule states that working long hours is more important than achieving results. In one medium-sized company, the boss never leaves the office until it is dark Outside in the car park, he checks to see who is still working and whose office windows are dark. Staff who risk leaving earlier now leave their office lights on aU night. Other common unwritten rules state that the boss is always right, even when he's wrong; if you're not at your desk, you're not working; nobody complains, because nothing ever changes; women, ethnic minorities and the over 50s are not promoted; the customer is king, but don't tell 40 45 50 55 the group soon ga ve ba na na . anyone, because management are more interested in profitability. Often nobody really knows where these unwritten rules came from, but like the new monkeys, new recruits pick them up very quickly, despite the best intentions of induction and orientation programmes. The way staff speak to management, to customers and to each other gives subtle but strategic clues to an organization's culture, as do the differences between what is said, decided or promised, and what actually gets done. New staff quickly learn when their ideas and opinions are listened to and valued, and when it's better to keep them ('0 themselves. They learn which assignments and aspects of their performance will be checked and evaluated, and whose objectives and instructions they can safely ignore. Monkeys may be more direct, but work culture is every bit as effective at enforcing unwritten rules as a good beating. /1,(·zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0 zyxwvutsrqp 11 1 C o rpo rate ~ company departments ~ job titles ---------------------" ~ c ulture D iscussion describing responsibilities o Decidewhich word in each group is different from the others. Then compare your ideas with a partner. 1 job task work project 2 manager boss deputy supervisor 3 colleague co-worker associate collaborator Liste ning for de ta il o~ 1:08 Sam Shenton is a new intern at Warndar Techonologies.a software engineering company in Texas.Listen to Bertram Newman. her supervisor.explaining the company structure. Complete the organigram. Merilyn Warner CEO David Darren (1) (8) _ (6) _ IT & Technical Marketing zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Administration Monica Overstreet (2) Bertram Newman _ (4) _ Manager Development Manager two one Art Director one (5) _ (3) _ _ Douglas Pearson Herb Monroe Support R&D Manager Program Manager Roxane Pawle seven two software (7) _ one (9) officer 1 ~J _ _ two (12) two salesmen D one (11) engineers _ 1:08 Listen again and answer the questions. Why is the organization simple now? 2 Why does Bertram say it's going to change? 3 4 What is the difference between the roles of the CEO and the COO at Warn dar? Who arc Irysis and where are they based? What happened about two years ago? When did Roxane Pawle join Warndar? What happened to her predecessor? 5 6 D Match the parts of these sentencesfrom the listening to complete ways of describing responsibilities. IDte~et re se arc h CEO, COO, CFO ... 1 You're going to report ~ a) on a day-to-day basis. 2 She also looks b) with strategy. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 3 She has two accountants working c) directly to me. 4 David runs the business d) under her. 5 Merilyn deals e) after finance. Search for the keywords Chief Officer to fi nd 6 7 more C ... Os. Make a list, dividing them into 8 two categories, serious 9 10 and humorous. ------------~---------- 12 j {,' Buatneas Our Office Manager He's responsible Roxane is in charge My role is He liaises ----------2.0 f) g) h) i) j) _.- to manage Marketing & Sales. with me in Marketing. for building our product package. takes care of personnel. of IT & Technical Support. -- --------------- P re positions 11 Complete the electronic newsletter alongside k2: • INBOX RE,PlY" I as at in on by using each preposition once. under FORWARD .. This month Warndar News is delighted to welcome Sam Shenton, our new intern. Sam, who comes from Boston, joins the , Marketing team and will be working (1) ,I.!_ , Jake Smith and Saidah Hussain. IT Manager Roxane Pawle in IT & Technical Andy Highlands has moved trom R&D. He IS now working (2) Support. He replaces Fred Staples,who retired last month. Good move, Andy! News of JacksonTyler,our former IT Manager: after transferring to Washington and working (3) Head of IT (4) Sterns & Lowe, Jackson is now back in San Antonio. He was hired immediately, but only to work (5) an Internet cafe. Jacksontells us it's Just a temporary demotion; he is also working (6) '. '-' a business plan for a new social networking site. We Wish him the best of luck1 D iscussion a nd pre se nta tion o Work in groups of three. You want to open a private music schoolthat offers music lessons to people of all ages. Decide: who is responsible for the areas in the box below. how many extra staff members you will need. who everyone reports to. Draw an organigrarn of the company structure using the words from the box. accounts advertising CDand musiclibrary cleaningand maintenance discipline educationalpolicy instrumentrepairs insurance legal questions organizingconcerts planningtimetables publicrelations purchasing quality and complaints receptionand office recruiting teachers registrations salaries soundsystems transport and logistics o Work with a partner from a different group. Presentyour music school'sorganization using relevant phrasesand vocabulary from the previous exercises. G lossa ry PAGE 152 on a day-to-daybasis organigram predecessor take over D e fining [) w ords With a partner, practise defining words relating to work organization. Student A: turn to page 114. Student B: turn to page 118. ----------------_._--_ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK .. ----- J zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP se zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ Business 2.0 13 1 Co rpo rate culture ... pastsimple and continuous ... past perfect Past tenses ... should, ought to, it_j'S a good idea to P a st continuous D With R e fre sh your m e m o ry Past simple He worked completed actions Past continuous He was working background situations Past perfect He had already worked one past event before another ... Grammar and practice page122 Advice structures ... Grammar and practice page 123 a partner, take turns asking about and explaining these situations: 1 A: I saw you at themeeting yesterday.W hy were you sleeping? B: T wasn't sleeping actually.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA J was thinking. Deeply. A: So why were you snoring? B: I wasn't snoring! J was just laughing at the presenter's jokes. 2 3 4 5 6 I I I I I heard you on the phone yesterday in the office. W hy were you talking to your mother? heard you in a teleconference yesterday.W hy were you shouting at your boss? saw you at the coffee machine yesterday. W hy were you laughing at the new intern? saw you at your computer yesterday.W hy were you playing a video game? saw you in the car park yesterday.W hy were you kicking the CEO's car? P a st pe rfe ct a nd pa st sim ple o Write endings for anyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA six of the sentencesbelow. Usethe past simple or the past perfect as appropriate. Your partner has to guesswhich sentence the ending goes with. A: B: A: B: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I had my first interview at university. You had just passed your exams? No, try again. You had never been so nervous as when? A: Right. B: Why was that? A: Because ... I had just passed my exams when ... W hen I got my first car ... I had already done several holiday jobs when ... The first time I came here ... I had never been so nervous as when ... I was completely lost on the first day because ... I hadn't felt so good for a long time when ... W hen I first met you I was surprised because . I had just been on holiday at the seaside when . W hen I heard the news ... I had just found a job when ... I'd never been so happy in my life as when ... Advice structure s D In small groups, take turns to ask for and give advice on the points 1-6 below. Use expressionsfrom boxes A and C to give, accept and reject advice. You should(n't) ... It's (not) a good idea to ... It's (un)wiseto ... It's important (not) to ... Haveyou tried ...7 How about ...7 What about ...7 Why don't you ...? Haveyou thought of ...7 Youcould always... You ought to... You might want to ... Good idea. I'll try that. Yes,you're quite right. OK, point taken. You'vegot a point, (but ...) I seewhat you mean,(but ...) You may be right, (but ...) I'm not sureabout that. I don't think that will work. You're joking! 1 how to get a well-paid job 2 how to be popular in the office 3 how to manage your time effectively 4 5 6 how to keep customers happy how to get a promotion quickly how to manage stress o Taketurns to explain the problems 1-6 below and give each other advice on how to solve them. Useexpressions from boxes Band C to give, accept and reject advice.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc 1 a problem with your car 2 a problem with your computer 3 a problem with your teacher 14 11." Business 2 0 4 5 6 a problem of money a problem with a colleague or friend a problem of time IntenBet re se arc h S earch for the keyw ords business jokes. W hich other tenses do business jokes use? T ell a joke in your ow n w ords, w ithout using notes. Listening for detail o ~ 1:09 Listen to an after-dinner story. N umber the events below in the order they happened. o The largest crocodile's mouth shut -snap- behind the CPo. o There was a loud splash. lil The CEO gave a party. o The CEO showed the executives the pool. o Everyone ran back to the pool. o The CPO asked the CEO who was responsible. o The CFO climbed out of the pool. o The CEO challenged his team. II ~ 1:09 Listen again and complete the sentences from the story. 1 The boss very well for himself, so he the executives around his luxurious country house. 2 At the back of the house, he the largest swimming pool any of them had ever seen. 3 They to follow the CEO towards the barbecue when suddenly there a loud splash. 4 Everyone and to the pool where the Chief Financial Officer _ for his life. 5 The crocodiles him when the he the edge of the pool. 6 He climb out of the pool when he the mouth of the biggest crocodile close shut -snap- behind him. T elling a story o W ith a partner, tell a story in your own words using appropriate past tenses. G iving advice D M atch the beginnings of the sentences 1-10 with the endings a-f to make pieces of advice for new employees. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 You should It's unwise It's a good idea You should You shouldn't a) b) c) d) e) It's a good idea to .........._____ f) It's important .......__g) You shouldn't h) i) You should j) You ought III W ith expect to finish on time every day. learn to set goals. dress appropriately. to make too many personal phone calls. to learn proper meeting behaviour. accept responsibility for mistakes. learn who does what and how things get done. not to neglect forming effective relationships at work. to reduce stress by balancing your life. expect that you will like every task. a partner, take turns asking for and giving advice. Student A: turn to page 114. Student B: turn to page 118. / II{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS B usine ss zyxwvutsrqpon 2 .0 zyxwvutsrqpo 15 1 Co rpo rate culture - - -- ... adjectivesto describe behaviour 1 .4 S pe a king ... diplomatic expressions ... roleplayinga one-to-one meeting - M e e tings - - - --- -= - - - -- one-to-one -- D iscussion D Do the questionnaire from a businessmagazine. Mark the statements T (true), F (false) or D (it depends).Then compare and justify your answers. Talk about how different cultural and businesscontexts affect your answers. OFFICE ETIQU ETIE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed --f.9 P e stionna ire o o o o o o o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 It is perfectly acceptable to call the boss by their first name. You should never socialize with managers after work. If a superior asks you to bring coffee for a visitor, you can tell them politely it's not your job. Personal calls are acceptable only at certain times of the day. Staying late at the office to finish your work is a sign of inefficiency. In meetings it is advisable for junior staff to speak only when invited to do so. It is OK to offer suggestions to superiors about how to improve the business. It is not advisable to zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA have a romantic relationship with a co-worker. Liste ning for de ta il o ~1:10-1:11 Listen to two versions of a conversation between Tiffany, an intern, and Simon, her supervisor. Underline the words that describe Simon's behaviour. Then compare your answers with a partner. Version1- Simonis: Version2 - Simonis: objective impatient a good listener dogmatic diplomatic friendly firm authoritarian understanding msincere threatening weak frank objective impatient a good listener dogmatic diplomatic friendly firm understanding insincere authoritarian threatening weak frank D With a partner, discussthe questions. 1 W hy is Simon's communication style more effective in Version 2? 2 Are there situations when the style in Version 1 is more appropriate? 3 W ould the two communication styles be a) acceptable and b) effective in your own language? 16 Tl»Business zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 D ~ 1:11 In Version 2, Simon uses modal verbs, introductory phrases and negative questions to make his advice more diplomatic. With a partner, find suitable words to complete the useful expressions for being diplomatic in the checklist. Then listen again and check your answers. U se ful e xpre ssions: Be ing diplom a tic Modal verbs You want to ... You could maybe ... You'd do better (not) to ... It Actually, I think ... Introductory phrases Ithink _ to me that ... Negative questions ____ you think ...7 Wouldn't it be better (not) to ...7 D iplom a tic D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D Inte rne t re s e arc h A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Wouldn't you agree that ...7 Why you ...7 a dvice Make these comments more diplomatic. You shouldn't disturb your co-workers. You won't meet deadlines if you don't prioritize. Delegate, or you'll never finish the job. You shouldn't eat at your desk. Don't make personal calls at work. If you ignore your colleagues, don't expect them to help. You'll make yourself ill if you don't take care of your life-work balance. With a partner, read the dialogue aloud. Then read it again, making it more diplomatic. You disagreed with the boss this morning. Not a good idea! So what? J was right, he was wrong. But you're always so aggressive! And you should mind your own business! You'll never progress in this company if you can't accept criticism. So that's why you never got promotion, right? Well, unless you change your attitude, don't expect any support from me. Look, just forget it, OK? It's coffee time anyway. Search for the keywords R ole pla y zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA learn E nglish. What are the best e-Iearning resources for English available on the Web? o With a partner, hold informal problem-solving meetings. Use diplomatic language to help you agree, unless you feel a more direct approach is necessary. Student A: turn to page 114. Student B: turn to page 120. T l» zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business Z.O 17 1 Co rpo rate c ulture zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Ill- report structure Ill- formal phrases 1 .5 W riting A pla ce m e nt re port D iscussion ,.. writing a report D Henry, a m arketing student, has just finished his placem ent a~Cam bro Corp. a.n engineering com pany in Littleham pton, New Jersey.He has to write a report on his experiences. Discusswhat you think this report will contain and what style it will be written in . M ode l o Read the extracts from different sections of Henry's report below. Choose the correct heading a-e for each section 1-5. a) b) c) d) e) Observations about the company Appendix Introduction Professional achievements and conclusions Experience during work placement 1 _ a six-month placement with Cambro Corp. under the supervision ofzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV M r Geoffrey Thomson, Marketing Manager. The objective of the internship was to design, conduct and analyze the results of a market study for a new electronic gearbox. 2 _ response rate to the first mailshot was very poor. When customers were contacted by telephone, it became clear that many of them had not understood the first question. The order of the items was therefore modified and the response rate increased by 200% ... 3 _ a long history of sponsoring local sports and cultural events. Cambro's reputation is one of its greatest strengths. To obtain a similar result through media campaigns would cost millions. This aspect of the company's marketing and PR policy was most impressive ... 4 _ communication skiUsin particular. Developing and performing a market study in less than six months was a major challenge. Fortunately, I was able to apply the knowledge I had acquired in marketing in year two of my degree, and the results of my study were extremely well received. In future, I think it would be very helpful if ... ------~--~------------------------------~-----5 ... including the following documents: A Daily journal B Thank you letter to Mr Thomson C Evaluation letter from Mr Thomson D Resume E Cambro brochure and sales literature -.------~----------,------------------------------ Ana lysis zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Decide which section 1-5 of the report these topics should be in. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 0 0 0 0 Analysis of successes and failures Objectives of the internship Details of your responsibilities Analysis of what you learned 0 Evaluation of the company as a potential employer 0 Suggestions for the future 0 Description of the company and how it is organized 0 Observations on the company's culture and policies I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA he Business 2.0 IntenBet re se arc h H ow and w here can you find an internship? S earchfor the keyw ords find internships to learn m ore. Language focus D Match Henry's informal diary entries 1-9 with the formal phrases used to talk about the same things in the report extracts in Exercise 2. Underline the formal phrases in the report. 6 1 2 TOdt>.(1 :r c.[;\ii.ed i.oh of c.,«stol1l.ers. ••• W [;\s c.ooi! 7 8 3 "Th.P.1<}( (l"0od1<ess I'd i.e[;\r1<t (A.ow to do [;\ I1I.[;\r}(ets wve(1! 4 5 Output o~ 1:12 listen to a conversation between Jason, who has recently completed a placement at Diftco, an exporter of construction equipment in Birmingham, UK and his friend Alex. Take notes about Jason's placement in preparation for writing his placement report.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc III W ith a partner, organize your notes from Exercise 5 and Jason's notes below into the five placement report sections listed in Exercise 2. Then write Jason's placement report. Remember to use more form al language. - (1ood rl).pport witk export stl)..f.f) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA W l).nk01ASe stl)..f.f ....o re di.f.fic.1AH eB1Aip ....e 1tlt osse ....b ied Mtd pl).c./(ed i1'\ W l).rek01Ase d01Abie-c.tt..ec/(i1tl.for....l).ti01tl - ve1" i....p orh1tlt iess01tl! wl).ste probie .... i1tl wl).rek01Ase - d01tl't rec(Jcie e1tl0'lA(1k re~ ....b er to I).ttl).ck dl).ii}tjo1Ar1tlI).i-jo1Ar1tlI).i.doc O1'\e o.f ....o st pro.fitl).bie -hr ....s i1tl re(1i01'\ S(Jste ....- i1tltensti1'\(1 iel).r1tlt bl).r code zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA - too ....1 Ack r01Ati1tle pl).perwor/( - ve~ bori1tl(1! - copies o.f ietters to 1).1tId.fro .... '"'1s l,Nitte1tl} s1Apervisor - ....e s+ o.f ti ....e i1tl ~xport O.f.fiM} oiso ckec/(i1'\(1 c01tlhi1'\ers - ve~ appendix gearbox m ailshot rapport take the m ickey tiri1tl(1 - 1tIeed I). koiidl).(J 1tI0w! i1tl W l).nk01Ase 1 Co rpo rate c ulture ~ counsellingskills ~ exploringproblems D iscussion ~ written advice D What kind of personal problems can interns or employees experience when working abroad? With a partner, brainstorm a list. Liste ning for de ta il o ~1:13 Listen to an extract from a lecture on counselling skills and complete the handout. C O U N S E LLIN G Counselling = helping someone a personal problem using their own _ COUNSELLING SKILLS D listening D manipulating Dtalking D helping D persuading Dtelling D assisting D exploring problems D reassuring D solving (for them) THE THREE PHASES OF COUNSELLING Phase one = _ Phase two = _ Phase three = _ o With a partner, describe a situation when you helped someone with a problem, or when someone helped you. Did your experience correspond to what you heard in the lecture? C ounse lling IJ la ngua ge Match each phrase in the box with a counselling skill on the second handout below. How did you feel? Why not start byzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC -ing ... ? What'syour first priority? Youwere surprised? What would happenif (+ pasttense)? Right. So,to sumup, ... Soyou're sayingthat ...? What are the options? COUNSELLING SKILLS CHECKLIST Counselling skill Usefulphrasesor body languagezyxwvutsrqponmlkji Descriptionof skill -----------------,r-- 1 Asking open questions Ask who, why, what, where. how. etc. to get them talking about the issues. 2 Paraphrasing Clarify your understanding by rephrasing what they said. and feed it back to them. 3 Payingattention Use positive body language to show that you are really listening. 4 Encouraging Show you're interested by nodding and sayingzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF ---- look person in the eye. sm .Ie. nao head _-+I_U_h-hUh. M m m . Yeah. I see, etc. 5 Echoing Encouragethem to tell you more about a topic by repeating a key phrase or word. 6 Summarizing 7 Establishing options -ShOWyou have understood all the7said by PUlli~gl it all together in two sentences. _ Get ideas from them on possible alternatives to resolve the problem. -8 Asking hypothetical l'EncOUragethe problem holder to thinK through the-rquestions implications of their suggestions. 9 Prioritizing Establish which of the possible options the problem holder chooses to tackle first. 10 Action-planning ____ Suggest a clear first step they can take to help _Chem manage their problem. o zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Add one more phrase of your own to eachcounseDiingsfr:iIhandout in Exercise4. t:1e 20 TbeBUsiness2.o Inte r.ne t re s e arc h Find out more about living and working in either Japan, the UK or the USA. R ole pla y III Work in groups of three. Take turns being the problem holder, the counsellor and the observer. Problem holder Problem holder A: turn to page 114. Problem holder B: turn to page 118. Problem holder C: turn to page 120. Use the information given to respond to the counsellor. Counsellor Guide the problem holder through the three phases of counselling in Exercise 2. Use the counselling skills in the checklist in Exercise 4 to help the problem holder find solutions to their problems. ' .. eWorkbook Now watch the video for this unit. Observer Observe the counselling session and take notes. Use the checklist in Exercise 4 to note which counselling skills the counsellor uses and how well they use them. At the end of the session, give the counsellor feedback to help them improve their skills. W riting o Work with Glossary PAGE 152 body language bounce back echo headache open question outlook paraphrase perspective a partner. You are on a placement in a foreign country. a) Write an email to your partner explaining the problems you are having. b) Exchange emails with your partner. Write a reply, giving your advice. Use some of the expressions in the box to show that you understand your partner's problems and to encourage them to think positively. I can seeexactlywhat you mean about... It can't be easyto ... when / if you ... You must be feeling very... I know just how you feel. It's perfectly normal to feel that way. You have to keep things in perspective. I'm confident you'll be able to find a solution. I'm sureyou'll bounce back. 11",zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 21 2 Custo m e r suppo rt ... caII centres 2 .1 About busine ss ... customerservice technology C a ll ce ntre s D iscussion D From the customer'spoint of view, does it matter where a call centre is? With a partner, think of reasonswhy it is, or is not important. S ca n re a ding o Readthe article opposite about call centres in the Philippines. Decide if statements a-f are T (true) or F (false). The Philippines have overtaken India as a business process outsourcing provider because ... o a) o b) D c) o d) o e) o f) millions of Filipinos emigrate every year. changes to financial regulations have made setting up call centres more attractive. call centre operators don't want to put all their eggs in one basket. American customers understand Filipinos better than Indians. most Filipinos' mother tongue is Tagalog. Indian call centres only provide high-level consultancy services. S um m a rizing D Match the headings below with 1 Margin for improvement 0 2 Culture change [6] Inte rne t re se arc h Search for the keywords call centre racist abuse to learn about racism experienced by call centre operators. What can be done to combat this type of abuse? the correct paragraph in the text. 3 India's reality check D 4 Language of success D 5 Learning from India D R e a ding for de ta il D With a partner, discussthe significance of these words and phrasesfrom the article. Decidewhether they represent strengths or weaknesses,threats or opportunities for the Philippines and complete the SWOTchart. bars, restaurants and shopping malls to bus employees to and from work replace up to half their staff four million college graduates consultancy projects national language unreliable infrastructure experienced managers helpful harmful internal factors Strengths Weaknesses external factors Opportunities cultural links tax breaks night shifts cultural links Threats Liste ning o~ 1:14 Cloud computing now offers a third alternative to domestic or outsourced call centres. Listen to an interview with the head of customer relations at Groupon®, a 'deal of the day' website company,talking about new technology they use. Answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 Glossary PAGE152 bus (verb) copycat tax break tax holiday twentysomething 22 /lIt' How does Natterbox deal with calls from important clients? How does Natterbox match callers to the best customer service agent? What is special about Groupon's call centre staff? How does Natterbox avoid customer frustration? How could cloud-based computing change call centre staffs lives? R ole pla y zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o Work in groups of three. Your company provides an online music-streaming service to customers all over the world. Hold a meeting to decidezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON where to set up your new call centre. Chooseone of the three roles and prepare your arguments before you begin. Role A: low-cost country - turn to page 114. Role B: your own country - turn to page 118. Role C: cloud-based approach - turn to page 117. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 C A LLIN G m Times have changed in the Philippines. In a traditionally poor, deeply religious and conservative country, suddenly twentysomethings are spending freely in bars, restaurants and shopping malls as they start or leave their night 5 shifts. After decades of exporting its labour force to richer countries, Manila is turning the tables in the business process outsourcing market. IIIIn the Philippines, emigration is a long-established tradition. Every year, a million Filipinos leave their islands, 10 hoping for a better life in Asia and the Middle East. As welcome as the $1Ob (5% of GDP) they send home to their families may be, a decade ago there were worries that emigration was slowing the country's development. In its search for ways to encourage foreign investment 15 and growth, the government turned to India's call centre industry. Copying the Indian model, Manila introduced tax breaks and incentives for telecoms companies as well as sponsored training schemes to help students fine-tune their language and communication 20 H skills. At the same time, Indian call centres were becoming a less attractive investment for American and European businesses. Not only were their generous tax holidays coming to an end, but irritations like unreliable infrastructure and having to bus employees to and from 25 work were increasing. In addition, the opportunity to spread risk by diversifying into the Philippines came at a time when Indian outsourcing operators were having to replace up to half their staff every year. I!IThe Philippines' 30 copycat strategy has been so successful that American customers are now far more likely to be talking to a Filipino helpline adviser than an Indian. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, Philippine outsourcing now 35 d5 top of the pile may prove harder than getting there: as What's more, operators believe their customers are likely it grows, the new outsourcing industry is discovering how much more difficult it can be to find experienced to be more satisfied with the service they receive from well-educated young Filipinos who grew up listening to American pop music and reading American comics. A US managers and competent engineers than to hire young 50 colony until independence in 1946, the Philippines has dO $26 billion in the next five years. However, staying on employs 650,000 people, almost twice as many as India. English-speaking helpline advisers. India, on the other hand, with four million college graduates a year, is moving maintained strong cultural links with its former masters: upmarket. Margins for more complex financial and in a country where the national language, Tagalog, is not most people's mother tongue, English is a second, rather than a foreign language. engineering consultancy projects are much higher than for D Not satisfied with outselling the market leader, the Philippine government hopes to double the market to simply handling customer calls. In the longer term, Indian 55 operators may be happy to leave Filipinos to pick up the phone while they pick up the pace on more profitable assignments. /lJe B usine ss zyxwvutsrqpon 2.0 23 2 I Custo m er suppo rt IzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ... personalqualities ... describingproblem s _ ... phrasalverbsfor phoning A dje ctive s D W ith a partner, decide whether these adjectives are m ost likely to be used to describe custom ers, helpline operators or both. W rite C (custom ers), H (helpline operators) or B (both) next to each word. frustrated helpful knowledgeable annoyed cheerful difficult grateful patient persuasive pleasant reassuring satisfied sym pathetic upset Liste ning for a ttitude o ~ 1:15-1:22 Listen to eight extracts from helpline conversations and choose appropriate adjectives from Exercise1 to describe the speakers. D e scribing proble m s D Decide which device each of the sentences can refer to and tick (,f) the appropriate colum ns. Q) c Qj .... <tl u It broke down on the way to work. 3 It keepscrashing. 4 There'ssom ething stuck inside. 5 I can't switch it off. 6 It's not working properly. 7 It won't start. 8 It's out of order. 9 I think it's a com pletewrite-off. ..r::. 0 u 0 ~ a. ..... .0 0 ..r::. a. 0 u a.. E ,f ./ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ ./ W hen I switch it on, nothing happens. 2 0 .0.. 10 The battery's dead. C olloca tions D Choose the best verb from the box to com plete each collocation. Use each verb once only. arrange 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ diagnose escalate exchange give identify the sym ptom s the fault a problem the custom er through the process the problem to a supervisor a visit from our technician the product a full refund 24 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA !I"~B usiness 2.0 sort out talk Antonym s II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Match each verb with its opposite. connect insert lift out release replace screw in turn on a) b) c) d) e) f) g) II Complete the instructions Exercise 5. disconnect fasten push in (to) remove remove switch off unscrew for upgrading a PC memory module using 12 of the verbs from First, (1) the Pc. Do not (2) the power cable, so that the PC remains earthed. Then (3) and (4) the side-panel. Next, (5) the retaining clips at each end of the old memory module. (6) the old memory module. Carefully (7) the new memory module and (8) it firmly the slot. (9) the clips at each end. (10) and (11) the side panel. Finally, (12) the PC and check that the new memory is recognized. Phrasal verbs o Match each verb with the correct definition. 1 hang up 2 speak up 3 call back 4 put through o Complete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Glossary a) b) c) d) renew a call connect talk louder terminate a call the crossword 5 6 7 8 hold on get through get back to take down e) make a note f) stay on line g) make contact h) return a call with the phrasal verbs from Exercise 7. I can't hear you very well. Could you , please? I'm going to to my supervisor. I'll just your name and address. We tried to contact you yesterday, but we couldn't . We'll you as soon as we solve the problem. All our lines are currently engaged. Please later. Could you a moment, please? It's a terrible line. Could you , and try again? PAGE 153 clip earth (verb) retain side-panel slot upset 8 Inte~et re se arc h zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB Search for the key words g o ld e n ru le s o f cu sto m e r se rvice . Com pare your findings with your own 'golden rules' from Exercise 9. D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA II In small groups, brainstorm ten 'golden 'golden rules' to another group. rules' of customer service. Then present your Ih l' zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.1> 25 2 Custo m er suppo rt questions ~ Yes/N o ~ Wh- questions ~ have to, might have to ~ to, need Refresh y o ur m em o ry Yes/N o questions auxiliary verb + subject + main verb Wh- questions question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb except if who, what or which is the subject: no auxiliary is needed ~ Grammar and practice page124 Liste ning D ~ 1:23 Listen to some people playing Guess the Product. Try to guess what the mystery product is along with the contestants. Then continue listening to check your answer. o ~1:23 Listen again and complete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ D In small groups, the questions. on 1V? for work? in every office? in your pocket? twenty years ago? electricity? speak to people? with computers? more than $30? to store data? No, it isn't. Yes, you do. Yes, you would. Yes, you can. No, it didn't. Yes, it does. No, you don't. Yes, there is. No, it doesn't. Yes, you can. take turns choosing a mystery product and play Guess the Product. Asking que stions D Work in small groups of As or Bs. Write a question for each answer in your list below. B A 365 about €25,000 a year about 10km about two years ago at home Barack Obama by offering a discount Coca-Cola® coffee once a quarter since the 19905 Steve Jobs the Olympic Games@ to buy food and drink 20 minutes or so about 300m at least an hour between zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF €30 and €SO a month Bill Gates by advertising the productzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT 52 for about five years Formula One?" in a restaurant last year mobile phones Nelson Mandela once a year to meet friends Toyota D zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Work in pairs, A and B. Close your books and ask each other the questions you prepared in Exercise 4, in any order. Score one point for each correct answer. 26 I he zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 h M a king re que sts Intenmet zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Complete these requests with fax or faxing. Then put them in order 1-6 from the most direct (1) to the most polite (6). re se arc D What's the best way to learn English? How D Do you think you could possibly long will it take? Do I D have to learn grammar? How can I learn more vocabulary? Search for the keywords FAQ learning E nglish to find the most frequently asked questions and some of the answers. me the details, please? Would you mind me the details? Can you me the details? D I was wondering if you would have any objection to me the details? D me the details, will you? D Could you me the details, please? o o Which one of these responses is not appropriate a) b) c) d) e) for all the requests in Exercise 6. Why? I'm afraid my fax is out of order. I'll do it straight away. I'm sorry, but I'm not in the office. I'm a bit short of time, actually. No, no problem. R ole pla y 11 With a partner, take turns beginning these telephone roleplays and responding. Choose suitable forms for your requests, according to the answer expected, and give appropriate answers. Ask your: colleague to send you an email to test your new address. boss to give you an advance on next month's salary. supplier to postpone a delivery by one week. supervisor to write a reference for your job application. friend to lend you their laptop for the weekend. customer to call back later when the sales manager comes back from lunch. bank manager to lend you a million dollars. supplier to upgrade the office coffee machine, at no charge. G iving instructions o CompletezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S teve's side of the telephone conversation using don't, m ight have to, '/I have to, '/I need to, don't have to or needn't. Steve: OK, Pete. First of all, you open the printer. No, wait a minute, (1) just open it. Select 'change cartridge' from the menu. Pete: Steve: Er, yes, of course you (2) switch it on, otherwise you can't use the menu! Pete: switch the PC on, just the printer. Steve: No, that's all right, you (3) Pete: Steve: So now you gently remove the old cartridge. (4) force it. If it's difficult, you (5) pull it back first, then upwards. Pete: remove the adhesive tape Steve: OK. So now you can install the new cartridge. You (6) first, but be careful you (7) touch the printed circuits - they're very fragile. Pete: (8) bother. Steve: Right. It'll ask you if you want to align the new cartridge, but you zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW Usually it's fine as it is. Pete: Steve: Oh no, (9) throw the old cartridge away.You can recycle them. Pete: Steve: No, that's all right, Pete. You (10) worry.Just buy me a coffee some time! m~ 1:24 Write Pete's side of the conversation. Then listen and compare your version with the recording. m Choose something you don't know how to do from the list below. change the oil in your car organize a press conference upgrade the processor in your PC publish your website (your own idea) Find someone who knows how to do it and ask them to explain what to do. Ask questions and/or reformulate their answers to check that you understand. J zyxwvutsrqp ~------- 27 I he zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX Business 2.0 I 2 I Custo m er suppo rt II> expressionsfor giving instructions II> handling a tech~ problem ""~~, I j - -' 2 .4 S pe a king D e a ling with proble m s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML by te le phone G iving instructions o With a partner, practise giving instructions by describing a symbol so that your partner can draw it, Do not look at each other's pages during the exercise. Student A: turn to page 114. Student B: turn to page 119. Liste ning o ~1:25 Listen to a software helpline conversation and answer the questions, 1 What is the customer's problem? 2 What help does the operator give? D With a partner, decide which expressions in the telephone language checklist below were in the conversation, a or b. Then listen again and check your answers, Telephone language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) I'm just putting you on hold for a moment. Dean speaking. What can I do for you? What exactly seemsto be the problem? The line's bad. Could you speak up a little? I'll connect you to ... The number is engaged. Can I get her to call you back? So you're on ... Could I have your name, please? You're welcome. Im proving D With b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) Pleasehold the line. This is Dean. How can I help you? Could you explain the problem you're having? It's not a very good line. Can you talk a bit louder? I'll put you through to ... The number's busy. Could I ask her to get back to you? So,your number is ... What's your name, please? Not at all. a conve rsa tion a partner, read this conversation aloud. Helpline: Superword helpline, wait a minute ...Yeah? What's your problem? Customer: I'm having trouble with PDF files. I can't print them. Helpline: What? I can't hear you. Customer: I said I can't print PDF files. Helpline: Oh. I don't do PDFs. Customer: Well, could you connect me to someone who does? Helpline: Can't. The PDF expert's gone out for lunch. Give me your name and we'll call you later. Customer: Oh, all right. It's Gearhirt. Iamila Gearhirt. Helpline: Er, come again? Customer: That's G-E-A-R-H-J·R-T Helpline: OK. Customer: All right. Well, I'd appreciate it if you could call me as soon as possible. Goodbye. Helpline: Yeah, right. ~ -~ 1 Decide how the conversation could be improved. 2 Practise your improved version. 3 Now change roles, turn to page 115 and do the same with a similar conversation, H a ndling proble m s D :, 1:26 Listen to another helpline conversation, which is based on a true story, and answer the questions. 1 What is the customer's problem? 2 What is the operator's solution? 28zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA The Business 2.0 Inte rne t re s e arc h Go to the BBe World Service Radio Player (http://www.bbc.co.ukl worldservice/index. II ~1:26 With a partner, find suitable words to complete the expressions in the cust~ support checklist below. Then listen again and check your answers. U se ful e xpre ssions: C ustom e r support Explaining the problem Diagnosing the causes of your interests. Listen I'm having It doesn't extensively, then tell a partner about the three It Nothing most interesting points in the programme. I type anything. I'm having difficulty connecting to the Internet. It keeps crashing. Was it properly before that? What does your screen like now? Have you hitting 'Escape'? Did you Word? Can you the cursor around? Does your have a power indicator? Have you installed any new software? What happens if you press 'Control - Alt - shtml) and find a radio programme about one with Word. _ accept anything when I type. _ Delete'? Giving instructions Could you Promising help on the back of the monitor? Now you just to follow the cord to the plug. I you to look back there again. I'd like to go and get them. you to take it back to the store. Then I You'll have to adjust the settings in the control panel. I'll someone call the electricity company. I'll get our technical expert to help you. We'll get back to you in a couple of hours. I'll have a technician call as soon as possible. R ole pla y o With a partner, use the chart to roleplay helping a colleague with the technical problems below. Take turns being Student A and Student B. You can't print your report. Your mobile phone doesn't work. The video projector doesn't work. There are no lights in your office. Your car won't start. Your laptop is frozen. (your own problem) Student A Student B Explain the problem. Diagnose possible causes. Answer Student B's questions. Give instructions. Problem solved? Yes. ,., No. Promise help. eWorkbook Now watch the video for this unit. Thank Student B. DOGBER rs TECH 5UPPORT YOU HAVE A BAD CA5E OF COMPUTER ROT. Glossary YOUR COMPUTER 15 DE5IGNED TO BECOME 5LOWER. AND MORE UNRELIABLE OVER TIME 50 YOU HAVE TO UPGRADE. BUT IF YOU'D LIKE 50ME FAL5E HOPE. I CAN TELL YOU HOW TO DEFRAGMENT YOUR DI5K DRIVE. \ PAGE 153 Come again? crash freeze Cartoon from Dilbert.com 2815105 n" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 29 2 Customer support ......-" ,.. levels of formality 2 .5 W riting ",.~. ~. ..'-: ... - . . F orma l a nd informa l corre sponde nce ,.. email expressions ,.. writing D iscussion emails o W ith a partner, discuss what differences you would find in your own language between formal correspondence, e.g. a letter to your bank or your legal advisor and informal messages, e.g. an email to a friend. M ode l o R ead the four emails below and answer the questions. 1 W hich em ail is from : D D 2 [8;J 1. o [8;J D D a junior colleague? a custom er? W hich tw o em ails are form al? W hich tw o are neutral/inform al? I REPLY. I FORWARD .. o Dear Ms Reckett, I am writing with regard to a computer problem. You may remember we met at the office Christmas party, and I believe you mentioned having a similar problem with your laptop. Unfortunately, I have dropped mine and the screen is cracked. I was wondering if you could give me any advice on getting it repaired? I would very much appreciate any help you might be able to give me. Yours sincerely, JamesBlair 1. e [8;J INBOX a custom er service departm ent? a senior colleague? INBOX REPLY. FORWARD .. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to enquire about having a television repaired. The set is a Goodson 42" LEDTV which we bought 18 months ago and therefore is unfortunately no longer under guarantee. Currently we have a picture but no sound. I would be very grateful if you could give me the address of an authorized repair centre in the Greater Manchester area. Thank you for your help. Yours faithfully, J. Roebotham (Miss) 1. INBOX REPLY. I FORWARD" Hi James, Thanks for your mail. Bad luck about the laptop. Mine was a write-off - had to get a new one! Why don't you try Harrowson's in Oldham? They're usually good. Hope this helps. Cheers, Margaret PS. Of course I remember you. Give me a ring next time you're in town and we'll go for a drink! 1. [8;J zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA INBOX zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I REPLY. I FORWARD .. o Dear Miss Roebotham, Reyour email of 10 September: your TV IS in fad covered by a two-year manufacturer's guarantee Can you just send the set back in its original packing and we will repair or exchange it ASAP.Don't hesitate to get back to me if you need any more information. Regards, Max Hurst PS. Are you by any chance the Jenny Roebotham I knew at Manchester BusinessSchool inzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS 06/077 30 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I I'I' B usiness 2.0 La ngua ge focus h Inte rne tzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA re s e arc D Find expressions in the four The advantagesof email are obvious - but what risks must companies consider?Searchfor the keywords e m a il risk p o licy to find out. emails in Exercise2 to complete the table. Formal Neutral/Informal Greeting Opening Requests Glossary Closing PAGE 153 accountspayablezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Salutation ASAP crack duplicate inconsistency patch D Readthe next four emails the people in Exercise2 sent and answer the questions. Trojan(horse) 1 Which two writers have changed style? Why? write-off 2 ~ o • INIJOX REPLY.. I FORWARD.. Dear Mr Hurst. Thanks for your email of 12 September. I am afraid you have mistaken me for my cousin, who attended Manchester BusinessSchool. I am very pleased to learn that the TV set is still under guarantee. Unfortunately, I no longer have the original packaging, so I think it would be preferable if I deliver the TV directly to your repair centre after work. Could you possibly let me know the opening hours? Cheers, Jane Roebotham ~ I.INBOM o I Find and correct the two inconsistencies of style in each email. I REPLY.. FORWARD"-----~~~.__::-i Hi Margaret. Thanks for your email. I wasn't sure If you'd remember me - it was quite a party, wasn't it? Funnily enough, I will be in town next Thursday so perhaps we could have that drink? I would be very grateful if you could let me know if you are free around 6.30? Looking forward to seeing you. James P.S.I would like to express my gratitude for your help with the computer. I'm getting it fixed tomorrow. <.) ~ l- INBOX REPLY .. I FORWARD .. G Dear Miss Roebotham, I am writing with reference to the repair of your Goodson TV750. Our Manchester repair centre is open from gam to 6pm from Monday to Saturday. I've attached a leaflet with the details and a map. Hope this helps. Yours sincerely, Max Hurst P.S.Pleaseaccept my apologies for confusing you with your cousin. I ~ r. o INBOX REPLY.. I FORWARD .. James, Re next Thursday. It will be lovely to see you. Actually, my husband will be in Indonesia that week, so I need to be at home to look after the cats. I was wondering if you would mind coming over to our place? I've attached a map - get back to me if it's not clear. Yours sincerely, Margaret O utput D zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Work in groups of three to write and reply to business emails using appropriate styles, Student A: page 115. Student B: page 116. Student C: page 119. I zyxwvutsrqponmlkj lie zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 31 2 Custo m er suppo rt ,~.,.~....,. ... ~ -'-~"-"~"'--r" 2.6 C ase _ ..._c_u_sto_~._e_r_f_e_e_d_b_a_c_k_-_-~_--11 study - - . - "C ybertartan!SoftYvare" -' -- - -- - ~ - -- ' . '~ . ... job satisfaction ... D iscussion presenting D recommendations What annoys you most as a customer? waiting for service products that don't do what they claim high prices planned obsolescence deadlines not respected incompetent service poorly translated' instructions being put on hold other? hidden costs With a partner, discuss what you as a customer can do about these problems. Scan reading o Read the email from Hamish Hamilton, CEO of Cybertartan Software and answer the questions, 1 What are his four problems? 2 How are the problems linked? C8J I ...INBOX REPLY" FORWARD" really pleased with the solutions you recommended. For your next project, I need you to take a look at our Kirkcaldy contact centre. Our 04 customer satisfaction survey ISdisastrous (see charts and report extract attached) and this represents a major risk to our corporate image and future sales. We have serious recruitment problems and a high staff turnover. These two problems are obviously linked. I suggest you talk to LaurJeMcAllister, our HR Manager there. I'd like you to come up with some proposals but without significantly increasing costs, which are another problem. Currently we estimate that on average a customer call costs us £4.50. We cover this from the call charge (currently £0.50 per minute), which is why we keep customers on hold for around six minutes. They spend about the same time with an adviser, although If possible we need to reduce this because at the moment we can't take enough calls. Obviously, we can't afford to increase salaries. I'm counting on you to come up with some creative ideas; get back to me as soon as you can. Best regards, Hamish Customer satisfaction Q1:- TO P FIVE R EASO N S FO R C U STO M ER D ISSATISFAC TIO N very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very dlssatislled 1 Difficult to get through to customer adviser 76% 2 Time spent on hold 65% 3 Several calls needed to solve problem 53% 4 Cost of calls 49% ---- -----~ 26% 5 Can't get help by email 32% 44% 2 1 % zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 9% R eading for detailzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D Mark very satisfied satislled dissatisfied very dissatisfied 32 8% 24% 41% 27'% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. these statements T (true), F (false) or D (it depends), Hamish Hamilton is probably writing to an external consulting group. 0 The Kirkcaldy contact centre has satisfied employees and dissatisfied customers. 0 The contact centre is losing money at the moment. 0 If the centre employs more advisers, its income will increase. 0 More than two thirds of customers were satisfied or very satisfied in Q L 0 The numberof both dissatisfied and very dissatisfied customers tripled inzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW Q4. 0 About half of their customers would be prepared to pay for support if their problems were solved quickly. 0 I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA hI Business 20 Inte rne t re s e arc h What is the FLSA? What are employees' rights on mea I and rest breaks in the USA? Are they similar to those in your country? Search for the keywordszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA meal rest breaks to find out. Liste ning for de ta il II ~1:27 Listen to part of an interview with Laurie McAllister, HRManager at the Kirkcaldy contact centre. In her opinion, what is the biggest problem for advisers? o ~ 1:27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Listen again. What are the effects on the contact centre of the following? Employees have poor working conditions and low job satisfaction. The workload is heavier than before. The bus service is inadequate. Desks are shared with colleagues on other shifts. Software products have become very complex. Advisers don't get enough training. The shift system is inflexible. S olving proble m s o Work in small groups. You are the consultants that Hamish Hamilton wrote to in Exercise2. Hold a meeting to discussthe agenda below. Kirkcaldy Contact Centre AGENDA FOR CONSULTANTS' MEETING The situation Isolate the problems and prioritize them as: a) important and urgent b) important but not urgent c) not important. Solutions Brainstorm solutions to the problems prioritized as a) and b) above. • Review company policy on customer services? • Review company policy on working conditions for advisers? Recommendations Define recommendations for short- and long-term policy. Glossary ................. ,--~.------._,~----~~ ------~~------------~~-~----------~---~~--~zyxwv ... PAGE 1S3 comeup with from the horse'smouth obsolescence shift staff turnover swap triple .. W riting pre se nta tion slide s o Prepareslidesto present to Cybertartan Software summarizing your recommendations. Foreach problem, make recommendations, give reasonsfor these and outline the expected results. P re se nta tions zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o In your groups, present your recommendations and take questions from the class. f I" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ Business 2.0 33 R e vie w - 1 C orpora te culture D M ake expressionsabout internships by m atching each verb with a phrase a-f below. 1 2 3 Incorporate Enhance ... Relate ... Be assessed ... Be supervised... Offer ... 4 5 6 I D Com plete the sentenceswith expressionsfrom Exercise3 so that they have the sam e m eaning. o o o o She (3) ______ 0 IJ Maria (1) is / (2) is the marketing side of the business. 0 a) b) c) d) your academic study to the workplace. work experience into a university degree. by your institution through reports, appraisals, etc. closely by someone from the workplace and a university staff member. e) your career prospects by doing an internship. f) permanent employment to a student after graduation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Then translate the words into your language. 1 a date by which you have to do something 2 an ability to understand 3 an opinion about how successful someone is 4 the amount of work that a person has to do 5 enthusiasm, determination 6 a set of rules for behaving correctly 7 a description of the main features of something 8 the person who had a job before someone else 9 the final result of a process, meeting, etc. something clearly 9 10 1 Underline the correct preposition in each expression. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 While I (work) in my father's business I ____ (start) to understand the importance of marketing - I (never/think) about it before. I (already/be) in the job for two months when I first (speak) to the big boss, the CEO; I nearly hit his car as I (park) mine! o Com plete the expressionsfor giving diplom atic advice (in bold) by filling in the m issing letters. 1 D 0 (did), one in the past continuous (w as/w ere doing) and one in the past perfect (had done). 2 to tell someone you might cause them harm A task is bigger than an assignment. A line manager has a higher position than a project leader. A branch is bigger than a division. COO stands for Chief Organization Officer. The Public Relations officer will often work in the Marketing Department. Personnel is a function of Human Resources. R&D stands for Resources and Deployment. A parent company owns several smaller companies called subsidies. P urchasing is a more formal way of saying buying. Company structure can be shown visually using an 'organichart'. III In each sentence,put one verb in the past sim ple and loyalty 10 / (4) / (5) __ the marketing side of the business. M ark these statem ents about work organization T (true) or F (false). o M atch each word in the box with its definition below. appraisal com m itm ent deadline etiquette insight outcom e overview predecessor threaten workload _ 2 3 4 5 6 A , I think there's a better way to do this. It s to me that there has been a misunderstanding. You m want to ask Sue for her opinion. You c maybe try a different approach. D __ ' _ you think that making personal calls at work creates an unprofessional atmosphere? W ' _ you agree that it's important to meet all our deadlines? be in charge to / of / from a department or project II M atch these words related to report writing with be involved 011 /zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA in / for doing something their definitions below. be responsible to / for / w ith an area of work deal w ith / 011 / for an area of work have somebody working of / under / on you description observation analysis liaise for / to / w ith someone about an area of the suggestion evaluation business look through / w ith / after an area of work 1 examining something in order to understand it _ report directly to / for / under somebody 2 a statement about what something is like _ run the business from / w ith / 011 a day-today basis 3 considering something in order to discover how good or take care w ith / of / for an area of work bad it is _ 4 a comment about something you have seen, heard or felt 5 an idea or plan that you offer for someone to consider II" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Review 2 C ustom e r support o In each set of four below, match an adjective on the 8 left with a noun on the right to make collocationsabout working conditions. 9 1 2 3 4 clean satisfied high subsidized customer environment meals staff turnover 5 6 heavy hourly competent dead-end rate staff job workload 7 8 10 o Readthe definitions and complete the words by filling in the missing letters. 1 2 1 annoyance 6 7 8 9 10 competence frustration gratitude help computer screen m r a row of icons on a computer screen too something you hope your computer doesn't do c h 3 4 5 6 7 o Make adjectivesfrom these nouns. 2 3 4 5 Please hold a moment while 1 find your records on our database. The line is bad. Please hang and I'll call you back. The line is bad. Could you speak , please? knowledge persuasion reassurance satisfaction rudeness D The collocations below are useful in customer support. Crossout the one verb that does not collocate with the noun. r make a computer more powerful u de something that goes in a printer ca dge connect to the electricity supply p __ g in send a document with an email a ch someone who a business sells to c r someone who a business buys from s r a written promise that a company will repair something you buy from them g e 8 9 10 III Complete the email using the words in the box. appreciate attached get backto grateful urgently would 1 deal w ith I look into / push in / sort out a problem describe / identify / replace / treat the symptoms diagnose / locate / offer I repair the fault escalate / exchange / launch I replace the product ask for / call / give / offer a full refund escalate I fax / refer / replace the problem to a 2 3 4 5 6 " I23J supervisor could further hesitate regard I. INBOX I REPLY.. I FORWARD .. Dear Mr White I am writing with (1) to my order placed online D In this customersupport dialogue the verbs inzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB bold last week. It still hasn't arrived. I (2) be (3) if you (4) ship the order immediately. are all in the wrong places.Put them in the correct places. Helpline operator: Before I can locate the problem, I first need to escalate exactly where the fault is. Customer: OK, no problem, we can do that. But if it's still not working properly, can you sort out the product, or at least replace me a refund? For your reference, I have (5) a copy of the confirmation you sent me. Do not (6) to (7) me if you need any (8) informatiof1. I Completethis useful phrasefor after salesservice using the letters in brackets. 'I'll into it, it out, and tomorrow.' (gkirstteooo) back to you J Garcia into on up up 2 on 3 The machine broke Replace and screw 4 When I switch it 5 6 7 I'm going to put you I'll just take Push the new module _ after only a few days. the side panel. , nothing happens. to my supervisor. your details. the slot. I you to take a look at our Metz contact centre. (clue: notzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO w ant, but a similar single word more often used in a business context) Our customer satisfaction survey is disastrous. (clue: how business people often write [ourtn quarter) 3 This represents a major to our corporate image. (clue: it means the possibility that som ething 4 These two problems are obviously . (clue: not connected, although the meaning is the same) I you talk to Marie Pinon. (clue: the meaning is close to recom m end, although less definite) I'm on you to come up with some ideas. (clue: not relying, although the meaning is the same) bad m ay happen!) 1 We tried to contact you, but we couldn't get 2 r colleaguesat a customer contact centre. Useone word to fill each gap. The clues in bracketswill help you. III down down in through through I o The extracts below comefrom an email between 1 Completethe sentencestypical of customersupport telephone calls 1-10 using the prepositions in the box. a quick response as these items are . Best regards Helpline operator: Yes, that's possible, but I'm not authorized to do it. I would first have to give the problem to my supervisor. D I would (9) needed (10) __ 5 6 7l1e zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY Business 2.0 35 3 Pro duc ts and pac kag ing II> ... wrap rage II> ... package design Inte r.ne t re s e arc 3 .1 A bout busine ss h Search for the keywords universal design packaging to find out about Universal Design and its impact on packaging. D iscussion D W ith a partner, think of three exam ples of products which are packaged well or badly, and say why. Think about protection, identification, transport, storage, display and security. Liste ning o~ for gist 1:28 Listen to an interview with Charlie W ang, President of New China Packaging, a design consultancy based in Taipei, and answer the questions. 2 Why does he think packaging is so important? What is special about New China Packaging's approach? Liste ning D ~ for de ta il 1:28 Listen again and m ark these statem ents zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP T (true) or F (false). 1 Branding is not enough to differentiate almost identical products. 0 2 Business guru Jack Trout thinks that companies overcommunicate their difference. 0 3 Most customers decide which product to buy before going to the store. 0 4 In the past, design teams were not told about financial and manufacturing problems so as not to limit their creativity. 0 5 Creative ideas are often simplified and adapted because focus groups don't like them. 0 6 The task force can't leave their hotel until every member of the team is enthusiastic about the new concept. 0 7 Consumers are not always conscious of what they need. 0 8 New China Packaging's task forces need months or years to deliver a consumer-validated package.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 0 D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA III W hat do you think the advantages and disadvantages of using a cross-functional task force m ight be for the following situations? 1 2 3 4 Interviewing new job candidates Briefing software consultants who are designing new systems for the company Setting up special deals with important customers Creating new in-company training programmes _,._-----------------------------------------------------;;36 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Tl»:Business 2.0 S ca n re a ding 11 Read the 1 2 article and answer the questions. W hat is wrap rage? W ho suffers from it? 3 4 W hat triggers it? W hat are the underlying causes? P a ra phra sing D Reformulate these phrases from the article in your own words. 1 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA to reduce theft irom shops (line 10) 2 the m ost com m on triggers of w rap rage (line 22) 3 even fighting to rem ove price tags ... can raise blood pressure (line 26) 4 pure provocation to the ecologically-m inded (line 28) 5 there's light at the end of the tunnel (line 29) 6 The bottom line is that if they don't react, they risk losing sales ... (line 32) D iscussion o You have invented Glossary focus groups frustration interface with provocation rage resistant trigger wrap PAGE 153 a new children's toy - MP-Bunny, an electronic rabbit which dances, talks and plays children's favourite songs. In small groups, discuss how you will package it. Think about the questions below. 1 2 3 W hat different materials could you use? W hat are their advantages and disadvantages? W hat design elements will you incorporate? Think about shape, colour, photos, logos and text. How will your packaging make your product look different from other electronic toys? Present your packaging solution to another group. 5 10 15 20 25 30 SURVEYSshow that intense frustration and even injury caused by modern packaging is on the increase, especially amongst seniors. Seventy per cent of over 50s admit to injuring fingers, hands and shoulders as a result of 'wrap rage', a new term used to describe the irritation and loss of self-control experienced when struggling to open wrapping. In recent years manufacturers have been under increasing pressure to keep food items sterile, to provide child-proof packaging for dangerous or toxic household cleaning products, to protect products during transport and to reduce theft from shops. At the same time, they are forced to keep costs to a minimum. As a result, packaging has become ever more resistant to fingers, nails and even teeth. In their frustration with plastic packs, which defeat a" attempts to open them, even with scissors,consumers use all kinds of tools and knives. At best, the product inside the packaging is at risk; at worst, it is hardly surprising that 60,000 people a year are injured in Great Britain alone. Some of the most common triggers of wrap rage are processed cheese packages, tightly wrapped CDs,child-proof tops on medicine bottles, and milk and juice cartons. Ring-pull cans are particularly problematic for older fingers and delicate skin. Even fighting to remove price tags from items bought as gifts can raise blood pressure, and unnecessary overpackaging is pure provocation to the ecologically-minded. However it seems there's light at the end of the tunnel. Manufacturers are listening to customers' complaints, and some have begun to research and invest in more consumer-friendly packaging. The bottom line is that if they don't react, they risk losing sales if customers simply stop buying products with packaging that offers too much resistance. IIJ,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR Business 2.0 37 3 Products and packaging -_----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_7-".. measurements ".. product description Discussion ".. expressionsfor product presentations D o o o o o o IT] o Put these stages of product development into the most likely chronological order. Beta test the product by users in typical situations. Conduct market studies to test the concept. Launch the product. Draw sketches and build mockups. Go into production. Draw up specifications for the product. Generate new ideas in focus groups and brainstorming Screen out unfeasible or unprofitable ideas. meetings. Reading for detail D Read the information on the fedEx® Box and fedEx® Tube and complete the product specification summaries below. Inside dimensions for "fjOx -:·1 1 Large FedEx Box are zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON width x length x height 1 ~ 31.4 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO xj 45.4 x For shipments weighing maximum 9 kg Inside dimensions for j FedEx Tube L 96.5 'xl long are 15.2 x wide 15.2 high q Maximum _lgllt allOwed! 9 The large FedEx Box is 31.4 cm and 45.4 ern . It is 7.6 cm _ When empty, the box 400 g; it can be used to ship small parts or computer printouts up to 9 kg in _ The FedEx Tube is 96.5 ern in and 15.2 ern in and . With a of 450 g when empty, it can be used to ship plans, posters, blueprints, etc. _____ up to 9 kg. 1 2 Describing products o Describethe dimensions of objects in your pockets or your bag. Your partner should try to guess what they are. Collocations zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D Match the nouns in the box with the compound adjectives they most often collocate with. design ~ materials packaging energy-savi ng personalstereos technology child-resistant devices 38 TheBusiness 2.0 labour-saving tamper-resistant fire-retardant future-proof water-resistant fool-proof waterproof eye-catching shockproof attention-grabbing h Inte r.ne t re s e arc Liste ning for gist II ~1:29-1:34 Listen to six conversations. Use collocations from Exercise 4 to describe what is being discussed. W hatzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA are the best ways of recording and learning vocabulary? o~ 1:35 Listen to a presentation of the ChartTech i3. What are its three main features? Search for the keywords recording vocabulary and make a list of possible techniques. Rank the techniques on your list from the most to the least useful for you personally. Liste ning for de ta il o~ 1:35 Listen again and complete these expressions for structuring a product presentation using the correct preposition from the box. about 1 Glossary 2 3 4 5 6 7 back by on to up with I'm here today to tell you (the ChartTech i3 . .) . Let's start (Touch Screen Command). Moving to (what's below the water ...). Can I just turn (communications)? I'll just sum (the ChartTech i3's three main features Let's just go to (our midnight fishing trip). I'd like to finish (inviting you to ...). ... ). PAGE 153 attention-grabbing bird's-eye view blueprint chart fool-proof mockup overlay retardant tamper with 11 Match the a) b) c) d) expressions in Exercise 7 with their function in the presentation a-d. 0 Beginning the presentation zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Moving to a new point 0 Returning to a point made earlier 0 Ending the presentation 0 P re se nta tion o Work in small groups. Use the vocabulary and expressions in the previous exercises to present the specifications and features of an electronic device of your choice. IZwBusiness 2.0 39 3 Pro duc ts and pac kag ing ... relative clauses ... a/an, the and no article ... noun combinations Re fre sh y o ur m e m o ry Relative clauses w ho: people w hich: things 3 .3 G ra m m a r D e fining D 1 2 3 4 5 6 that: people or things, but not after a comma .... Grammar and practice page 126 Articles a/an: non-specific or not . R e la tive cla use s, a rticle s a nd noun com bina tions re la tive cla use s In small groups, answer these businesstrivia questions. What was the communications device that was invented by John Logie Baird? Who was the woman who is famous for her research on radioactivity? What was the business process that was introduced by Henry Ford? Who was the. man who invented radio? What was the business model first developed by Martha Matilda Harper in 1891? What was the revolutionary pointing device which was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963? o In your groups, write your own businessand technology trivia quiz using the formulae 'Who was the man/woman ..: or 'What was the product/device/process/model ..:. Usethe Internet if you have a connection. Then challenge another group. previously mentioned the: specific, unique or previously mentioned no article: generalizations - .... Grammar and practice page 126 Noun combinations The main noun comes at the end. Any others describe it. N on-de fining re la tive cla use s o With a partner, take turns making sentencesand adding relative clausesabout famous people, products and organizations. How much information can you add? A : S tevejobs w as the co-founder of A pple® . B : S tevejobs, w ho w as from C alifornia, w as the co-founder of A pple. A : S tevejobs, w ho w as from C alifornia, w as the co-founder of A pple, w hich is fam ous for high-end electronic products like the iP hone. B : S tevejobs, w ho w as from C alifornia, and w hose parents adopted him at birth, w as the cofounder of A pple, w hich is fam ous for high-end electronic products like the iP hone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Steve Jobs, Apple (iPhone) Oprah Winfrey, The Oprah Winfrey Show (Harpo Studios®) Walt Disney, Walt Disney Co. (Mickey Mouse) Mark Zuekerberg, Faeebook (Facebook) Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Ben & Jerry's (Yes Pecan) Jeff Bezos, Amazon (Kindle) Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google (Google Earth) Richard Branson, Virgin (Virgin Galactic) Muhammed Yunus, Grameen Bank (micro-credit) Victoria Beckham, Beckham Brand ('Intimately Beckham' perfumes) D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D Which of the people in Exercise3 have had the biggest influence on the business world? Chooseyour top three. 40 I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2 0 Articles o Complete texts about important products and inventions with a/an, the or - (no article). Some popular products take a long time to get to the marketplace. • In 1485, Leonardo da Vinci made detailed drawings of _ parac hutes. He also made sketchesof_ helicopter and _ tank. _ first helicopter that could carry _ person was flown by Paul Cornu at _ beginning of _ twentieth century. During _ FirstWorld War,_tanks were first usedin _ Francein 1917. • _ Bar codeswere invented by Silver and Woodland in 1948.The y used _ light to read _ set of concentric circles, but it was two decadesbefore _ arrival of _ computers and _ lasersmade _ system practical. • _ first computer was built in 1943,more than 100 years after CharlesBabbage had designed _ first programmable device. In 1998,_ ScienceMuseum in London built _ working copy of _ Babbage machine using his original plans and _ materials that would have been available at the time. It worked just as Babbage had intended. Expanding notes o ~1:36 When writing notes in English, pronouns, articles and common verbs like be and have are often omitted. Listen to a product review and write the words you hear which the customer omitted in the notes below. BI).Siflj be s+ pko71e. so .fl).r. Pe.r.fe.ct pko71e. .for bl).sic 'lAse.r. Mre.l).dlj b'lA....p e.d l).71ddroppe.d .fe.w ti....e.s b1At stiH Ooi710 str0710' IDte~et re se arc Bl).tte.r~ fi.fe. i71cre.dibie.. Ove.mil reol. worj(korse.. No hzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB -PriUs} b1At doe.s wkl).t ce.£ipko71e. 71e.e.ds to do. Rl).ti71 0 5/5. Open an online dictionary by searching for the keywords online dictionary. Search for the noun information. Is information countable or uncountable? What is its informal form? Which prepositions is it used with? What typical collocations and constructions is it used in? Browse several online dictionaries and find out what other features they offer. Vote to tind out which online dictionary the class prefers. --------------~----------~------~---------o ~ With a partner, expand these notes written by customers into full product 1:37-1:38 reviews. Then listen and compare your versions with the recordings. o Hate the phone. Toosmall- can't open flip cover with one hand. No screen on outside to see caller identity. Reception - horrible. Drops calls probably 30% of time. Very long key delay, incredibly annoying.Anxiously awaiting day can upgrade and get rid of monstrosity. ..._-----'-11_""",. .... RatingO/S. Had FoYle. Qbout tl-lr'e.e.we.e.ks I;ke. S;z-e. QVldde.sjn. Fe.atur'e.S 300d too. EQSjzyxwvutsrqpon e.VlOU~ to use.) CIVldsUr'v;ve.d c.ouple of dr'ops. Howe.Ver')aielr''''' c.loc.k wOVl't f1Qte.l-IQV;Vl3full s;jVIQI WOr'k QVI/""Or'e..Not too SUr'e Qbout ;Vlter'VlQIQVlteVlVlQ. W!"'en MQk;"'3 c.Qll) 01(\\) +0 !,.,QVedr'aMQt;c. dr'0p wl-le", put FOI(\e. +0 !"'e.ad EVe.r')bod)' SQjS +e.lec.om c.ompClVli S fQult) VlO+ pl-loYle.)or' ""'1be. just 30t bCld tr'j 920 Vle.xt. RQ+;Vl33/;;.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc oVle. We '(I Se.e. GO;V13 +0 --------~~~--~--~--~~~~~~~~~ Defining words D Complete the definitions by matching the noun combinations 1-4 with the appropriate relative clausesa-d. Glossary PAGE 154 bump drop calls empowerment flip cover get rid of no frills rating workhorse 1 2 3 4 Decision-making tools are tools Feature-packed spreadsheets are spreadsheets An industry-standard battery package is a pack of batteries Market studies are investigations a) that have many different functions. b) that companies conduct to identify customer needs. c) that you evaluate choices and options with. d) whose specifications comply with industry norms. Definitions game D In small groups, divide into As: turn to page 115. As and Bs. Bs: turn to page 12l. The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 41 3 Pro duc ts and pac kag ing .... structuring a presentation 3 .4 S pe a king P re se nta tions - structure .... hooks and objectives .... presenting a product Bra instorm ing o What are the qualities of a good lesson, lecture or presentation? With a partner, draw up a checklist. Liste ning for gist o ~ 1:39 Listento Version 1 of a presentation of the Pingman, a new personal GPS tracking device which can be used to locate children, elderly people, animals or mobile staff. Compare the presentation with your checklist. o With a partner, discuss how the presentation could be improved. Liste ning for de ta il D ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1:40 Listen to Version 2 of the presentation and answer the questions. How does the presenter get the audience's attention and interest? W hat is the objective of the presentation? How long will the presentation last, and what is the next step? W hat does the presenter say about questions? W hat subjects will be covered in the three sections of the presentation? W hich part of the presentation do we not hear? W hat does the presenter do at the beginning of the conclusion? W hat does the presenter ask the audience to do? How do the audience know when to applaud? W hat aspects of presentation technique have improved in Version 2? o ~1:40 With a partner, find suitable words to complete the useful expressions in the checklist. Then listen again to Version 2 and check your answers. U se ful e xpre ssions: S tructuring a pre se nta tion Hook Objective ____ you like to know ... ? What would you do if ... ? ________ would it be worth to ...? Somebodyoncesaid ... I'm here this morning to My objective today is ... The goal of this meeting is ... Agenda Summary Feel to interrupt me. divided my presentation into three ____ of all, I'm going to ... ____ that, I'll be talking about ... ___ ~ I'd like to present ... I'll take any questionsat the end. I've _ I'd like to up the presentationand move on to ... ___ ~ I explained why ... _ __ ~ I presentedthe different specifications... Last,but not , I have given you ... Close Callfor action Theseare the the Pingman,.., why I am askingyou to ... Thank you zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ very much for your _ Thank you for listening. If you haveany questions,I'll do my bestto answerthem. 42 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA n- Business 2.0 Inte~et re se arc P ronuncia tion h zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA II ~ 1:41 Decide where the speaker should pause in this extract from the presentation. Before each pause, mark whether the speaker's voice should go up " or down ~, as in the Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA examples. Then listen and compare your answers. p re se n ta tio n tip s to fin d answers to the questions below. 1 How long should a good presentation be? 2 What should you research before a presentation? 3 What are the most important parts of a presentation? 4 What are the best ways to practise a presentation? 5 Which colours and fonts should you use in your slides? 6 How should you deal with hostile questions? 7 What's the latest presentation technology available? I've divided my presentation into three sections. ~ First of all, " I'm going to remind you of the background to this project and the current offer on the market. After that, I'll be talking about the prototype, and the data we've collected from tests, focus groups and market studies. Finally, I'd like to present a business plan; this will demonstrate why we expect a return on investment that is without precedent f?r our company. Is everybody happy with that agenda? D Underline the key syllables and key words which should be stressed, and draw a line between words which should be linked ( _), as in the example below. I've diYlded my preseniqtioninto three sections. First_of_all, ." o~ 1:41 Listen again and compare your answers. Then practise reading the extract with correct intonation, stress and linking. P re se nta tion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA II In small groups, prepare the introduction and conclusion of a presentation of one of these new products to a group of department store buyers. a flexible tablet PC that can be rolled up to fit in a pocket furniture which changes colour and temperature depending on the light and room temperature a T-shirt which displays a text message that can be modified from a mobile phone your own product idea Think about the following questions. '" eW orkbook Now watch the video for this unit. Glossary PAGE 154 hook lecture overwhelmingly ping tracking wrap up Hook: What is the most surprising, exciting or unusual aspect of your product? Objective: Why are you making the presentation and what do you hope to obtain? Agenda: How will you organize your presentation and what will happen after the talk? Summary: What are the highlights of your talk? Call for action: What do you want your audience to do now? Close: How can you avoid an embarrassing silence at the end of your presentation? iIi] In your group, present your introduction and conclusion and answer any questions. (Assume the body of the talk has been presented.) The rest of the classare the buyers. As a class,vote for the best product presentation. !7J" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV Business 2.0 43 3 Pro duc ts and pac kag ing ... structure analysis 3 .5 W riting A product de scription ... features and benefits ... writing a product description D iscussion o Read the items in the box and identify the four features of this car and the four corresponding benefits to consumers. Then discuss the questions below. air-conditioned comfort alloy wheels head-turning good looks power on demand 3.01V6 engine ABS 1 2 automatic climate control safe braking and cornering W hat do you look for in a car - features 01' benefits? W hy? W hen you buy a computer, a mobile phone, or software, are you more interested in its features or benefits? W hat about other products? M ode l o Read the product description and list the main benefits of using Open Office. O pe nO ffic e .o rg .3 G reat software o ... E asy to use ... and it's free! OpenOffice.org 3 is the leading open-source office software suite. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose, A new approach to office productivity software OpenOffice.org 3 gives you everything you'd expect in office software. You can create dynamic documents, analyze data, design eye-catching presentations, produce dramatic illustrations and open up your databases. You can publish your work in Portable Document Format (PDF)and release your graphics in Flash (SWF)format - without needing any additional software. If you're used to using other office suites - such as Microsoft Office® - you'll be completely at home with OpenOffice.org 3. However, as you become used to OpenOffice.org 3, you'll start to appreciate the extras that make your life easier. You can of course continue to use your old Microsoft Office files without any problems - and if you need to exchange files with people still using Microsoft Office, that's no problem either. o G What's in the suite? G WRITER - a powerful tool for creating protessional documents. You can easily integrate images and charts in documents, create everything from business letters to complete books and web content. CALC - a feature-packed spreadsheet. Use advanced spreadsheet functions and decision-making tools to perform sophisticated data analysis. Use built-in charting tools to generate impressive 2D and 3D charts. IMPRESS- the fastest way to create effective multimedia presentations. Your presentations will truly stand out with special effects, animation and high-impact drawing tools. DRAW- produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations and special effects. Find out more - try it today! Get OpenOffice.org 3 now! Go to www.openoffice.org for an introduction in Flash format. Ana lysis o Number the five sections in the box in the order they appear in th·e OpenOffice.org text above. background compatibility details of features and benefits invitation overview of benefits 44 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA /1,1'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Inter.net researc h Search for the keyw ords open source softw are to learn about free Language focus D R&D departments often focus on describing features, while marketing departments prefer to describe benefits to consumers. Read the eight features described by R&D and underline their corresponding benefits in the text in Exercise 2. 1 Open source code application available to download (Paragraph A) softw are, including gam es. C hoose one product, and write a short description; try to 'sell' your softw are to your classm ates. 2 It can be dow nloaded and used com pletely free of charge for any purpose. Fully integrated suite of office applications (Paragraph B) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Supports PDF and SWF publishing without plug-ins (Paragraph B) Intuitive user interface (Paragraph C) Fully compatiblewith other documentformats (Paragraph C) Image integration capability (Paragraph D) Built-in 2D and 3D charting tools (Paragraph D) Diagram and special effects functions (Paragraph D) o Reformulate the product features of the Creole Audio M anager, pictured on the right, in terms of benefits. craDle AUDIO MANAGER 1 Fully integrated multi-format audio and video player C reole gives you everything you'd expect from an audio player; w atch and play video and m usic in all popular form ats. Glossary alloy benefit PAGE 154 2 Downloadable shareware 3 Full PC and Mac compatibility 4 Music search, download and organizer features 5 Online radio and TV capability 6 Built-in CD burning tool 7 Intuitive user interface and foolproof operation 8 Karaoke function feature intuitive plug-in quibble stand out W riting o W rite a product description of the Torrent tablet PC using the notes below. (Alternatively, use a product of your choice.) Focus on the benefits to consumers, adding any details you feel are appropriate. Ne.w Torre-1'1t 'I'IOW~v~ii~bie. - ~ n t-e.~t1Are-S o.f- App£e.® il'Ni ~t o: .f-.rMtio1't o.f- tlrce. price. S ...~£le.r, ii(J'lrcte.r, sho'l'l(J'e.r. Ove.rvie.w01' zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED 01't£~ 1c ... tlrciel<,1A£tr~-ii(J'1rc t, 1A'I'I£i ...ite.d be.1'te..fits t-re-e. c£01AO stor~(J'e., «eeess to ...ovies, 1\1, ~ib1A"'S, bool<s, "'~(J'~8"i1'te.s,.....e.wsp~pe.rs, 50,000+ ~pps. De.hiis ott-e.~t1Are.s ~-110 be......e..fits Atte.1'tti01'1-(J'r~bbi1't(J' de.si(J'1't Slrcoc.1< p root-, w~te.r-re-sistll.1'1t ~£1A...i1'1i1A'" e~se. ~'I'Id &ori££~ &~ss sene.1't :r1'tt1Aitive. t01Aelrc-sc.re.e.1'1 i1'1te.r1'~ce 18c.... X 12.c.... X 1c..., 34-5(J' b4- (J'i(J'~b'6te.s stor~Oe. '1 s k01Art:\1-ItO'l<o.../j WiFi ~'I'IO 3&zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS &rs Sere-e......re.SOi1Atio1't 102.4-X'1b8 Fro'l'lt ~M re-~r ca ...er«, Irce.~dpko'l'le.j~c.I<, tlSg port. A'Yl-droidOS t:\'\o\dbrowse.r o-f-f ice. so-ftw~re. g~tte.~ iit-e. 12.lrcrs 2.lJe.~r (J'1A~m-11te.e. :r.....vit~tio1't 2.-we.e.1<'1'10Q1Aibb.£e....01'te.'6-b~c.1< ~{,\r~1<\te.e. Tbe zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc B usiness zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0zyxwvutsrqp 45 3 Pro duc ts and pac kag ing ~ ... product differentiation ... formulating Big Jack's Pizza a development ... 3.6 Case study Discussion strategy D In one minute, list as many fast-food businesses as you can. How does each of them try to differentiate itself from its competitors? presenting recommendations Scan reading o Read the documents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and answer the questions. W hat sort of company is Big Jack's Pizza? W ho is Jack Jr? W hat is Big Jack's USP (unique selling point)? W hat proportion of Big Jack's customers eat in the restaurants? W hat is the company's development strategy? W hat is the biggest threat to the company? W hat do customers like and dislike about Big Jack's? " W hat four changes is Jack [r suggesting? Big pizzas, big value! 23 stores in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories dine-in, parties, takeout or 24/7 home delivery Call us now on 2893 61.61. Become a Big Jack's franchisee - call 2893 5468 IBJ _INDOX I RE;PLY" I FORWARD_. ~ ~~ .... Re: Marketing meeting tomorrow Billie, Mick, I've attached the latest figures and customer-feedback summary, which seem to confirm what we discussed last time. Restaurant sales are holding up but, as expected, our takeout and delivery revenues are down again this month. If we want to defend our market share against Pizza Hut and the other international majors, and attract new franchisees, we desperately need to relaunch our product. So, here's the agenda for the meeting: 1 a new, more exciting range of pizzas 3 a new or updated logo and color scheme 2 new promotional ideas 4 a new box for takeout and delivery Looking forward to hearing your ideas on all these points tomorrow. Jack Jr President & CEO Why did you buy a Big Jack's pizza? Big Jack's Pizza Revenues 36% Taste-----..". zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA . 32% 9% 28% I~ pizzas 15% ~ -. Low cost--o_ 18% - Home delivery -',.-<.---------------------------------------------------------iii; 46 7he zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B us ine s s 2.0 4% ::1 Dine-in Parties Inte rne t re s e arc h Search for the keywords Liste ning for gist D ~ 1:42 Listen to an extract from the marketing meeting at Big Jack's.What two decisions are made? pizza box advertising to find out how companies are using a new way to get their messages into the home. Liste ning for infe re nce IJ ~ 1:42 Listen again and list the ten suggestions made by Billie and Mick. Which ones does Jack like? o Match the diplomatic phraseson the left with their real, more direct, meanings on the right. Glossary 1 PAGE 154 BOGOF chequered dine-in franchisee fusion cuisine gourmet slide 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bra instorm ing III 1 2 3 4 a) It's not a wonderful idea, but it's a possibility. b) It's not a priority right now c) It's a bad idea. d) I don't want to waste more time on this. e) I know we disagree about this. f) Big Jack's is old-fashioned. g) W hat are you talking about? h) It's not exactly what I wanted, but better than your previous ideas. i) I've decided, whether you like it or not. j) This isn't relevant. Of course, but we can come back ~ to that later? "-Can we move on to point two? W ell, Billie, it's been done before, but I guess we could do that. W hy not? I'm sorry? I'm not sure that's a direction we really want to go in. That's more the kind of thing I had in mind. I think you feel strongly about this? Things have changed since Big Jack's time. This is all very interesting, but ... I trust yo u '11agree. a nd pre se nta tion Work in small groups as consultants to Big Jack'sPizza and do the following tasks. Read the brief below from Big Jack's Pizza. Brainstorm and select the best ideas. Prepare a presentation to the company's management. Present your recommendations and take questions from the class. Big Ja ck's P izza wishe s to stre ngthe n im prove following its bra nd a nd its pa cka ging. P le a se provide a dvice on the points:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • a ne w ra nge of fusion cuisine pizza s: e xciting na m e s Recurrent negative customer comments: 'The pizzas all taste the same.' 'Big Jack's is old-fashioned - it's time for a change.' 'The pizzas are too big; I can never finish them.' 'The slices slide around in the box and get stuck together.' 'N 0 different from other pizza houses - same pizzas, same colors, same box, same price.' ne e de d for a t le a st five pizza s • ne w prom otiona l ide a s • a ne w or upda te d logo, color sche m e a nd sloga n • a ne w box or box de sign for ta ke out E stim a te d im pa ct of im ple m e nting a nd a dve rtising a nd de live ry. cha nge s on pa cka ging costs: • cha nge logo zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA + 2% • thre e -color • four-color printing printing + 1% + 2% + 2% • non-sta nda rd box sha pe • non-sta nda rd box m a te ria ls + 2%. N B Big Ja ck's will not a cce pt a n incre a se of m ore tha n 5%. The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ Business 2.0 47 4 ~ C a re e rs careers,jobs and vocations 4 .1 About busine ss ... managingyour career C a re e r choice s D iscussion D Mark your position on the scalesbelow. With a partner, explain and justify your choices. I haveno idea how my career will develop. I havea clear idea of my .... 4t---+--1--t---t---1 .. ~ career path. I expectto work for one company I expectto work for several ....4t---+--1--t---t---1 .. ~ different companiesin my life. all my life. Money,statusand a comfortable lifestyle are my priorities. h Inte rne t re s e arc Search for the keywords p e rs o n a lity p ro file te s t and do at least one Job satisfaction,variety and being _,,4...... -+-+---I--+---I.. ~ useful to societyare my priorities. P re dicting a nd liste ning o~ 1:43 You are going to hear a talk for university students about how to choose a career. In part one, Charlie Schumann, a popular careers coach, talks about two things you zyxwvutsrqpon shouldn't do, and two things you have to do. Before you listen, try to predict what those things might be. Then listen and check your predictions. online test. Compare your results with a Liste ning for de ta il classmate and discuss how well they describe D ~ 1:43 your personality. 1 2 3 4 5 Listen to Part 1 again and mark these statements zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT T (true) or F (false). Schumann says you should choose something you love doing and that feels right for you. 0 She recommends going to the Himalayas to learn martial arts. 0 Myers Briggs (MBT®)and Keirsey are Kung Fu experts. 0 , You don't need to research a lot of careers, only those that suit your personality profile. 0 Facebook and Google+ are a great place to read about potential career choices. 0 D ~ 1:44 Listen to Part 2 of the talk and answer the questions. 1 According to Schumann, which of these factors are more likely to make you happy? Money, variety,fame, autonomy, beauty, recognition, team spirit, job security, helping people. 2 What are 'flow' activities? D iscussion D 1 2 3 4 In small groups, discussyour reactions to these statements from the talk. 'This is maybe the one time in your life when you need to be totally selfish'. 'Tests like Myers Briggs or Keirseyare not a hundred per cent reliable'. 'Having more money doesn't actually make you any happier'. 'Jobs that let you experience that 'flow' (are) the key to ... your ideal career'. S ca n re a ding zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D Readthe article opposite and find which two tips can be summarized as: 1 Move towards your long-term goal in small, easy stages. 2 Make sure that preconceived ideas about success and failure are not preventing you from reaching your goals. Glossary S um m a riz ing o Summarize each of the eight remaining tips in one sentence. In small groups, compare your sentences with other people and choose the best summary for each tip. 48 II", Business 2.0 PAGE 154 earth-shattering inertia jump in at the deep end pick someone'sbrains posse start the ball rolling stay put treadmill D GET 5 TO KNOW YOURSELF -zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ Before you start off in pursuit of a career that really lights your fire, take some time to do some serious self-exploration. Make a list of all the things in your life that you have really enjoyed. It could be work or play, an event, a period of time in your life, etc. Pick one and start digging into the reasons why. Get beyond what you love doing, and break it down into the underlying characteristics. Think of it as identifying your passion's building blocks. D 10 BRAINSTORM - Once you have a picture of the things that light your fire, brainstorm ways you could incorporate them into your life. Write them down alone or with friends, in one session or on a small pad of paper you carry with you. Above all, be creative. You never know what crazy idea is going to spark the Big One. B 15 EXPLORE - Ask, ask, ask! Once you have identified some things you think you might be interested in, identify people who are knowledgeable in those areas and contact them. Explain that you are exploring your options and ask if you can pick their brains. You'll get some fantastic insights if you make this a habit, not to mention making some great contacts along the way. D 20 BABY STEPS - The fear of jumping in the deep end of the passion pool keeps many people from swimming at all. Rememberthere's a shallow end too, so you can still enjoy splashing in the water. Look for baby steps you can take that will bring your passion into your life and keep you moving towards your long-term goal. D 25 IDENTIFY YOUR OBSTACLES - What things are getting in your way? Make a list. Maybe they're real financial obstacles, or perhaps the need for more training. Maybe they are internal. What's stopping you? Fear? Self-doubt? Simple inertia? We all have voices in our heads that are always telling us 'You can't do that', 'You're not good enough', 'What will they think?', etc. Identifying and acknowledging those voices is the first step in taking their power away. o CREATE 30 35 40 45 50 A PASSION POSSE - In my interviews with people who have followed their dream, the most commonly mentioned success factor has been the support of the people around them. Friends, family and colleagues can all be a great source of support and inspiration. It can be an informal support network, or a regularly scheduled meeting to exchange ideas and brainstorm solutions to challenges. 0 RE-EXAMINE YOUR DEFINITIONS OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE - What is your definition of success? Is it getting in the way? Our culture places a lot of emphasis on material accomplishments, status, etc. Unfortunately,that gets in the way of real happiness for a lot of people, who choose to stay on the treadmill in pursuit of that version of success. Perhaps you're not at a point where you can or want to change that definition of success. That's OK; don't. Instead, try identifying one or two less common ways of identifying 'success' - ones that come from the heart - and try to move towards them as well. Our definition of failure, which tends to be all or nothing, also gets in the way. If you try something and it doesn't pan out, how do you see that? Is it a failure? Or is it an opportunity to learn? If you 'fail' in an effort to move toward your passion, it's not really failure. Think of it as a step in the right direction. Taking a longer term view can help with this. [ J MAKE A PLAN - Whether it's a high level overview or a step-by-step action plan, it is up to you - you know how you work best. Creating a plan will force you to think things through and add some comfortable structure to something that can seem very up in the air and undefined. D ACT! 55 TODAY! - The fact is, the time will never be right. Something is always going to be less than optimum. Don't wait! Do something right now that will move you toward your passion. What two things can you do right away that will start the ball rolling? They don't need to be earth-shattering, they just need to happen. Oil COMMIT 60 TO MAKING IT HAPPEN - Let it out of your brain and into the open. Say, 'I am going to do this.' Say it out loud to yourself. Say it to a friend. Put it in writing and put it where you can see it. Once it's out in the open it will have room to grow. And that's exactly what you want! 7 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ lit'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX B usine ss 2.0 49 4 --- -- .. .. - .. C a re e rs l job benefits 4 .2 V oca bula ry recruitment and employment verbs D iscussion skills and qualities D Rank these benefits from the most (9) to the least desirable (1), in your opinion. Christmas bonus company car free accommodation free medical insurance luncheon vouchers pension plan profit-sharing sports and social facilities stock options C a re e rs a nd e m ploym e nt o zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC Put the events in Josef Gutkind's career in logical order. Part 1 Before graduating, Josef applied for jobs in 20 companies. Wilson Brothers offered Josef a position as a management trainee. His first interview was successful and he was short-listed for a second interview When Wilson's got into difficulties,Josef was made redundant. Two years later he was appointed Logistics Manager. He was invited for an interview at Wilson Brothers. OJ o o o o o Part 2 In his early fifties he took a sabbatical to write a book. Josef quickly found a new job, but was dismissed after arguing with his boss. The book was a best-seller, and Josef resigned from the firm. While he was unemployed Josef studied for a master's degree. He retired from business and now lives in the south of France. Thanks to the masters on his Cv, Josef was hired by a firm of consultants. o o o o o o D Use appropriate expressions in bold from Exercise2 above to complete these job interview questions. Change the form as necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 Could you tell me exactly why you from OQP? Were the departments merged before or after you Quality Manager? After the factory closed, was it difficult to ? Have you jobs in other companies in the area? If you for a second interview, would you be able to come to our head office in London? 6 How would you feel if we you as a product manager? D Now correct these sentencesfrom a biography. The words in bold have been mixed up. Put them back in the right places. 1 Aisha's resume was impressive; she was dismissed without even attending a first interview 2 At the second interview, Aisha did so well that she was made redundant on the spot. 3 A few years later, she wrote her first novel while she was unemployed; it sold only 400 copies. 4 Aisha was an unconventional journalist who preferred to work at night; after arriving four hours late for a meeting she was hired. 5 When the editor in her next job refused to publish a controversial article she had written, Aisha immediately offered to retire but the editor refused to let her. 6 However, when the newspaper was taken over by a larger competitor, Aisha was shortlisted. 7 After difficult times while she was on sabbatical, she was finally able to live in comfort when her sixth novel became a best-seller. 8 She was 74 when she finally decided to resign from writing novels. -_ -_ 50 / /",Business 2.0 Inte~et re se arc C olloca tions h zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB o In each set of five below. match a verb 1-10 with a noun a-j to make collocations for describing skills and qualities. Search for the keyword zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA mentoring to find out how a mentor can help employees with their personal development. 1 2 3 4 5 take --....._ make ---be work build a) b) c) d) e) a commitment to initiative good working relationships a good listener to strict deadlines 6 work make manage possess take on f) g) h) i) j) a busy workload ownership closely with a valuable contribution to strong negotiating skills 7 8 9 10 IJ Use eight of the collocations from Exercise 5 to complete the sentences below. Change the verb form if necessary. 3 I enjoy taking initiative, and I keep my promises; when r to a project, I always deliver. I have a lot of experience in both product development and sales teams, and can adapt to their different working styles. I have excellent organizational skills, and I hate being late - so I have no problem with 4 5 6 7 8 I liaise with government officials: fortunately, I _ I'm used to ; I'm good at multitasking, and coping with pressure is no problem. I often of projects with multi-million dollar budgets. I believe I can any work group. I , so I build good working relationships with colleagues. 1 2 D a) b) c) d) Which two answers in Exercise6 could you give to each of these questions? Are zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA you able to take responsibility? DO Are you a good communicator? DO Are you a good time manager? DO Are you a good team worker? DO Liste ning for gist D ~ 1:45 Listen to an extract from a human resourcesreview meeting. Mark these employees as high-fliers (+) or as concerns (-). Rachel Ratcliff Paul Stevens Michael Diegel Shane Garney T a king note s D ~ 1:45 Listen again. Take notes on the problem. causesand possible solutions for Rachel, Michael and Shane. Rachel Michael Shane problem causes possible solutions Glossary controversial flag (verb) PAGE 155 D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA [Ill In small groups. decide what you would do about Rachel.Michael and Shane. headhunter liaise with multitasking on the spot unconventional wannabe IhcBusiness2.0 51 4 C a re e rs - .... present simple, present 4 .3 G ra m m a r . P re se nt te nse s -- ~- - continuous .... present perfect, present perfect continuous Refresh y o ur m e m o ry Present simple I w ork best late at night. permanent or recurrent present actions or situations Present continuous I'm not w orking on anything special at the moment. temporary present actions or situations Present perfect simple I've never w orked in sales, but I have w orked in a cafe. life experience up to now, or present resuIt of a past action Present perfect continuous I've been w orking too hard -I'm exhausted! action in progress up to now T he bluffing ga m e D Complete the sentencesbelow with information about yourself that other students don't know. Usethe present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple and present perfect continuous. Four of your sentencesshould be true, the other four should be untrue. 1 I often ... 2 I don't usually ... 3 At the moment, 4 Right now, I'm not . I'm . 5 6 7 8 I've never ... I've already ... Recently, I've been ... For some time now, 1 haven't been ... o In groups, take turns reading your sentencesout and answering other students' questions. The group has to decide whether you are telling the truth or bluffing. Who is the best bluffer? P re se nt pe rfe ct a nd pa st sim ple D You and your partner work for an international recruitment agency.Your clients are looking for: .... Grammar and practice page 128 1 2 3 4 5 6 a Spanish-speaking science graduate an undergraduate with marketing experience a graduate accountant, to be a future finance director a French-speaking graduate in business an arts undergraduate with experience in the Far East a Portuguese-speaking graduate with experience in sales. You have each interviewed and tested five candidates. Exchange information with your partner and decide together which candidates are most suitable for each request. Student A: use the information below. Student B: turn to page 117. Candidate Graduation Work experience Mr Salmon next summer, Chemistry pullover sales in Mexico Ms Bianco Mrs Grey A+ next June, Marketing nurse in New York Miss Rose Mr Da Silva A last December, MBA own business in Brazil Mr Green Mr Schwartz B+ last October, Accountancy banks in Geneva, Monaco, Portugal Miss Plum Ms Violeta Mr Braun 52 Management potential test B next spring, History holiday club in Thailand C- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA j I,,· zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Liste ning: pre se nt pe rfe ct simple a nd continuous Internet re s e arc h Search for the keywords IJ ~ 1:46-1:55 Listen to situations 1-10 and match them with the pictures A -J. .. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA E nglish gram m ar m any websites offering gram m ar 4) I""WAY] ~ practice to explore the explanations and exercises. In class, hold a vote to find your favourite gram m ar site. o o o G lossary assault course P AG E 155 o ~ 1:46-1:55 o Listen again and write down what has happened or has been happening in each situation. T hen compare your ideas with a partner. hand knock over Asking que stions relevant III undergraduate You're kidding W ith a partner, take turns interviewing each other for a job. Student A: turn to page 115. Student B: turn to page 118. ThezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ B us ine s s zyxwvutsrqponm 2,0 53 I L_ 4 C areers I ~ p re p a rin g zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA fo r in te rvie w s 4.4 Speaking Job interviews ~ a n sw e rin g in te rvie w q u e stio n s ~ ro le p la yin g a jo b in te rvie w Discussion D How would you answer the following interview questions? 1 Where do you see yourself in five years' time? 2 How do you motivate people to do their best? 3 What are your weaknesses? 4 Can you give an example of a situation you found stressful, and how you coped with the stress? Listening o ~ 1.56-1.59 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED Listen to extracts from four job interviews A-D. W hich candidate{s): 1 give(s) concrete examples from their experience? 2 ask(s) questions to make sure they answer the interviewer's question? 3 structure(s) the answer in two parts? 4 turn(s) a question about a negative point into an opportunity to emphasize a positive quality? o~ 1.56-1.59 Listen again and complete answering Useful expressions: Asking for clarification job interview Answering of useful expressions for interview questions or reformulating Playing for time I'm so rry, co u ld yo u e xp a n d o n w h a t yo u m e a n b y ... ? T h a t's a ve ry in te re stin g q u e stio n . I w o u ld sa y ... D o yo u T h a t's a d ifficu lt q u e stio n to ____ th a t ... Structuring ... ? your answer . le t's G iving concrete examples I'd like to a n sw e r th a t in tw o w a ys: firstly, ... se co n d ly, ' .. L e t m e g ive yo u a n e xa m p le o f w h a t I m e a n . I th in k th e re a re tw o im p o rta n t T a ke ... , fo r to th is q u e stio n ... Talking about yourself ____ Validating w h a t I le a rn e d . I se e I p la n to e m p lo ye e in a le a d in g e xp e rie n ce a n d le a rn n e w skills. I w o u ld b e re a d y to u p to a p o sitio n w ith m o re re sp o n sib ility. I re a lize d th a t kn o w in g h o w w e ll yo u 're is e sse n tia l to sta yin g m o tiva te d . I'm th a t th e re a re a re a s th a t I ca n im p ro ve o n . I d o n 't fe e l th a t I h a ve a n y I w o u ld sa y th a t o rg a n iza tio n I _ your answer Is th a t w h a t yo u w a n te d to kn o w ? a s a to p p e rfo rm in g co m p a n y. 54 the checklist questions. w e a kn e sse s. is o n e o f m y _ to fin ish th e p ro je ct o n tim e . 1/.0,·zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss 2.0 D o e s th a t yo u r q u e stio n ? Inte r.ne t re s e arc h Search for the keywords interview advice tips to find out how to succeed in job interviews. D The candidates in Exercise2 used these expressions.Put the words in bold in the correct order. 1 2 [applied what learned I. I'm able being unpopular with to cope. 3 [see myself performing as top a a employee company in leading. 4 I plan experience to gain new and skills learn. S I would be ready more a move to position up with to responsibility. 6 I realized that knowing well you're how motivated essential doing is to staying. 7 I'm aware there that on that areas are can I improve. 8 I don't feel weaknesses I any have that significant. 9 I would say my organization is that one of strengths. 10 I managed on finish to the time project. o Readthe quotation and mark the interview questions a-h as type 1 or type 2 questions. The good news is that there are only two interview questions. That is, regardless of what you're asked, the employer really only wants to know: 1 2 What value can you add to my enterprise as an employee (and can you prove it)? Why do you want this job?' a) b) c) d) e) What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do you want to work for LIS? What is your greatest achievement? How do you make sure things get done? Why do you want to leave your present job? f) Tell me about a time when you successfully handled a difficult situation. g) What SOli of environment would you prefer not to work in? h) What are the most difficult kinds of decisions for you to make? Glossary PAGE 155 I achievement cope with rapport regardless of strengths weaknesses With a partner, ask and answer the questions using expressions from Exercises 3 and 4, inventing any details as necessary. R ole pla y II W ith a partner, roleplay an interview for one of the jobs below. Interviewer Interview the candidate for the job they have chosen. Invent further information about the job as necessary. For each of your questions, note whether the answer is satisfactory or not. At the end of the interview, give the candidate feedback on how well they performed. _.. eWorkbook Now watch the video for this unit. Candidate Let the interviewer lead the conversation initially, but try to develop an exchange by asking questions about the job and the organization. M ultina tiona l oil com pa ny I I Leading consultancy requires business graduates to train as auditors and consultants Vacancies in London, Paris, New York, Tokyo Candidates should be analytical, independent and able to develop a rapport with clients in all sectors future m a na ge rs to lead seekszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Competitive salary and benefits development teams for alternative Send CV to Jane O'Hara - johara@acc.jobs.org energies in Norway, Indonesia and South America. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK --. Strong leadership and communication skills essential. Motivating compensation package. For details visit www.nuenergeez.com ...---------- Music major seeks dynamictour managers to organizeand manage promotionaltours fortop pop,rock,and R&Bacts t\ I 80% of time on tour SuccessfulcandidatesWillhave strongintercultural,negotiation,zyxwvutsrqponmlkj people-and crisis-managementskills Salaryand performance-relatedbonus Contact Sue - sue.rhodes@mjmc.biz ------------------~ n- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe Business 2.0 55 4 Ill> Careers ~ CV structure ~ appropriate 4.5 Writing A CV language - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Discussion ~ writing a CV D Discuss why you agree or disagree with the following statements about writing CVs or resumes, 1 2 3 4 Y ou should Y ou should Y ou should Y ou should never use m ore than one page. describe your experience first, then your qualifications. list five or six people w ho can be contacted for a reference. alw ays include a photograph. Model D Decide in what order you expect the following the CV below to check. categories to occur in a CV.Then read general additional skills personal details positions of responsibility qualifications references voluntary roles work experience Robert Khan Date of birth Nationality Current address Tel: 29 April 1991 British 27 Keats Road, London SE4 3KL (until 30 June) 020 8088 8965 Permanent address Tel: 247 Newmarket Road, Norwich NR4 lET 01603443143 EDUCATION 2010-2013 BA in Business Studies at Chelsea School of Business (Exam results to date 2:2; Expected final grade 2:1) Norwich School: 3 'A' levels: Economics (A). Maths (B), History (C) Norwich School: 10 GCSEs,including Maths and English 2007-2010 2003-2007 WORK HISTORY zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA -------------------------------------------- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA __ ------------------------- Jan-June 2012 July-Sept 2011 2010-2011 Work placement, Atherton Consultants I played an integral part in a team of consultants working on IS projects. This position required familiarity with networking solutions and Web design and involved liaising with a client's parent company in Germany. Vacation Trainee, Jardine, White & Partners I coordinated an office reorganization project. Sales ASSistant,Kaufhaus des Westens, Berlin I was responsible for managing the outdoor exhibition of camping equipment. I ran a language training programme for members of the department. POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY 2011-2012 2011 to present President of CSB Students' Union I represented over 400 members in faculty meetings and organized and chaired conferences with visiting speakers. Captain of CSB Squash Team I run training sessions and am responsible for organizing matches and motivating the team. OTHER Fluent German Advanced computer literacy: Office software, networking and Web design 3rd trombone in the London Students' Jazz Orchestra Clean driving licence REFERENCES See next page 56 lZ,,'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss 2.0 Inte~et re se arc A na lysis h zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB Search for the keywords resum e style to find out about different resume styles to consider, including functional, skills and chronological styles. D Underline all the verbs in Robert's CV in Exercise 2. What do you notice? La ngua ge focus D Read the CV again. How has Robert formulated the following appropriate language? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 information in more I sometimes phoned people in Germany. I'm good with computers. I was the contact for the removal company for the transfer to new offices. I gave some colleagues some English lessons. I spoke on behalf of 400 students in meetings with teachers. I was the general assistant to the computer consultants. I sold tents. I had to learn how to set up a LAN. I'm the only member of the team who believes we can win. My job was to introduce the speakers and thank them at the end. O utput o Read the facts about Justine Collier and organize the information under the five headings used in Robert Khan's CV.Then write Justine's CV using relevant language and expressions from Exerdse 4. VOf1k~t€.\r(Jwor)( si-1l.ce 2.008 - 01,rTL-00K, CIA.~rit(J -tor dis~bfed clA.ifdre-1l. - p~rties, visits, etc. Pf~(J vioii-1l. i-1l.stri-1l.0 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B1A~rtet 1A-1I.iversitz;-b~s)(etb~H te~w.. - w..(Jjob to bri-1l.0 dri-1l.)(S 2.00f_;-2..001NortlA.u-1I. HiolA. SclA.oof A' fevd I ~~tlA.s (A), ~co-1l.ow..ics (B), Fre-1l.clA. (B) c Secret~r(J' Newc~sHe S1A-1I.;ortlA.~w..ber of- tow..w..erce i-1l.2.009 - w..iwt.d"es o-t w..eeti-1l.os, w..o-1l.tlA.f(J -1I.ews£etter, etc. Sow..etiw..es plA.o-1l.edV::cPto i-1l.vite to receptio-1l.s, etc. ;)1A-1I.e-Sept2.004- Hofid€.\(Jjob, NewMsHe Soci~f Sec1Arit(Ji e-1l.tered perso-1l.~e.f d~t~ i~to ~e..w \-If<. w..Q,.~Q,.Oe.w..e~tso-ttwQ,.re..to~.f-ide.-1'\.tiQ,.i) OOVe.Y"14w..e~t,tlA.ree d~(Js. ver(J bori140' Visitor -trow.. Sp~-1-tislA. Re-tere~ces - t1Ator, ~r. Bowers, Newc~sHe 1A~iversit(J' ~rs Bro~dbe~t, Pri14cip~fl NortlA.u~ HiOIA.SclA.oof • TlJpi14 0 speed 90 wpw.. ;)1Asti~e Dow..i~()'~to£fie.rzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 14- G-ree11. street, Oct-~~r Newc€.\st£e. N~(~ 8BH Td: 01819 12..2.. 1189 2..00f_;::c~ter14slA.ip Arbof Oi£: .f-i-1l.Q,.~ce dep~rtw..e~t, s~££jobs, £e.~r11.ed ~cco1A~ts so-ttwlAre, ew..~i£ -trow.. S Aw..eric.1A Bifi~01AII\£ Sp~-1I.islA. 4-/11189, A1AC)(£~14d N2 2..001-2..010 BA ~c.o~ow..ic.s,N ewc~sHe 1A-1I.iversit(J(w..~(Jbe 2..:1 i-t ::c'w.. f1AC)«(J) II Write (or update) your own CV. 7YJcBusiness 2.0 57 4 C a re e rs ~~1F-r~'~'~~~~j~",,"K--·.-~-r'_,~, II> taking a gap year 4.6 Casestudy ~l.G.~~years~atldl'~~~ee~"I:j_re~a_l(s·· '.' '~'~,.;:.". 1<_ II> applying for a placement II> placement interviews Inter.net ~ ~L _~ ~...'" "" w..." .' •...1 -,' Brainstorming D Brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of taking a year off before or after university or in mid-career. How many different ways of spending a gap year can you think of? re se arc h zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC Listening Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA gap year to read about 2.01-2.06 Listen to six interviews with people who took a gap year and answer some of the ways the questions. students (and other age 1 W hen and where did they take their year out? groups) are using their 2 W ere their experiences positive, negative or mixed? W hy? gap years. o~ Scanreading D Readthe advertisement and answer the questions. 1 W ho can apply for a gap-year placement, and when? 2 W hat are the four benefits of a gap-year placement mentioned in the advertisement? 3 W hat kind of work is available? 4 Do you get paid/have to pay? 5 How do you apply? W a nt to cha nge the world, or just wa nta cha nge ? Whether you are still a student or already in work, a gap-year placement Is a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons, enhance your CV and step back from your studies or career to decide what you want to do with your life. Perhaps more Importantly, a gap-year placement Is the chance to do something concrete and tangible to help people in need In underprivileged areas of the world. Placements are designed for people over 17 years of age, and run for six or nine months throughout the world. All placements begin with an intensive orientation course to help you find your feet; for some countries, an optional ten-day Intensive language course ;s recommended. Participants work as volunteers in sectors such as education, conservation, medical support and care work. Food and accommodation are provided, but participants pay their own travel costs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 58 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA TheBusiness 2.0 Reading and discussion II Read the four descriptions of gap-year placements. W ith a partner, explain which one(s) you'd prefer to go on, and why. W hy wouldn't you like to go on the others? Care W ork in South Africa Population: W riting and roleplay o You are going to take turns interviewing and being interviewed for www.qapyearplacernent.orq, First complete the application form, then follow the steps below. applic atio n fo rm 45 million 11 official languages, including English and Afrikaans Placement: Schools for 4 to 18 year aids with special needs Job: Classroom assistant in a special needs school, providing classroom support and working on an individual basis with children with mental and physical disabilities. W orking week: 45 hours, some evening duties. Official Language: www.gapyearplacement.org Name: __ Current occupation: A _ Describe your previous participation in any organization, your experiences in other countries and your contact with persons of other nationalities, B races and cultures. What are your main reasons for spending a year abroad and why have you applied for a gap-year placement? C What is your preferred destination Conservation in Malaysia Population: Language: and type of Care W ork in Costa Rica voluntary work? Population: 2 3 4 5 Divide into A Groups and B Groups of four students each. Three students from Group A interview one student from Group B. At the same time, three students from Group B interview one student from Group A. Use the completed application forms above (and CVs, if available) for the interviews. When the first interview is finished, a different person from each group goes to the other group to be interviewed. The interview panel will, therefore, be slightly different each time. When all the interviews are finished, decide in your groups which candidates have been successful. Group A and Group B join together and give the candidates feedback on why their applications PAGE 155 Glossary have or have not been ecosuccessful. find your feet step back tangible underprivileged 4 million Spanish (Indian languages and Patois also spoken) Main Religion: Roman Catholic Placement: Care work Job: Care-work placements in homes for children with disabilities or orphanages: assisting individual children, organizing activities, helping with lessons or assisting at meal times. Intensive Spanish language course recommended. Official 1 24 million Bahasa Melayu Main Religion: Islam Placement: Conservation work Job: Various conservation projects: construction and maintenance of trails, identification of species, eco-tourism projects, organic farms, animal sanctuaries, turtle-conservation projects. Work is physically demanding. Official Language: Teaching in Tanzania Population:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK 37 million - over 129 tribes Language: Swahili and English Main Religion: Christianity and Islam Placement: Teaching in primary or secondary schools Job: Teaching five days a week: all subjects, including sport and drama. Participants must have excellent English. Four weeks' school holidays per year. Official ,"..B us ine s s zyxwvutsrqpon 2.0 59 R e vie wP roducts I a nd pa cka ging o Fill in the m issing vowels in these adjectives. 2 an important, 1 2 3 a detailed instruction about how something should be made~~~~ an advantage that you get from something ~~~~ the job that something is designed to do _ Today's marketplace is highly c_m p_t_t_v _. Packaging has to be _ttr _c t_ v _, _ff_c t_ v _ and d_st_nct_v_. Packaging is cr _t_c_1 to make sure there is _ ff_c __ nt use of I_m_t_d shelfspace. An _r _g_n_l idea can turn out to be _mpr_ct_c_l for reasons oft_chn_c_l limitations. 3 I 3 4 o Com plete the sentences using words from the box. chance needs 1 2 communication process sale field solution issues view Packaging is the manufacturer's last ~ to seduce the customer. Many products are identical from the consumer's point of _ III Join the sentencesusing who (for people), that (for things) or whose. 1 Here's the email. I got it this morning. Here's the email that I got this morning. 2 Here's the email. It arrived this morning. 3 The team leader is an interesting Spain. 4 The team leader is an interesting man. I met him yesterday. man. He comes from 5 The team leader is an interesting man. His background is in IT. 3 Most purchasing 4 The principal problem is a lack of between the people involved in the design and development o 5 There are different groups of experts, all working in their own specialized _ Production people know nothing about consumer o 1 A cycle for developing a product is a product development cycle. The manufacturing people deal with the technical ____ as and when they arise. Our task forces can deliver an optimal week, sometimes less. 2 3 A document that shows you have insurance for travel is zyxwvuts a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ A concept for the design'of packaging is a ~ __ ~_ 4 A product used for cleaning households is a 6 7 8 decisions are made at the point of III Put brackets around any exam ples of who or that that are not necessaryin Exercise6. one D In each set of four below, m atch a verb on the left with a phrase on the right to m ake collocations about product developm ent. 1 2 3 4 generate screen out launch draw up the product onto the market new ideas in focus groups specifications for the product unfeasible or unprofitable ideas 5 6 7 8 conduct draw go into test production on a large scale after tests market studies sketches and build mockups the product by using it in typical situations II Fill in the m issing letters to com plete these nouns about dim ensions. 1 2 3 4 It's 45 cm long. It's 31 ern wide. It's 8 em high. It weighs g kg. Its l_ _ _ _ _ _ is 45 em. Its w_____ is 31 cm. Its h _ ---Its w ______ is 8 cm. is g kg. o M atch each word in the box with its definition 1-5. Then translate the words into your language. benefit feature function USP (unique selling point) specification 1 the thing that makes a product special or different from others _ 60 4 5 interesting or typical part of something M ake noun phrases from the following definitions. _ o Choosethe correct word(s) to m ake phrases for a product presentation. 1 After that, I'll go / go on to present ... 2 And now, if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer / respond them. 3 My reason / objective today is . 4 Final! Finally, I'm going to . 5 First of all, 1 / I'll talk about. 6 Thank you for listening! your listening. 7 I've divided my presentation by I into three sections. 8 Please make I feel free to interrupt me. g So, in summary, these are the reasons I motives why I am asking you to . [[!] Put phrases 1-9 from Exercise9 into the order that you would probably hear them . m Rearrangethe words to m ake diplom atic phrases used in a m eeting. 1 can I to / that I later I come I back / we? 2 we / want I to I go / in I that's! not I sure. 3 I the / more I mind I of I thing! II had I in I kind. that's zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH a / direction I I'm I tt- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business a.o R e vie w- 4 I C a re e rs D Finish each phrase about careerswith the best collocation from a-h. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 make a career reach your long-term prefer money rather than job learn new gain get a performance-related send off a job apply for a gap-year a) b) c) d) e) 1) g) h) application bonus choice experience goal placement satisfaction skills D Fill in the m issing letters in these words which all have a m eaning sim ilar to goal. 'I. 2 3 clear! annual/production! sales t s limited! clear / specific / business 0 the overall / main! sole / underlying __ m s D M atch each word in the box with its definition below. Then translate the words into your language. aptitude background experience know-how knowledge skill knowledge that you need to be able to do something 2 3 information that someone knows _ an ability to do something well, especially because you have practised it _ knowledge or skill you get from being in different situations _ the type of education, experience and family that you have _ a natural ability to do something well or to learn it quickly _ 5 6 II The expressionsin the Put each verb into the correct form : present sim ple (do / does), present continuous (am / are / is doing), present perfect (have / has done) or past sim ple (did). Eachform is used twice. 'I'm really busy this morning - I (1) (interview) three candidates for that sales job - the second one is outside now. Yesterday was even worse. I (2) _ (interview) five candidates in two hours, and none of them were any good. Let me see, over the last ten days I think I (3) (interview) 16 candidates. Just imagine! And every time I (4) (interview) someone there's a cv to read, questions to prepare, records to keep. It just never ends. Right now, ] (5) (need) a break. (6) (anyone/see) that travel brochure about holidays in the Seychelles? I know I (7) (put) it somewhere. Wait a minute. There's no-one here. I (8) (talk) to myself.' o Put each verb into the correct form : present perfect (have / has done) or present perfect continuous (have / has been doing). 1 1 4 o box refer to losing your job. 2 I ____ (write) my CV all morning, and finally I (finish) it. (write) four job applications this week. One day I must get lucky - I (try) to find a job for ages. 11 M ake nouns from the adjectives and verbs below. 1 2 3 4 S 6 strong (adi) weak (adj) responsible (adi) perform (v) commit (v) achieve (v) _ _ _ _ _ _ o Use each noun from Exercise8 to com plete these questions from a job interview. Som e have a plural form . be dism issed be fired be laid off be m aderedundant be sacked 2 1 Which three suggest it was your fault? 3 -----'-----1----- 2 3 Which of these three is more formal? Which two expressions suggest it was not your fault? 4 4 ---,--Which of these two is British English? S _ II Fill in the m issing letters in these words about careers. 1 2 3 4 S 6 6 What are your main functions and duties in your present job? What are your ? How does the company know you are doing a good job? How do they measure your ? What are the positive things you can bring to the team? What are your ? And what would you say are your ? Come on, be honest now. What is the one thing you are most proud of in your ? present job? What is your greatest If we offer you this job, what kind of will you have to the company? Will you be looking for another job after a year or two? be sh -li d for a second interview re n from a job because you have a better offer in another company a d an interview on Friday morning be p d to a more senior position after some time in the company be h __ ed by a company after a successful interview ---s for a job in a company a__ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA rill' Business 2.0 61 5 II> M aking de als online and offline retailers 5 .1 About busine ss II> social networking in retail R e ta iling D iscussion D In small groups, discussthese questions. Inte rne t re s e arc h Visit two or three of these sites: Foursquare. com, Booyah.com, 1 2 Do you prefer shopping in a bricks-and-mortar store or online? Why? Do you do research online before buying in a store, or look at products in store before ordering online? Does it depend on what you're buying? Have you usee services like Facebook Places and Foursquare? How do you see the future of retailing? Is there room for both bricks-and-mortar and e-commerce? 3 4 Shopkick.com, Stickybits. com, Gowalla.com, Loopt.com, Brightkite. com, Facebook Places. Which service appeals to you most? Why? S ca n re a ding o Readthe article opposite quickly and choose the best summary. Retailers are using Internet services a) to attract social networking users to their websites. b) to improve their conversion rates by having customers scan bar codes. c) to acquire data about customers and their lifestyles. d) to increase foot traffic and make personalized offers. R e a ding for de ta il D Readthe article again and decide whether these statements are T (true) or F (false). The advantage offline retailers have over online stores is that they can easily know who their customers are and adapt to their needs. 0 Visitors to an e-commerce site are more likely to make a purchase than people who walk into a store. 0 Smartphone apps allow users to tell their friends where they are in return for exchanging information with retailers. 0 Manufacturers could increase sales by persuading shoppers to handle their products. 0 Big brands are unconvinced about the efficiency of using social media apps. 0 Competing to collect virtual titles can become an obsession for some shoppers. 0 2 3 4 5 6 D iscussion D Explain the significance of the following phrases: e-com m erce doesn't let go easily (line 4) app-m ania cam e flying to bricks-and-m ortar's rescue (line 11) all-im portant foot traffic (line 19) if that seem ssom ehow less than essential (line 27) pow erfully addictive experiences (line 58) to hook users into a self-perpetuating race to ... their individual identity (line 60) Liste ning 11 ~ 2:07 Listen to a shopper answering questions in a survey on social media and shopping. Complete the questionnaire. How zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA interested are you in services like Facebook Places and Foursquare? Please give each option a rating between 0 (no interest) and 5 (very interested). 1 2 3 4 5 Glossary checking in to shopping venues so your friends know where you are 0 winning gift certificates or prizes after a certain number of check-ins D receiving information on special deals from stores D checking in to a product by scanning a bar code D becoming the mayor of your favourite coffee-shop or the queen of lipstick 0 PAGE 155 bricks-and-mortar claws hit D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D Interview a partner. Ask questions to complete the questionnaire in Exercise5. Compare and discussyour answers. 62 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA It» Business 2.0 R e ta i finds its ne w be st frie nd in socia l m e dia m a rke ting EVERY ONLINE SHOPPER knows that a single internet purchase will be followed by an uninterrupted stream of offers tailored to their profile and tastes. Once it's got its claws into your digital 10, e-commerce doesn't let go easily. 5 Make a cash purchase in a mall on the other hand, and you leave the retailer none the wiser about who you are, what kind of products you prefer or whether you'll ever set foot in their store again. Until very recently, offline stores were at a distinct 10 disadvantage when it came to knowing their customers. But just when the retail battle seemed almost lost, app-mania came flying to bricks-and-mortar's rescue. The consumer's love-affair with smartphone apps has not only saved physical retail's bacon, it may even be turning the tables in its favour. 15 Because in-store conversion rates are far higher than the very small percentage of e-commerce hits that actually make a sale, if apps get shoppers through the door, high street stores know they're winning. So just how is app-mania boosting that all-important 20 foot traffic? Old friends like Facebook and new services like Shopkick and Foursquare provide offline stores with online data on their visitors by encouraging users to check in via their apps as they move around town. Stores and service outlets can track consumer behaviour, recognize returning 25 customers and send them personalized offers. In return, app users can let their friends know exactly where they are and what they're buying. If that seems somehow less than essential, they can also collect points, and win vouchers and prizes. 30 Other new services are taking advantage of smartphone technology and real-world store visits to push individual brands and products. Services like Barcode Hero® and Stickybits™ invite users to compare prices, post product 35 40 45 50 55 60 reviews and win prizes by scanning bar codes in stores. 'When we get a pack or a can off the shelf and into the consumer's hands, there's a very strong chance they'll actually purchase that product, enjoy it, and become a regular customer' says a brand manager for a household name in food products. After an initial period of scepticism, the majors have been persuaded to get involved by serious user numbers (Foursquare has over three million). High street retailers like Walgreens, Starbucks" and Gap® and service providers like American Express® are running app-based campaigns, while major brands like Pepsi, Lipton and Campbells® are also investing in social media. With a potential one billion Facebook users checking in to local businesses through 'Facebook Places', physical retailers can finally compete with e-commerce on equal terms. SaVV'j shoppers however have already seen loyalty cards, coupons, stamps and air miles come and go: will they be willing to keep checking in to venues and scanning bar codes? The results of new marketing concepts borrowed from digital gaming suggest they will. One of the strongest motivators in social media is status and identity: collecting points to obtain virtual titles like 'duchess of books' or 'queen of lipstick' combines the powerfully addictive experiences of social media, interactive competition and shopping, allowing high street names and big brands to hook users into a self-perpetuating race to connect to others and affirm their individual identity. Like it or not, virtual browsing and real world shopping are converging; In social media marketing, reta'll has found its new best friend. J • ~ n",B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0 63 5 M aking de als ... collocationsfor negotiating ... e-tail transactions D iscussion o Inte~et re se arc h 'You can do everything in an e-store that you can do in a high-street store, except touch the product: Do you agree? W hat can you do in an e-store that you can't do in a high-street store? Search for the key words zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C olloca tions. principled negotiation Com plete the collocations for negotiating by choosing the correct noun from the boxes to find out about a for each group of three verbs. popular approach to negotiation. o a discount an order a price a proposal the benefits the details place bring down take quote fill state grant see sort out m ake 4 sell discuss explain 2 askfor 5 firm up go over a com prom ise subjectto open to offer a deadline a deposit require costs fee 8 an annual an entrance hidden m eet seek fixed m iss extend _ a m onthly put down 10 6 negotiation under extra _ reject pay 7 3 11 offer 9 12 find Liste ning zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o~ 2.08-2:15 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Listen to eight extracts from negotiations. W hat's happening in each case? Com plete the descriptions with an appropriate verb or expression from Exercise2. Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract 1: A supplier is an order. 2: A buyer is trying to the price. 3: A buyer is a bigger discount. 4: A seller is a proposal. 5: A negotiator is saying that availability is open to/subject to _ 6: A seller is asking the buyer to deposit. 7: A customer is complaining that a supplier has deadline. 8: A negotiator is a compromise. W rite two similar extracts illustrating two more of the collocations. Read them to a partner, who should try to identify the collocations you are referring to. 64 T/;I' Business 2.0 P ronuncia tion D ~ 2:16-2:20 Liste n to the se phra se s you he a rd in E xe rcise 3 . E a ch conta ins e xa mple s ofzyxwvutsrqponm '~/(schw a), the ne utra l sound use d for unimporta nt, unstre sse d sounds, for e xa mple the first a nd la st sounds in the word zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA a nothe r. U nde rline the /d/ sounds in e a ch phra se . 1 2 3 five hundred at 12 euros a box two and a half thousand an extra 2% 4 5 five or six weeks a year We usually ask for 20% now. N ow pra ctise sa ying the phra se s with the corre ct pronuncia tion. o P ut the se ste ps in a n e -ta il tra nsa ction into the corre ct chronologica l orde r. o The product is shipped to the customer's address by mail or express carrier. o The seller exchanges the product or gives a refund. o The customer goes to the check-out and pays by credit card. o The website records the transaction and generates an invoice. o The customer selects the product and places it in a cart. o The customer sends the faulty product back under guarantee. D The customer's credit card account is debited. o The customer clicks on the link to the seller's site. o The customer browses the site and identifies the product which interests him. o The website sends an instruction to the warehouse to ship the product. o o ~ I ... INBOX In e a ch e ma il, corre ct the words in bold which a compute r virus ha s mixe d up. I REPLY" o t FORWARD .. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the service from your lowlowprice.biz website. Last month I ordered a DVD;you then took three weeks to ship the (a) site . While I was waiting for delivery, I browsed another (b) product, which advertised the same DVD for only half the price. I have also prrced the (c) cre dit on several other sites, all cheaper than yours. Finally,when I checked my bank statement, I noticed that you have debited my (d) product card twice! Please correct this error as soon as possible. Mary Brotherton e k8J ... INBOX REPLY .. ' FORWARD .. Dear Ms Brotherton, Please accept our apologies for the errors you have experrenced. Unfortunately, our computer recorded your (a) link twice, and therefore generated two (b) re funds. Usually our prices are the lowest on the Web; when this is not the case, we are happy to give full (c) product. Please send the (d) tra nsa ction back and we will credit your account for the full amount. (Click on the (e) invoice s below for the return address.) Customer Service Department www.lowlowprice.biz D iscussion o T e ll a pa rtne r a bout a time whe n you ha d difficulty re a ching a n a gre e me nt in a ne gotia tion with some one . T a lk a bout the diffe re nt sta ge s in the discussion, a nd if a nd wha t you e ve ntua lly a gre e d. U se the words a nd the e xpre ssions in the box to he lp you. be prepared to clarify consider discuss point out propose reach an agreement --~~----------------------------------------------------- !I" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc Business zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0 65 5 M aking deals .... If + present simple + w ill 5 .3 G ra m m a r C onditiona ls a nd re com m e nda tions .... If + past simple + w o u ld .... re co m m e n d , a d vise , D iscussion D Read the questionnaire and think about your answer to each question; be careful to use the correct grammar structures. Then, with a partner, compare your answers; tell your partner if you think their answer is right or not. su g g e st Refresh y o ur m e m o ry First conditional + present sim ple, + w ill + d o li kely future events if (th e n ) .... Grammar and practice page 130 C ustomer care questionnaire Second conditional + past sim ple, (th e n ) + would + do unlikely future events if Y ou've just sta rte d a ne w job se lling sportswe a r a nd e quipm e nt. .... Grammar and practice page 131 W hat do you advise when a customer can't decide between a cheap and an re co m m e n d /su g g e st! expensive product? a d vise W hat do you say if a customer asks for a discount? recom m end/suggest som ething W hat do you recommend doing if a customer is angry? recom m endlsuggest W hat would you do if a customer injured her foot by som ething to som eone dropping weight training equipment on it? zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM recom m endlsuggest (not) doing som ething 0 W hat will you do if a customer breaks a valuable piece of equipment? 0 W hat would you say if a recom m end/suggest (that) som eone do som ething customer said you knew nothing about sport? advise som eone (not) to do som ething advise (not) doing som ething II W hat do you suggest doing if a customer asks you for your personal phone number? .... Grammar and practice page 131 IJ W hat would you do if a customer complained about your attitude? 0 W hat will you do if you accidentally shortchange a customer? 1m W hat would you do if a customer made racist or sexist remarks? ED W hat do you recommend if a customer brings back a set of golf clubs and demands a refund? IE W hat would you do if you saw a customer steal some expensive running shoes? EEl W hat do you do if the item the customer wants is out of stock? ED W hat will you say if a customer asks why your prices are higher than online stores? Em W hat would you do if a customer left their credit card in the store? 66 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I he B usiness 2.0 t Inte r.ne t re s e arc h Search for the keywords R e form ula ting o Reform ulate these sentencesusing the words in bold. 1 We can only deliver by 1 July if we receive a 30% deposit within ten days. (unable, unless) W e are unable to deliver by 1 July unless we receive a 30% deposit within ten days. negotiation quotes to find quotations negotiating about by experts and fam ous historical figures. 2 Our production manager will agree to make the changes, as long as you supply a prototype. (willing, providing) 3 We might consider a larger discount, on one condition: that you pay in advance. (reluctant, unless) 4 We would not wish to sponsor the exhibition unless we had a large stand in the entrance hall. (prepared, but only if) 5 Providing we can get the sub-components in time, we will be able to meet the deadline. (unless, impossible) 6 If, and only if, several other top CEOs were present, our president would agree to attend. (as long as, available) D iscussion o W ith a partner, ask and answer these questions, following the exam ple. 1 Would you recommend working abroad for a few years and, if so, where? I would certainly recom m end it, providing it was a good career m ove and, personally, I would suggestgoing to an English-speaking country. W hat do you think? 2 Would you advise working for non-profit organizations and, if so, which ones? 3 Would you recommend that people work part-time? 4 How would you advise a manager who wants to be popular? 5 What do you suggest young people do to become millionaires? Liste ning o ~ 2:21 Two colleagues in a salesdepartm ent. Jan and Petra, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV are negotiating a list of responsibilities they have to share. Listen and write J (Jan)or P (Petra) next to the points they agree on. o tennis tournament with customer o run exhibition stand in Kazakhstan o conference in Madagascar o team-building course in Siberia o relocate call centre manager to India o take holiday in August o take holiday in January o open office at 6am o close office at lOpm o supervise intern for six months o share office with PR Manager N e gotia ting o zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA W ith a partner, try to negotiate an agreem ent on the rem aining points in the list above. Ibe zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 67 5 M aking de als ... negotiating technique 5 .4 S pe a king N e gotia tions - ba rga ining ... expressionsfor bargaining and offers D iscussion ... roleplaying a negotiation o In one minute, negotiate the sale of your bicycle/computer/musical instrument/other item to a partner. Did you win or lose the negotiation? W hy? Is there always a winner and a loser? Liste ning o ~ 2:22 Listen to Part 1 of a negotiation 1 2 3 4 5 6 and answer the questions. What does Harry Petersen's company do? What services are included in the package Ingrid's company offers? How does Harry intend to deliver products? How will Holman Multimedia charge for their services? What are the advantages for Harry of working with Holman Multimedia? What is the next step? D ~ 2:23 Listen to Part 2, Version 1. W hat important mistake does Harry make? II :;2:24 Listen to Part 2, Version 2 and answer the questions. 1 How has Harry improved on Version I? 2 What conditions does Ingrid ask for to: bring down the monthly fee? guarantee a maximum down time of 24 hours per month? have the site up and running by next month? 3 What terms do Harry and Ingrid agree? D ~ 2:24 W ith a partner, find suitable words to complete the useful expressions for bargaining in the checklist. Then listen again and check your answers. U se ful e xpre ssions: Ba rga ining Tentativeoffers I might be able to bring it down a little, but _ if we had a three-yearcontract. I might considerreducingthe price if you increasedyour order. Compromising W ould you agreeto a compromise? Isthat an acceptablecompromise? ... let's the difference. Firm offers I am readyto sign a contract today if you can guaranteethe price for two years. ... so we're happyto guarantee lessthan 24 hours per month, as ____ asyou chooseour platinum servicelevel. I can pay six months in advance,on that you havethe site online in two months. Counter-offers I'd be to agreeto a three-yearcontract, you could guaranteea maximumdown time of 24 hours per month. I supposewe do it, providing you a year's fees in advance. It would be difficult for me to increasemy order unlessyou guaranteedthe price for two years. W hich tenses are used in the condition (if/u n le ss) clausesof the tentative offers, counter-offers and firm offers above, and why? 68 1h . zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Ba rga ining Inte rne t re s e arc h IJ Work with a partner to negotiate the following situations. Change roles for the second negotiation. Search for the keywords cross cultural negotiation to find out 1 Student A: You have to give a presentation to the sales team tomorrow morning, but you booked an important client meeting at the same time. Ask B to give the presentation for you. how cultural differences Student B: This is the second time this has happened in two months. You think A should be more organized, so if you agree, negotiate something valuable in return. affect international negotiations. 2 Student A: You have to work with an auditor on Friday afternoon, but your boss has booked you on an all-day training course. Ask B to look after the auditor for you. Student B: You were planning to take Friday afternoon off as you are going away for the weekend, so if you agree, negotiate something valuable in return. Usethe following format to structure your negotiations: StudentA Student B .. Ask a favour. / / Make a counter-offer. Propose a compromise. Make a tentative offer. Make a firm offer. Agree, go back to the beginning or break off negotiations. P ronuncia tion o Stressingkeywords is important in making clear that your first offers are tentative and hypothetical. Underline the two keywords that are stressedin each of these examples. 1 I might possibly be able to bring it down a little, but only if we had a three-year contract. 2 I might consider reducing the price, if you increased your order. 3 I'd be reluctant to agree to a three-year contract, unless you could guarantee a maximum down time of 24 hours per month. III ~ 2:25-2:27 Listen and checkyour answers in Exercise7. Then practisesaying each sentence. N e gotia ting D With a partner, practise negotiating an e-tailing package. Student A: look at the instructions below. Student B: turn to page 121. Student A Harry Petersen's Application Service Provider, Holman Multimedia, has gone out of business, taking with it Harry's site which was turning over a thousand dollars per day. Harry needs to hire a new provider. This time he is determined to negotiate a contract which will protect his business if there are problems. Harry has asked you to negotiate with another supplier, Easytail. He has given you a list of points to negotiate below.Try to obtain more 'Ideals' than 'Unacceptables'. Ideal Acceptable Unacceptable Set-up time < 3 weeks 3 weeks > 3 weeks Cost less than Holman same as Holman more than Holman Payment terms > 30 days 30 days < 30 days Contract 6-12 months 12-18 months > 18 months down time lead time package Penalties if site is offline > 50% of average turnover 50% of average turnover < 50% of average turnover reluctant tentative Penalties if contract is broken 2 months Glossary PAGE 155 50% of turnover for 50% of turnover 1 month for < 50% of turnover for 1 month l zyxwvutsrqponmlkji hc zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 69 5 - M aking de als - ,_- __ __ II> proposal structure II> options and contingencies II> w riting -- - a proposal 5.5 W riting A proposal D iscussion D D iscuss your views on mailshots and spam. M ark your position on the scale. They're a w aste of m oney. They make good business sense. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB ....f--f--+ ----'t---+ - ... M odel o 1 2 3 4 R ead the proposal below and answer the questions. What service does the proposal offer? Which four benefits does it offer? How much does the service cost? Why should the customer choose this provider? Dear Mr Bellows, As agreed, please find below a proposal for our PZpay Thank you for taking the time to talk to me by telephone today.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF merchant account, which I believe will resolve all YOUI online payment problems. Yourwebsite currently generates five to ten orders per day. You expect this ro increase steadily with the introduction of a new range of products. You are looking for a flexible, inexpensive and transparent payment system which will allow you [0 deal direcclywith your customers and control your cash flow. We recommend the PZpay Pro small business merchant account, which can process up to 75 orders per day. If your salesvolume were to expand more quickly than anticipated, you would be able to upgrade to PZpay Corporate with no additional set-up fee. PZpay Pro will gain prestige and respect for your e-business, since customers will make their credit card payments directly on your website. PZpay"is totally rransparenr, giving you total control of your sales, cash-flow and administration fees. In the unlikely event of a dispute with a customer, you alone would decide whether to refund your customer's payment. O U f charges are amongst the lowest on the market, meaning that your business will be more profitable from day one. We provide everything you need to set up PZpay on your website within 48 hours. Should you however encounter any difficulties, our help line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist you. With more than 1,800 satisfied members in 26 countries, PZpay is the fastest-growing merchant account provider on will be happy to put you in touch with other PZpay users in your region. the Web. IzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA The monthly fee for PZpay Pro is JUSt$12, with minimum transaction fees of only $10. You will find full details of our terms and conditions in the attached quotation. We look forward to having you as a member: to apply, simply fill our the application form at http://pzpay.com. If you have further questions, please feel free to call or email me. Sincerely yours, Clemmie A Buckton Inte rne t re se arc h S earch for the keyw ords how to write direct mail to find out m ore about w riting Ana lysis D R ead the proposal again and number these sections in the order they appear in the proposal. o Solution: State the options you recommend, and any contingency plans. o Benefits: Sell your solution by pointing out its advantages for the customer. m to sell. o o o o o Introduction: Refer to previous contact with your customer, state the purpose and contents of the document and summarize the objective of the proposal. Conclusion: Encourage the customer to take the next step. Qualifications and references: Justify your ability to do the job. Process and schedule: Explain procedures, lead time and after-sales service. Needs/Background: Review the reasons for the proposal and the customer's needs. Costs: Give a breakdown of the investment, or refer to a separate quotation. La ngua ge focus II Y our small business designs and builds multimedia websites. In small groups, supply suitable endings/beginnings for these options and contingencies. 1 If you would like to see similar projects we have managed, _ 2 In the unlikely event that you were less than 100% satisfied with the result, 3 Should you require on-site support, _ 4 , I would be delighted to organize a demonstration on your premises. PAGE 156 5 , we would provide a replacement while your server was repaired. G lossary zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 6 , our engineers can reform an upgrade on-site. cash flow 7 , we require a deposit of 25%. contingency _ plan m ail order m erchant account O utput o R ead the notes from a sales meeting with a prospect, and write a proposal to supply a new website. Invent any details as necessary. set-up fee Prospe.c.. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA t Ms NlAsv..-Wii£ilA'fII-s Go~P{;\1'1.(J 'Poste.r PlAssio1't' - tv..eljzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA seii. posters ot- pop sh.Y's) Y'oel( bO-1'tds} spoY'ts} e.tc .. blj 'fII-",ii odeY' lA1'td vilA tv..e. :I1'tte.r1'te. t. C.1Asto'fll-uS IAn zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA e.Y's.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 'fII-osHlj te.e.1'tIAO N e.e.ds C.1Arn1'tt we.bsite wlAS de.si(11'ted b7'\' IAt-rie.1'td -Ave lje.lArs 1A(10- ve.rlj stlAtic. lA1'td bOri1't1r' No 'fII-OVe.~1'tt} 1'tO S01A"I'ld. BIASiC.IAHljj1Asf IA C.lAtlAf0(11AelA1'td pY'ic..e.fist. SlAfes 1Are. droppi1't(1 - c.o'fll-pe.titors v..lAve.'fII-ore. i1'tteY'lAC-tive sites. WIA1'tts sO'fll-e.tki1't(1 'fII-0re. e.XC.iti1't(1 witv.. 'fII-1Asic.}(11Aide.d t01Ar) e+c., Pe.rv..lAps OIA'fII-e.sto IAttrlAc.t visitors? &ive. de.tlAifs ot- v..ow we. worK} re.t-e.re.1'tc.es} pric.e.s} e+e.. \)e.Y'7'\'c.o1'tC-e.Y''1''.e.dIAbo1At lAt-te.r-slAfe.s e.Xpt'lAi1't v..ow we. s1Apport tv..e.'fII- it- iA1'1.ljtv..i1'tO (10e.S wro1't(1' n,,,B us ine s s zyxwvutsrqpon 2.0 71 5 M aking de als zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA - zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA -~~------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ - ~ planning an incentive trip ~ negotiating 5 .6 C a se study - S t John's Be a ch C lub a package D iscussion o Som e com panies reward their best sales staff with gifts, trips or additional pay, hoping that such benefits will serve as an incentive to im prove sales.W hat do you think are the advantages of such sales incentive program s? Are there any disadvantages? R e a ding o 1 2 3 4 Readthe m em o and answer the questions. Who can go on the incentive trip? Is this the first time the company has organized such a trip? When and why was the memo sent? What sort of customers does the St John's Beach Club aim to attract? Ashton Pharmaceuticals - Memo To: All sales reps Re: Incentive trip Just a quick reminder that our top ten performers will win an all-expenses paid hoLidayfor two in the sun. As usual, our destination is the Caribbean, and this year we have chosen the St John's Beach Club if you haven't yet made it into the top ten, and you want to be in Antigua (see attached brochure). So zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA on the beach this December, there's still time to record really excellent figures in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR Q4! Good luck! Malcolm Roberts Sales Director 72 Jj,eBusiness2.o h Liste ning for de ta il Inte nne tzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2:28 Listen to a conversation between Malcolm Roberts and loretta Harding, CEO of Ashton Pharmaceuticals.Mark these statements T (true) or F (false), and say why. re s e arc o~ Search for the keywordszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA em ployee incentive to find out more about motivating employees. Hold a vote to see which incentives the class find most motivating. program m es 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The conversation takes place in Malcolm's office. Malcolm and Loretta are going on the trip. Charles is probably the Cf'O Last year's budget was about $26,500. Malcolm is going to negotiate with the St John's Beach Club. There will be between 22 and 26 participants. Malcolm hopes to stay in Antigua for ten nights. D ~ 2:28 1 2 3 4 5 Listen again and complete these sentences. Loretta would get to Imow the sales team better if If they only talked to one travel agent, Loretta thinks the agents may give a free upgrade if 1f they can negotiate a really good package, Malcolm They'll stay longer than a week if _ _ _ _ _ N e gotia ting ,._ eWorkbook Now watch the video for this unit. 11 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Divide into travel agents (A) and buyers (B). Eachbuyer negotiates with two different travel agents to get the best possible deal for Ashton Pharmaceuticals' incentive trip to the St John's Beach Club. When you have finished negotiations. compare your scoresto see who got the best deal. Student A: turn to page 115. Student B: turn to page 119. n-zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb Business 2.0 73 6 Co m pany and co m m unity ~ ethical corporations ~ CSRpolicies and programmes 6.1 About business C orporate social responsibility D iscussion D Brainstorm a list of groups of people a company has a responsibility towards. W hat conflicts of interest are there between the different groups? S can reading o R ead the credo below and identify the four groups of people that Johnson & Johnson prioritize. The Johnson & Johnson group manufactures companies health care products in over 200 5 7 countries. Their C redo, first written in 1 9 4 3 , has been a model for inzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA corporate social responsibility (C SR ) potlcles for over 6 0 years. O ur C redo We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers' orders must be serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair profit. 10 We are responsible to our employees, the men and women who work with us throughout the world. Everyone must be considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and recognize their merit. They must have a sense of security in their jobs. Compensation must be fair and adequate, 15 and working conditions clean, orderly and safe. We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfil their family responsibilities. Employees must feel free to make suggestions and complaints. 20 There must be equal opportunity for employment, development and advancement for those qualified. We must provide competent management, and their actions must be just and ethical. We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well. We must be good citizens - support good works and charities and bear our fair share of taxes. , We must encourage civic improvements and better health and education. 25 We must maintain in good order 30 the property we are privileged to use, protecting the environment and natural resources. Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit. We must experiment with new ideas. 35 Research must be carried on, innovative programs developed and mistakes paid for. New equipment must be purchased, new facilities 40 provided and new products launched. Reserves must be created to provide for adverse times. When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return. 74 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA tt, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA BusinesszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Inte rne t re s e arc h R e a ding a nd discussion o Read Johnson & Johnson's credo again and discuss what is meant by: 1 m aintaining reasonable prices (line 5) 4 just and ethical actions (line 22) Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2 m aking a fair profit (line 8) 5 our fair share of taxes (line 26) Sterbucks" bean stock and Starbucks standards 3 fair and adequate com pensation (line 14) 6 a fair return (line 40) business conduct or CSR to find out m ore about the social perform ance of other com panies. o Discuss the questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 relating to Johnson & Johnson's credo opposite. Which 'good works and charities' (line 25) should multinational companies support? What kind of 'civic. improvements' (line 27) should the company encourage? How should the company protect 'the environment and natural resources' (line 3D)? Are there any points in the credo you disagree with or items you would like to add? Does a credo really change the way a company operates or is it just good PR? Do small businesses have the same responsibilities as multinationals? Liste ning o~ 2:29-2:30 Listen to an interview with Estela Maldonaldo, who has built a successful chain of ethical beach cafes. an Argentinian entrepreneur Part 1 Listen to Part 1 and decide if the following 2 3 4 Beach Estela Beach Estela statements are T (true) orzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT F (false). Hut's cafes are well-known for their fair trade coffee. believes socially responsible businesses cannot pay shareholders a lot of money. Hut's founders wanted to demonstrate that big corporations have their priorities wrong. believes that happy customers make happy employees. Part 2 Listen to Part 2 and delete one incorrect item in italics from each statement. 1 Beach Hut reduces its carbon footprint by using solar panels / biodegradable packaging / hybrid vehicles. 2 Working with local businesses means Beach Hut can reduce transport costs / keep prices low / source quality foods. 3 Beach Hut's altruistic values are directly connected to its low taxes / good im age / healthy m argins. 4 The company's green image helps them find new custom ers / shareholders / em ployees. Listen again and complete the summary. Beach Hut helps to protect Argentina's (1) by giving staff time off work to run educational programmes for (2) . The company's image has been boosted by winning several (3) for environmentally friendly businesses; using these green logos on its (4) and (5) reinforces the message. In this way, Beach Hut has built a (6) customer-base despite a very (7) business environment. Customers value the fact that Beach Hut has a (8) strategy of building (9) businesses, not just looking for quick profits from a (10) model. D iscussion iii With a partner, discuss your reactions to these quotes from the interview: playing opposing roles as 'the capitalist' and 'the altruist'. take turns 'Are profit and social responsibility really compatible?' Absolutely' 'We've always felt that our employees should come first." 'We work with local businesses as much as possible... it makes good business sense.' 'Taking care of the environment and the local community is very good PR' 'Our customers are very loyal because they know we share the same values.' 'The short-term model just doesn't work - not for business, and not for society.' Glossary PAGE 156 altruism biodegradable credo hybrid sustainable virtuous circle IIII"Business 2.0 75 6 Co m pany and co m m unity zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA .- ..... ,-.-..~-:!~:-~~:'":o:- .. m eetings expressions .. adjectives for talking .. I 6 .2 V oca bula ry about ethics M e e tings CSRcollocations D - l" - - . -- .-~ ~ ~ 'Mee~ing5~ethiciillbehavioura ndrsoC ia l 'pe rform a nce ~ M atch up the beginnings of phrases you m ight use in a m eeting 1-12 with the endings a-I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I have received two---Has everybody received If we can't agree, I think we should take It's getting late, so I propose we close I think this would be a good time to break We have lots to discuss, so let's stick to a) b) c) d) e) 7 8 9 10 11 12 It's five past nine, so I'd better open Can we start by approving We seem to have reached That's interesting, but I think we're getting I'll just give out this Before we finish, we need to deal with g) side-tracked. h) any other business. i) handout. j) the meeting. k) a unanimous decision. 1) the minutes of the last meeting? o W hich phraseswould a copy of the agenda? the meeting, apologies for absence, the agenda, a vote. f) for lunch. you probably use: 1 at the beginning of a meeting? 2 at the end of a meeting? Adje ctive s D M atch the adjectives in bold in the article with the definitions below. as in the exam ple. E LAS T IC E T H IC S It zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON was Groucho Marx who said that if people didn't like his principles, he had others. And unfortunately, business people and companies are not always as reliable or as trustworthy as we would like. Product descriptions are frequently not as accurate as they could be, for example when listing ingredients used in foodstuffs. Service is not always as prompt as we expect, even in so-called fast-food restaurants. But it is perhaps in the world of advertising where ethical standards seem to be the most elastic. Advertisements are frequently deceptive and often confusing or deliberately misleading, sometimes making extravagant promises. No doubt advertisers are neither more dishonest nor any less altruistic than the rest of us; they do not often make obviously false claims. It's just that, like Groucho, they sometimes seem a little too economical with the truth. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 immediate or quick willing to do things which are not honest intended to make someone believe something that is not true appearing different from the way it really is able to be trusted as honest dependable complicated, not easy to understand not true having a selfless concern for others' well-being correct or true in every detail 7 6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA jf,e Business 2.0 prom pt r I C olloca tions a Finish these extracts from a guide to corporate social responsibility by completing each one with verbs from the box that collocate with the words in bold. contribute identify with think supporting PRO-ACTIVE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE For most companies, rather than (1) a different charity each year on an ad hoc basis, it is preferable to (2) long-term. It can be very valuable for a company to (3) _____ funds regularly. an issue which is related to its business, and to (4) obey uphold recognizing respecting ON-GOING SOCIAL PERFORMANCE Obviously a fundamental (5) of HR management is that companies should always the law. But above and beyond that requirement, duty to (6) standards (7) human dignity when there are problems, and (8) - .-- -------_ when staff perform especially well. -----Inte~et re se arc merit _------------- ........,..-_....- ....... ........... acknowledge they have a moral of common decency. This means for example compensate limit negotiate h zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB DAMAGE LIMITATION Search for the keywordszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA The company's first duty in the case of an accident is to (9) the impact of ethical and unethical _ business practices to the problem on its staff and on the community. It is then essential to (10) find out about the the problem: nothing less than total transparency will do. After the crisis has passed, kind of ethical issues management should allow sufficient time to (11) a settlement which will many businesses face (12) the victims properly. satisfy all parties and and the different ways of dealing with them. List the most important ones. D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o Work in pairs or small groups. If a company wants to be ethical and demonstrate corporate social responsibility, what specific practices and policies do you suggest this could involve in the following departments and areasof the business? Glossary PAGE 156 damage limitation extravagant misleading settlement R&D Production and Quality Marketing and Sales HR Purchasing Finance Draw up a list of guidelines and present them to the class. {h,.BusineSS2.1} 77 6 Co m pany and c o m m unity II> passive structures II> reported speech Re fre sh y o ur m e m o ry The passive be + past participle it does ~ it is doing ~ it did ~ it is done it is being done it w as done, etc. used when the person who does the action is obvious or unknown ... G ram m ar and practice page 132 Reported speech I've finished! H e said he had finished. direct present past ~ reported ~ past ~ past / past perfect present perfect ~ past perfect w ill ~ w ould when you report what someone said, move the original tense back in time II> G ram m ar and practice page133 T he pa ssive zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D In sm all groups, role-playa m eeting betw een angry stakeholders and a com pany spokesperson. Take turns to be the spokesperson. Stakeholders: using the notes provided, remind the spokesperson of all the allegations about the company's lack of social responsibility. Use active verbs to specify who is responsible and give your accusations more impact. 1 Town's water-supply deliberately polluted. Your factory deliberately pollutes our town's water-supply! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Toxic products manufactured, risk to workers' health. Salary increases promised, but still not paid. Redundancies anticipated, plans for compensation? Local suppliers paid very late, sometimes never paid. Enormous salaries paid to managers, but no investment in local community. Child labour used by suppliers. Local company taxes not paid. Pension fund used to buy Chinese competitor, nothing left to pay future retirees. Factory could be relocated to Eastern Europe to cut costs. Spokesperson: using the notes provided, acknowledge what is true in the allegations, but avoid taking responsibility. Use the passive to avoid saying Who is responsible. 1 The factory's activity does affect the water-supply,but R&D is developing solutions. Unfortunately it's true that the water-supply is sometimes being developed. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 affected, but solutions are now We do manufacture some restricted products, but we respect all government safety procedures. The HR manager did discuss salary increases, but the CEO has not confirmed them yet. We will have to make some redundancies, but we will compensate workers who lose their jobs. We have occasionally delayed payments, but we have always paid our suppliers. We have to offer top salaries to keep the best managers, they invest a lot of money in the local economy. Our suppliers employ young adults, but they have not employed children since 2010. We paid most of last year's tax bill, and the mayor has agreed to postpone payment of the rest. We did buy a Chinese company last year, but the Board plan to sell it again soon at a profit. We are discussing a possible relocation, but we won't take a decision until next year. R e porte d spe e ch zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o W ith your books closed, try to rem em ber as m uch as possible of w hat the spokesperson said. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA He/She said that the water-supply was sometimes affected, but that solutions were being developed. 78 T l« Bustness 2.0 D Inte rne t re s e arc h Read the three extracts from newspaper reports. Then say who made the 12 statements below and explain how you know this. W hat phrases helped you? Read the business pages of an online newspaper CEO KLAAS ROOS announced an end to manufacturing in Europe, informing shareholders that labour costs could not be justified, and explaining that Asian textile imports could no longer be matched for price. to find interesting com m ents and quotes from people and com panies in the news. Tell a partner what was said. Speaking to our reporter on the spot, M s Gronko explained that all villagers forced to leave their hom es by the new road would be com pensated. Asked to what level, she replied that she was unable to give a figure, but added that discussions were being held with local representatives. Journalists are reported to have been refused entry to Plazachem's Tashkent plant after leakages of toxic chemicals were described by workers. Employees claimed that health and safety regulations had not been applied for the last five years, and that several fatal accidents had occurred. Plazachem management declined to comment. Asked how the company intended to compensate the victims of the accident, Mr Sanchez answered that no decision had yet been reached. Emphasizing the complexity of the legal situation, he suggested negotiations may be protracted. 1 2 3 4 S 6 'It's just too expensive.' 'It's dangerous: people have died.' 'We're still talking.' 'It could take years.' 'I don't know.' 'It's really not simple.' 7 8 9 10 11 12 'It's too early to say.' 'They will be paid.' 'We are closing down.' 'Your request has been denied.' 'We can't compete.' 'I'm afraid he's unavailable.' Listening and reporting EI ~ 2:31-2:36 A manufacturing plant in Kassra. a small city in Libya. has just made 500 people redundant. Listen to six extracts from a conversation between Geoffrey Bullard. the Plant M anager, and Leila Belabed, a member of the mayor's staff. For each extract, decide how Leila reported to the mayor. using appropriate verbs. as in the example. 1 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA J com plained that 500 people had been m ade redundant and J rem inded M r B ullard that he had prom ised to create jobs for our city. D Explain these formal announcements to a foreign visitor in inform al language. 1 Protective glasses must be worn beyond this point. Y ou have to w ear special protective glasses from this point onw ards. 2 3 4 S Glossary PAGE 156 6 leakage protracted stakeholder Visitors are requested to use the stairs while the lift is under repair. Customers are advised that no refunds will be made without a receipt. Deposits will only be refunded after the return of all equipment to reception. All meetings are transferred to the training centre during redecoration of the conference room. Only expenses which have been approved by a manager will be reimbursed. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba 79 I h. B U S llle ss 2.0 6 Co m pany and co m m unity ~ expressions for meetings ~ disagreeing tactfully ~ roleplaying meetings 6 .4 S pe a king M e e tings - te a m work D iscussion D Discuss how acceptable you find the following gifts from a seller to a corporate buyer. a case of champagne a corporate pen a free sample of the product a free weekend 'seminar' on a yacht cash employing a relative lunch in a good restaurant Liste ning o~ 2:37 Listen to an extract from a management meeting about an ethical problem and answer the questions. 1 What did Mr Vieri do wrong? 2 What is the purpose of the discussion? 3 What do Stan and Jon disagree about? 4 What does Anna decide? D ~ 2:37 With a partner, find suitable words to complete the useful expressions for meetings in the checklist. Then listen again and check your answers. U se ful e xpre ssions: M a na ging Asking for clarification Asking for opinions What's your 7 Would you Sorry, I don't see what you 7 Do you have any on ...7 Persuading ____ Inmy Wouldn't you Don't you to think that ... ~ It to me that I strongly that TheBusiness 2.0 that ...7 Managing the discussion Do we all but ... in here? on that, then? The next on the agenda is ... Can we to the agenda? Perhaps we should for coffee. Could we ~ that ...7 . Interrupting Could I just ...7 . I see your but ... I agree up to a but ... I'm I can't agree. Sorry to _ So are you that ...7 When you say ... , do you Giving an opinion Disagreeing tactfully 80 m e e tings back to this later7 Inte rne t re s e arc h D With a partner, hold short meetings on the four issues below. Follow the structure provided. Take turns being A and B. 1 A vodka manufacturer offers to sponsor your end-of-year party. Do you accept? What are the essentials 2 One of your suppliers uses child labour in Vietnam. What should you do? of a successful meeting? 3 Advertisements for your product show only slim, beautiful people. Is that OK? Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 4 g o ld e n ru le s o f m e e tin g s Ethnic minorities and the disabled are under-represented in your firm. What can you do? to find out. Student B Student A Givean opinion. Ask 8'sopinion. he eWorkbook I(ow watch the video for this unit. Interrupt. Persuade. Glossary -: ---i..... -: ---i..... --_,..... Disagree. Ask for clarification. Managethe discussion. PAGE 156 civil servant disabled ethnic minority misconduct II Work in small groups. Hold a management meeting to decide what to do in the following casesof employee misconduct in your company. For each case,discussthe following. what action to take what corporate policy to adopt (if any) how you will implement your decisions C a se 1 C a se 2 Case 3 Mike Ho,a buyer in your Marieta Myska, a sales Joseph Fisher, a project purchasing department, accepted manager,obtained confidential manager,used company cash from suppliers. In return, he information about government resources and equipment to run ordered extra stock at higher than contracts by having a relationship a club for disabled children at average prices. with a civil servant. weekends. Tbe Business 2.0 81 l 6 - -_-_"-" Co m pany and co m m unity ---L ~ - .... the structure of reports and minutes .... linking words and expressions 6 .5 W riting - - - ~ R e ports a nd minute s D iscussion D Why should companies invest time and money in community projects? .... writing minutes M ode l o Mirratec Industries, a subsidiary of a multinational manufacturer of compressorsfor refrigerators and air-conditioning units, has a plant in the small Polish town of Bychawa. Read the report which Mirratec sent to Head Office, and the minutes of a management committee meeting at Head Office, and answer the questions. 1 What are the arguments for and against involvement in the community centre project? 2 What did a) Head Office and b) Mirratec decide? 8ychawa C ommunity C entre project Earlier this year Mirratec was asked to invest in a project to build a Community Centre in 8ychawa. As a rule, group policy is to give encouragement but only limited financial support to such community projects. However,in this case it was thought that the benefits to the company's imagejustified more active and extensive support, in particular after the recent difficult negotiations with the local authorities over the access road to the new workshop. Moreover,it was felt that employee involvement in the project would bring substantial benefits in terms of motivation and job satisfaction. It is therefore recommendedthat the company should contribute 50% of the funding; in addition, selected employees should manage key areas of the project during work time, such as design, fundraising and construction. Naturally,the project will require a high level of commitment from our staff in order to complete all stages on time, and it is hoped that department managers will be able to reduce staff workloads for the duration of the project. In conclusion, it is believed that the community and the company will derive numerous benefits from the project and that overall, the company's image within the community will be greatly improved. It is expected that an ongoing close relationship with the community will have a positive effect on two strategic areas of our development, namely expansion of our manufacturing facilities and recruitment of our workforce locally. M inutes of the M anagem ent C om m ittee m eeting, 15 A pril Attendees: Jan Navratil, MD; Ines Caba, Production; Christopher Taberley, Finance zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU l. Bychawa Community Centre. IN reported that the plan had been favourably received at head office. Even so, there were concerns about the size of the investment and the project's impact on productivity. But he stressed that group management were aware of the need for good relations with local conununities, and would support Mirratec's decision. Consequently, IN felt that they should go ahead. IC agreed that it was important to improve public relations, but emphasised the risks involved for production, for example, absenteeism and quality issues. She claimed that the project could become an excuse to take time off work, especially during the construction phase in the summer, CT reminded the meeting that only a sm all number of employees would be concerned. Obviously department managers would organize cover for any absences. In other words, production should not be affected. Furthermore, managers of other departments were very happy with the project on the whole. In brief, he suggested that the benefits in developing team spirit were clearly far greater than any potential risk to productivity. Finally,it was agreed that the project should be approved. 82 TheBusiness zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 A na lysis In te rn e tzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA re se arc h D Read the quotes below and answer the questions: 1 'It was thought that the benefits to the company's image justified more active and extensive Search for the keywordszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA email ethics and make support.' Identify five more impersonal reporting structures in the report in Exercise 2. notes about ethical practice in electronic wmmunication. Write a short report on your findings, using some of the linking words you studied in this module. 2 3 'IN reported that the plan had been favourably received at Head Office.' Identify seven more reporting verbs in the minutes in Exercise 2. Why are impersonal reporting structures used in the report, whereas active reporting verbs are preferred in the minutes? La ngua ge focus D Read the report and the minutes again. Underline the linking words and complete the table. Function Linking words Addition besides,mo Conclusion lastly, in c Consequence so, therefore, c Contrast but, h Equivalence that is to say,n ,in Example for instance,s as,f Generalization in most cases,as a Highlighting mainly, chiefly, in p Stating the obvious of course, n Summary to sum up, 0 o Replace the inappropriate , fur , in ad ,f ,e w 0 e ,on the w , es ,ob , cl , in b linking words in bold with a better choice from Exercise 4. Josiah Wedgwood was a pioneer in social responsibility, building a village for his workforce in 1769. For instance, his products combined technology with classical culture. More than a century later, George Cadbury developed social housing for his chocolate factory workers. As a rule, Cadbury's® became one of Britain's most respected companies. Both men were pioneers of corporate social responsibility. Overall, they were also accused of paternalism. Today, sustainable development policies aim to manage the effects of business on employees, the community, and, on the whole, on the environment. Multinationals like Shell are focusing on the idea of being good neighbours, naturally, by consulting local stakeholders before beginning new projects which may affect them. €Iossary PAGE 156 ~ive eenfield site .r.ernalism .ositivediscrimination O utputzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA III ~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.38 Listen to a later extract from the Mirratec Management Committee meeting as they move on to discuss the issue of diversity in Mirratec's workforce. Take notes. Then, with a partner, write a short summary of the discussion and decisions made. Use the minutes format on the opposite page. 7IJt'Business 2.0 83 6 Com pany and com m unity .. discussingcorporate image .. roleplaying a decisionmaking meeting .. writing a report on a meeting 6.6 Case study Phoenix D iscussion D Would you like to have a recycling centre near your home? Why (not)? Reading o Read the .Internet page about Phoenix and answer the questions. 1 W hat kind of corporate im age does the com pany try to project? 2 W hat do you im agine working at Phoenix is like? I Every year almost a million of Australia's ten million cars reach the end of their • Home • Spare parts useful lives. Phoenix provides a valuable community service by recycling over 75% of each vehicle. Phoenix's mission is to protect and preserve Australia's unique ecology. We • Recycling • Jobs with Phoenix take special care to ensure that hazardous materials and toxic substances are processed safely and securely with minimum risk to the environment or the population. • About us At all our recycling centres across Australia, we believe in being good neighbours. We believe it is our duty to treat customers, employees and suppliers fairly, to • Contact respect the local environment and to be involved in community causes. Internet zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA re se arc h R oleplay preparation Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Divide into three groups: IPort Katherine Planning Department, Port Katherine Residents' Association, and Phoenix. Use the Exercisesopposite (3, 4 and 5) to gather information for your group, in preparation for a public meeting (Exercise 6) to discuss the risks zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA the choice of site for a new recycling centre in Port Katherine. You will need to make in this a presentation at the meeting summarizing your views, stating which site you prefer and why, and explaining why the other sites are not appropriate. You should also be prepared to ask the other groups questions, and argue against their proposals if they conflict with your interests. automobile recycling contamination to find out more about and perspectives industry. r Liste ning o~ 2:39 listen to part of a meeting at Phoenix's head office in Sydney and answer the questions. 1 Why is Port Katherine a good choice for Phoenix's new site? Give four reasons. 2 What are the pros and cons of sites A, Band C from your group's point of view? 3 What do you think 'Operation Charm and Diplomacy' is? I PORT KATHERINE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON A State Highway N t --School R e a ding a nd discussion Hospital D In your groups, prepare for the I public meeting by reading a message and answering some questions. _- Town Square _- Group A - Port Katherine Planning Department: turn to page 116. Group B - Port Katherine Residents' Association: turn to page 118. Group C - Phoenix: turn to page 12l. Bus Station Harbour Park / B ~ ,.,o<tJ BusinesszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW l Park ~ o Readthe agenda. Then, in your groups, prepare your presentation and strategy for the public meeting. R ole pla y III Roleplay the public meeting using the agenda above. Agenda W riting o Write a short report on the meeting. Port Katherine Planning Department: write to Duncan Gillespie at the Lord Mayor's Office. Port Katherine Residents' Association: write to vour members. Phoenix; write to your head office in Sydney. 1 Welcome and introductions 2 Opening presentations • Phoenix • Port Katherine Planning Department • Port Katherine Residents' Association 3 Questions and discussion of the three possible sites 4 Summary and conclusion IGlossary hazardous resident resistance PAGE 156 R e vie wM a king 5 de a ls I D C om plete these paragraphs about e-tailing using the w ords in the box. 2 3 approach brow sers databank expectation eyeballs m erchandising purchase searchads w ebsite w eb chats ,. I 4 If you tell a retailer you want to buy something from them, you an _ If you finally get agreement after both sides had different starting points, you a _ If you automatically have the right to a lower price, for example because of the quantity you are ordering, then you a _ A Most visitors to a (1) don't actually buy anything, so simply having lots of (2) ' _ doesn't mean there will be lots of sales. In fact, if the site attracts visitors through paid (3) on Google or Yahoo!®, then bringing them actually costs money. B Customer service reps answer customer questions via on the site. When a customer engages live (4) _ in live chat with a sales rep, the average (5) doubles in value. C But instead of real customer service reps, many smaller e-tailers use animated characters that draw on a (6) of answers to commonly asked questions. E-tailers hope that the animated characters will turn (7) into buyers. D When someone is shopping at home, they have an (8) of privacy. Ted Martin, senior vicepresident for (9) and operations at Overstock. com, said: 'We're taking the conservative (10) _ right now, we don't want to be intrusive.' III Look at the seven options below . C rossout the three that can never be used. o C om plete this sentence about e-tailing using these Supplier: w ords: consent, privacy, tracking, violation. Research shows that most online shoppers consider (1) their navigation of a site without their (2) to be a (3) of their (4) If we increase; increased; will increase; would increase our order, do you give; will you give; would you give us a discount? o W hich version of the sentence in Exercise6 is appropriate if you w ant to show you are unsure about increasing your order (it's just a possibility)? W rite the w hole sentence. m W hich version of the sentence in Exercise6 is the m ost com m on - you are just asking a sim ple question? III C om plete the bargaining phrases in this dialogue using the pairs of w ords in the box. providing + agree if + increased unless+ guaranteed Customer: _ Supplier: D In each set of four below , m atch a verb on the left w ith a noun on the right to m ake collocations about an e-tail transaction. 1 look up 2 pay 3 place 4 click 5 6 7 8 browse debit send back ship a) b) c) d) on a link to get to the seller's site the product you want in a cart a product on a search engine by credit card e) the customer's credit card f) the product from the warehouse g) the site to find any interesting products h) a faulty product under guarantee &Ill 1 2 3 4 5 I might consider reducing the price (1) you your order. It would be difficult for me to increase my you the price order, (2) for two years. I might be able to guarantee the price, (3) you to a five-year contract. C hoosethe correct option. What do you recommend to me ; recommend me? What do you advise to do ; advise me to do? I suggest you; suggest ordering 500 pieces initially, and then perhaps more later. I advise that you; advise you to order 500 pieces initially. I suggested him; suggested to him that he should order 500 pieces initially. m C om plete the extracts from a businessproposal using D zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA The collocations below are useful in negotiating. C rossout the one verb in each group that does not collocate w ith the noun, 1 2 3 4 fill; offer; place; take an order ask for; be entitled to ; find; offer a discount discuss; go over; put on ; sort out the details make; put forward; put back; reject a proposal 5 extend; meet; miss; take a deadline 6 look for; meet; seek; reach a compromise D C om plete each sentence w ith a collocation from Exercise4. 1 I j 86 If you fail to do something by the agreed time, you _______ the _ the w ords in the box. agreed available below charges low est replacem ent require should unlikely w ish 1 As , please find a proposal to install a series of photocopiers. 2 you require on-site support, our engineers are ____ seven days a week. 3 In the event of a breakdown, we would provide a _ 4 Our are amongst the on the market. 5 If you to place an order, we a deposit of 25%. Tile zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Review 6 I C om pa ny a nd com m unity D T he com pa ny should apology for absence • • • recognize employees' merit. give fair and adequate compensation. provide clean and safe working conditions. break for coffee come back to this have any views • provide new equipment and new facilities. introduce the first item see your point • • • carryon research and develop innovation. encourage civic improvements. support good works and charities. stick to the agenda unanimous decision take a vote wouldn't you agree • • protect the environment and natural resources. avoid exploiting developing countries. • build a sustainable business. And e m ploye e s • ne e d to have a sense of security in their job. • have equal opportunity for jobs and development. • • feel free to make suggestions and complaints. feel they can align themselveswith the company's goals. Read the corporate above. Complete the declaration. social responsibility declaration 1-10 with words from the definitions the profit that a company makes for its investors 3 4 5 6 ld er 7 8 9 10 o money paid because someone is injured or has lost their job _ rooms and equipment that are provided for a particular purpose _ organizations that give help to people who need it B eginning Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Is everyone here? I have received just one (1) from Celia. OK, I think we can begin. Let's start by (2) __ of the last meeting. Any comments? They're quite straightforward, I think Good. Now, there is a lot to discuss today, so let's try to (3) __ . OK, who is going to (4) __ ? M iddle That's interesting, but I think we're (5) . Could we (6) later? OK. Now, Antonio, we haven't heard from you. Do you (7) on this issue? ... Thank you, Antonio, I (8) , but you have to consider the impact on our budget. (9) that there will be substantial costs if we do as you suggest? .. , OK, there seems to be a consensus, so we don't need to (10) __ . This would be a good time to (11) __ 'zyxwvutsrqp End Good, I think we've reached a (12) on this, Before we finish we need to deal with (13) ' Does anyone have any other issue that we haven't discussed? OK, I think we can (14) ' II Put each verb in brackets into the correct form, active the land, water and air that people live in _ or passive. The first two are present simple and the last four are past simple, treating someone unfairly in order to get a benefit for yourself _ 'The company (1) (try) to limit its impact on capable of continuing for a long time _ the environment, but sometimes mistakes (2) _ a situation in which people zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA have the same chances as (make). It is true that some radioactive waste (3) _ everyone else _ (lose) in transit last week, However, I am pleased to report things you say or write when you are not happy _ that we (4) (take) action immediately. The driver agree with and support publicly ( yourself of the truck (5} (find), and we (6} _ with): _ (dismiss) him after completing our enquiries, Press reports that he had been drinking are completely exaggerated.' Complete the sentences about ethical behaviour using the phrases a-h. o The company should ... 1 acknowledge any problem _' 2 act with integrity _' 3 compensate victims _' 4 limit the impact of _. 5 negotiate settlements _. 6 obey the law or _' 7 recognize merit when _' 8 uphold standards of _' meaning. a) b) c) d) at various approving the minutes close the meeting getting side-tracked n 2 of a chairperson Use the phrases in the box. any other business • D the remarks enhance shareholder value. r a Complete stages of a meeting. common decency any problem that exists which satisfy everyone e) I) g) h) Find pairs of linking with the same as a rule finally in conclusion clearly in addition in other words consequently in particular moreover especially in brief obviously on the whole that is to say therefore to sum up o W hich for any damage caused staff perform well towards employees face a lawsuit or fine words/phrases two words/phrases from Exercise 5 would you use to: 1 2 3 add a second point to support your argument? highlight one fact or point? _ make a generalization? _ _ i zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc i" Business 2,0 87 7 M e rg e rs and ac quisitio ns ~ the risksof M&A 7 .1 About busine ss ~ pros and consof taking over a business R isks a nd opportunitie s in M &A D iscussion D In financial Inte rne t re se arc h Search for the keywords surviving a m erger to read about people who have experienced takeovers and the advice they give. terms, what are the benefits and risks when two people decide to get married? Think about living costs, purchasing power, employment, tax, investment, entertainment, etc. How do you think the situation is similar or different when two companies merge? S kim re a ding o Readthe article opposite and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 Who are the students and why do they want M&A classes? What lessons do they learn? What are good reasons for mergers and acquisitions? What are the wrong reasons? R e a ding for de ta il o Readthe article again. With a partner, discusswhy these statements are T (true) orzyxwvutsrqp F (false). 1 2 3 4 5 6 Every year over 500 mergers and acquisitions in the US fail to deliver increased value. American executives are keen to get a share in multi-billion dollar takeovers. Executives wishing to attend M&A courses have to have an MBA. Experienced managers tell attendees about typical mistakes they have made. Because of the risks, business school professors do not recommend mergers. Shareholders can often only judge the success of their CEO's acquisitions policy several years after a takeover. 7 Austin says that empire-building, diversification and increasing debt are the wrong reasons for a merger. S According to Austin, many CEOs embark on mergers and acquisitions for irrational, emotional reasons. Liste ning for gist D ~ 2:40 Listen to an interview with Bernard Degoulange, an M&A specialist at Banque de Reims,who talks about choosing targets for acquisition. What are the five Gs? Liste ning for de ta il o ~2:40 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 According to Bernard Degoulange, what is the best reason for a merger? 2 Explain how he uses the example of champagne and whisky to show why external growth is necessary. 3 Explain each of the points summarized by the five Gs. 4 What opportunity does a merger offer the competition, and why is it possible? 5 Why is a merger a traumatic period according to Bernard Degoulange? 6 How does he say companies should help people get through this trauma? Glossary PAGE 156 due diligence gene homogenize open enrolment prestigious susceptible takeover bid turmoil D iscussion I'JzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA You are the owners of Bradburgers, a hamburger restaurant in your town. With your five employees, you have established a reputation for fast, good quality food, and the business is making a good profit. One of your competitors in the next street is Kadri's Kebabs, which sells takeaways and delivers kebabs to homes and offices. There are 15 employees. Kadri and his two brothers are excellent cooks, but poor managers; their kebab house is losing money, and is up for sale. What are the pros and cons of taking over the business?Think about the five Gs in particular. 88 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ne Business 2.0 Lessons in A SOME 1,500 TO 2,000 mergers and acquisitions are bought. In the turmoil of integration, your best engineers completed per year worldwide, of which around half are 30 and managers may be more susceptible to attractive offers in the US. With deals worth astronomical sums, ($25bn from the competition. for HP® Compaq, $35bn for Daimler-Chrysler, and $77bn There is no doubt that M&Ais a risky business. With a 70% plus failure-rate, you might think that B-school 5 for Exxon-Mobil.) it comes as no surprise that American professors would do well to discourage their students executives are queuing up to go back to school for M&A 35 from launching takeover bids. But you'd be wrong. classes. And although it's true that improving earnings Austin describes some of the other (good) reasons for and asset growth are not the only goals in takeovers, mergers and acquisitions: 'I suppose the most popular the fact that many mergers result in a net loss of value '0 suggests that schooling is sorely needed! reasons mentioned in CEOs' messages to shareholders are Every year hundreds of executives attend M&A courses developing synergies and making economies of scale 40 these are sometimes conveniently long-term goals! Other at prestigious institutions from New York to L.A. In these objectives may be increasing market share; cross-selling, 'open enrolment' classes, the only condition of attendance when for example a bank can sell insurance to its existing is your, or rather your company's, ability to pay the clients; diversification, if a company is perceived to be 15 fees: as much as $1,000 per day. At least that seems to too dependent on a niche market; or quite simply takingzyxwvutsrqponm demonstrate that the B-schools know something about 45 on debt, the so-called poison pill, in order to make itself improving earnings! a less attractive target for would-be buyers: So what do you learn in a week with America's top The bankers, brokers and lawyers will be pleased to finance professors? 'We aim to equip participants with 20 techniques based on best practice in the key areas of know there are still many good reasons to merge. But merger activity performance; says Ted Austin from the what about the wrong reasons? 'They mainly involve Delaney School of Business. 'WezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA cover all aspects of the 50 excessive pride or arrogance on the part of management; conception, planning, due diligence, negotiation and says Austin. 'Wanting to build too big an empire, too integration stages: Austin also draws on case studies and quickly, and overextending the financial, commercial and 25 guest speakers to illustrate some of the most common human capacity of the organization. These courses aim acquirer errors: over-valuation, over-confidence, 'underto help executives bring their CEOs back down to earth: communicating', and underestimating the value of your 55 learning to follow your head rather than your heart is the newest assets - the people in the company you've just key lesson in avoiding very expensive mistakes: 'A risky busine ss w ith a 7 0 % plus fa ilure -ra te .' TlJt'B usiness zyxwvutsrqponmlk 2.0 89 7 Mergers and acquisitions ... financial information 7.2 Vocabulary ... describing charts and Discussion graphs ... describing results and D Match these newspaper headlines with the extracts they belong to. Decide why the headlines are good or bad news. consequences I. -------- - . - -_'.::.:-J ~~'--------~--~~~--J J e Air New Zealand in the.bla_:J o After a series of expensive transfer deals the club has failed to meet financial goals. go under Titanic Enterpris.s The music firm was a hit with investors as record revenues matched expenses. o::oII,*", e o ,...__. ~ ~DS - ._... ........ CDVE~ ____ e"'""'" :~s~~J - _oM. South American shareholders were optimistic as the news filtered through of a probably return to profitability. ~~-- LIVERPOOL F.C. IN THE RED ...._.". .. I J ......,.__ The futurology specialists will report a miraculous return on investment at tomorrow's AGM. --------.-~~.~----------------~-----~~ G BRIZAL COFFEE BREAK EVEN .----- ..... --- --.-~ I0 e Profitability rose as sales of flights toJ rugby internationals took off. .".... o ..,.. '~~--~... .. As the company's stock sank to rock-bottom, chairman Leonard Caprio described it as 'only the tip of the iceberg'. -.-----_.,----_-.J Giving financial information o Readsentences 1-6 and a-f from a financial report. Mark each sentence to show whether the words in bold indicate an increase 71,a decrease ~ or stability 7. Which phrase means something else? 1 2 3 4 S 6 Last year our billings rose by 90%. Variable costs are falling. We expect fixed costs to stabilize. In 200 lour stock slid to a record low. Production costs fluctuate over the year. Liabilities reach a high when business is slow in August. a) b) c) d) e) OUf overheads should level off. OUf shares slumped during the crash. Our turnover almost doubled. Cost of sales varies from month to month. OUf debt peaks at the end of summer. f) Our operating costs are dropping. D Match each sentence 1-6 with a sentence a-f with a similar meaning. D Choosethe correct label, a or b, for each graph below. ,------~----------------------------------------------, o a) Salesincreasedby S3M. b) Salesincreasedto S3M. 90 n- Business 2.0 e a) Therewas a decreaseof 10%. I b) Therewas a decreaseto 10%. e a) Prices fell by €15. b) Prices fell to €15. o a) Therewas a rise of 30%. b) Therewas a rise from 30%. Inte m e t re se arc h o Match the causes 1-8 with the effects a-h in each set of four below. There was a considerable improvement a) as a result, debt will grow slightly. in the company's image b) the company enjoyed moderate growth. Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2 We plan to acquire new technology; c) a sudden surge in redundancies. tsulls and bears to find 3 As a result of its strategic alliances, d) thanks to a joint venture with a prestigious out about two types of 4 A wave of corporate raids resulted in American corporation. stock market investors . .vhat other 'animals' can you find on the stock markets? 1 5 6 7 8 After the merger, our profitability will improve significantly Due to lower labour costs, They saw a slight increase in sales Share prices often go up sharply e) profits will shoot up dramatically. f) as a consequence of their diversification into new markets. g) because of rumours of hostile takeovers. h) as a result of economies of scale. IJ The phrases in bold in Exercise 4 describe smallest (1) to largest (4). from different degrees of change. Put them 3 2 in order 4 g ro w s lig h tly Verb + adverb Adjective + noun o Complete the sentences answer. possible as a result as 1 2 3 4 5 6 as a result of a consequence below using phrases in the box. Sometimes resulted in thanks to as a consequence of due to because of The FTSE 100 fell again increasing economic Rumours of a merger Tenzin Pharma gaining Nidden PLC has successfully resisted a raid; Henry Halen climbed quickly excellent third Profit warnings from several computer companies JTL Holdings' Brazilian subsidiary went bankrupt. Which phrases explain causes? Which there is more than one introduce uncertainty. 6%. its price has levelled off. quarter results. significant drops in price. its stock fell to £22. effects? Liste ning for de ta il [) ~ 2:41 Listen to a stock market history. a. 120 D: 110 0 100 (.) ->< 90 en c( and complete the graph of Fraxis Corp's share-price 80 II> 70 ~ 60 D: 8 II. report 50 40 30 20 10 GIOS~a,~ be in the black bid filter through flotation 'TSE 100 rumour 1993 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 now forecast ---------------------.--------------------------~--~ P re se nting 11 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA With a partner. practise describing the information in a graph. Student A: turn to page 116. Student B: turn to page 120. it, zyxwvutsrqponmlk Bustness a.o 91 7 M erg ers and acquisitio ns ~ w ill and going to ~ present continuous ~ could, m ay, m ight, be 1 .3 G ra m m a r Arra nge m e nts, likely/unlikely, be bound to Refresh y o ur m em o ry Future forms w ill + do I'll open the w indow . instant decisions, predictions, future facts going to + do pla ns a nd continge ncie s D With a partner, look at Tom's diary. Talk about his arrangements, plans, and intentions for next week. Be careful to use appropriate future forms. On Monday, he's not working, so he'll probably sleep late. He might have breakfast at Starbucks'", and then he's going to clean his flat. It's going to rain. ~ ~ + plans & intentions, prediction based on present situation E-OIARY I \J am is/are doing Monday I'm seeing the doctor at 10.30. fixed arrangements for the future Tuesday .... Grammar and practice page 134 Day off work I Sleep late, breakfast at Starbucks? Must clean flat!! Eyedoctor 3.45. Go swimming later? Big match on TV; order pizza, invite Drive car to garage for service. Busto work? or walk if sunny. Marketing Presentation 2.00 '.' (don't forget to ask Kate for help with PPT) Pick up car 6.30 . Expressing likelihood .... Grammar and practice page 135 ---i Martin7 I Wednesday No meetings. Thursday Dinner with Ashley. Book nice Paperwork, prepare for Thurs, etc. restaurant, buy flowers! I" -- - -zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS ----+ ----------Customer visit. Lunch at The Tree(table booked) Train 7.30, arrive 9.30. lAsk customer about needs for next year. Taxito office, meeting 10.00 '. Hom_e_la_te_. _ '._ _ _ __ Friday Best day to ask boss about holidays? NB if Thursday successful. Finish early. Call Ashley if dinner went well. Saturday My birthday! 23 - that's really old! Buy food for tonight Birthday party at Tom's house. Let's dance! lf Ashley can't come, invite Kelly. sund;--tSieep? or play squash? Read newspapers Must phone Mum! I ~ I Help Tom clean up. Go for walk with Ashley (or Kelly?) if no rain. I If rain, cinema? o Tell your partner what's in your own diary/PDA/smartphone/head for next week. E xpre ssing like lihood D In small groups, take turns to make predictions about the things below. Use expressions from the table opposite to evaluate the probability of your predictions actually happening. 1 2 3 4 a sports event the economy in your country your next exam/test/evaluation the weather 5 6 7 8 the job market the next election next season's fashions your own predictions A.: I think Brazil will win the World Cup. B: No, it's unlikely.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C : There's no way! Spain are much stronger! B: [think there's a good chance that the economy is going to continue getting worse before it gets bette): A: Definitely. There's no doubt that the recession is going to carryon for some time yet. C: I'm not so sure. [ think we could see things starting to improve soon. 92 n- Business 2.0 it's unlikely there's not much chance it might just happen it's highly unlikely it's impossible there's no way there's a 50150chance it's possible it may happen it could happen it's likely there's a good chance it's highly likely it's almost certain definitely there's no doubt it's bound to happen - - -: . SCALE OF PROBABILITY HIG H Discussion o Work in groups of three. You are futurists. Choose a column each, A, B or C. Prepare a oneminute presentation discussing the likelihood of each event happening by 2050. Using the expressions from Exercise 3 again and take turns to present your views, answer questions and defend your ideas. A B c Everyonewill work from home. Everyonewill go back to university every ten years. Nobody will work more than three days a week. There will be a single world currency. Mobile cities will be built on the oceans. Virtual offices will be accessiblefrom anywhere in the world. There will be hotels and conference centres on the moon. The majority of senior managerswill be women. Chinesewill be the language of business. Listening InternetzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA re se arc h II ~2:42 Listen to a conversation between two friends at a party, and mark the future events in the box U (unlikely) or P (planned). Searchfor the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA s iv in T o ffle r to find out about this leading *uturist and his company'swork. o go freelance 0 start evening classes o stay at Artip 0 find a new job o Artip take-over 0 read the job ads o give up smoking and drinking o retrain as a marketing assistant Which arrangement has Ashley forgotten to mention? DiscussionzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA II With a partner, discuss your plans, intentions and hopes for the future. Talk about: the rest of the day this evening tom orrow the w eekend next w eek next m onth next holidays next term next year your next job the next 25 years your retirem ent. (It's never too soon to plan ahead!) J7,ezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY B usiness 2.0 93 7 M e rg e rs and ac quisitio ns ._ ._ --------------. ~ different visualaids ~ ~ - 7 .4 S pe a king expressionsfor describing visuals D iscussion giving a presentation~ D - - _- -- P re se nta tions - visua ls M ark these presentation tools E (essential) or N (non-essential) to a good presentation, then com pare with a partner and explain your choices. o a laptop 0 a video projector 0 a DVD player and TV 0 a laserpointer o a flip chart and pens 0 a blackboardand chalk 0 an interactivewhiteboard (IW B) o a set of handouts 0 a 35-mm slide projector 0 presentationsoftware Liste ning for gist o~ Listen to four presenters. W hat m istakes are they m aking? M atch extracts 2:43-2:46 1-4 with the tips for effective presentations a-d below. a) Don't put too much data on slides: no more than six lines of text, and no more than six words per line. D b) Too many visuals confuse the audience: don't overload them with slides. 0 c) Don't be too technical: adapt to the target audience, and don't read out text on slides. 0 d) Help the audience to understand by introducing, highlighting and explaining the most important information. D Liste ning for de ta il o :,2:47 Listen to a better presentation. W hich of the three slides a, b, or c below is the presenter describing? 0 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Iii 0 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 3 2 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA in 1 94 T!» B usiness 2.0 D ~ 2:47 Internet re s e arc h With a partner, choose the correct option in the checklist of useful expressions for presenting visuals. Then listen again and check your answers. What do the terms vertical and horizontal ntegration U se ful e xpre ssions: P re se nting visua ls mean? Find out about current trends in vertical integration in the music, drinks or TV ndustries. Introducing a slide or visual I'd like you to look at this slide. My next slide presents / show s / contains two charts... Let'slook / see I show at the secondchart. Highlighting Asthe graph shows, ... Asyou will m ark I notice I rem ark in the pie-chart, ... As you can perceive I see !Iook, after a merger ... Contrasting in contrastto .., compared w ith I regarding / in relation to almost half who said ... m oreover! notw ithstanding I w hereas it remainsabout the samein ... Explainingand interpreting The figures seemto recom m end! suggest I explain that ... Thisis because I resulting! due to a perceiveddrop . The resultsinvolve I indicate I interpret that retailers . as contrary / opposite / opposed to manufacturers... Thisis the result J reason J record of improved product quality ... P re se nting visua ls D The pie-chart shows how • housing • tra nsporta tion • food • dis po s able , i.e. he alth, inve stm e nts, typical Americans spend their income. e nte rta inm e nt, com m unica tion, sports, e tc. Draw two pie-charts, showing how you use your income today, and how you think you might use it in 20 years from now. In small groups, present your charts using the framework below. 1 2 3 4 5 Introduce the first chart. Highlight points of interest. Explain anything unusual. Interpret what your chart says about you and your lifestyle. Repeat points 1-4 for your second chart, and contrast the second chart with the first. P re se nta tion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o Work in groups of three. Your company, which manufactures tennis racquets, is looking for G lossa ry PAGE 157 crucial deteriorate disposableincome highlight overload a suitable takeover target in order to diversify and accelerate growth. Each person will present one company: decide together which is the best candidate for acquisition. Student A: turn to page 115. Student B: tum to page 117. Student C: turn to page 121. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba 95 I h,' Business 2 0 1 i M e rg e rs and ac quisitio ns - ~ form at of slides ~ being brief and concise ~ w riting slides presentation 7 .5 W riting .~... ~ --~ . -~ ~.... P re se nta tion slide s D iscussion o D ecide which two of the following slide. W hy not? backgrounds footnotes bold text italics you would not expect to find in a presentation bullet points logos paragraphs different photos fonts sound effects M ode l o R ead the three P owerP oint slides. W hich is the best way of presenting the information, and why? o o G uidelines fo r slides 1-2 slides/m inute info in points m ax 6/slide keyw ords only m ax 6 w ords visuals best 96 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA fIJ .. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B us ine s s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Inte rne t re se arc h Search for the keywords zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA :Jeath :0 find by P ow erP oint out more aoout the pros and rons of multimedia aresentations. Ana lysis D Compare slides A and B.Which words have been retained and what kind of words have been deleted in slide B? La ngua ge focus II Underline the key words in each extract to include on a slide about writing presentations. Then reduce each point to six to eight words. 2 3 4 5 One of the most challenging aspects of writing a presentation is the need to organize the information in a logical way. Choose attractive background and text colours that are comfortable for the audience to read. Presentation software can be fun to use. Be creative, but do not include too many effects which may distract your audience from your content. Make sure the text is large enough that the audience can read it easily from the back of the room. Also, use a standard font that is not too complicated or distracting. Use positive statements like 'The figures show . .' rather than vague language like 'The data could possibly suggest ... ' D Reducethis presentation extract to five points on one slide. 'I'm here this morning to present the three possible scenarios which, in our discussions with the bank and our consultants, we have identified as the three most realistic futures for our company. OW"first option is to do nothing: we know that the market is becoming more and more competitive, but if we are careful, we can continue to survive - at least for some years. Our second option is to borrow money to invest in new technologies in order, hopefully, to develop new, high-margin products for our existing customers, and for new markets. The third and final scenario is to launch a takeover bid to acquire Iticom, who already have the technology we need to enter those new markets immediately. Ladies and gentlemen, after carefully considering all the options, it is this third scenario which I intend to recommend. It is, of course, a high-risk scenario, but it is a scenario which holds enormous potential for our company.' "'" - O utput 1'1 Glossary PAGE 157 2:48 Listen to a presentation about Galway Software. Take notes on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats the speaker has identified, and his proposal. Then write slides to illustrate the presentation. bullet points distracting font vague W riting slide s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o Plan a short presentation on a subject of your choice and write a maximum of six slides. Exchange slides with a partner and give each other feedback. IIIzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO Business 2.0 97 7 ~ com paring M e rg e rs and ac quisitio ns ~_,...,...-.~-cc ~-_:---::--:-'~ .. I_1I!.-._ financial 7.6 Case study inform ation ~ ~ analysis of the viability of -..:: r Cali~to ~.... ~lI ................. '-~--'"~ ••- -.... --·_,,~-o. -- ,,......--~--. - ,r .~ I" • zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc "'--'-r'.:.~ 1 '.)'0 . ..,., - .. ' .-, .: ' c.: _ _".: !..._5-: I ,~ _ -- Discussion a m erger D Calisto, IM M and Reysonido sell musical instruments in Central America. Look at the figures and compare the three businesses. IM M S ale s FY FY·1 FY·2 (M $) (M $) (M $) 15 C o s t ~f S ale s - _ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~9 18 20 ~ -;:- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON =,<:~':'::jJ.5~-. o;[-=S9 - F j 1 0 - ----:9 9_ _ E BIT (1.5) REYSONIDO (M $) ro S~~ C o s to f S ale s 0 1 (M $) (M $) II U 4 4 .4 4 .8 0 0.6 1.2 ~~~~ E BIT (EBIT= earnings before interest and tax) Reading D 1 2 3 Read the newspaper article and answer the questions. How has Dylan achieved its impressive growth? What effect has it had on the market? Which company has adapted best to the new market leader? Dylan rocks instrument New figures yesterday confirmed the meteoric rise of Dylan Instruments to number one in Central America's musical instrument market (see charts). Panama-based newcomers Dylan, who have modelled their business on PC direct sales giant Deli, have pushed former market leader Instrumentos Musicales Mejicanos (IMM) into second place. Under the charismatic leadership market of CEO Abejundio Dylan, the firm has used slick marketing and aggressive discounting to capture market share from all its competitors. 'We aim to have 50% of the local market in two years' time,' trumpets Dylan. Competitors like IMM, Calisto and Reysonido are considering alliances to ensure their survival; several smaller players have already gone out of business. M arket share zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Y·1 Y·2 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE This year Reysonido10% Reysonido11% Reysonido12% Calisto 15% Calisto 18% Calisto 20% 98 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA TheB zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA us ine s s 2.0 ~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Liste ning for gist Internet re se arc h D ~ 2:49 compa ny's How can sm aller Liste n to a pre se nta tion six options in C olumn by C a listo's P re side nt to the Boa rd of D ire ctors a nd list the 1 of the ta ble . com panies com pete with a dom inant m arket .eader? Search for the keywords Avis: W e Try ~ote.s Optio-v.s H arder to read about how Avis™ took on a c..1Atjobs ( giant. - Sl'.""e. strl'. te.~(j I'.S - W01,\!d re.d1,\c.e. ope.r().ti"'A(),e.)(pe."'Ase-sb(j _____ - Sl\~ stmt~{1l\s - w01A£dre.01AC.e.pro01Ac.tiO-v. costs ~ ___ - w01A£O i-v.cre.l!.se. ope.rl!.ti1<o e.)(pe.1<se.s b{1 __ 2. 7% - pe.r {1e.l!.r 3 - -v.e.;<t ~e.lxr's s(;l.ie.s: 0 Sl\£.e.s w01Ald i-v.cre.l\Se. to - c.ostzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 4- - pric.e.: - l!.OVl!.-v. tl!.(}.e.s: - OiSl!.OVI\-v.tl!.()'e.s: S" - price.: - bo"111AS: - re.pl\(j~ts: - colICH I-v.e.O Sl\£e. s. G lossa ry P AG E 157 charism atic m eteoric ruthless slick trum pet - sell. crF.f o1,\r b Liste ning for de ta ilzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o ~ 2:49 ta ble liste n a ga in a nd comple te the note s on C a listo's six options in C olumn 2 of the a bove . D iscussion a nd pre se nta tion o 'If eWorkbook N o w w atc h the v ide o fo r this unit. In sma ll groups, me e t a s consulta nts to C a listo's Boa rd of D ire ctors. Review Calisto's six options, as well as your own ideas, and decide what strategy you will recommend. 2 Prepare a presentation outlining your recommendations to the Board, using slides to structure and support your arguments. 3 Give your presentation. Yours will be in competition with those of other groups. As Calisto's Board of Directors, the class should ask questions and vote for the best presentation. The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0 99 8 ~ I Inte rnatio nal issuesin salesmistakes 8 .1 About busine ss - _.... - _- .. - ~-..". ~ credit agenciesand insurance trade ~E~-p_O~·:;al~s a~d-pa ym e nt - D iscussion D Inte rne t re s e arc h FIuctuations in the exchange rate between currencies can be an important issue in exporting. Search for the keywords B ig M ac Index to find out a fun How can selling your product in other countries be more difficult than at home? With a partner, list four aspects of export sales where there may not be a level playing field. S ca n re a ding o Read the article opposite from a trade magazine. Which four export mistakes did Eisenhart Games make? R e a ding for de ta il D Read the article again. Which eight lessons does Vincenti say exporters have to learn? way of measuring these. Liste ning for de ta il D ~ 2:50 Listen to an interview with James Sullivan, a sales manager with Nehling and Hynes, an American credit agency, and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Which two kinds of service do credit agencies provide? How large is Nehling and Hynes' database, and why is this important? How are credit ratings useful? What proportion of European and US firms purchase credit insurance? Which advantage does credit insurance give Daryl Vincenti in Saudi Arabia? On average, how much does international credit insurance cost? R e a ding for de ta il 1:1 Read this extract from a guide to methods of payment in international trade. Put the methods in order from the safest (1) to the riskiest (4) from the exporter's point of view. o Open account Goodsareshippeddirectlyto the buyer,with a requestfor payment. o Advance payment Paymentis expectedby the exporter,in full, beforegoodsareshipped. o Bills for collection A bill of exchangeissentfrom the exporter'sbankto the buyer'sbank.Whenthe buyeragrees to payon a certaindate,they signthe draft. Thedocumentsand goodsarereleasedto the buyeragainstthis acceptance. o Letters of credit (LlCs),also known as documentary credits (DCs) Documentarycreditisa bank-to-bankcommitmentof payment:the buyer'sbankguarantees that paymentwill be madewhen the shippingdocumentsarefound to be in compliancewith termsset by the buyer. D iscussion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA As the exporter, decide what methods of payment in Exercise 5 you would require from these customers. Glossary PAGE 157 chase creditworthiness level playing field take on board think outside the box without a trace wizard 1 The buyer is a well-known company in a large country in western Europe. This is a first order but you hope the buyer will become a regular customer. 2 The buyer is in a country where currency exchange is controlled by the government. Requests for foreign currency payments must be justified by supporting documents. 3 The buyer is a new customer in a country with a fragile economy and a poor credit rating. 4 The buyer is a large North American company with a reputation for slow payment. 5 The buyer is one of your suppliers in a neighbouring country. 6 The buyer represents a small company in a developing country and is a personal friend. o You and a friend design and sell your own line of T-shirts at rock concerts. You have been very successful in your own country, and now several contacts in other countries have expressed interest in your product. What problems do you anticipate if you start to export, and what solutions can you suggest? 100 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA j he Business 2.0 learns from mistakes AT C H IC AG O -BASED EISEN H AR T G AM ES, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Daryl Vincenti is known as the 'export wizard'. Over the last three years, the pinball machine manufacturer has developed a profitable new market in tile Middle East.'Times are hard for pinball in the US: saysVincenti. 'Competition 5 from video games and computers has hit small manufacturers like us really hard, so we have to find new markets: Eisenhart now has some 35% of a growing Middle East market, but it hasn't been easy. 'We made a lot of mistakes at the beginning: confessesVincenti, 'but we learned fast. We're now starting to work in S E Asia, and things are 10 much easier becausewe've taken important lessons on board in the Middle East: Vincenti puts using a good credit agency at the top of his lessons learned list. 'When you've invested time, effort and money in making an export sale, you want to get paid! After wasting a lot of time '5 chasing payments, a friend introduced me to Nehling and Hynes.We learned that by using a credit agency to checkout your customer's creditworthiness and to insure against non-payment, you can make export virtually risk-free: Other lessons learned centred on adaptability. 'Be flexible: you have 20 to learn to think outside the box: saysVincenti. 'And don't assume that what works well in your domestic market will automatically go down well in another.You should also be prepared to modify your product specifications to meet local conditions, and to focus on different aspects of the marketing mix. In the Middle East,for example, price is 25 not everything. We started out trying to sellon price: we soon learned that over there, image, quality and service are all more important: Vincenti also stresses that would-be exporters should make a firm commitment to export, but focus on one market, rather than trying to sell allover the world. 'You don't succeed in export markets by giving 30 them a couple of hours a week when things are slow at home.You have to put in a lot of time, get out there and meet your customers, and manage your local distributors proactively - if you don't, it's "game over': Eisenhart learned the hard way when they signed an exclusive deal with an agent in the Gulf; at the end of the first year, 35 sales were zero, and the agent had disappeared without trace. A final lesson is to remember that appearancescan be deceptive, warns Vincenti: 'One day we received a 15-word fax in approximate English from what seemed to be one man and a camel somewhere out in the desert.We thought it was a joke, but a week later we decided we .0 should answer it anyway.They're now our biggest customer.' !7JtzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponmlkj 2.0 101 8 ... collocations Inte rnatio nal for m aking trade 8.2 V ocabulary and processing paym ents ... credit and insurance ... exports C ollocations o C omplete the collocations for talking about payment by choosing the correct noun in the box for each group of verbs. an application I I a deal an invoice a paym ent conditions goods I issue provide settle load query ship approve state negotiate m ake m eet 4 com ply w ith reach subm it 2 5 sign vet m iss 3 6 chase D ecide whether the buyer or the seller carries out the actions above. P hrasal verbszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o P ut the words in these guidelines for exporters in the correct order. E ach sentence contains a phrasal verb. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 1 2 3 4 5 o a) b) c) d) e) check / custom er's / your / on zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I creditw orthiness I up I new doubts I insurance I if / you I take / about / getting I have lo u t I paid behind I their I custom ers I do I not I get I paym ents I w ith Ilet as I invoices I soon / becom e I they I chase I as / overdue I up act I getting I your I difficulties I quickly I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS if I custom er I is / into M atch definitions a-e with the correct phrasal verb from E xercise 2. get som ething officially from a specialist organization D m oving tow ards a particular condition or situation D find out inform ation about som ething or som eone discreetly find out w hat is being done about som ething D fail to do som ething at the right tim e D D ~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 102 The B us ine s s 2.0 ..~ Liste ning Inte rne tzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2 51-2'55 Listen to five conversations about export issues. Use verb-noun re se arc h Vhat is a thesaurus <fnd when is it useful? D from Exercises 1 and 2 to say what is happening A Slovakian company has submitted an application for credit. Bruno asks his colleague to on their _ The company is going to on a shipment. They need to do this to with the conditions in the contract. Francesca's boss ask her to up an invoice. She doesn't want Kawasaki to get with their payments. Mr Takahashi the . He asks for more time to pay. The company seems to be into difficulties. The companies talk about how the goods will be . In the end, they a deal. 1 ~.earch for the keyword ·.,esaurus. Then, in an 2 nline thesaurus, search 'or the nouns credit, ;ash and trade. For each '"'lOun,find synonyms, ntonyms and common ollocations. collocations in each. 3 4 5 C olloca tions o the words credit, insurance How many two-word collocations can you make by combining and customer with the nouns in the box? card claim credit insurance period policy portfolio sales o Use collocations 2 3 4 5 6 line loyalty terms from Exercise 5 to complete these sentences. Frequent-flyer schemes, free gifts and credit are all ways of developing _ To avoid cash-flow problems, sales teams need to be given a clear _ An provides cover in case of an accident. Because old customers leave, a sales person must constantly be looking to add to their reduces the risk of default on export payments. After the fire, the company filed a for compensation. D e fining _ w ords o With a partner, practise defining words relating to business transactions. Student A: use the information below. Student B: turn to page 121. Give Student B definitions for 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 across. Student B will give you definitions for 1, 3, 5 and 8 down and 10 and 11 across to help you complete the crossword. 'H zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 0 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON AlvlElv UIBITls I-- 41< 3p f:. EIAINjA zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA OIL-IOIGIY I~IA I-- 5 ElclolN A LIVIEII< - I-- - S 1ST I A If:. E - 17"" r-- I-- L A UITILlolN s 0 FIFIEII<I pll<lElc ra- - r-- I-- ~ - - R EINlvlA E EI""ILINlv ,__ 10 I I 1" I I OINI r- A f:.IEIAIN 9S r- plolslLIT I I I I I I I - 1<1 Glossary PAGE 157 file a claim forwarder frequent-flyer schemes get behind with n)(,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP Business 2.0 103 8 Inte rnatio nal .... time expressions with in , on and at .... ago, last, next, yesterday and tomorrow .... dependent 8 .3 G ra m m a r trade P re positions P re positions of tim e D With a partner, ask and answer the questions appropriate preposition. prepositions about your country using the 1 When do most people start and finish work? 2 When do students usually do most of their work? R e fre sh yourzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 3 When does the New Year begin? 4 When are the school holidays? 5 What other times are popular for holidays? in 6 When is the best time for tourists to visit? periods 7 What time do people usually eat breakfast, lunch and dinner? the morning, July, the 8 When is it impolite to telephone people? winter, 2007, the 80s 9 When are you allowed to make a lot of noise? on 10 When are salaries usually paid? days and dates 11 How quickly do companies usually pay their bills? Monday, the 17th New Year's Day 12 When are the sales? m e m o ry at times and special times 3pm, breakfast, the weekend, Christmas e D e pe nde nt pre positions o Find the verb in each group that does not have the same dependent other three. Write the preposition in the space provided. expressions with last, next, ago, yesterday, tomorrow against ... Grammar and practice page 136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 listen comply pay depend result suffer discuss consist listen fight for from to @ sympathise wait rely invest emerge apply react belong insure in of on consent resort vote insist borrow hear look approve leave protect W with preposition as the for (_ to _ ) referzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML associate (--) object (--) attend (--) succeed (--) account (--) apologize (--) think (--) relate (--) ask ( - - ) zyxwvutsrqponm Liste ning for gist D ~ 2:56-2:65 listen to ten short dialogues and use a word from the box to describe what the people are discussing. Be careful to use the right preposition. access apologizing aptitude dependence hearing insuring 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 complying investing damage satisfaction They are discussing property. He is talking about what he said to her. He is lucky that there isn't much his car. They are admiring her languages. They are worrying about their company's one big firm. the American Food and Drug Administration is essential if they want to sell the product in the States. She is explaining the company policy of non-payment. They are expressing their this year's results. They are worried about not Taiwan. There is as system failure, so they don't have data. I I I- 104 Tile Bu siness 2.0 S peaking D W ith a partner, or in groups of four, play prepositions tennis. S tudent A 'serves' by saying a verb from the list in E xercise 2. S tudent B 'returns' by saying a short sentence with the verb and correct preposition (without looking at the list!). S tudent B then says another verb from the list which S tudent A 'returns' with the correct preposition and another verb, etc. S core a point each time your opponent answers incorrectly. A : rely B Y ou can rely on m e to get the right answ er. agree A : I don't agree w ith that at all! react Listening for detail o~ 2:66 Listen to the conversation between P aul, a manager, and his assistant, Jenny. C omplete the schedule with the times or time periods, using the appropriate prepositions. 1 Jenny is picking up tickets 2 b.D D . thi s eye.-ni~1 before. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Jenny is dropping tickets off at office 3 Paul's flight leaves 4 Check-in opens 5 Finance meeting finishes 6 Paul's kids go to bed 7 Paul is staying in the States 8 Paul is attending six meetings 9 Paul's return flight leaves zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 1 0 Paul is preparing the Merosom pitch 1 1 Merosom announce their decision 12 Paul will read files for New York meetings Inte r.ne t re s e arc h Search for the keywords how to become a millionaire. As you read, make a list of five words followed dependent by a preposition, which you feel are S peaking II W ork useful to learn. in groups of three. Y ou are going to hold a conversation about one of the subjects below. G lossary drop off jet-lagged pitch P AG E 158 how to becom e a m illionaire how to persuade a bank to lend you m oney how to get prom otion how to find and keep custom ers how to m anage professional stress how to m anage your boss Student zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA A: turn to page 117. Student B: turn to page 119. Student C: turn to page 120. The B us ine s s zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0 105 8 Inte rnatio nal .... expressionsfor checking understanding ... correctingand reformulating ~~-=--~------ 8 .4 S pe a king -- trade - -:_~~--=-------..~~--::::==--=:_- ;:_~eg~~a~_i~!1~~_dipt~~icy _-- ~ ..:: -- - --_ - ----_C=- -:: "':::;''::;.__ - -:~:._ - _.:_ ~--~~ -= -:__ -~ - ~ - D iscussion o Readthe information ... roleplaying a negotiation in the box. With a partner, discusswhether you think the countries and regions below are L (low-context) or H (high-context) cultures. Low-contextcultures High-contextcultures Focusof negotiations problem-solving,deadlinesare important relationship-building,time isflexible Communicationstyle direct, verbal,few non-verbalsignals indirect, dislikeconflict, avoid sayingno Businessorganization individualsmore important than the group group more important than individuals o China o Middle East OUSA 0 Latin America o Australia OUK ON Europe o Japan What does this mean for international negotiators? Liste ning for gist II ~2:67-2:69 Listen to three negotiation extracts. What went wrong in each case? Think about high- and low-context cultures, as well as the actual phrases used. D ~ 2:70-2:72 Listen to alternative versions of the three negotiations. How do the negotiators avoid misunderstandings? B ~ 2:70-2:72 With a partner, choose the correct options in the checklist of useful expressionsfor being diplomatic. Then listen again and check your answers. U se ful e xpre ssions: D iplom a tic ne gotia tions Checkingunderstanding Correctme if I'm im polite I w rong I inappropriate, HaveI got I seen I caught this right? Would I be true / fair / right in saying that ... ? If I've understoodjust I correctly I really ... but you seemto be sayingthat ... Correctingmisunderstandings I'm afraid there seemsto be a slight m isunderstanding I m istake I m ishap. I'm sorry,that isn't quite what I w ant I m eant I expected. P erhaps I haven't m ade myselfsense / right / clear. Reformulating let me put it another angle / w ay / tim e. What I wastrying to say I m ean I teff was ... D iplom a tic la ngua ge o Match the direct remarks 1-4 with Direct 106 Allow me to zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ repeat / rephrase / reform that. What I m eant I told / expressed was ... diplomatic forms that were used in Exercise3. Diplomatic I'm not readyto makea decision. a) Perhapswe should talk again in a few days? 2 This project istotally unrealistic. b) I think we might need more time to exploreall the implications. 3 Let'sfinish the meeting now. c) We would be very happyto give you the sameterms asAuckland,if you were in a position to order the samevolume. 4 We won't payfor shipping unless you give usa bigger order. d) I'm afraid we feel there are still quite a large number of difficulties to face in this project. TheBusiness zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Internet zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA re se arc h Searchfor the keywords high low context polychronic culture to find out more about Edward THall's work on culture and communication. o Complete the summary. Diplomatic language often uses: modal verbs like could, softening adverbs like maybe or _ qualifiers like a bit, rather, a little or _ introductory warnings like l'm sorry, actually, (negative) questions rather than statements. o 'Translate' the direct remarks into Direct _ _ diplomatic language, and vice versa. Diplomatic Wouldn't it be easier for everybody if we held the meeting here rather than in Colombia? 2 If you don't want to do business,just say so! 3 4 Actually, I was wondering whether you might reconsideryour position on that particular issue? So you don't want to sell us your products? Couldn't we perhaps start a little earlier than 11am tomorrow? We might find we would make a bit more progress. 5 6 That's not true. I never said that'. To be honest, I'm inclined to think that businesstrips aren't quite as useful as everybody saysthey are. 7 8 So you don't trust us to pay? N e gotia ting III With a partner, take turns to choose a subject and hold short negotiations following chart below. Be diplomatic! 1 2 3 4 buying worldwide rights to your partner's movie script buying advertising space on your partner's car buying worldwide rights to using your partner's name buying equity in your partner's business Student A Glossary Student B PAGE 158 consensus implication quit '" the eW orkbook N ow w atch the video for this unit. Make an offer. 3 2 Checkunderstanding. 4 Make a counter offer, or go to 5. Correct misunderstanding, if necessary,reformulate offer. 5 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Accept offer, or go to 2. ne zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX Business 2.0 107 8 Inte rnatio nal .... payment requests 8 .5 W riting trade R e que sts a nd re m inde rs .... sounding polite .... writing D iscussion requests and D Answer reminders the questions below. Then compare your answers with a partner. 1 W hat is your philosophy on credit? a) never borrow money b) use credit in moderation c) get as much credit as you can 2 If you have to ask someone to repay money they owe you, how do you feel? a) embarrassed b) angry c) nothing, it's only money 3 W hat would you write to remind someone they owe you money? W hy? a) a text message b) an email c) a letter M ode l o Read the 0 a request? Highlight o C8J I.INBOX I REPLY .. emails below. Which email 1-4 is: a reminder? the phrases which I 0 C8J I. INBOX I a final demand? 0 helped you to decide. o FORWARD .. C8J o REPLY .. I FORWARD .. In answer to your enquiry of 2 September about trading on open account, we regret to inform you that we are unable to agree to your request due to your insufficient credit rating. We hope you will understand the reasons for this decision, and we trust that we can continue to do businesstogether as in the past. I. IN80X I REPLY .. I FORWARD .. Further to our email of 23 May, we have still not received payment for the outstanding sum of €15,789. We regret to inform you that we are suspending all shipments until this outstanding balance has been settled. According to our records, our Invoice number 061704 for €15,789 is now overdue. If, however, this invoice has already been settled, please disregard this email. e 0 a refusal? C8J I. INBOX I REPLY .. I FORWARD .. As we now intend to place regular orders with your company, we would appreciate being able to trade on open account. We are confident this arrangement will be to our mutual benefit, and we look forward to an early reply. I Ana lysis D Make complete sentences by using one phrase from each column. been done for you. I am writing I I to enquire agree to which is still outstanding. 2 I am afraid group policy the sum of €21,552 to extend credit terms of 60 days. 3 We are pleased to whether you would be able of this outstanding 4 May I remind you that your early settlement the terms you propose. 5 We wrote to you on 4 November does not allow us to our legal department. 6 Would you let us regarding the balance of €12,650 is still outstanding? 7 We would appreciate but to pass the matter on as soon as possible? 8 We shall have no alternative know your decision to give more than 30 days' credit. I balance. Which sentences are used in:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA a request? 0 a reminder? 0 a refusal? 0 an agreement? ~ -11 The first one has 108 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 7l,e Business 2.0 0 a final demand? 0 h Inte rne t re s e arc If your customers are slow payers, one way to improve cash-flow is factoring. Search for the keywords fa c to rin g re c e iv a b le s to find out how factoring works, and its advantages and disadvantages. La ngua ge focus D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Which is the most polite form, a or b? a) In view of the increase in our volume of business, .' b) Considering how much more business we're giving you, ... a) About the longer credit you asked for, ... b) With regard to your request for improved credit terms, . a) Re: your letter dated 31/1, . b) Further to your letter of 31 January, ... a) We look forward to receiving your order. b) We expect you to order quickly. a) We're giving you a week to pay, . b) Unless we receive payment within seven days, . a) We would like to apologize for the delay in sending the enclosed cheque. b) We are sorry we took so long to send the enclosed cheque. a) This was an unfortunate oversight due to circumstances beyond our control. b) We forgot, but it wasn't our fault. a) We can assure you that it will not recur. b) Don't worry, it will never happen again. o Complete the emails using vocabulary from Exercises2, 3 and 4. 0 [;8J ~BOX I REPLY" In 0 kBJ 1. INBOX I REPLY.. I FORWARD .. I FORWARD ..zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o May I of the increase in our volume of , I am writing to soon as e of your decision as I I this outstanding ? 4) 1. L" ,.; [;8JzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA INSOX I REPLY" I FORWARD .. kBJ INBOX I REPLY.. FORWARD .. With to your request for improved We would like to credit , I am afraid that group sending the cheque. This was an unfortu nate due to circumstances beyond our , and we can assure you does not us to I extend more than 30 days' credit. e on your account? We would appreciate your early credit terms of 60 days. Would you let us you that the sum of €101,000 is still whether you would be prepared to ,.; ~ I. INBOl(. I REPLY" \ fORWARD .. " to your email of 17 July, we are pleased to agree to the propose, and we look that it wi II not G 01.. INEOX \ REPLY" 0 I FORWARD" We wrote to you on 11 April the balance of €15,550 which is still you to receiving Unless we receive payment I your order. for the delay in days, we shall have no the matter on to our seven but to pass department. I Which email is: Glossary disregard extend factoring outstanding overdue oversight settle PAGE157 a request? 0 a reminder? 0 a refusal? 0 a final demand? 0 an apology? 0 an agreement? 0 W riting zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA DWork in groups of three to write and reply to requests and reminders. Student A: turn to page 117. Student B: turn to page 119. Student C: turn to page 120. TIN 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW Business 2.0 109 8 t Inte rnatio nal ~ managing customer credit ~ finding a solution for im_p_ro_V_i_n_9_c_a_Sh_f_IO_W ...J 8.6 C ase study re s e arc h Search for the key words collecting debt to find out how sm all businesses can recover paym ents m ore quickly. Jeddah R oyal Beach R esort D iscussion D Inte rne t trade Brainstorm a list of services which large hotels can charge for in addition to accommodation. R eading for detail lEI 1 2 3 4 Read the extract from a business magazine and answer the questions. How does giving credit increase room revenues and attract more clients? W hy do luxury hotels prefer to issue their own credit cards rather than be paid by VISA, MasterCard®, American Express®, etc.? What are the advantages for the customer of a 'cashless resort'? Who is Riaz Hussain and what are his responsibilities? THE JEDDAH ROYAL BEACH RESORT THE .fEDDAHRoyal Beach Resort is one of Saudi Arabia's newest and most luxurious hotels. In a fiercely competitive market where foreign corporations provide 75% of revenues, every hotel from the five-star palace to the one-star motel needs to increase room revenues to be able to invest in new facilities to attract new clients. One of the major incentives in the armoUlYof modern hotel marketing is credit. The Royal Beach, like many of its competitors, has its own credit manager, whose job is to manage the credit which the hotel uses to encourage customers to spend freely on additional services. One of Riaz Hussain's first innovations as Credit Manager was to introduce an in-house credit card to the Royal Beach. Such credit cards are Increasingly popular, allowing hotels to develop customer loyalty as well as to avoid paying commission to credit card companies. The Royal Beach advertises itself as acashless resort': customers are able to use their electronic membership card to make reservations via the Internet, to speed up checkin and check-out, and to pay for a host of services including accommodation, telephone and fax, restaurant and bar bills, leisure activities, Limousines,airline tickets and even cash advances with no exchange problems. With its own boutiques, nightclub, beach, water sports and golf course, it's easy for guests from all over the world to spend several days in the sun (and perhaps several weekssalaryl) with nothing more than their plastic smart card in their pocket. Riaz Hussain's responsibilities include vetting corporate and individual applications for credit, following clients who reach or exceed their credit limits, and organizing debt recovery from indelicate guests, or their corporate sponsors, who 'forget' to settle their bills. 110 TheB zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA us ine s s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Listening for detail D ~ 2:73 Listen to a conversation between Riaz Hussain and Frederick,the front office manager at the Jeddah Royal BeachResort, and complete the customer database entries. Customer: Customer: Customer: I Ms Koeppie I Mr Kobayashi I Mrs Saman Company: Company: Company: Companycredit rating: Companycredit rating: Companycredit rating: Current credit limit; Current credit limit; Current credit limit; Credit limit requested: Credit limit requested; Credit limit requested; Notes; Notes: Notes: IgoodzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I average I poor / unknown Igood / average / poor / unknown Igood / average / poor / unknown o II ~2:73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Listen again and answer the questions. Why doesn't Riaz like having rock groups in the hotel? If Ms Koepple leaves today without paying, how much will the hotel lose? How much credit is Riaz prepared to allow her? Why does Frederick think Mr Kobayashi is a difficult customer? Why is Frederick suspicious of him? What happened with Mrs Saman's company last year? Why are Mrs Saman and her brother important for the hotel? Discussion o Look at the chart showing the Jeddah Royal BeachResort'scustomer payments. Describe the trends for: 1 cash payments 2 short credit periods 3 longer credit periods 4 uncollectibles. CUSTOM ER PAYM ENTS • CASH • 1 WEEK • 1-4 WEEKS • 4-12 WEEKS • 12-26 WEEKS • 26+ WEEKS • WRITTENOFF LAST YEAR: 32% 17% ¥¥':~.~?-• . •.. _ '1'l,!:,;\.- 13% 9% 6.5% 2.5% . THIS YEAR: ...-_- ...- __ ss....-..~ - 1('$ o With a partner, talk about these questions. Then change partners, compare and explain Glossary your decisions. PAGE 158 armoury loyalty uncollectible vulgar word of mouth 1 How can the trends in payments be explained? 2 How can the hotel improve its cash flow? 3 How should Riaz Hussain deal with each of the three customer applications in Exercise 3? W ritingzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA D Write a short letter to each customer explaining your decision. Ibe zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ Businessz.o 111 R e vie -w M e rge rs 7 a nd a cquisitions D M atch each word or phrase about finance in the box with its definition below. acquisition assets due diligence econom iesof scale fixed costs liabilities liquidity m erger turnover variablecosts. full investigation of a company's activities and finances 2 the amount of money that a company owes _ 3 the process of combining two companies to form a bigger one ~ _ 4 something that someone buys (especially a company that has been bought by another company) _ 5 costs that alter directly when the business alters its level of output (e.g. raw materials, components, labour costs for factory workers) _ 6 costs that do not alter when the business alters its level of output (e.g. rent, marketing, management salaries) D Readthis sentence: There was a increase in sales. M ake adjectives that can go in the em pty space using the letters and m eanings given. (Clue:the letter in bold is always the first letter.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 abcdeeilnors (large) aacdimrt (sudden and surprising) adeemort (neither big nor small) ahprs (sudden) acfgiiinnst (large or noticeable) ghilst (small in size) ddensu (quick and unexpected) o Look at one way to show 'cause & effect': The new technology we bought last year resulted in a significant increase in productivity. Now show 'effect & cause' using these words to com plete a s, b e ca u se , d u e , o f, o f, re su lt, th a n ks, to , to . the gaps: a, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ The increase in productivity last year was 7 things such as money, buildings or equipment that a person or company owns _ 8 measure of a company's ability to quickly convert assets into cash _ 9 reductions in the cost of producing a unit of a product that occur as the output increases _ 10 total amount of money coming into a company from sales (usually given as an annual figure) _ o Find words or phrasesfrom the box in Exercise1 that have the sam e or sim ilar m eaning to the following. 1 2 3 4 5 cost of sales/direct costs overheadslindirect costs cash-flow _ debts _ revenue/income _ _ _ D M atch the words in the box with their definitions (and extra inform ation). clim b peak dip rise deteriorate slide soar fluctuate stabilize / / (3) / (4) the new technology we bought. II Com plete the sentencesusing the m ost appropriate form : w ill, b e g o in g to or the present continuous. Use contractions (I'll, I'm ) where possible. 1 (describing your plans) Next year (we/enter) the Croatian market by buying a small local firm. 2 (making a promise) Don't worry, (you/have) the goods by the end of the week. 3 (giving details of a fixed arrangement) (II meet) Barbara from 9:00 to 10:00 at her office, and I should be back around 10:30. 4 (making an instant decision) Is that my mobile phone ringing? I'm sorry, (Ilturn) it off. o Com plete this presentation extract using the words and phrases in the box. jum p 1 become higher (literally: to move up using your hands and feet) _ 2 become less (literally: to put something into a liquid and quickly lift it out again) _ 3 change frequently, especially from a high level to a low one and back again ~ _ 4 stop changing and become steady _ 5 get worse (opposite: improve) _ 6 get worse gradually (literally: to move smoothly and quickly across a surface) _ 7 increase (opposite: fall) _ 8 increase quickly to a high level (literally: to fly high in the sky) _ 9 increase suddenly and by a large amount (literally: push your body off the ground using your legs) _ 10 reach the highest point before becoming lower (the noun means 'the top of a mountain') _ 112 (1) (2) asa result of however let's m oveon next slideshows notice from the chart resultedin seemto suggest whereas ... OK,(l) _ My (2) our administration costs one year after the merger. You will (3) that the figures (4) no noticeable impact on costs (5) the merger. But this hides the real situation. Initially, the merger (6) many large compensation payments for managerial staff who lost their jobs, and this increased costs. (7) , over the longer term salary costs are coming down as a result of the cuts. Next year we expect administration costs to be 2.3M, (8) this year they will be about 2.9M. I he zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Review 8 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA In te rn a tio n a l tra d e o In each set of four below, match a verb on the left with a noun on the right to make phrases about export sales. 1 2 3 4 Don't sell Be Make Think a) b) c) d) 5 6 8 Trade Sign Be prepared Invest e) an exclusive deal. time, effort and money. g) on open account. h) to modify product specifications. 9 Ask i) 7 10 Chasing 11 Focus on 12 Don't assume o Find two proactive with local distributors. a firm commitment to export. outside the box. on price rather than quality. t) payments can be done by the credit agency. j) a credit agency about a customer's creditworthiness. k) that what works in your domestic market will also work abroad. I) one market, rather than trying to sell all over the world. words in Exercise 1 that match with these definitions. 2 the ability of a company to repay debts trying hard to get something you want 3 4 5 sentences into the Direct: I'll explain it again if you want. Diplomatic: it / let / me / way / another / put. Direct: You are not convinced. Diplomatic: wrong I me I if / you I correct I but I I'm / saying / that / seem / to I be / you / are / not / convinced. Direct: You are wrong! Diplomatic: I'm / a / slight / misunderstanding / there / seems / to / be / afraid. Direct: You don't understand! Diplomatic: I / clear / myself / haven't I made / perhaps. Direct: You want to withdraw from the project, right? Diplomatic: you / would / be / saying / I / right / in / that / want / to / withdraw / from / the / project? 2 3 4 5 o Use the words in brackets to make the direct sentences more diplomatic. 1 We need more time. (I think/might) 2 There are still many difficulties. (I'm afraid/quite number) 3 We must renegotiate should/one or two) 4 That will be very expensive. (won't/rather) a large _ The collocations below are used in international business transactions. Cross out the one verb in each group that does not collocate with the noun. 2 words in the diplomatic correct order. _ D 1 o Put the issue / reach / settle / query an invoice assume / provide / load / ship goods chase / comply with / state / meet conditions negotiate / reach / sign / state a deal check in / check out / check up on a customer's parts of the contract. (perhaps/ [J Complete this email sequence using the words and phrases in the box. according to early settlement further to have no alternative now overdue outstanding balance pass this matter D The words inzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA b o ld below are all in the wrong places. regret to inform Put them in the correct places. creditworthiness 6 fall behind / get behind / move behind with payments After the exporter and foreign customer finally (1) cheek up on a deal, the exporter will (2) comply with the goods and (3) reach an invoice. The exporter must (4) issue all the conditions in the contract, and if they do they can expect to be paid on time. II is a waste of time if they have to (5) ship customers who (6) chase payments. If there is a problem with payment, the exporter can use a credit agency to (7) get behind with a customer's creditworthiness. o Complete the text with these time prepositions: during, from , in, until, within. Email 1 (Reminder) (1) our records, our invoice number KL788 is (2) . The total sum is €25,600. We would appreciate your (3) of this (4) Email 2 (Final demand) (5) our email of 14 June re invoice KL788. we have still not received payment for the outstanding sum of €25,600. We (6) you that we (7) _ but to (8) to our legal department. at, (1) the 90s we worked with a series of different local agents. (2) 2002 we started using APL, and they have been our exclusive agent (3) that time (4) now. They are very good at collecting payment from local customers, and we give them the discretion to ask for payment (5) either 60 or 90 days. They forward to us all payments they have collected, after taking their commission, and we receive money from them (6) the end of every month. II Match the wordszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK outstanding and overdue with their definitions. 2 &Ill not paid when expected; late not yet paid _ _ W hich of the two words from Exercise 9 has a second meaning of 'excellent and impressive'? / h, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ Business 2.0 113 A dditio nal m ate rial 1.2 Vocabulary W ork organization and responsibility Defining words (page 13, exercise 8) Student A G ive S tu d e n t B d e fin itio n s fo r 1, 3, 5, 7 a n d 9. S tu d e n t B wiJJ g ive yo u definitions for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 to help you complete the crossword. 1.6 Case study Counselling Roleplay (page 21, Exercise 6) Problem holder A: Tokyo You are experiencing culture shock in Tokyo. After two months in the marketing department of a large electronics company, you feel that you have achieved nothing. Your job description is very general; you spend most of your time processing answers to long market survey questionnaires. You are a very creative person, but when you suggest new ideas at meetings, they are usually met with silence. One colleague was very upset because you drew attention to a mistake in his presentation. Your apartment iszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH very small and your journey to work takes gO minutes each way. After a long day at work, your colleagues do not understand that you do not have time to go to the restaurant with them. You would like to learn Japanese to communicate better, but when you meet Japanese people socially, they always want to speak English. You feel you are wasting your time and learning nothing. 2.1 About business Call centres Roleplay 1.3 Grammar Past tenses and advice structures Giving advice (page 15, Exercise 9) Student A D You have recently started work with a well-known firm of management consultants. Ask your partner for advice about the problems below, and react to their suggestions. Use the expressions in the box to help you. 1 2 3 II I 4 5 i I You work from 8am to 7pm every day but you can never finish your work. You find it difficult to set goals. Your clients don't take you seriously: they think you're too young for the job. Every time you call a friend, your colleagues give you black looks. You have lots of ideas to share in meetings, but your boss keeps interrupting you. I'm having problems with... Can you give me any advice? Do you have any ideas about how to ... ? What do you suggest I do about ... ? Ijust can't seem to ... What would you do? ! see what you mean, {but ...} You've got a point, {but ...} You may be right, {but ... } OK, point taken. Yes, you're quite right. j (page 22, Exercise 6) Role A You are going to take part in a debate. Try to convince the others in your group of the benefits of setting up your call centres in a low-cost country like India or the Philippines. As well as your own ideas, refer to the following: Outsourcing enables companies to reduce costs be more competitive by offering customers lower prices and better service preserve jobs in production benefit from more competent and more motivated staff bring new technology to developing countries help developing countries to improve their economies. Locating the call centre in your own country would be too expensive and using cloud-based technology could make the company over-dependent on technology you don't have in-house expertise to manage. 2.4 Speaking Dealing with problems by telephone Giving instructions (page 28, Exercise 1) Student A Without saying what it represents, give Student B instructions the symbol in Grid 1. Student B will then give you instructions another symbol in Grid 2. 1 13 14 3()' 15 40 50 16 D Your partner will tell you about their problems. Suggest two or three alternatives for each problem. Use the expressions in the box to help you. 60 17 70 18 Have you tried -ing ... ? Have you considered -ing ... ? How about -ing ...? Have you thought of -ing ... ? You could ... Why don't you ... ? You might want to ... ~9 80 90 99 88 55 1.4 Speaking M eetings one-to-one 33 (page 17, Exercise 7) D You are a new employee at the R&D laboratory of a Finnish electronics company. You come from Brazil. You find the atmosphere in the company miserable: people work alone. mostly in silence, so you try to make them happy by being friendly, sharing sweets and biscuits, and singing songs. You have a lot of work: because you work best in the evening, you stay late to finish it. You think the centre would be more productive if everyone relaxed and enjoyed their work. Your supervisor, Student B, has asked you to attend an informal meeting: this is an opportunity for you to explain your ideas and give Student B some helpful advice. D You are Student B's supervisor at a large travel agency in Australia. You are worried about Student B because he/she refuses to communicate with other members of staff and hardly speaks in staff meetings. You have given Student B a lot of responsibility because you feel he/she has excellent potential, but he/she is not sharing the work with the team. The travel business has a reputation for extreme stress, and you are concerned that Student B is trying to do too much. Australians value teamwork and consider sports and social events an integral pad of corporate life. Hold an informal meeting with Student B to advise him/her on how to relate to colleagues and achieve a better work-life balance. Start the meeting by asking Student B if he/she is enjoying the job . '!h ~ 10 Student A - ,.. 1 6 6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO .f 77 Roleplay to draw to draw 44 11 22 9",-- 8 B C 2 A D E G F H 1 K ) L N M Q R S T V U X p 0 W Y Z .~-----~~~-~---------------------------------------------;j!'----! zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih 114 JI){'Business2.o Additional material 2.4 S peaking D ealing with problems by telephone 5.6 C ase study S t John's Beach C lub Improving a conversation (page 28, Exercise 4) Student A (travel agent) Negotiate the best deal possible with the buyer (Student B), Your standard price is $150 per person per night. This includes all meals, drinks, snacks, activities and sports (except golf), Remember you are in competition with other travel agents for the same product Score points as indicated for each item below. Read this conversation aloud with your partner, then decide how the conversation could be improved and practise your improved version. Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Yes? Oh, hello, Is that Autosales? Yes, Oh, good, Well, I'm calling about the new car I bought last week, It won't start Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Helpline: Customer: Helpline: on. Well, can you do something about it? I'm new here, [ don't know much about cars, actually, Well, could you put me through to someone who does? No, What do you mean, 'no'? I mean, no, I can't. There's nobody else here, Well, can I leave a message? Yes, all right What's your name? It's McCready, Alistair McCready, Er, McWhat? No, McCready, That's M-C-C-R-E-A-D-Y Got it. An right. Well, I'll be expecting your call, Goodbye, Don't hold your breath' 2.5 W riting Formal and informal correspondence Output (page 31, Exercise 5) Student A You work in the Accounts Department at Relopharma, a medium-sized pharmaceuticals company, Compose and send business email 1 below, using appropriate style. When you receive an email from another student, read it, then answer it following the instructions in Exercise 2, Continue in this way until you have written and sent four emails. • Negotiating (page 73, Exercise 5) Item Points Cost per person per night 2 more than $140zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ , $120 - $140 0 , less than $120 -5 Upgrade to executive suite, per person, per night ~O 2 • $25 1 • $10 -2 Number of participants 22 1 • 24 :2 • 26 3 Number of nights 7 1 · 8 2 • 9 or more Free access to golf course 3 -1 7.4 S peaking P resentations - visuals Presentation (page 95, Exercise 6) Student A Present the three slides on Ultraxport would be a good acquisition. and explain why this company D You have a problem with the accounts payable database - some entries are disappearing, It looks like some kind of virus, but your anti-virus software hasn't detected any problems, Write an email to your colleague, Student B, in Information Systems, explaining the problem and asking for help, D You have received an email about an invoice from Student C at Nakisoft, a software supplier, You have no records of this invoice in your database, Write an email to Student B asking them to confirm the purchase and, if appropriate, to obtain a duplicate invoice, D You have received another email from Nakisoft about software training, Write to Student B to complain: the week in question is impossible because you have to close the accounts, D You have received an email from Nakisoft about a patch, Write a reply to Student C explaining that the link on their website doesn't work. 3.3 G rammar Articles, relative clauses and noun combinations Definitions game (page 41, Exercise 9) As Help the other team guess the noun combinations below by giving definitions using a relative clause, If you want to make it more difficult, use synonyms instead of the exact terms in the noun combinations, 1 2 3 vertical writing languages a management consultancy firm a customer satisfaction survey 4 5 6 pilfer-proof packaging stress-raising automation a sandwich degree course 4.3 G rammar P resent tenses Asking questions (page 53, Exercise 6) Student A D You are interviewing Student B for a job at your sports club, Ask Student B the right questions to obtain the answers below. Score one point for each correct answer you receive, 1 At weekends, 2 Since I was at school. 3 Several years ago, 4 During the holidays, 5 No, only a few weeks, 6 The Economist 7 For two years, 8 ' No, not yet 9 In the next six months, [0 No, J haven't D YouzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA are being interviewed for a job at Student 6's community arts centre, Answer the questions they ask, The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW Businesszyxwvutsrqpon 2,0 115 2.5 W riting Formal correspondence Output and informal 7.2 Vocabulary Business performance Presenting (page 31, Exercise 5) Student B You work in the Information Systems Department at Relopharma, a medium-sized pharmaceuticals company. Compose and send business email 1 below, using appropriate style. When you receive an email from another student, read it, then answer it following the instructions in Exercise 2. Continue in this way until you have written and sent four emails. D You want your software supplier, Nakisoft, to organize training on a new software tool for your Accounts Department as soon as possible. Write an email to Student C at Nakisoft asking them to contact Student A in your Accounts Department with dates for the training. D You have received an email from your colleague, Student A, in Accounts, about a software problem. You think it could be a virus. Write an email to Nakisoft explaining the problem and asking them to contact Student A directly to resolve the problem. D You have received another email from Student A about an invoice. Write an email to Student C at Nakisoft apologizing for the delay and asking them to send you a duplicate invoice. D You have received another email from Student A about training. Reply to Student A explaining that there is no alternative. 50 rumourS<'" of merger w ittr8astilQ new 40 -marl(etsfn I ~Asia consolidation acquired cut costs V- --g~':J!- . L~_9QOC!.,. L_. -resUltS 20 -------J ~ - stock m ~t crash successfully resisted raid 10 o ~ ~* ~~ 6.6 Case study Phoenix Reading and discussion (page 91, Exercise 9) Student A D Present Chanco's stock market history using the information from the graph, explaining causes and effects. ~ (page 85, Exercise 4) Group A - Port Katherine Planning Department Read the email you have received and answer the questions. & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ zyxwvutsrqp ~ ~ YEAR D Listen to Student 8's presentation of Bastilo Corp. and complete the graph. I:8:l .. INBOX I REPLY. ; FORW ARD .. Hi, The Mayor has just received a letter from the Residents' Association about the Phoenix project. They're very unhappy about site A. They're concerned about the risks of large trucks passing close to the school, as well as the noise and dust, etc. As you know, the elections are coming up soon, so we don't want to upset these people. However, Port Katherine desperately needs new jobs and investment, so we can't afford to lose Phoenix. They've also promised to get involved in community projects, although we don't know yet exactly what that means. The Mayor would like the Planning Department to set up and chair a meeting with the Residents' Association and Phoenix to talk things over and try to find an agreement. Could you arrange that for us? A few words about the other sites: we've invested a lot of money in the business park, site B, but for the moment it's still costing us money. If Phoenix buy land on the business park, we'll recover part of our investment, the residents will be reasonably happy, and we'll benefit from higher tax rates than on sites A or C. There's plenty of space for expansion (more jobs!) and there's no access problem. We can make some concessions on the pnce of the land if necessary. There are good reasons for choosing site C, near the harbour. However, the big problem is access. We'd have to build a new access road, which would be very expensive. Let me know how the meeting goes. Thanks a lot, Duncan Duncan Gillespie, Lord Mayor's Office, Port Katherine 1 2 3 4 5 116 50- --------------------- 40 1 ------------III II: ~ .::I - ----------------. 30 20 10 - ---------. Who is the email from? What is your role at the meeting? Why is it important to keep the residents happy? Why is the Phoenix project important for the town? Which is the best site from your point of view? 1111'B zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA usine ss zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 ----.--.- Additional material 4.3 Grammar Present tenses 7.4 Speaking Presentations - visuals Present perfect and past simple (page 52, Exercise 3) Presentation (page 95, Exercise 6) Student B You and your partner work for an international clients are looking for: Student B Present the three slides on Piezoteknik labs and explain why this company would be a good acquisition. recruitment 1 a Spanish- speaking science graduate 2 an undergraduate with marketing experience a graduate accountant, to be a future finance director a French-speaking graduate in business an arts undergraduate with experience in the Far East a Portuguese-speaking graduate with experience in sales. 3 4 5 6 agency. Your • You have each interviewed and tested five candidates. 'Exchange information with your partner to complete the tables and decide together which candidates are most suitable for each request. Candidate Graduation Work experience Management potentia I test last October, Maths car sales in Argentina and Brazil A+ next summer, Languages marketing in Australia and Japan A last November, Physics call centres in California and Florida B+ last September, Business financial services in Mexico and Quebec B last September, Finance computing and accounts in China C- Mr Salmon Ms Bianco Mrs Grey Miss Rose Mr Da Silva Mr Green Mr Schwartz Miss Plum Ms Violeta Mr Braun 8.3 Grammar Prepositions Speaking (page 105, Exercise 6) 2.1 About business Call centres Debate (page 22, Exercise 6) Role C You are going of the benefits where agents ideas, refer to to take part in a debate. Try to convince the others group of using a cloud-based approach for your new call centre work from home, wherever they live. As well as your own the following: A cloud-based approach would allow your company to radically reduce costs - you won't need to pay for the maintenance and running of business premises be more competitive by offering customers lower prices and better service preserve jobs in production hire the best staff because you won't be limited by where they arc located offer a local service globally offer more flexibility in terms of hours and working conditions Student A Choose six words from the list below and write them on separate small pieces of paper. Hold a conversation with Students Band C on one of the topics listed on page 105. The goal is to use ail six words in the conversation. The first person to use all their words (with the correct preposition) is the winner. hear (v) conform (v) rely (v) look forward (v) respect (n) responsibility (n) dealings (n) substitute (n) objectzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe (v) depend (v) 8.5 Writing Requests and reminderszyxwvutsrqponmlk Output (page 109, Exercise 6) Student A You work at Red Sea Products Inc, a manufacturing company in Saudi Arabia. Compose and send business email 1 below, using appropriate style. When you receive an email from another student, read it, then answer it following the instructions in Exercise 2. Continue in this way until you have written and sent four emails. D You have worked for several years with Beefeater Shipping Corp (Student B), who ship your products all over the world. You currently pay them at 60 days, and you almost never pay late. However, your own customers are paying more and more slowly. Write to Beefeater asking them to increase your credit period to 90 days. D You have received an email from Canada Import Co (Student C), one of your best customers. Reply, agreeing to their request, but reminding them politely that they haven't paid a bill from last quarter. D You have received a reply from Beefeater to your request in Exercise 1. Send a cheque and an apology, or ask for more time. explaining why you can't pay for the moment. o You have received a reply from Canada Import to your reminder in Exercise 2. If they sent a cheque, send a friendly reply, thanking them for the payment and reminding [hem that your payment terms for open account trading are strictly 30 days and no more. If they didn 't send a cheque, send a final demand threatening legal action, and suspending the decision to trade on open account. The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY Business 2.0 117 1.2 Vocabulary responsibility Defining words W ork organization and Roleplay (page 13, Exercise 8) Student B Student A will give you definitions for 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 to help you complete the crossword. Give Student A definitions for 2, 4,6,8 and 10. r,:-- C2J I I 13 15 I' D I ,..- I e R I- c-1 I 1 6A N p - l6H p ~ - D 9 1 I 1 s I- R 1£1 G - I- 1 N - N I'~ R D I,MI D 1.6 C ase study C ounselling T I- DIN 1.3 G rammar Past tenses and advice structures G iving advice (page 15, Exercise 9) Student B D Your partner will tell you about their problems. Suggest two or three alternatives for each problem. Use the expressions in the box to help you. Have you tried -ing ... ? Have you considered -ing ... ? How about -ing ... ? Have you thought of -ing ... ? You could ... Why don't you ... ? You might want to ... (page 21, Exercise 6) Problem holder B: Birmingham You were hoping that the UK would be an exciting centre of popular culture, but after two months in Birmingham, you are not enjoying life. You live several miles from the city centre, and seem to spend a lot of your time 011 dirty, uncomfortable buses. The weather is depressing; cold, grey and wet, and the food is bland and fatty with few fresh vegetables. You caught a cold soon after you arrived and it seems impossible to get rid of it. People at work are friendly, but the local accent is really difficult to understand. You are finding it difficult to make friends with English people, mainly because their idea of having a good time is going to a noisy pub and drinking as much as possible, or watching football, which you hate. You are starting to feel lonely and depressed; you are seriously thinking of giving up and going home. 2.1 About business C all centres Debate (page 22, Exercise 6) Role B You are going to take part in a debate. Try to convince the others in your group of the advantages of setting up a call centre in your own country and the disadvantages of other solutions. As well as you own ideas, refer to the following: Setting up your call centre in such a location would allow your company to: offer the best possible service, tailored to local needs create jobs and help the local economy ensure local success and acceptance of your business Outsourcing makes customers angry due to · language and cultural problems • operators not having sufficient local knowledge. Outsourcing is responsible for job losses in industrialized countries exploitation of desperate workers in developing countries · emphasizing inequalities between North and South/East and West · encouraging unrealistic expectations in the developing world. o You have Using cloud-based technology where everyone works from home means there is no sense of team or company spirit, it is more complicated to monitor and product knowledge development and training are more difficult. 1 6.6 C ase study Phoenix recently started work in a government department. Ask your partner for advice about the problems below, and react to their suggestions. Use the expressions in the box to help you. 2 3 4 5 Your boss doesn't trust you: she checks every document you write and always manages to find something wrong. You are frustrated by all the procedures you have to respect: even the simplest tasks seem to take a long time. The atmosphere in the office is very sam bre: your colleagues are all much older than you. You find it difficult to sleep at night because your job is so stressful. You hate writing reports, but it's all important part of your job. Reading and discussion (page 85, Exercise 4) Group B - Port Katherine Residents' Read part of a letter your association the questions. Association has sent to the Mayor, and answer ... deeply concerned about plans to build a recycling centre on a site close to our school and a quiet residential area.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed The idea of monster trucks on a narrow road used by small children to walk to school is frankly terrifying and completely irresponsible. Moreover, the risks and nuisance to the school and the surrounding residents from noise, smoke, fumes and dust are totally unacceptable, not to mention the fire hazard and risk of soil contamination from so many flammable and toxic materials. The residents are prepared to take whatever measures are 4.3 G rammar Present tenses necessa ry to resist the choice of site A. If the recycling centre must be built in Port Katherine (surely Asking questions (page 53, Exercise 6) Perth, as a large industrial city, would be better for business?), Student BzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA site C is clearly a far more logical and environmentally rational D You are being interviewed for a job at Student A's sports club. Answer choice. This site is in an industrial environment, on land which is the questions they ask. currently derelict and worthless, with the appropriate fire and You are interviewing Student A for a job at your community arts emergency services close by, and offers the added advantage centre. Ask Student A the right questions to obtain the answers below. of convenient transport by sea as an ecological and economical Score one point for each correct answer you receive. alternative to monster trucks. As for the choice of site B, surely 1 Yes, I am. 6 Yes, almost. it would make the business park less attractive to other, less 2 By bus. 7 Tomorrow morning. industrial, companies? 3 Three times a day. 8 Yes, several times. As the elections approach, we, the residents of Port Katherine, 4 Business English. 9 No, not at the moment. trust that you will take the necessary measures to ensure that ... 5 A long time ago. 10 Since the beginning of the year. I'm having problems with ... Can you give me any advice? Do you have any ideas about how to ... ? What do you suggest I do about ... ? I just can't seem to What would you do? I see what you mean, (but ...) You've got a point, (but ...) You may be right, (but ... ) OK, point taken. Yes, you're quite right. o I 2 3 4 5 118 J'lJC How do the members of your association feel about the environment? What docs your association have in mind when it says 'whatever measures are necessary to resist the choice of site A'? Why do you think the M ayor and the Planning D epartment have to take your association seriously? Which is the best site from your point of view? What are your objectives at the meeting? zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 , Additional material • 2.4 Speaking D ealing with problems by telephone 5.6 C ase study St John's Beach C lub Giving instructions (page 28, Exercise 1) Student B (buyer) Negotiate the best deal possible with the travel agent (Student A). Remember you cannot exceed a global budget of $28,000. Score points as indicated for each item below. Student B Student A will give you instructions to draw a symbol in Grid 1. Without saying what it represents. give Student A instructions to draw the symbol in Grid 2. 13 14 30 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 90 19 99 88 77 66 44 55 33 22 11 10 9 8 A _ B C ( Speaking (page 105, Exercise 6) F E GI H L 1L K • - 1- r-.@ 1)1 U X J M p '" , Q \ Student B Choose six words from the list below and write them on separate small pieces of paper. Hold a conversation with Students A and C on one of the topics listed on page 105. The goal is to use all six words in the conversation. The first person to use all their words (with the correct preposition) is the winner. insist (v) commentzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM (v) complain (v) apologize (v) effect (n) involvement (n) access (n) demand (v) attend (v) result (v) R\ S - v 8.5 W riting R equests and reminderszyxwvutsrqponmlkjih \- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM Writing (page 109, Exercise 6) T 'w I- i--1" z 2.5 W riting Formal and informal correspondence Output (page 31, Exercise 5) Student C You work at Nakisoft, a small company specializing in accountancy software. Relopharma is your biggest customer. Compose and send business email 1 below, using appropriate style. When you receive an email from another student, read it, then answer it following the instructions in Exercise 2. Continue in this way until you have written and sent four emails. D You have not received payment for your invoice 6695 KF for software you supplied four months ago. Write a polite email to Student A in Relopharma's Accounts Department asking if there is a problem. o You have received an email (rom your customer, Student B,in Relopharrna's Information Systems Department. Write an email to Student A telling them that, as requested by Student B, you have set up the training for week 52. D You have received another email from your customer, Student B. The problem is caused by a Trojan which is undetected by anti-virus software, The solution is to download a patch from your website and install it on each Pc. Write an email to Student A explaining what (0 do. D You have Item Points Cost per person per night more than $140 0 · $120 - $140 2 · less than $120 4 Upgrade to executive suite, per person, per night $50 0 · $25 1 3 - $]0 Number of participants 22 o 2 - 24 - 26 3 Number of nights 7 o 1 · 8 • 9 or more 3 Free access to golf course 1 8.3 G rammar Prepositions 2 D Negotiating (page 73, Exercise 5) received an email from Student B about an invoice. Write a reply to Student B attaching the document requested. Student B You work at Beefeater Shipping Corp, an international freight forwarding company. Compose and send business email 1 below, using appropriate style. When you receive an email from another student, read it, then answer it following the instructions in Exercise 2. Continue in this way until you have written and sent four ernails. D You have recently shipped several containers of goods bought by Canada Import Co (Student C) from your customer Red Sea products Inc (Student A) to your warehouse in New York. Canada Import were supposed to collect the containers two months ago, but they are still in your warehouse. Write to Canada Import, reminding them about the containers and offering to ship them to Canada for $].20 per mile per container, payment at 30 days. D You have received an email from Red Sea Products. Reply, agreeing to their request, but reminding them politely of an invoice for $10,000 which is overdue. o You have received a reply from Canada Import to your email in Exercise 1. Write a reply, either agreeing to or refusing their request. and reminding them that the space their containers arc occupying in your warehouse is costing you money, so you need a quick decision on your offer to ship them to Canada. D You have received a reply from Red Sea Products to your reminder in Exercise 2. If they sent a cheque, send a friendly reply, thanking them for the payment and reminding them that the new terms of 90 days mean strictly 90 days and no more. If they didn't send a cheque, send a final demand threatening legal action, and suspending Ihe decision to increase the credit period to 90 days. tt» zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba Business 2.0 119 1.4 Speaking Roleplay M eetings one-to-one (page 17, Exercise 7) 7.2 Vocabulary Business performance Presenting Student B Student D D You are Student As supervisor at the R&D laboratory of a Finnish electronics company. In Finland, people like to concentrate hard on their work so that they can finish early and go home to enjoy sports and leisure activities. You have called Student A to an informal meeting because some members of your team have complained about him/her: they say that they can't organize the work efficiently because Student A always arrives late. He/ She disturbs their concentration by talking loudly to friends on the phone, singing and whistling. He/She eats and drinks in the lab, which is against company rules, takes long breaks and wears unsuitable clothes. Hold an informal meeting with Student A to advise him/her on how to adapt to the local work culture. Start the meeting by asking Student A if he/she is enjoying the job. Listen to Student A's presentation of Chanco and complete the graph. 50 40 I/) D You are a new employee at a large travel agency in Australia. You comc ~ from Vietnam, where modesty and discretion are highly valued. You feel that some of your Australian colleagues have no respect for management: they are always giving their personal opinions in meetings, they call everybody by their first names, even managers, and spend more time talking about rugby or cricket than working. Your supervisor, Student A, is a demanding manager who has set your department ambitious objectives; you are trying to do your best to compensate for your colleagues' inefficiency, so you work late in the evenings and at weekends. Consequently, you have no time to socialize with other people in the company. You are not sleeping enough, so you have to drink a lot of coffee to stay awake, and you feel very stressed. Take the opportunity of the meeting your supervisor has asked for to suggest, respectfully, that your colleagues should take their work more seriously. g 1.6 Case study Counselling (page 91, Exercise 9) B 30 20 10 o ~ ~ ~* ~~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y EA R D Present Bastilo's stock market history using the information graph, explaining from the causes and effects. Roleplay (page 21, Exercise 6) Problem holder C: Chicago After two months in Chicago you feel miserable and exhausted. You come from a small, quiet town in the country. The noise and the speed of life in Chicago are driving you crazy. You work in an enormous open-space office in a large insurance company, where you are constantly disturbed and find it impossible to concentrate. Your manager is not satisfied with the quantity of work you are producing and told you very directly that you weren't working hard enough. You feel stressed out and are suffering more and more from severe headaches. You would like to go and walk in a park to relax after work, but it's too dangerous to walk the streets at night. You live at the YMCA. Your neighbours and colleagues are very friendly, and they are always inviting you out in the evenings and at weekends, but they want to go dancing or play sports and you just need to rest and relax. 50 A 40 ll! 30 ~ g 20 , company undQrValued ali"otallon 8.3 G rammar Prepositions Speaking zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 10 (page 105. Exercise 6) Student C Choose six words from the list below and write them on separate small pieces of paper. Hold a conversation with Students A and B on one of the topics listed on page 105. The goal is to use all six words in the conversation. The first person to use all their words (with the correct preposition) is the winner. succeed (v) solution (n) consent (v) wait (v) sympathize (v) tax (n) comment (v) damage (n) invest (v) consist (v) 8.5 W riting Requests and reminders W riting (page 109, Exercise 6) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ Student C You work at Canada Import Co, a company which imports goods from all over the world to North America. Compose and send business email 1 below, using appropriate style. When you receive an email from another student, read it, then answer it following the instructions in Exercise 2. Continue in this way until you have written and sent four emails.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX D You have worked with Red Sea Products Inc (Student A) for more than two years and you are one of their best customers. Until now you have paid by Bill of Exchange at 60 days, but you would prefer to trade on open account in order to have more flexibility. Write to Red Sea Products requesting this change. D You have received an email from Beefeater Shipping Corp (Student B) offering to ship your containers from New York to Canada. Your current forwarding company charges $1.10 per mile per container and allows you to pay at 60 days. Write to Beefeater enquiring if they can improve their offer. D You have received a reply from Red Sea Products to your request in Exercise 1. Send a cheque and an apology, 0" ask for more time, explaining why you can't pay for the moment. o You have received a reply from Beefeater to your enquiry in Exercise 2. If their terms are now satisfactory, write an email confirming the order for shipping your containers to Canada. If the terms are not satisfactory, write an email rejecting their offer, apologizing for the delay in collecting your containers and promising to have them collected by next week. 120 Tbt'BusinesS2.o Additional 3 .3 G ra mma r Article s, re la tive noun combina tions cla use s a nd Bs Help the other team guess the noun combinations below by giving definitions using a relative clause. If you want to make it more difficult, use synonyms instead of the exact terms in the noun combinations. 1 3 a dead-end job brand-building packaging material-saving carton 4 5 6 • 7 .4 S pe a king P re se nta tions - visua ls Presentation (page 95, Exercise 6) Definitions gam e (page 41, Exercise 9) 2 material Student C Present the three sJides on Yarax Sports and explain why this company would be a good acquisition. call centre wages newly empowered advisers email risk policy 5 .4 S pe a king N e gotia tions - ba rga ining Negotiating (page 69, Exercise 9) Student B Harty Petersen's application service provider, Holman Multimedia, has gone out of business, taking with it Harry's site which was turning over a thousand dollars per day. Harry needs to hire a new provider. This time he is determined to negotiate a contract which will protect his business if there are problems. You represent Easytail. a new supplier. Your boss has given you a list of points to negotiate below. Try to negotiate more 'Ideals' than 'Unacceptables'. Ideal Acceptable Unacceptable Set-uptime > 2 weeKs 2 weeks < 2 weeks Cost 15% more than Holman same as Holman less than Holman Payment terms < 30 days 30 days > 30 days Contract > 18 months 12-18 months < 12 months Penalties if site is offline no penalties 20-30% of average turnover > 30% of penalties if contract is broken no penalties 20% of turnover for 1 month average turnover > 20% 0"1 turnover for 1 month 8 .2 V oca bula ry Inte rna tiona l pa yme nts 6 .6 C a se study P hoe nix Defining words (page 103, Exercise 7) Reading and discussion (page 85, Exercise 4) Student B Student A will give you definitions for 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 across to help you complete the crossword. Give Student A definitions for 1, 3, 5 and 8 down and 10 and 11 across. Group C - Phoenix Read the email from Head Office in Sydney and answer the questions. C8J ... INBOX REPLY" FORWARD" Hi, JUS1 a few words about the meeting In Port Katherine. We want you to represent Phoenix in the best possible light ~ 'Operation (harm and Diplomacy'. remember) We need to make friends and to sell the benefits of having a Phoenix recycling centre in their town: protect the environment. new jobs. investment. growth, higher protile tor the town, taxes. involvement in community projects, etc. By the way, on the subject of community projects, find out what they're interested in, but try not to make any expensive commitments, OK! Port Katherine will be our centre tor most of Western Australia In the long term. it could become the largest recycling centre on the continent, so it's pretty important for us. It's a good site for us, but they need us more than we need them. If things get difficult, we can go somewhere else. Site A has the best access, but there's the problem of the school. Site B is expensive, and it's not flat, which means that limiting the risk of contamination by fluids is more difficult. Site ( has poor access. unless the town builds a new access road. And I don't think they've really understood what having a recycling centre in the middle of the town would mean. Obviously, as we have our own trucking division, transport by sea is not an option for us. Anyway, I know you'll do a good job. Let me know how the meeting goes. Justin 1 2 3 4 5 de a ls a nd 'H 1 1 1 1 1 1zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA A zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA -v I \2 1 'p \ I I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP 11 J \ J ~ 4f<. e L 5S I I I A r-- V ~ £ L 1 1 F rv I' 'A 7 c0- • 7 1 I I I I I e 11 A I I I 0 1 '" 1 1 1 I I I R £' I I I BL 0 - D p., J 1 I-- 'E ~ f-:;.._ lOS A c A c c-- r- S 'T I I I s I I I I £ \ F £1 TI TI L e A/",I1:I", A c v o\1:/cl£/ 11pIAI c e DI1:1 FI F 1: clulLI TIL e s\ What are your objectives at the meeting? What sort of community projects do you think Phoenix could support? What are Phoenix's plans for Port Katherine's future? Which is the best site for Phoenix? What arguments can you use against choosing the other sites? 71JCBusiness2..o 121 Gram m ar and practice I 1 C orpora te culture o Put one verb into the past simple and one into the P a st te nse s D Reada diary entry written by Joelle,a student on a work placement. Of the verbs in bold, identify which are examples of the: past simple past continuous past perfect. I was doing my work placement in a large bank near past perfect in each sentence. 1 Before I (get) my full-time job at the bank, I ____ (already/work) there for several months as an intern. 2 It's OK, don't worry, I Gust/finish) revising for my exam when you (call). 3 It (be) so nice to talk to Eva yesterday. I ~ (not/see) her for ages. 4 (not/meet) a man like Fabio before. He really (listen) to me. to where I live. I was working in the back office (I had I) It may not be necessaryto use the past perfect if you asked to do something where I could deal directly use b e fo re or a fte r to make the time sequenceclear.Both underlined forms are correct: with clients, but they said no). Anyway, one day Before I arranged the doctor's appointment, I spoke / had spoken to my su p e ro iso r. something really awful happened. My supervisor had given me some client information to enter 'Into a database, and I was filling in the various -Aelds on Underline the correct forms in bold. Sometimesboth are correct, sometimesonly one. the screen. While I was entering the information, 1 I suddenly saw a name I recognized - it was a friend from school called Sylvie. It seems that she had applied fo r a loan to have some cosmetic surgery! Of course, the bank had strict confidentiality But, even so, I wish that i I! 3 rules and the next time I saw Sylvie I didn't mention anything. I 2 I hadn't found out about it. 4 I understood the marketing part of the course much better after my internship finished / had finished. The traffic was terrible, and when I got there the meeting already started / had already started. Before I was promoted to Sales Director, I was / had been a sales consultant in our main city-centre branch. By the end of the course I realized that I bought / had bought over a dozen books. o Match the time expressionson the left with the tense they are often used with on the right. o Complete the summariesof the main use of each 1 while 2 already, by the end of tense in Exercise1 by writing the correct tense name in eachgap. 3 last year, two months ago a) past simple b) past continuous c) past perfect T e lling zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK a story zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON • You usethe to showthat one event happenedbefore another. • You usethe to describean activity in progressthat gives the backgroundto the main events. • You usethe to describethe main events of the story. D Put one verb into the past simple and one into the past continuous in eachsentence. (revise) for my Economics exam when you ___ (call). 2 I'm sorry, I (not/hear) what you said. I ~ (read) this article about Johnny Depp. 3 (see) Eva yesterday. She (talk) to some friends outside the library. 4 While I (work) in the bar last summer I ____ (meet) this guy called Fabio. 1 II Look at the sentencesin Exercise3 again. In general, does the activity in progress(past continuous): 1 stop when the main event happens? or 2 continue after the main event happens? or 3 either 1 or 2 - we only know by the context. 122 T/Je Business 2.0 D When you tell a story, you can use the word zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih anyw ay to: 1 2 change the subjectzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM or return to a previous subject. Find the word anyway in Exercise 1 and say how it is used. II When you tell a story, you can use the words in the box. Find pairs with the same meaning. actually after that apparently eventually in fact in the end it seemsthat obviously of course the nextthing that happenedwas Grammar 5E Read a story written by Janek, a student who had a holiday job. Put the verbs into the correct form: past simple (x7), past continuous (x3) and past perfect (x4). One day last summer I (1) (work) in a bar on the beach. I (2) (just/leave) school and I was young and naive. Anyway, on that day I (3) (serve) the drinks by myself - my other colleagues (4) (not! arrive) for work yet. A man (5) (come) up to the (ask for) 'a whisky on the rocks'. counter and (6) I (7) (want) to be helpful, so 1 filled a glass with whisky, (8) (take) it over to where he (9) (sit) with his friends and (10) _ (place) it on the rocks next to him. The next thing that happened was they all started laughing and laughing. [ (11) (never/be) so embarrassed in my life. Of course, when I realized my mistake 1 (12) (see) the funny side as well, and in the end everything (13) (be) OK. In fact, by the end of the evening, I (14) (become) friends with them all. But, even today, when I hear the phrase 'on the rocks' it reminds me of that day. m A story is often 1 2 3 4 told in four stages: m Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 You should to cia it today. 2 You ought do it today. 3 He shoulds do it today. 4 Do I should do it today? m You can give advice using both must and should: You must speak to your supervisor. You should speak to your supervisor. Which sentence means: 'It's a good idea to speak to your supervisor'? Which sentence means: 'It's necessary to speak to your supervisor'? 2 m Complete the sentences by using the verb apply in its correct form (apply, to apply or applying). 1 Why don't you 2 How about 3 You ought 4 You should for that job? for that job? for that job. for that iob, replies from 1 (agreement) to 4 (disagreement). In [celle's diary entry in Exercise 1, the four stages are: 1 from I was doing ... to ... said 110. 2 from Anyway to surgery' 3 from Of course to anything. 4 from But even so ... to ... about it. o No. that's not a good idea. o That might be worth trying. o I'm not sure about that because o That sounds like a good idea. o 1 2 3 4 o to to to to ... Should and must are examples of modal verbs. Other modal verbs are: can, could, will, W OUld,m ay, might and shall. Modal verbs have special characteristics: Identify the four stages in Janek's story in Exercise 10. from from from from • A dvice structure s m Grade these Background situation Problem Solution/resolution Comment and practice _ _ _ _ m Write a short story about something that happened to you while you were at work, for example: while you were doing a holiday job while you were doing an internship while you were helping a family member. Before you begin, look again at the diary entry in 1 and the story in Exercise 10. Also, use the vocabulary in Exercise 8 and Exercise 9 to help you. They are 'auxiliary verbs'. This means they are used with another main verb. You should learn to set goals. Two modal verbs cannot be used together.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed N O T~ o o o They are followed by the infinitive without to. N O T / zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE must to meet him. They only have one form, so there is no third person -s, no -ing form and no -ed form. To make a question you put the modal verb in front of the subject. Should I ... ? o Can I ... ? To make a negative you put not after the modal verb (often shortened to -ri'r) You shouldn't ... You can't ... Modal verbs are used to express ideas such as advice, ability, obligation, probability. The same modal verb can have different meanings. /lJI· Business 2.0 123 2 C ustom e r support Y e s/N o que stions W h- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK que stions D D You make questions beginning Complete the table with these auxiliary verbs: are, did, did, do, does, had, had, has, have, is, was, were, would. Presentsimple ____ you work there? shework there? Present continuous ____ you working there now? he working there now? Pastsimple ____ you work there before? shework there before? Pastcontinuous ____ you working there then? he working there then? Presentperfect ____ you everworked there? sheever worked there? Pastperfect ____ you alreadyworked there? she alreadyworked there? Modals you work here next year? Now complete the rule using these words: subject, with Wh- or How to ask for more information. Complete the text using two of the following items in each gap. How how far How much will are do does will What Why Providing back office functions for global business is vital for India's economy. (1) India earn from this per year? About $2 billion. (2) so many companies outsourcing to India? The answer is simple: it's cheaper. But (3) this process go? Surprisingly,not much further, at least as far as India is concerned. The problems are poor infrastructure, labour shortages and, in particular, wage inflation. (4) we know there will be a problem? Because the same thing happened before: to Ireland in the 90s. So (5) companies do? They will simply outsource their business processes to other countries, such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Eastern European nations. D Compare how What and Which are used. Then complete the sentences below using What or Which. main verb, auxiliary verb. • • -----+-----+----- o Read Frank's answers in the telephone conversation, then write Geeta'squestions using the same tense. Geeta: Frank: Geeta: Frank: Geeta: Frank: Geeta: Frank: Geeta: Frank: D (1) this software from us? Yes,I bought it from you. (2) a guarantee? Yes,[ have a two-year guarantee. (3) restarting the computer? Yes,I've tried doing that. (4) at your computer right now? Yes, I'm sitting at my desk. (5) the software again, please? No, I won't reinstall it again' I thought you were a helpline, but you're not being very helpful. Underline the correct short answers. 1 Do you work in customer support? Yes, 1 work. I Yes, I am. I Yes, I do. 2 Are you working in customer support now? Yes, I work. I Yes, I am. I Yes, / do. 3 Did you work in customer support before? No, I didn't work. I No, I didn't. 4 Have you ever worked in customer support? No, 1 never worked. I No, I haven't. noun Which + zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba What + noun Youform yeslno questionsusing: things wide choice ____ ____ 3 ____ Sunday? 4 ____ 1 2 people and organizations limited choice type of car do you drive? university do you go to? day would be best for you: Saturday or time shall we meet? I'm free all day. Sometimeswho, what or which isthe subjectof the sentence.In this case,you don't usean auxiliary verb. Who told you? NOT V lhe did tell you? What happened? NOT W hat did happefl? D Match the questions with the answers. 1 2 3 4 a) b) c) d) Who called? Who did you call? Who got the job? Which job did he get? The one he wanted. Pete got it. I called Mary. Alice called. o Write the questions for the answers given. 1 ________ at the station? I met Sue. at the station? 2 ________ Sue met me. 3 at the training day? It was really interesting. Thierry spoke.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON 4 abo~? He spoke about how to set up a small business. 124 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ti» zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Grammar M a king re que sts G iving instructions II Saying IE Match Help m e with m y bags! or even Help m e with m y bags, please! can sound too direct. Instead, use: phrases 1-5 with a definition 1 You can do it. You might have to do it. 3 You don't have to do it. 4 You mustn't do it. 5 You have to do it. 2 Polite request forms Can/Couldyou help me with m y bags? W iIIlW ouldyou help me with m y bags? Do you think you could help me with m y bags? I wonder if you could help m e with m y bags. I was wondering if you could help me with my bags. Add the word possibly in the correct place in this sentence: I wonder if [ could leave a few minutes early today? Fill in the missing letters to make two more polite request forms. a) I'd be really g I if you could help me. b) I'd really a e it if you could help me. 2 a) b) c) d) e) and practice • a-e. 0 0 0 0 0 It's necessary to do it. It's OK - you're allowed to do it. It's not necessary to do it. I'm telling you not to do it. It's possible that some action is necessary. SIS Choose the three phrases from the first group in Exercise 13 that mean the same as: 1 Don't do it! 2 You need to do it. 3 You needn't do it. D Read the contexts 1- 4 then match each one with an appropriate request form a-d. 1 asking for help from a friend who should be helping you, but isn't 0 asking a small favour of your brother/sister 0 3 asking a small favour of a colleague who is doing something else 0 4 asking a big favour of a senior colleague who is doing something else 0 2 a) b) c) d) Can you give me a hand? Come on, give me a hand here! I was wondering if you could possibly give me a hand. Do you think you could give me a hand? [Ill When you agree to a request, 'OK' can sound too relaxed and informal. There are other more customerfriendly alternatives. Fill in the missing letters. Youdon't have to do it. Youneedn't do it. • To say it is necessary not to do something, use: Youm ustn't do it! Don't do it! m In the affirmative, you zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT have to and you must are very similar. But notice from the box above that, in the negative, you don't have to and you m ustn't are different. Complete the text below using have to, don't have or m ustn't. Can you give me a hand? 1 Yes,__ c 2 Yes,c • To say it is necessary to do something, use: You have to do it.fYou'li have to do it. Youneed to do it/You'll need to do it. (The forms with '1/ are more inforrnal.) • To say it is not necessary to do something (i.e. there is a choice), use: . y. to You (1) work in customer support but, if you do, then you will sometimes be faced with very angry caners. Luckily,there are some techniques to help you. First, you Match the first part of the phrase with the last part (2) interrupt while the other person is speaking. to make requests using m ind. They need to be able to express what they are feeling. Of course, if they're angry,then the message may get confused, 1 Do you mind if I ... a) closed the window? so when they finish, you (3) ask short, simple 2 Would you mind ifI ... b) closing the window? questions to establish the facts. Most companies insist that 3 Would you mind. c) close the window? accept any legal during this first call you (4) responsibility for the problems, but that's OK - you Requests with m ind mean: 'Is it a problem for you?' (5) . You can, however, still be sympathetic and So answering 'no' means: 'no problem'. try to help. Above all, your attitude is important - you W ouldyou m ind helping me with this software? (6) be calm and patient at all times. No,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA not at all.lNo, of course not. 3 Yes, S . m IE If you want to refuse any kind of request, you can say: A right now. / To be h , it's a bit inconvenient neBusiness 2.0 125 3 P roducts a nd pa cka ging Article s D e fining D II Complete the sentences using the, an or no article. I have _ idea. Let's develop _ completely new model with extra features - we could call it 'Premia'. Of course, it would sell at _ much higher price. 2 When we launch _ new 'Premia' model, we will have to redesign _ packaging. We want to differentiate it from _ standard model we sell now. 3 Anyone who works in _ marketing will tell you _ packaging is very important - _ products don't just sell themselves. o Complete the grammar rules using the, a/an or Fill in the gaps using the or a/an. 1 I've brought with me _ mockup of our latest GPS device - _ mockup shows how compact the new product will be. 2 I'd like to finish _ presentation by telling you _ story. 3 Have you heard about _ MP-bunny? It's _ electronic rabbit that dances and talks. 4 We've developed _ great new product - _ idea came from our R&D department. D 1 FedEx® is an international company. It operates in the transportation business. Charlie Wang is a dynamic man. He runs the New China Packaging Company. R e la tive cla use s w ithout the re la tive pronoun III Look at the two joined sentences with the underlined relative clausesin the box in Exercise5. In one of the sentences you can leave out the relative pronoun. Write the whole sentence again, without any relative pronoun. Fill in the gaps using the where necessary. 1 People say that _ money makes _ world go round. 2 _ money we spend on _ market research is only a small part of our whole budget. 3 _ football these days is much more commercialized than _ football they played 20 years ago. 4 _ plastic is often used as a packaging material, and _ plastic we use is 100% biodegradable. 126 Read how to join two short sentences. Join the sentences below. Write both relative pronouns. 2 D cla use s Hereis the package.We designedit lastweek. ~ Here is the package which/that we designed last week. (NOTHere is the package which we designed H: last week.) Here isthe CV of the Portuguesecandidate.Shegot the job. ~ Here is the CV of the Portuguese candidate who/that got the job. (NOTHere is the CV of the Portuguese candidate who me got the job.) The underlined phrasesare relative clauses. Thewords in bold are relative pronouns.You usewhich for things, who for people and that for both things and people. (In speech,that is more commonfor things, and who is more commonfor people.) no article. You use when the listenerdoesn't know which personor thing you are talking about because: • you are mentioning it for the first time or • it is not specific. 2 You use when it is clearwhich personor thing you are talking about because: • it's clear from the context or • there is only one or • you havealready mentioned it. 3 You use when you are talking generally. re la tive IhcBusiness 2.0 o Underline the correct words inzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb bold to make a rule. Think about your last answer and look again at the box above to help you. • Youcan leaveoutzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO who, which or that in a defining relative clauseif they are followed immediately by a verb zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML I a pronoun I a noun. • You must keep who, which or that if they are followed immediately by a verb / a pronoun / a noun. Grammar zyxwvutsrqponmlkji and p rac ti c e . N oun com bina tions R e la tive cla use s with zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA whose III The relative pronoun whose shows possession. Read the examples in the box. m Read the information about noun combinations in the box. A credit card is a card used for getting credit. A company credit card is a card used for getting credit that has been provided by a company. An insurance document is a document that shows you have insurance, A travel insurance document is a document that shows you have insurancefor travel. FedEx®is an international company. Its reputation is very good. 7 FedEx is an international company whose reputation is very good. Charlie Wang is a dynamic man. His ideasabout business are very interesting. 7 Charlie Wang is a dynamic man whose ideas about business are very interesting. So,the main noun comesat the end, and any others describe it. Combine these sentences using whose. An adjective can come at the beginning. The examples below are all two-part adjectives. a long-lasting printer cartridge a high-quality water treatment system a six-month government training course These are the views of the consultants. Their report was used by the government. 2 l Look at this article about that German manufacturing company. Their production was outsourced to Slovakia. Make two-word noun combinations from the words in each group. P re positions in re la tive cla use s D Tick (.I) the two sentences that are in modern spoken English. 1 2 3 4 M icrosoft® is a company about which I know quite a lot. M icrosoft is a company which I know quite a lot about. The person to whom I spoke was called Sandra. The person I spoke to was called Sandra. Normally you put a preposition at the end of the relative clause (although this may not be the end of the sentence), The word whom following a preposition is rare in modern English. It sounds very formal. 1 rate in fla tio n 2 force focus task group 3 forecast aid hearing sales 4 leader stock market control 5 price feedback customer range re la tive cla use s noun combinations by putting the words in the correct order. 1 2 [Ill Read the examples of non-defining relative clauses in 4 5 the box. 6 FedEx@,which is one of America's largest companies, has its head office in Memphis. Charlie Wang, who is President of New China Packaging, has some interesting ideas about cross-functional teams. Underline the correct words in bold to make rules. product m Make three-word 3 N on-de fining features inflation ra te , p ro d u ct fe a tu re s product hero development engineer feedback construction team film strategy computer program bridge design action staff software customer project m Choose the best adjective to put at the beginning of each noun combination in Exercise 12. Find a solution that uses each adjective once only. hard v~efkiflg long-term nice-looking over-budget self-employed web-based 1 a zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC h a rd -w o rkin g p ro d u ct d e sig n te a m • A non-defining relative clause identifies exactly 2 a _ which person or thing we mean I simply adds extra 3 a _ information. 4 a _ • In a non-defining relative clause you use I do not use 5 a _ commasaround the clause. _ 6 an • In a non-defining relative clauseyou can / cannot leave out w h o or w h ich . • In a non-defining relative clauseyou can / cannot use zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA that. 7lJI'BusineSS2.0 127 4 C a re e rs P re se nt sim ple a nd pre se nt continuous D Match the verb forms in bold in the sentencesbelow with their uses a- d below. 1 2 3 4 I speak English mainly in my English lessons, and sometimes when I'm on holiday. I'm bilingual- I speak French and German, like many Swiss people. Don't ask me now - can't you see I'm speaking on the phone? I've had a terrible argument with another team member, although we're still speaking. a) Present continuous used for an action happening around now, but not at this exact moment. D b) Present continuous used for an action happening right now. D c) Present simple used for a fact or permanent situation. D d) Present simple used for a habit or routine. D 11 Some verbs (called 'state' verbs) are not usually used in a continuous form. Tick (.I) the verb forms that are correct. Change the incorrect forms in bold into the present simple. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 Commonstate verbs be believe belong cost depend know like mean measure need see seem taste think understand want weigh o In these mini-dialogues the tenses are correct, but there are four mistakes of form. Find and correct the mistakes. 1 A: You work on Saturdays? B: No, luckily I not work on Saturdays. 2 C: You are going for an interview today? D: No, I not going today - the interview is tomorrow. P re se nt pe rfe ct o Match the verb forms in bold in the sentences below with their uses a-Co 1 D Put one verb into the present simple and one into the present continuous in each sentence. 2 1 3 2 Have you met Freda? She (come) from Berlin. Oh, there she is. She (come) over here now. Usually we (have) just two hours of English a week. But this month I (have) some private lessons to help me get a better grade in the exam. II The time expression can give a clue about which verb tense to use. Look at the time expression in bold then put the verb into the correct form. 1 Right now I (do) two assignments, one for Economics and one for Quantitative Analysis. 2 Every semester we (have) an exam on all the material we've studied. 3 Once a day I (check) all my emails. 4 This week a friend from Ireland (stay) with me. S At the moment I (wait) to hear from an IT company who I sent my CV to. 6 From time to time I (do) a bit of work in my father's company - usually during the summer. 128 The soup is tasting delicious! The soup is boiling. Sorry, I'm not following you. Sorry, I'm not understanding you. What are you saying? What are you meaning? This book is belonging to me. This book is selling for €IS on Amazon. Please don't interrupt me - I'm doing a grammar exercise. This grammar exercise is easy - I'm knowing all of the answers. I've worked here for nearly a year. I've worked in several different bars and restaurants since leaving university. I put myoid camera for sale on eBay and I've sold it' With the money I'll be able to buy a better one. a) Present situation caused by a past event. D b) People's experiences up to nowzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY (w hen they happened is not important). D c) Something that started in the past and continues up to the present. D o Complete the grammar explanations in the box with these words: present simple, present continuous, present perfect. • The hasseveraluses,but it showsthat the speakeris looking backfrom the presentto the past. • The hasseveraluses,b ut it showsthat a presentaction or situation istemporary. • The hasseveraluses,b ut it showsthat a presentaction or situation is permanent. Now look back at all the example sentenceson this page and compare with the explanations. tbc zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Grammar and practice o Underline 1 2 3 4 5 g the correct words in bold. I've been a student at this university for / since I was 19. I've been a student at this university for / since three years. 1 had a great time for / during my university days. 1 had a great time for I during the first two years at university, but after that there was a lot of work. I was a student at that university since many years / many years ago. Complete the rules in the box using these words: a g o , d u rin g , fo r, s in c e . • When you talk about people's experiences up to now, you use the or _ • When you focus on the action itself, not the result, you usethe _ • When you focus on the result, not the action, you use the _ • When you say 'how many' you usethe _ m Put each verb into the correct form: present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Some sentences may use the same form twice. 1 ____ : used with periods of time; used with the past simple and present perfect; answersthe question 'how long?' ____ : used with periods of time; used with the past simple; answersthe question 'when?' ____ : identifies the point an event began; used with the present perfect. ____ : used to say how far back in the past something happened; used with the past simple. • 2 3 (send off) job applications all summer but I still (not/have) any lucie [ (send off) about 20 job applications this summer - perhaps I (apply) for the wrong kind of job. Joanna looks really disappointed - she ~ Gust/receive) her exam results and I'm sure she ___ (fail). C hoosing form s: m ore pra ctice m zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Put each verb into the correct form: present simple, present perfect or past simple. II!] Complete the sentences with these words associated Sales (go up) by 5% last year. Sales (go up) by 5% so far this year. Erica? She's left. If you go out to the car Sales (go up) by 5% every time we have an park, you'll catch her. advertising campaign. Erica? She's left. In fact, she left several 4 I (work) for Johnson & Johnson for two hours ago. years. It's a good company, but now I think it's time for a Erica? She hasn't left . If you go up to the change. second floor, you'll catch her. 5 After university [ (work) for Johnson & Have you been really late for an interview? Johnson for two years. Then I was invited to join What happened? zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Novartis. We've received so many application forms for 6 I (work) for Johnson & Johnson. There's a one job. It's amazing! great atmosphere in my department. with the present perfect: e v e r, n e v e r, a lre a d y ,ju s t, y e t. 1 2 3 4 5 P re se nt pe rfe ct a nd pre se nt pe rfe ct continuous m Read sentences 1-8. A tick (.f) means correct, and a cross (X) means incorrect. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I've lived here since last summer. 0 I've been living here since last summer. 0 She's been interviewing since 8am - she must be tired. 0 She's interviewed since 8am - she must be tired. 0 She's interviewed James Matthews and has offered him the job. D She's been interviewing James Matthews and has been offering him the job. D I've written two assignments this week. 0 I've been writing two assignments this week. 0 1 2 3 1m Complete the text by using each of these forms once: present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past simple. 'I really (1) (want) that job I (2) _ (apply) for a few weeks ago. I (3) (wait) for ages - I wonder if they (4) (decide) anything? I (5) (sleep) so badly at the moment.' Refer to the examples above to complete the grammar rules in the box. Write present perfect, present p e rfe c t c o n tin u o u s , p re s e n t p e rfe c t or p re s e n t p e rfe c t c o n tin u o u s . 1/1{" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON Business 2.0 129 5 M a king de a ls T ype s of conditiona ls D Read sentences a-c below. a) If I use Amazon, I buy more books than 1 really want, and then I don't have the time to read them afterwards! b) If I use Amazon to find that book about marketing, it'll arrive within a week, and I won't need to go round all the bookshops looking for it. c) If I used Amazon to find that book about marketing, it'd be cheaper, but of course I wouldn't be able to look at it first. o Read the whole sentence then underline the phrase bold that is best in the context. in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED 1 2 3 Now answer these questions by writing a, b or c. W hich sentence shows there is a high probability of one event happening? 0 2 W hich sentence shows I'm just imagining one event that is unlikely to happen? 0 3 W hich sentence is not about one specific event? 0 4 In which sentence could It be replaced with Whenever ... or Every time ? 0 1 o Refer to sentences a-c in Exercise 1. Complete these statements by underlining the correct words in bold. Sentence a) is called the zero I first I second conditional and the time reference is past I present I future I general. Sentence b) is called the zero I first I second conditional and the time reference is past I present I future I general. Sentence c) is called the zero I first I second conditional and the time reference is past I present I future I general. 1 2 3 If I get lost, I'll I I might call you on my mobile - there's nothing else I can do. If you sign the contract today, we'll be able to I we might be able to deliver by the end of the month, but I can't promise anything because our factory is very busy at the moment. If you give us a 5% discount, I'll be able to I I should be able to place an order, but I just need to check with my boss first. Modals in conditionals have their normal meanings. So: • w ill means'the result is certain'. • should means'the result is probable'. • m ight/could mean 'the result is possible'. o Compare these sentences with the similar ones in Exercises 3 and 4. I'm sure we'll find a compromise if we continue talking. We'll place an order it you bring down the price. Now complete the rule: When the if clause comesat the end, you leave out the ____ in writing. ifa nd w he n o In the sentences below F irst conditiona l you can use either if or when. Compare the two alternatives. If the meaning is the same, write S. If the meaning is different. write D . D 1 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Think carefully about the word w ill. 1 If we will continue talking, I'm sure we find a 2 If I will agree to that price, can you sign today? compromise. II Match an if clause 1-3 with a main clause a-c. 1 If you bring down the price, 0 2 If they're asking for a discount, 0 3 If we've discussed all the details, 0 a) can we finish the meeting? b) we'll place an order. c) tell them it's impossible. D Underline the correct words in bold to make a rule. Refer to Exercises 1-4 above to help you. The first conditional refers to a likely I unlikely event in the future. In the if clauseyou use the present simple I any present tense (simple, continuous or perfect) and in the main clause you use w ill or other modals or the imperative . •...._ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ------------------------------------.....,. 130 'he Business 2.0 2 If I W hen I use Amazon, I buy more books than I really want. 0 If I W hen I use Amazon to find that book about M arketing, it'll arrive within a week. D Now underline the correct answers in bold. a) In Sentence uncertainty b) In Sentence uncertainty 1, the about 2, the about word it suggests certainty / using Amazon. word when suggests certainty I using Amazon. • In zero conditional sentences,ifzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU and w hen have the same meaning. • In first conditional sentences,if and w hen do not have the same meaning. If shows uncertainty and w hen shows certainty. G ram m ar and practice if a nd unle ss providing D III Read the Underline the correct word in bold. 1 If / Unless business improves, l'lliose my job. 2 If / Unless business improves, we'll all get a pay rise. 3 If / Unless you put down a 10% deposit, we can accept your order. 4 If / Unless you put down a 10% deposit, we can't accept your order. (tha t)la s • long a s, e tc. example sentence then underline the correct words in bold in the box to make a rule. J m ight consider w orking abroad, providing (thatt/ptooided (that)/as long as/so long as the m oney w as good. The expressionsproviding, provided, as long as and so long as all mean if and only if. They emphasize the condition. They have a first I second conditional form, so they are followed by a verb in the present / past simple. unless = if not Unless businessimproves, I'll lose my job. = If businessdoesn't improve, I'll lose my job. Ill] Rewrite these sentences using unless. 1 If we don't leave now,we'll miss the start of the film. ________ , we'll miss the start of the film. 2 If he doesn't agree to our terms, we should walk away from the negotiation. ________ , we should walk away from the negotiation. V e rbs pa tte rns a dvise something something to someone recom m end/suggest (not) doing something recom m end/suggest (that) someone do something advise (not) doing something advise someone (not) to do something advise (not) doing something recom m end/suggest recom m end/suggest S e cond conditiona l Read sentences 1-4 then match the forms in bold with their best explanations a-d below. NOT I recommend yctJ this. NOT I recommend yeti doing this. NOT I recommend +t that you do this. NOT I advise yctJ doing this. NOT I advise#tat you to do this. If we increase our order, will you give us a discount? If we increased our order, would you give us a discount? If we increased OUI order it would be very risky. W e might never resell all the items to our customers. If we increased our order it would be too risky. W e would never resell all the items to our customers. 3 4 a) First conditional: there is a high probability of the event happening. D b) Second conditional: there is no probability at all of the event happening - it is purely imaginary. D c) Second conditional: there is a low probability of the event happening, but it is not out of the question. 0 d) Second conditional: there is no reference to probability, instead the speaker is using the past form to be indirect! tentative/diplomatic. It is easier for the other person to say 'no' without losing face. D re com m e nd/sugge st/ zyxwvutsrqponml II] Read the verb patterns in the box. m 1 2 with Now correct these sentences by deleting one word from each. 1 2 3 4 5 I suggest we to buy the cheaper model. I recommend it that we have a short break. I advise that you to look again at the figures. W hat do you suggest me? I recommend you not parking here. IE Correct the mistakes in these sentences. They should both be second conditionals. 1 2 If I would be the boss of this company, I will improve communications by having regular meetings. If we would paid a 50% deposit now, you reduce the price to €25,000? The second conditional refers to an unlikely, impossible or imaginary event in the future. In the if clause you use the past simple and in the main clauseyou use w ould/ m ightlcould. The second conditional can also be used to make the speaker sound indirect/tentative. The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV Business 2.0 131 6 C om pa ny a nd com m unity II Com plete the T he pa ssive D Com pare sentences a and b then questions below. Active farm a) Our subcontractors employed a lot of illegal immigrants last year. b) A lot of illegal immigrants were employed by our subcontractors last year. 1 Which sentence are you more likely to hear in a spoken conversation? D 2 Which sentence are you more likely to read in a written report? 0 3 Which sentence uses a passive verb? D 4 Rewrite sentence b so that the person or thing that did the action (the agent) is not mentioned. o Read the sentences a-d then answer the questions below. a) A lot of production has been moved overseas to countries where labour is cheap. b) New laws have been introduced to protect health and safety at work. c) The company admitted that mistakes had been made. d) It was agreed that compensation would be paid to the employees who lost their jobs. 1 Which sentence uses the passive because the agent is obvious (it is clearly 'the government')? 0 2 Which sentence uses the passive because the agent is unknown? 0 3 Which sentence uses the passive because we are not interested in the agent (it is a group of people, but exactly who is irrelevant)? 0 4 Which sentence uses the passive because the writer does not want us to identify the agent? 0 D Com pare two ways to end this sentence. Many tourists enjoy taking a cruise along the Danube, but over recent years ... 1 2 table. Do not m ention the agent. answer the ... the river has been polluted by raw sewage, agricultural chemicals and industrial waste. ... raw sewage, agricultural chemicals and industrial waste have polluted the river. W hich ending m akes a better link to the topic of the first part of the sentence ('the Danube')? 0 Passivefarm 1 W e m ake car parts here. Carparts 2 They're polluting the river. The river 3 W e obeyedthe law. The law 4 They'veoffered m e the job. I 5 Theywere selling fake goods. Fakegoods 6 W e can changethis policy. This policy 7 They m ight fine us. We 8 I will decidethis later. This o Rewrite the sentences using a passive form . Decide whether or not to m ention the agent. 1 We have put the environment at the centre of our future planning. The environment _ 2 Johnson & Johnson introduced the idea of corporate social responsibility. The idea of corporate social responsibility _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 Someone services the elevator every week. The elevator _ That guy with the crazy look in his eyes serviced the elevator last week. The elevator _ The company is hiring 100 new employees this month. A hundred new employees _ A problem delayed my flight. My flight _ A major security alert involving 80 Chechnian terrorists delayed my flight. My flight _ We must protect the environment. Theenvironment _ iii Rewrite the phrase in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU bold so that there is a better link to the first part of the sentence. A terrible gas leak occurred in Bhopal in 1984 - it seems that an act of sabotage caused the disaster. • The passiveis usedwhen the agent (the personwho doesthe action) is obvious,unknown or uninteresting. • The passiveis also usedto bring a topic to the front of a phrase so that it links to the same topic just m entioned. • The passiveis m ore com m on in writing, and givesa form al, im personalstyle. 132 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I (,"Business 2.0 Grammar o Match reported speech 1-7 with the quotations One reported version is used twice. Telling a friend about the conversation a-h. later: She said (that) ... 1 . she did that. D 2 she would do that. D 3 she had done that. D 4 she was doing that. D 5 she might do that. 0 6 she could do that. 0 7 she must do thal. 0 (I!] Underline the correct form in bold. She She She 4 She 5 She 6 She 7 She I 2 3 a) 'I'm doing that.' b) 'I'll do that.' c) 'I've done that.' d) 'I did that.' c) 'I do that.' f) 'I can do that.' g) 'I may do that.' h) 'I must do that.' (.I) if the sentence O the r re porting 1 is possible, and a cross • Verbs likezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ say, followed by 'something': adm it, announce, which is still true. NO T S he explained He said he would be here this afternoon. I need to speak to him. D He said he will be here this afternoon. I need to speak to him. D He said he would be here this afternoon. But his secretary has just called to say that he can't make it, D He said he will be here this afternoon. But his secretary has just called to say that he can't make it. D 2 3 4 D Read the actual words spoken then underline the correct words in bold in the reported version. Actual words spoken on Monday: 'We'll give you our answer tomorrow.' Reporting to a colleague on Tuesday: She said that we'd / they'd give you / me our / their answer tomorrow / today. When you report what someone said earlier, the original verb tense moves back in time: • present simple ~ past simple, etc. (see Exercise 7 above) • w ill ~ ve rbs There are many other verbs to report what people say. Study the table. (.xl if it is impossible. Think about if you are reporting something said / told that she would do that. said me I told me that she would do that. said to me / told to me that she would do that. asked me that / what I would do. asked me that / if I would do that. asked me what 1 was doing / was I doing. asked me when I would arrive / would I arrive. You say something. You te ll somebody. You say something to somebody. To report a question you use ask + a question word (w hat, w hen, etc.) or if. The word order of a reported question is like a normal statement, not like a question. The actual words she spoke: Put a tick • R e porting ve rbs:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT sa y/te ll/a sk R e porte d spe e ch [) and practice could, w ould. You don't have to change the verb tense if the statement is still true. Sometimes a pronoun or time expression changes as well. tJj the situation. • Verbs like te ll, followed by 'somebody': assure, inform , persuade, reassure, rem ind. NO T S he fflfflrffled that the situation w as under control. (Correct: inform ed m e that) • A few verbs can be followed by 'something' or 'somebody': guarantee, prom ise. She guaranteed (us) that the goods would be here. m Report the phrases in bold using the verbs in brackets, Include the wordzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR m e where possible. 1 2 'It's a really good deal - you won't find this price anywhere on the market.' (persuade) HezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB persuaded me that it was a really good deal 'We're stopping all production until we discover the cause of the pollution in the river.' (announce) She ___ 3 'Don't worry, we have fitted new filters to make sure that the system is clean and safe.' (reassure) He _ 4 'Do you want to know what we can do about this situation? We can do absolutely nothing.' (reply) She w ould Both the past simple and present perfect change to the past perfect. There is no change for m ust, should, m ight, claim , explain, im ply, reply, state. ri,,'BusineSS2.(} _ 133 7 M e rge rs a nd a cquisitions w ill II Match D Match the forms 1 2 3 4 5 Bye! 0 Are you ready to order now? 0 Can you send me a copy of your new brochure? 0 I only have an hour to get to the airport. 0 Are you going for a drink with your colleagues? 0 a) b) c) d) e) Of course, I'll put one in the mail this afternoon. Bye! I'll see you tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll call a taxi. Yes,but I don't think I'll be back late. Yes,I'll have the roast lamb. of w ilf in sentences 1-5 with their best explanations a-e below. a) The merger will take place next January. b) I think the merger will probably take place sometime early next year. c) I'll open the window - it's a bit hot in here. d) I'll carry your suitcase to the car. e) I'll call you next week. Bye! 1 a prediction about the future based on an opinion or belief 0 2 a future fact 0 3 a promise about the future 0 4 an instant decision - sometimes referring to something immediate, not in the future 0 5 an offer of help - sometimes referring to something immediate, not in the future 0 w ill has two main uses: 1 predictions o Look at the use of 'II in responsesa-e in Exercise4. W hich one is the best example of: I 2 3 4 5 of speaking • The second use is informal, contracted to 'II. and in this use w ill is usually be going zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML to o Read the information 1 predictions, I'll speak to m y boss and see if we can do that. W e're going to cut forty jobs next m onth. (instant decision + offer of help) word w ill in three places and w on't in two places. 'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I've called this press conference because of the rumours circulating in the media about our M&A strategy. Over the next few years our bank become a major player in Central Europe, and naturally we look at strong local banks as possible targets for acquisition. But we make any decisions until we have studied the market carefully.There has been much comment about possible job cuts, but I want to reassure you that the staff of a bank are amongst its most valuable assets. When we do make a move, there be significant job losses at the bank we acquire. In any case, we deal with this issue at the time, and I have no further comment to add now.' Read these two sentences. I There will be significant job losses. 2 There won't be significant job losses. Now add the word probably in the correct place to both sentences (but not at the beginning). 134 especially where there is strong evidence in the present situation Look out! It's going to fall. 2 plans and decisions we have already made. (instant decision + promise) o Read the extract from a presentation then add the about be going to in the box. Be going to has two main uses: • Decisions, promises and offers of help are often combined: O K, I'll em ail the inform ation to you this afternoon. D a prediction? a future fact? an instant decision? a promise? an offer of help? and facts about the future 2 decisions, promises and offers of help that we make at the moment comments 1-5 with responsesa-e below. Now decide how be going to is used in each sentence. W rite prediction or plan. 1 It says in this article that there are going to be job cuts in our banking sector because of all the foreign acquisitions. _ 2 I'm going to see my bank manager about the loan next week. _ 3 You want delivery by the end of the month? That's going to be difficult. _ 4 We're going to launch the new model at the Frankfurt Motor Show. _ 5 There's too much to do before the deadline. We're not going to have enough time. _ 6 We want to expand our operations in Central and Eastern Europe, so we are going to open new branches in Bratislava and Warsaw. _ o zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP Read the evidence in the first sentence. Then use the words in brackets to make a prediction with zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb be going to. I American banks want to expand in Slovakia. (Citibank/rnake a bid for Tatra Banka.) 2 There's too much to do before the deadline. (We/not have enough time.) TheBusiness zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Grammar P re se nt continuous III Read the information in the box. and practice • The present continuous is slightly more likely if the arrangement is fixed, with a time and a place. I'm going to see m y bank m anager next week. about the present continuous I'm seeing m y bank m anager at 11:30 next Tuesday. The present continuous has a present time reference (see Gram m ar and practice 4 page 124). It also has a future time reference: to talk about fixed arrangements. The fixed arrangements are often social arrangements and appointments. There is usually a time phrase. I'm seeing my bank m anager at 11:30 next Tuesday. E xpre ssing like lihood m Use these expressions to complete the sentences below. Match the expressions in the box with the degree of probability in brackets. it's almost certain to it's likely to it might it might just it will definitely there's no way it will there's not much chance it will Now complete the text by putting the verbs into the correct form of the present continuous. '1 (tly) to Paris on Thursday morning. Louis and Isabelle (come) from Lyons to join us. We (give) a presentation about the merger to institutional investors on Friday morning, at the offices of BNP Paribas.' w ill or going to? D Read the information in the box. Often either will or going to are possible, and you could use both in the same situation. However there are some small differences that can influence your choice. Predictions: • W ill is more likely if the prediction is based on the speaker's thoughts and opinions. • GOing to is more likely if the prediction is based on evidence in the present situation. Decisions: • W ill is more likely if the decision is spontaneous, made at the moment of speaking. • Going to is more likely if the decision has been made previously, and so now it is a plan. 1 2 (1000/0) 3 (70%) (50%) 4 5 (90 010) 6 (200f0) (100f0) 7 (0%) bc a success. be a success. be a success. be a success. be a success. be a success. be a success. m Rewrite each sentence with one of these words so that the probability changes as shown in brackets. almost good definitely definitely highly just fully 1 There's a chance the merger will go ahead. (500f0~ 70%) There's a good chance the merger will go ahead. 2 The merger will go ahead. (100%~ 100% with emphasis) 3 The merger won't go ahead. (OOJo~O% with emphasis) 4 The merger might go ahead. (500f0~20%) 5 The mcrger is certain to go ahead. (100%~900f0) Now underline the form in bold that is more likely (but remember that both are possible). 6 It's likely the merger will go ahead. (70%~900J0) 1 7 We expect the merger to go ahead. (700i0~900f0) m WritezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG T (true) or F (false) after each statement. 2 3 4 Have you heard the news? Citibank will make / are going to make a bid for Tatra Banka, The UK will probably start / is probably going to start using the euro eventually. If you're busy, I'll come back / I'm going to come back later. I was talking with my friends yesterday - we'll go / we're going to go skiing in the Alps. going to or pre se nt continuous? Read the information in the box. 1 The three alternatives in bold below all have approximately the same meaning. D The merger may/might/could go ahead. 2 The three alternatives in italics below all have approximately the same meaning. D The merger may not/might not/could not go ahead. 3 The two alternatives in italics below have approximately the same meaning. D The merger should/is likely to go ahead. Going to and the present continuous are both used for plans and arrangements. Nearly always both are possible in the same situation. Going to is slightly more likely if it's just a plan. 1111'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK Business 2.0 135 8 Inte rna tiona l tra de I P re positions of tim e D Com plete the sentenceswith these prepositions. after from 1 2 3 4 5 6 at on Now com plete the explanation in the box by writing by or until. ____ ____ by during for until within My flight gets in 20:15, a few hours ____ yours. I'll be away Monday, 11 June, and I won't be back Wednesday, 20 June. My holidays begin Monday, 11 June. The meeting should have finished 4.30pm at the latest. I'll be away about ten days the month of June. When I get back there are a few things I need to sort out, but you'll hear from me a few days. III Com plete each sentence with 1 3 4 Now com plete the explanation in the box by writing in time or on time. Crossout the one incorrect word in bold in each sentence. 4 5 6 7 I'm away from Monday by / to / until Wednesday. What did you do at / during / in / over the holidays? How long was his presentation? Oh, it lasted during / for about an hour. During / While my time at university I learned a lot about economic theory. During / While I was at university I learned a lot about economic theory. Last year / In the last year sales were slightly better than this year. Last year / In the last year sales have been improving; by the end of the year we predict growth of around 2%. ____ ____ these phrases:at the end, by the end, in the end, towards the end, at last. • 2 3 D on at m eans'eventually'or 'finally'. T he negotiation w as going now here, and _ we just w alked aw ay. • refersto the last part of som ething. ____ of the negotiation their line m anager w ill have to sign the contract. D in m eans'with enough tim e' (usually:to do som ething else). m eans'a t the right tim e'. o Com plete the explanation in the box by writing Crossout the one word or expression that is not used with the preposition at the beginning. 1 in time or on time. I got to the airport - but another few minutes and I would have missed my flight. I got to the airport , and had a chance to look at the stores. If you order today, you'll get the goods for Christmas. You can trust us to deliver your goods every time. 2 o 1 2 3 m eans'up to'. m eans'on' or 'before'. • ____ April / 2006 / the 90s / lunch / the morning / the summer / the third quarter / the 21st century Friday / Friday morning / 2 April/Christmas Day / the summer / my birthday half past ten / the weekend / lunch / Christmas / the end of the week / the morning / night m eans'at' or 'before the end'. of the negotiation we had explored every possible option. • m eans'near the end'. ____ of the negotiation to start preparing • W rite at the beginning of each tim e expression either our legal team w ill have the contract. showspleasurebecausesom ething happens that you havebeen waiting for. ____ the negotiations are finished! Let's all go out for a m eal to celebrate. in, on, at or 0 if no preposition is used. 1 ____ ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 2 this morning yesterday afternoon last night the day before yesterday a few days ago last week Com plete each sentence with by or until. 1 2 I need your report Friday. I'll be away Friday lunchtime, but I'm free all Friday afternoon. I waited ten and then left. ten I had dealt with all my emails. 136 Look at the alternatives in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV bold and write 5 (sam e D (different m eaning). m eaning) or zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ 1 2 D 3 4 Il We appointed a sales agent in October, following month/the month after that our first orders. D We appointed a sales agent in October, shortly after we started to get our first !be zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 and the we started to get and soon after/ orders. D Grammar 11 Match the verbs on the left in each group of five with a construction on the right. apologize sllcceed rely conform convince 1 2 3 4 5 a) b) c) d) e) 6 hear insist look forward complain wait 7 8 9 10 to something somebody to do something in doing something on somebody to do something for (not) doing something t) to doing something g) about something from somebody h ) to somebody about something i) for something j) on doing something &Ill Use a verb + preposition these sentences. 1 2 3 4 from Exercise 9 to complete My soup was cold, so I the waiter. He the poor service, and said he would bring some hot soup immediately. While I'm away on business r _ my secretary to do everything. If anything important happens, she calls me or sends an email so that I ________ it straight away. The salaries in our company should _ ____ those in other similar companies. I've been saying that for ages, and I've now _ convincing senior management. We all get a 10% pay rise next month' I'll ask the waiter to bring the bill, and I _ ____ paying. You can pay when I visit you in your country, and I to doing that very soon. m Use a verb from A and a preposition from B to complete the sentences. Sometimes it is necessary to add a third person -s to the verb. agree insure apply invest comply suffer depend consist 1 2 3 4 5 6 for from N oun + pre position m in of on with with As well as owning stocks and bonds, a good way to diversify your portfolio is to _ property. The shipping cost two figures: the transport itself, and the insurance. Health and safety is a big issue these days, and the company has to all the regulations in this area. It all what you mean by 'profit'. Are you talking about gross profit. or net profit? If there was a fire in the factory, or a serious accident, it would be a disaster - we must _ these kinds of risks. Ruth persuaded me to the sales job, but I'm not sure that I want my career to go in that direction. Complete the sentences for for for for using these prepositions. in on on to to with 1 A company's image can be seriously damaged by involvement _ illegal trading practices. Bills of exchange are no substitute _ careful credit checks. 3 Credit insurance can eliminate the need _ letters of credit. 4 Credit ratings are a solution _ the problem of evaluating risk. 5 It's important to be transparent in dealings _ foreign governments. 6 Late payment can have a damaging effect _ a company's cash-flow. 7 Negotiators should show respect _ other cultures. 8 Some countries levy a special tax _ imports. 9 The seller's bank may have access _ information about the buyer's credit-worthiness. 10 The seller's bank takes responsibility _ obtaining payment.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI 2 m Find a word in Exercise 12 that means: 1 2 the act of taking part in an activity or event something that is used instead of something else 3 4 measurements of how good somethingzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX is _ the business relationship that you have with another person or organization (plural) _ harmful _ to officially request payment, especially of a tax 7 B against 8 5 6 A • Don't worry, I'm quite OK. 1 an allergy to dairy products, but irs nothing serious. I you up to a point, but I think there are some important issues that you haven't considered. 7 V e rb + pre position and practice 8 _ an amount of money that you have to pay to the government _ the degree to which an organization is likely to pay back money that they borrow _ II" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed Business 2.0 137 Re c o rding s B usine ss funda m e nta ls Company types and structures 1:01-1:05 Mina: I'm a geologist with a well-known multinational corporation - piaybe you eyen own shares in our company. Our ~re bqsiness is mining -gold, silver, copper, iron and so on. We have a complex structure; each geographical region has a local management structure, but individual product managers also report to different functional managers at HQ R&D, fi.nallce;-ii1iifKe1ing-;-e"tc. It's a huge operation, so decision-making can be very slow! Marty: I'm a freelance photographer. so I run my own business. I do a lot of weddings, parties and so on. Because I'm selfemployed, I can do things my way, which is great: on the other hand, it's financially risky.For example, if the business got into trouble, I could lose my home. Owen: We make furniture for firms like Ikea. I sort of s@~r:lli_ePl:ud.uc_ti.oJ1j and my sister runs the office, but in fact my dad decide5;;erything. He's the General Manager-It's a family business; there are six shareholders altogether, but we can't 'really do anything without Dad. Isabelle: I share an office and an assistant with three other lawyers. I specialize in employment lawadvisrrrg companies on HR issues. My partners each have their own specialization, and Sarah, our assistant, works for all of us. In theory, as managing partner, I'm the boss, but in practice we each look after our own clients. So it's a very flat structure, there's no real hierarchy. Frank: I work for a hairdressing franchise - my job is to recruit and manage new franchisees; j report directly to the CEO. We help franchisees to set up salons, promote our products, and ultimately. increase our shareholder value. It's good business for them, but although they manage their own limited companies, they don't have any real say in how things are done; there's a procedure for everything and [ mean everything' funny looks, especially when I went home in the evening. Anyway, in the end, I went and asked my supervisor what I'd done wrong. And in fact the problem was that most people didn't go home until 9 or lOpm. So because I left at about seven, I was breaking the unwritten rules. They all thought I was lazy' I mean, I knew I was the first to leave, but I arrived at 9am, and I was working really hard, you know?' But as far as they were concerned, you couldn't do any real work before eleven, so arriving at nine in the morning didn't count' :; S: B: S: B: 1:07 I'm a department manager in the civil service. The department's actually very informal and friendly - we're all quite young and everyone's on first name terms. We all have lunch together in the canteen and we often go to the pub for a drink after work. We have one or two interns per year. We try to make them feel at home and part of the team, and usually it's fine. But, a year or two ago, I had a problem with an intern [ was supervising. At first, everything was fine, Monica was very bright and friendly, and got on well with everybody. But then one day we had a crisis in the office. My manager needed one of Monica's files for an important meeting at l Oarn. We couldn't find it, and unfortunately Monica wasn't in the office; she wasn't answering her phone, and she didn't arrive until ten fifteen' In fact, she'd been to the dentist's, but she hadn't told me that she'd be late. Well, as you can imagine, I was stressed out and I made it very clear that this was unacceptable. And Monica just burst into tears, so I had to tell her that, you know, that was unprofessional too. Anyway, after that, things were never the same. She stopped socializing with the rest of the team; she wouldn't say anything in meetings and she didn't even eat in the canteen with us any more. I tried to explain that it was my job to tell her when there was a problem, and that it wasn't personal. But she couldn't accept that. For her, a boss was a boss, and a friend was a friend, and you couldn't be a boss and a friend. S: B: S: B: under her. Now then, as you probably know, Warndar Technologies was founded by Merilyn Warner, our CEQ, and David Darren, who's now COo. CQO? Yeah. Chief Operating Qfficer. Basically, David runs the business on a day-la-day basis. Merilyn deals with strategy; she's often away at our parent company in Houston. U h-huh - so Warndar is a subsidiary of the Irysis group, right? That's right. They took us over a couple of years ago. Anyway, there are three other department heads who all report to David. Roxane Pawle is our IT Manager in charge of IT and Technical Support. She's new she joined six months ago when our old IT Manager resigned. Really? Yeah. He was appointed Head of IT in a big firm up in Washington. Nice job, but too much stress. They fired him after only three months' Wow! Yeah. Anyway, Roxane has a web developer and two support engineers reporting to her. QK? Now, the biggest department here is R& D. Doug Pearson has seven research scientists in the lab. Doug coordinates our development programs; so he liaises with me in Marketing and with our Program Manager, Herb Monroe. Herb manages the Engineering Department, and he's responsible for building our product package. He has a team of three: two software engineers and a technical writer. S: O.K. B : All right, j think that's everyone. So, let's go and meet Saidah - unless you have any questions? 1.3 Grammar Past tenses and advice structures ~ 1:09 Do you know the one about the CFQ an the crocodiles? Well, there was this CEQ, who was giving a party for his executive team. Over the years, the boss had done very well for himself, so he was proudly showing the 1.2 Vocabulary Work organization executives around his luxurious country and responsibility house. Anyway, at the back of the house, he had built the largest swimming pool any of ~ 1:08 1 C orpora te culture them had ever seen. Absolutely huge, you Bertram: All right, Sam, welcome to San know? But the pool was full of very hungry 1.1 About business Work culture Antonio. Now, I just want to tell you who's crocodiles. So, the CEQ said to his executives, and placements who at Warndar, so you know who to go to 'The most important quality for an when you have questions, QK? executive is courage. Without it, you will ~ 1:06 Sam:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Q K. never become a CEQ like me. So, this is my j got myzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA firs t placement in a PR firm in Paris. B: Now; let's start here in Marketing; I'm the challenge to each of you: if anyone can dive Our teachers had told us to be careful about Business Development Manager, and I into the pool, swim through those crocodiles dress code, being on time, and so on. But I have a team of four reporting in to me; two and reach the other side, I will give them had a problem I really wasn't expecting. salesmen, Jake Smith, our Art Director, anything they want. My job, my money, my The first day, I arrived at eight thirty and I and Saidah Hussain, who's our PR Officer. house, anything" was a bit surprised because I had to wait an You'll be working mainly with Jake and Well, of course, everyone laughed at the hOLLrand a half for my supervisor to arrive. Saidah in PR, but you're going to report challenge and nobody took it very seriously. [n [act, most people came in at about eleven directly to me. Anyway, they had just started to follow the o'clock. But everybody was very friendly. They S: All right. CEQ towards the barbecue when suddenly gave me a project to work a ll and I thought, S: As j told you, we're a small company, so there was a loud splash. Everyone turned great, I can really do a good job here and, you the organization is simple for the moment, around and ran back to the pool where the know, make a good impression. but we're growing fast, so that's going to Chief Financial Qfficer was swimming for his Well, for the first two weeks I worked change as we hire new staff. For example, life. The crocodiles had almost caught him from nine in the morning to about seven in right now we don't really have an HR when he reached the edge of the pool. He'd the evening. I didn't really have a social life department - Monica Overstreet, our just managed to climb out of the pool when because [ only got home about eight, but, like Office Manager, takes care of HR. he heard the mouth of the biggest crocodile I said, I wanted to make a good impression. S: Yes, I met Ms Overstreet last time I was close shut - snap - behind him. But then gradually, people became less here. Well, the CEQ shook the CFQ's hand and friendly, and stopped talking to me. [ couldn't B: That's right. She also looks after finance, said, understand why they were giving me these and she has two accountants working 138 1he zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Business 2.0 Recordings • 'I'm really impressed. Until you dived into that pool, 1 never imagined you had such courage. You accepted my challenge and now anything I own is yours. Tel.l me what I can do for you.' The CPO was still recovering from the swim. He looked up at the CEO and said, 'You can start by telling me who the hell pushed me into the pool!' 1.4 Speaking Meetings one-to-one 1:10 Version 1 Simon: Morning, Tiffany. Good weekend? Tiffany: Oh, yes, it was cool. And you? S: No, not really. Listen, Tiffany, come into my office, I need to talk to you. T: Oh no, what now? S: Look, I hear you had a problem with Maureen on Friday. T: Oh, that. Yeah. That idiot refused to help me' Who does she think she is?! S: You mustn't talk about your colleagues like that. Maureen is a very experienced assistant and a valuable member of the team. T: Maybe, but she still refused to help me. S: Yes, but she had a good reason to refuse. Maureen was, very busy on Friday and you didn't ask for help; you demanded her immediate attention. As a future manager, you should show respect to all the staff. T: But I was just trying to finish the job. S: Well, you won't get results from people like Maureen if you're rude. T: Look, [ was tired. I had a difficult week, OK? S: Tiffany, everyone gets tired, and I'm getting tired of your attitude. You apologize, or there'll be trouble. Do you understand? T: Me? Apologize to some stupid little secretary? No way! ~ 1:11 Version 2 Simon: Morning, Tiffany. Good weekend? Tiffany: Oh yes, it was cool and you? S: Yeah l had a good weekend too - apart from having to finish off this report. How about you? What did you do? T: I went to the swimming pool yesterday. Gorgeous weather. S: Sounds good. Er, Tiffany, have you got a minute? T: Sure. S: Come in. I just wanted to have a quick word. Erm, I hear you had a problem with Maureen on Friday. T: Oh, that. Yeah. That idiot refused to help me! Who does she think she is?! S: Well, Tiffany, I think perhaps you should be more careful about how you talk about your colleagues. Maureen is a very experienced assistant and a valuable member o( the team. T: OK. but she still refused to help me. S: Wel'l, you might want to think about why she couldn't help you. Maureen was very busy on Friday, and I understand you didn't really ask for help so much as demand her immediate attention. We try hard to respect all our staff here. As a future manager, I think you ought to do the same. T: But I was [ust trying to finish the job, S: Well. I understand that, and [ appreciate that you work hard and that you expect other people to show the same commitment. But, don't you think you might get better results from people like Maureen by being a little more diplomatic? T: Yeah, OK. I'm sorry, you're right. I was tired. I didn't mean to be rude. S: OK. It can happen to anyone. Why don't you ask Maureen to have a coffee with you, and just clear the air? OK? T: OK. Thanks, Simon. 1.5 W riting A placement report 1:12 Jason: Hi, Jason' Alex:' Oh hi, Alex. J: Do you feel like going out tonight? There's a new Will Smith movie on at nine fifteen! A: Oh yeah. Look, Id love to, but I've got this essay to finish, and then I've got to write my placement report. J: Placement? Oh, that's interesting, I didn't know you did a placement. What did you do? A: 1 spent three months ncar Birmingham at a place called Diftco. They export construction equipment. J: Oh yeah, good job was it? A: It was all right. They're a bit crazy there. People worked really hard, sometimes from eight in the morning to nine or ten in the evening. J: Hrnrn. Sounds like school' A: Yeahl Anyway, I was in charge of preparing shipping documents. It was lucky we did international trade last semester. It really helped me understand what was going on. J: Preparing shipping documents, eh? Sounds boring. Didn't like international trade much myself. Did you get on well with your boss? A: Oh, she was very strict. But, OK, J suppose. She didn't scream at me or anything when I did something wrong. J: Why, did you get things wrong a lot? A: Nah. Only once when I sent a container to Austria instead of Austral ia. J: You're joking' A: Well, it wasn't my fault. This guy on the phone had a really strong accent. I didn't understand half of what he said. J: SO you sent a container to Austria? What an idiot! A: Well, I bet you wouldn't do any better. Anyway, it was interesting, 'cos they had this really sophisticated automatic system, but you can't ever eliminate human error completely. J: Yeah, right, the guys at IBM only tested their systems with monkeys, they didn't expect you to he using them! A: OK, OK ... Now, if you've finished taking the mickey, I've got an essay to write. J: No, come on. I'm just joking. I'm really interested in Diftco, I need to find a placement for next summer. A: Well, it's a good placement for first-years. but I think second-years should have more responsibility. I was hoping to get some management experience but I mostly worked alone, so it wasn't that great. J: You wouldn't recommend it, then? A: No. [ learned quite a lot in three months, but I certainly wouldn't like to work there. J: Mm, I see what you mean. . A: Listen, now I've told you all about It, you couldn't help me with the report, could you? Ii we finish by nine, we can still make it in time for the movie. Look, I've already made these notes. You just have to write them up for me ... 1.6 Case study Counselling 1 :13 Now. before we go on, I'll just summarize the three points we've already discussed. Firstly, the goal of counselling is to help another person manage a personal problem using . their own resources. Secondly, counselling IS about listening, not about telling. It's about talking to someone and helping, not about persuading or manipulating. And, counselling is about assisting and exploring problems. It's not about reassuring someone or solving their problems for them. Thirdly, the three phases of counselling: Phase one, talk, Th is is where you encourage the problem holder to talk about the problem, and to start to understand how they feci about the problem and why they feel that way. Phase two. think. This is where you encourage them to think about the problem and reassess it. You help them to see their situation [rom a new perspective, so that they can consider the different options for dealing with the situation. And phase three, act. This is where you help them to choose their own solution and to establish an action plan to manage the problem. OK, are there any questions? 2 C ustom e r supportzyxwvutsrqponmlkjih 2.1 About business Call centres 1:14 Interviewer: Groupon is currently the world's fastest growing company, with 35 million registered users all around the world. How do you keep so many customers happy? Manager: Well. one of the key factors has been cloud computing. We're now in 45 countries around the world, and we got there in about a year and a half. If it wasn't for the cloud architecture we have in place, we could never have done that. I: Can you give us an example? M: Well, we've recently adopted Natterbox. Basically, it's software that decides how valuable or how urgent a call is, and then transfers that call to the best person to answer it. II an important client calls and the salesperson is not at their desk, the call is pushed through to their mobile. If they don't pick up, the system records a voicemail that can be accessed online. I: So if the salesperson is on the road, or in a restaurant ... M: They still get the call. Yes. I: And where do your call centre staff work? M: Well, from our call centre in London we provide customer service for England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Denmark. But we employ agents who come from all those regions, each with their own cultural familiarity and local knowledge. Natterbox recognises the location of the incoming phone numbers and directs the call to a customer service agent from the right region. I: So if I'm calling from Scotland, the person who answers the phone will be Scottish, and if I'm calling from Denmark ... M: The agent will be Danish. I: Excellent! M: Yes. It also means we answer every call. Before we had Natterbox, our customer service department wasn't handling aroundzyxwvutsrqpo 50 Q jo of the calls - they were just coming in and getting lost. And people hate it 7lll'BusineSS2.0 139 when a machine answers their call it's very frustrating. With Natterbox, they get through to the right person straight away. I: So, in theory, the sales person or the customer service agent could be anywhere in the world; in London, in India or in the Philippines, in a call centre or working from home? M: Exactly. 2.2 Vocabulary Customer service and telephoning 1:15-1:22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Operator: Now, don't worry, madam. This is JUSt a minor problem that a few customers experience at first. Jt will only take a few minutes to resolve. . or if you would like more information about our products, please press four. Customer: All I want is to speak to a human being, not a stupid, condescending, brainless piece of ... silicon! Operator: All right, sir. Yes, it is an unusual problem, and it's a little complicated. but you'll be pleased to know there is a solution. Customer: Oh, that's wonderful. You're so clever: Thank you so much! Operator: I fully understand your position, Sir, and 1 would feel exactly the same way myself. Operator: Alternatively, the simplest solution is to upgrade to the professional version of the software. The extra cost is only around one euro per month. j think you'd agree that that's excellent value, wouldn't you? Customer: Oh, thank you so much. You're so patient. I bet nobody else has these problems. I just feel so stupid: Operator: A very good morning to you, and thank you for calling lhe helpline. How I can help you today? 2.3 Grammar Asking questions and giving instructions 1:23 A: Welcome back to Guess the Product. Our nexl mystery product is a fairly simple but extremely useful piece of technology. Panel, you've jusl ten questions to help you 'guess the product'! B: OK. Is it advertised on TV? A: No, it isn't. C: Do you use it for work? A: Yes, you do. D: Would you find one in every office? A: Yes, you would. C: Can you put it in your pocket? A: Yes, you can. D: Did it exist twenty years ago? A: No, it didn't. C: Does it usc electricity? A: Yes, it does. B: Do you usc it to speak 10 people? A: No, you don't. C: Is there a connection with computers? A: Yes, there is. B: Does it cost more than $30? A: No, it doesn't. D: Can you use it to store data? A: Yes, you can. All right, that's ten questions. Now. have you 'guessed the product'? D: We think it's a USB memory stick. A: Yes! Well done! You've correctly 'guessed the product'! 140 n,· Business 2.0 1:24 Steve: OK, Pete. First of all, you open the printer. 0, wait a minute, don't just open It, select 'change cartridge' from the menu. Pete: From the menu? Do I have to switch the printer on? S: Er, yes, of course you have to switch it on otherwise you can't use the menu! ' P: Oh, right. What about the computer') S: No, that's all right, you needn't switch the PC on, just the printer. P: All right. So, the printer's on, select 'change cartridge', OK, and open the printer. What now? S: So now you gently remove the old cartridge. Don't force it. If it's difficult you might have to pull it back first, then upwards. P: Backwards, then upwards. All right, I've got Lt. S: OK. So now you can install the new cartridge. You'll need to remove the adhesive lape first, but be careful you don't touch the printed circuits - they're very fragile. P: You needn't worry. I'm being very careful. OK, that's it. S: Right. Itll ask you if you want to align the new cartridge, but you needn't bother. Usually it's fine as it is. P: OK. What about the old one? Can I just throw it in the trash? S: Oh no, clon't throw the old cartridge away. You can recycle them. P: Oh yes~ right. Listen, that's great. I really appreciate your help. Is there anything I can do for you ') S: o, that's all right, Pete. You needn't worry. Just buy me a coffee some time! D: Thank you, Ms Wyndham. be able to sort it out. C: Thank you very much. 0: Not at all. Goodbye. ~ I'm sure we'll 1:26 Operator: Customer support. Mayzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg j help you? Customer: Yes, well, I'm having trouble with Word. 0: Well, let me sort that out for you. What exactly seems to be the problem? C: It doesn't work. It won't accept anything when I type. 0: I see. How long have you been having this problem? C: Well, about ten minutes. 0: And was it working properly before that? C: Sure. I was just typing away, and all of a sudden the words went away. 0: You mean they just disappeared? C: Yes. Just like that. 0: So what does your screen look like now? C: Nothing. 0: Nothing? C: It's blank. Like I said, it won't accept anything when I lype. 0: Uh-huh. Have you tried hitting 'Escape'? C: Yes. Nothing happens. 0: OK. Did you quit Word? C: I don't know. How do I teli if I quit? 0: Can you see the toolbar on the screen? C: What's a toolbar? 0: OK, never mind. Can you move the cursor around on the screen? C: There isn't any cursor. I told you, I can't type anything, 0: I see. Does your monitor have a power indicator? C: What's a monitor? 0: !l's the thing with the screen on it that 2.4 Speaking Dealing with problems looks like a TV Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on? by telephone C: I don't know. 1:25 0: Well, could you look on the back of the Helpline: Thank you for calling the monitor and find where the power cord Superword helpline. Please hold the line. goes into it? Can you see that? C: Yes. I think so. Dean: Good morning. Dean speaking. How can I help you? 0: Great. Now you just have to follow the Customer: Oh, good morning. Yes, I'm afraid cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged your program isn't working properly. into the wall. C: Er. yes, it is. D: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly seems to be the problem? 0: All right. Now, when you were behind the C: Well, the thing is, I can't put those monitor, did you notice that there were automatic table thingies in my documents. two cables plugged into the back of it, not D: I'm sorry, it's not azyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA very good line. Could Just one? you speak up a little? C: No. C: Yes, sorry. I'm on my mobile. Is that 0: Well, there arc. I need you to look back better? there again and find the other cable. 0: Yes, that's much better, thank you. C: ... OK, here it is. C: All right. Anyway, I was just saying, I can't 0: Good. Could you tell me if it's plugged insert those tables. securely mto lhe back of your computer? C: J can't reach. D: Oh, I see. You're having trouble importing spreadsheets into a Superword document? 0: Uh-huh. Well, you don't have to touch it. C: Yes, thai's right. Can you just see if it's plugged in? C: No. It's too dark. D: All right, I'll put you through to our spreadsheet specialist. 0: So, you mean the lights are off? c. Thank you. C: Yes. D: Hello? 0: Well, couldn't you just turn on the light? C: Yes? C: I can't. 0: No? Why not? D: I'm sorry, lhe number's busy. Could I ask her to get back to you in a few minutes? C: Because there's a power cut. C: Yes, that's fine. 0: A power .. A power cut? Ah, OK. I can D: OK, then. So, you're on 0680 425232? handle this now. Listen, for the power C: That's right. cut, I'll have SOmeone call the eleclricity D: And could I have your name please? company. For your Word problem, do C: Wyndham. Delia Wyndham. you still have the boxes and manuals and D: ls that Wyndham with a 'y'? packing stuff your computer came in? C: That's right. W.Y.N.D.H.A-M. C: Well, yes. I keep them in the closet. 0: Good. I'd like you 10 go and gel them, to Record,ngs ----------- • - __ - - - - - - - unplug your system and to pack it up just like it was when you got it. Then I want you to take it back to the store you bought it from. C: Really? Is it that bad? 0: Yes, I'm afraid it is. C: Well. all right then. I suppose. What do I tell them? 0 : Tell them you're too stupid to own a computer. 2,6 Case study Cybertartan Software 1:27 Interviewer: So, Laurie, these recruitment and turnover problems we're having - is it just a question of money? Laurie McAllister: Well of COurse salaries are not terribly attractive these days. They were quite good a few years ago when the centre opened, but they haven't really increased with the cost of living, especially now house prices are so expensive here, so we're finding it more difficult to attract people from outside the area. But. actually, salaries are not the biggest problem. Basically there are two reasons why OUT turnover is high: working conditions and job satisfaction. I.: I sec, What's the matter with working conditions? We give them free coffee. don't we? LM: Well. things are very different now from when we started. In the past, the volume of calls was much lower, so things were more relaxed, Advisers had time to chat or have a cigarette between two calls. Now, the workload is much heavier, and the supervisors have to be very strict about breaks. Two bathroom breaks per day, and twenty minutes for lunch. There's a lot of unhappiness about that. And punctuality, well, the bus service here is totally inadequate. A lot of advisers can't afford a car, so transport is a real problem, especially at night. I: Yes, I can see why that's a problem, LM: And there are little things, you know, like having your own personal space, When you share your desk with your colleagues on the other shifts, you can't really personalize anything. I: Hm. Maybe there are things that can be improved there, What's the problem with job satisfaction? LM: Time, mostly. Our software products have become so complex t hat customers need more and more help. There are more calls than we can answer, so advisers have to keep them as short as possible, That's frustrating because there isn't time to build a relationship with the customer; sometimes there isn't even lime to explain the solution properly, And then of course they say if they can't spend longer on the phone, they would like to send out instructions by email. I: Yes, well, the customers would like that too, but we can't charge them for it like we can phone calls! LM: Exactly. And we really need to give the advisers more training, especially the new people, but there just isn't time. They often have to read out instructions from the manual: it's not much fun answering questions when you don't really understand the answers yourself' 1: No. I can see that. LM: Of course the thing they really don't like is the shift system, They work one week in the morning, from 6am to Zprn, one week in the afternoon from 2pm to l Oprn. and one week nights. l Oprn to 6am. I mean, it's 01< for young. single people. but it's impossible for women with children, so that's a whole category of the population we have virtually no chance of employing. And some people actually like working nights, so they would happily swap their day shifts with other colleagues who don't want to work nights - but the company w o n 't let them. It's company policy. but it's too rigid, it's just not realistic ... Anyway, perhaps you shuuld talk to the advisers themselves - get it straight from the horse's m o u th , as they say. 3 P roducts a nd pa cka ging 3,1 About business Packaging 1:28 Interviewer: Mr. Wang, you often say that packaging is 'the manufacturer's last chance \0 seduce the customer.' Why is that? Wang: Yes. In today's highly competitive marketplace, many products arc almost identical. So branding is not enough. That's especially true here in Asia, where there may be literally hundreds of competitors making the same product in the same city, You have to differentiate; you have to communicate the difference which makes your product a better choice. I agree with Jack Trout when he says, 'Every aspect of your communications should reflect your difference. The bottom line is: you can't overcornrnunicate your difference.' I: So, packaging is the best way to communicate your difference? W: Exactly, You know, 75°'0 of purchasing decisions are made at the point of sale. And because rnost stores arc self-service, your product is alone on the shelf. surrounded by its competitors. According to Wal-Mart - and they're the world's largest retailer, so they should know' your product has to pitch its promise to the customer in three seconds or less. from up to fifteen fcet away. If your packaging is not attractive, effective and distinctive, how are you going to communicate its difference? I: OK, so packaging is critical, and manufacturers spend millions of dollars on it. So why are there so many failures? W: The big problem is a lack of communication. Typically there arc several different groups of experts, all working in their own specialized field: market research people who know nothing about design, designers who know nothing about manufacturing, and production people who know nothing about consumer needs. Traditionally, you keep your design team well away from business and manufacturing constraints because you don't want to limit their creativity. Unfortunately the result is inevitably a compromise. You start out with an original. creative idea. but then you find out it's impractical, for reasons of cost or technical limitations. So, it gets watered down, simplified, adapted. In the end, you are left with a package which is easy to make, easy to transport and within budget. but it's no longer what the consumer wanted! So, you get focus groups where consumers don't really like any of the concepts that are presented, That means, either you start all over again, or you have to choose the least unpopular option I I: How do you avoid this problem at N e w China Packaging') W: Well. basically, what we do is build what we call a 'task force'. This is a cross, functional ream with people from all the different departments involved in the project. We put them all together in a hotel. with all the tools they need to produce rnockups and prototypes, Then we literally lock the door and we don't let them out until they produce something that everybody is enthusiastic about! I: And do you include consumers in the task force? W: Yes, indeed. We need the end user's input right from the beginning. Everything is consumer-led, And. because we know that what consumers say thcy need and what they really need are frequently two different things. w e also observe them using the product. Frequently, we can detect behaviours and needs that the consumer is not even conscious of. I: Really? Uh-huh. So. who else is involved? W: Marketing, manufacturing, designers, consultants - everyone who has a stake in the product. I: And how long docs the process take? W: Traditionally, months or sometimes years. But today. our task forces can usually deliver an optimal solution in one week, sometimes less, And remember, when they deliver, every aspect of the package is consumer-validated, realistic and feasible. So, this extremely short turn-around means that the manufacturer can react very, very quickly to changes in the market, almost in real time. 3,2 Vocabulary Specifications and features 1:29-1 :34 1 A: I want to listen to English while I go jogging. Is that possible? B: Oh, yeah. Jogging, cycling, skiing. whatever you like. Nothing can stop it. I even dropped mine down two flights of stairs. and when I picked it up, it was still working. 2 C: I hear you bought one of those new robots. What do you think of it? D: It's fantastic' I used to spend hours cleaning the nat. Now I can just program the robot and sit back and watch it work. C: That's incredible! I must get one. 3 E: I really like the colour, It's a beautiful car! F: Yes. and it's an interesting shape too. Quite unusual. Very different from other cars in this category, isn't it? 4 G: Mom. what's in this bottle') I can't open it! H: Give that to me. dear. You mustn't touch that. It's for cleaning the kitchen, and it's dangerous. Fortunately they put it in a special bottle that children can't open. 5 I: Quick, it's starting to rain and there's a pallet of those electronic toys outside' J: OK. I'll move it straight away. But don't worry - the boxes are made of special paperboard. A little rain 1V0n't do any damage. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe 20 141 I he BUSIness 6 K: A re you sure I'll be able to record TV programmes? I mean, I'm not very good at anything technical. L : Oh, yes. No worries. My five-year-old can operate this model. It's dead easy. ~ 1:35 Good afternoon everybody. Imagine you're on a fishing trip. It's the middle of the night. It's dark, it's foggy, and you're sailing your boat between dangerous rocks. Are you afraid? Not at all. You are supremely confident, checking and adjusting your route with just a touch of a finger on a screen. How do you do it? Well, I'm here today to tell you about the ChartTech i3, an extraordinary. nautical information system. where a touch-controlled screen enables you to operate several different navigation functions with the touch of a linger. Let's start with Touch Screen Command. Just by touching the screen. you can view and change charts, calculate distances, create a route and a lot more. The large colour display screen automatically shows you a bird's-eye view of where you are and where you're going. Moving on to what's below the water. Than ks to the radar overlay, yOll see exactly what the fish are seeing. And the Touch Screen 3D Fishfinder, will help make your fishing trips considerably more successful! Now, can \ just turn to communications? The ChartTech i3 can send fax, email and voice messages. You can request and receive weather reports based on your actual G PS position. And you can even automatically monitor vital onboard systems when you're away from your boat. So, I'll just sum up the ChartTech i3's main features. Let's just go back to our midnight fishing trip. First, Touch Screen Command lets you navigate between the rocks with just one finger and a bird's-eye view. Secondly, the underwater radar and fishfinder shows you where the rocks are. and where the fish are hiding. Finally, the communications functions mean you can receive and send important data on the weather, your location and your boat at any m om ent. I'd like to finish by inviting you to try the ChartTech i3 for yourself. Our website has an incredibly realistic simulation that you can try out without ever getting your feet wet. Thank you very much. 3.3 Grammar Articles, relative clauses and noun combinations ~ 1:36 Synth voice: Please record your product review and your rating out of five after the beep, Thank you for your feedback. Customer: This is easily the best phone I've had so far. It's the perfect phone for the basic user. I have already bumped it and dropped it a few times but it's still going strong. The battery life is incredible. Overall, it's a real workhorse - there are no frills, but it does what a cell phone needs to do. [ rate it five out of five. 1:37 Synth voice: Please record your product review and your rating out of five after the beep. Thank you for your feedback. Customer: I hate this phone. It's too small - I can't open the flip cover with one hand. There's no screen on the outside to see the caller identity. The reception is horrible. It drops calls probably 3000 of the time. There is a very long key delay, which is incredibly annoying. I am anxiously awaiting the day I can upgrade and get rid of this monstrosity. I rate it zero out of five. 1:38 2 Synth voice: Please record your product review and your rating out of five after the beep. Thank you [or your feedback. Customer: I've had the phone for about three weeks. I like the size and the design. The features are good too. It's easy enough to use, and it has survived a couple of drops. However, the alarm clock won't work anymore. I'm not too sure about the internal antenna. J hate having a full signal when making a call, only to have a dramatic drop when 1 put the phone to my head. Everybody says it's the telecom company's fault, not the phone, or maybe I just got a bad one. We'll see. I'm going to try the 9200 next. I would give it a rating of three out of five. 3.4 Speaking Presentationsstructure 1:39 Version 1 A: Urn, shall I start then? OK., I know, errn, I know you're going to be very excited by the Pingrnan, like me! So, I'm sure you'll have lots of questions. And, perhaps we'll take questions after the demonstration. OK, urn, we've done lots of tests. which have all been very positive, and, 'er, there are lots of different markets for the Pingman, children. adults, dogs, businesses, and so on. We think there's an enormous potential for this product ... Until now, GPS tracking systems have been too bulky, too heavy and too unreliable indoors to be used as personal tracking devices. Our Pingman weighs only 75g, and, well, we'll show you how it works in a few minutes ... on the, er, the Internet. So, you know, you can connect to the Internet from anywhere in the world, and just ping your user to know exactly where they are. Within one metre ... er. Nobody else has a product like this on the market. so w e want you to approve the investment, because there's a huge market. B: What do you mean by 'ping'? A: Oh, yes, on the Internet, you tell a satellite to send a signal to tile device, and the device answers the signal, and then the satellite can calculate the device's exact location. Anyway, it only weighs 75g, did I say that already? Yes, er, 75g, it's five centimetres in length and about three point five centimetres wide, so, about half the size of a cell phone, and there are different models for children or adults. Tests were really positive. and our sales forecasts are excellent. There's also a model for animals; it's built into a collar so, if you lose your dog, for example, you just ping it from the Internet to know where it is. So, cr, unless you want to ask questions, I think we'd better have the demonstration. Um. Oh, I forgot to mention profitability. We think it will. er, will be profitable. Very profitable. OI<, are there any questions? No? No questions? Um. OK then, let's have the demonstration. It's, er. at the back of the room. Yes. Er, . 142 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA u; Business 2.0 1:40 Version 2 A: Good morning everybody. Would you like to know at all times exactly where your young child or teenager is? How comforting would it be to know that your elderly mother is safely back home from the shops? How much would it be worth to know precisely where your sales reps or technicians were? And how much time would you save if you knew where your dog was hiding? Well, here's the answer. I'm here this morning to present the Pingman, a revolutionary new personal G PS tracking device and to ask you, members of the Board, to approve the investment needed to start production. Now. I know you're going to be very excited by the Pingman, so I'm going to give you a quick overview of the product in aboutzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT [if teen minutes. After that, there'll be a hands-on demonstration and I've allowed some time for questions and discussion after that. But if you have any questions that can't wait, feel free to interruput me, OK? I've divided my presentation into three sections. First of all, I'm going to talk to you about the background to this project and the current offers on the market. After that, I'll be talking about the prototype, the specifications and the data we've collected from tests and focus groups. Finally, I'd like to present a business plan which will show you why we expect the return on investment in this product to be condsiderable. OK, so, let's start with the background. Now, GPS tracking systems are not new, but until now they've been too heavy. and too unreliable indoors to be used as a personal tracking device. What's new about the Pingman is that we can build it into a wrist strap 01' collar small and light enough to be worn comfortably by a small child or a dog. For the first time, it will be possible to locate the wearer via the Internet, anywhere in the world, indoors or out, 24 hours a day ... does that answer your question? OK, so, I'd like to wrap up the presentation and m ove on to the demonstration. Let me just summarize what I've already told you. Firstly, I explained why there is a huge market just waiting for this product. Secondly, I presented the different specifications for the child, adult and animal versions we intend to launch, and the positive reactions we've had during trials. Last, but not least, I have given you the strongest possible reasons why you should approve this investment: extraordinary sales forecasts, strong cash flow and unprecedented profitability. Now, if you'd like to move to the back of the room, our R&D staff are ready to start the demonstration and to answer your questions. Thank you very much for your attention. 1:41 I've divided my presentation into three sections. First of all, I'm going to remind you of the background to this project and the current offer on the market. After that, I'll be talking about the prototype, the specifications and the data we've collected from tests, focus Recordings groups and market studies. Finally, I'd present a business plan; this will show why we expect a return on investment is without precedent for our company. everybody happy with that agenda? like to you that Is 3.6 Case study Big Jack's Pizza 1:42 Jack Jr: OK, so, we all agree on that then? A completely new range of pizzas for the 21st century, featuring fusion cuisine with the best of contemporary Chinese and Western influences? Great. We'll need at least five really new recipes, so see what you can come up with. Mick: We'll need new names for each new pizza, then, Jack. J: Of course, but we can come back to that later. OK, so, can we move on to point two - new promotional ideas? What suggestions do we have? Billie? Billie: W ell, obviously with the new pizza range we should do a re-launch. And what about doing specials at different times in the year? You know, New Year, National Day, Dragon Boat Festival, .. J: WeJl,Billie, it's been done before, but [ guess we could do that. Why not? Mick? M: What about BOGOF? J: I'm sorry? M: You know, B-O-G-O-F- buy one, get one free. Two pizzas for the price of one. And another idea would be to have a two-pizza box. The pizzas stay hotter when you have two in a box. J: Hmrn ... I'm not sure that's a direction we really want to go in. The franchisees won't like it, and we want to get away from the idea that Big Jack's is just good for filling your stomach. M: Well, what about a gourmet club? Customers get special privileges if they become members. Or feature different national cuisines each month - Indian in the first month, Thai in the second, and so on? B: Yes,that's good, Mick. And don't forget the Internet - what if you could build your own pizza and order your take-out or delivery online? J: Sounds like it might be expensive. Billie, but ~eah,. that's more the kind of thing I had m mind, Anyway, let's go on to points three and four on the agenda. I think we can take them together. because the box depends very much on the logo and the colour scheme. Billie, I think you feel strongly about this? B: Yes,lack, I do. We've had our current logo ever Since your dad started the business. The Big Jack logo was perfect 30 years ago, but ~ I~t of things have changed since Big Jack s time. Apart from anything else, the symbolism is all wrong, and remember, people are very sensitive to that kind of thing here. J: What do you mean, the symbolism is all wrong? Green and red are the colours of italy, it's what pizza is all about! B: Maybe, but the green chequered tablecloth on the round table - it symbolizes old-world values that people in Hong Kong Just don't identify with. And it's wellknown that green isn't a good colour for packaging [or Chinese people. M: Oh, really? Why's that? B: Oh, you know, it's that thing about green hats - it means your wife is, you know, seeing another rnan ... Billie, this is all very interesting, but ... M : 0, hang on, Jack. I think Billie's right. We have to take this kind of thing into account. And the box; the box is really Important. It's easily the best way we have to communicate with our customers. Couldn't we have a more exciting box, as well as new colours and graphics? I mean, every baker in the city sells pizza in the same standard box as us. We need to qi[ferentiate~ An octagonal box would be good. maybe with a window so you can see the delicious hot pizza you're carrying? J: Well, as long as it doesn't complicate storage or delivery, I don't see why not. But It seems to me we need to get more advice on this. I trust you'll agree that we need to have some brand-building and packaging consultants work on this", we'll consider their proposals at our next meeting. from people who are already working in the sector. Social media sites like Facebook and Google+ are a great way to contact people who can share their experience. J: 4 C a re e rs 4.1 About business Career choices 1:43 Part 1 Basically there are just five things you need 10 know about choosing a career. Two of those are things you really shouldn't do' two of them are things you absolutely ~ to do, and then the last thing is something only you Q !.!1 do. OK, let's start with the two things you really shouldn't do. The first sounds very simple. but can actually be very difficult to avoid: you shouldn't let other people decide. Don't choose a career just because your parents, or your te~chers, or your friends want you to do I~,or think youd be good at it. Choosing the right career ISone of the biggest decisions you'll ever have to make, so don't choose for other people, choose for yourself. You'll have lots of opportunities to make other people happy, but this one is for you; this is maybe the one time in your life when you need to be totally selfish and choose what feels right for you. Secondly, you shouldn't choose a career just because it's something you're good at. Now don't get me wrong; if you're good at something, and you genuinely love doing it, well that's great, so go for it' But all too often I meet people who chose a career in science for exal~ple, just because they were good at ' science In school. And although they're still gOO?at it, actually they hate it. So please, don t choose something that you're good at but that isn't going to make you happy. Now, what about the two things you really haze to do? Well, the first one sounds like something from a Kung Fu movie, but it's true: before you can choose a career, you need to to know ~. Now, you can go to the HImalayas and spend II couple of years learning martial arts if you like, but there are also a lot of simple, very practical personality tests you can use at home. Tests like Myers Briggs or Keirsey are not a hundred per cent reliable, but they really can help you identify what sort of person you are. You'll find lots of tests online, or you can ask your career advisor for help. The second thing you haze to do is to find out what sort of work is available and what it involves. Your personality test r~sults will guide you towards the kind of careers that should suit your profile; then, you need to find out as much as you can about them, preferably • 1:44 Part 2 That brings us to the last thing, the thing only ,\(Q!! can do: understanding what makes ,\(Q!! happy Now,you're probably thinking, that's easy; money- the more, the better! [laughter] Well, actually there's a great dealzyxwvutsrqponmlkjih of research that sh~ws that, although having enough money ISvery Important. having ~ money doesn't actually make you any happier. In fact, people who believe that happiness depends on being nch, famous or beautiful are more likely to suffer from depression than the rest of us. What ~ seem to make most people happy ISsurprisingly simple; things like contact with other people, variety, autonomy and recogrunon. Working with people you like and respect. having a wide range of different activities, and being able to decide what you do and when you do it are major sources of satisfaction. The feeling that you're doing something useful, that you're making the world a better place is also a big rnonvator, It's.ll1teresting that people who run their own businesses, or who work in small companies where they feel they are in control are usually happier than average, even though they probably earn lower salaries and have less jO,bs~curity than they would in a larger orgarusanon. Now, just before I finish, let me ask you this: do you ever gel so involved in what you're doing that you just forget everything else, and time Just flies? Yeah? It's a feeling you often get when you do things like team sports. playing or listening to music. writing, pamung. repairing or inventing things. These are times when most people say thcy are happiest, and they're called 'flow' activities. If you know what makes you happy, and if you can identify jobs that let you experience that 'now', then you have almost certainly found the kcy to choosing your ideal career, 4.2 Vocabulary Careers, personal skills and qualities ~ 1:45 B: All right. So that brings us to Rachel Ratcliff. You've flagged her as a high-flier. She's certainly very committed to her work. A: Absolutely. Rachel is doing a terrific job for us. She's an excellent team-player, and she really enjoys taking initiative. The problem is that she's ambitious and we don't have any ways to satisfy her ambition for the moment. We planned to make her a department manager in a couple of years' time, but there are no openings right now. She's obviously had other offers, perhaps from a headhunter, and she's thinking about resigning. B: Hrnrn ... It would be a shame to lose her. Solutions? A: Well, we could offer her a two-year assignment in Germany. [ know there's a vacancy over there for someone with her profile, and she'd certainly be able to make a valuable contribution. But I don't know whether she'd agree. She has a fiance, so it may be difficult. Another possibility would be to send her 011 an MBA course, and start preparing her for senior management. B: You really think she's that good? A I zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed II,Business 2.0 143 potential MBA? Well. let me think about that one. I'll come back to you in a couple of days. 1:46-1 :55 A: OK. 1 B: By the way, how is young Paul Stevens getting on? I believe he had a problem with his manager? A: Yes, that's right. He was working to very strict deadlines, and just needed a break. I'm working closely with him now, and everything's fine. He's back on the highfliers' list. He has strong negotiating skills, and 1 think he'll be an excellent engineer. B: Good. OK, then, let's move on to Michael Diegel. He's a new hire too, isn't he? A: Yes. Michael's been with us almost a year now and we've marked him as a concern because he's not really delivering the goods. He arrived with a fantastic resume, lots of skills and some good experience, but he's consistently underperfonned. he just isn't able to manage the workload. B: Hmm ... Any idea why? A: Well. I'm not too sure. Some people in the department feel that it's a problem of motivation: he doesn't like Seattle, and he wants to move east. But others of us feel that perhaps he just doesn't have the strengths that his resume claimed. At the moment he seems to have more weaknesses than strengths. B: So, what do we do, give him an official warning? Tell him we'll fire him if he doesn't deliver? A: Maybe. But we've already invested too much time and money to just dismiss him. How about offering him an easier position in Chicago? Something that won't be so difficult. If he realizes that the job here in Seattle is too much for him. perhaps he'd be more motivated to perform at his real level. Moving to Chicago would be a good way to save face. B: Yes, that's not a bad idea. Could you liaise with his manager. and see what's available in Chicago or Boston, then come back to me? A: OK. B: Good. Now then, we come to our old friend Shane Garney, Mr Wannabe himself. Is he still on the high-fliers list? A: Not really. I-Ic's more of a concern now. He certainly has the skills, but he's getting greedy. We gave him a big raise six months ago when he was promoted, but now he says it's not enough. He says he's had a much better offer from the competition. B: Well, I think it's timc we had a serious talk with Mr Garney. He needs to understand that, although we appreciate ambition, our corporate policy is to reward achievement. not potential. A: Hill. The problem is, of course, that he's very well- connected. You remember that his father's a senator. Wouldn't it be easier to give Shane a small raise to keep him happy? B: Yes, I'm fully aware of that. and 1'111 aware that government contracts are very important to this company. But if Shane is only interested in money, he should join his father in Washington. The answer is 'no'. If he thinks he can get a better deal somewhere else, then fine, he can resign. We have a lot of good people like Rachel Ratcliff who would be happy to take his place. A: Well, the job's yours if you want it. B: Well, thank you very much, I'm delighted to accept. 2 C: Congratulations' Don't forget, the degree ceremony's next Friday! D: Thank you, sir! E: Thank you very much! 3 . 144 to gain experience and learn new skills. Hopefully, in live years' time, I would be ready to move up to a position with more responsibility. 4.3 Grammar Present tenses F: Nearly finished now. G: Wow! Seventeen candidates in one day: And it's almost dinner time. What time did you start? F: Eight o'clock this morning! 4 H: Ten kilometres! Phew! When they said 'recruitment tests', I thought they meant IQ and graphology, not an army assault course! B Interviewer: How do you motivate people to do their best? B: Well, I think there arc two important aspects to this question. The first is to create a positive atmosphere, If people feel happy about what they're doing, they're much more motivated to work towards a common goal. So making sure they understand the objectives and the process, and that the atmosphere is pleasant and relaxed - those are really important. The second thing is to give feedback, especially when somebody does a good job, not just when they get something wrong. When I worked in a restaurant a couple of years ago, I realized that knowing how well you're doing is essential to staying motivated. 5 C I: Have you seen the results, Jon? J: Yeah. I: Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry. J: Irs all right. It's not the end of the world. 6 K: I still think Ms Brown has more relevant experience than the others. L: Look, we're not getting anywhere like this. Why don't we meet again tomorrow? And, remember, we can always ask all four candidates back for a second interview if we still can't decide. 7 M : Nick? Are you coming out for a drink? N: Nah. Gotta finish my cv. M: You still working on that CV?! I mean. how long can it take to say you've got no skills. no qualifications, and you've never done an honest day's work in your life?' : Very funny. Interviewer: What are your weaknesses? C: Well, of course, I'm aware that there are areas that I can improve on, but J have to say, as far as this job is concerned, I don't feel that I have any significant weaknesses. And if I do identify a problem, I take action to resolve it. Take time management, for instance. A couple of years ago, I realized J wasn't the most organized person in the world, so I followed a time management course. I applied what J learned, and now I would say that organization is one of my strengths. D Interviewer: Can you give an example of a situation you found stressful, and how you coped with the stress? D: Yes. Last term, for example, I was on a work placement where my supervisor had to go off sick for three weeks, so the company asked me to take over responsibility for the project. It meant a huge workload, which was pretty stressful. Anyway, I sat down and planned out exactly what I had to do each day for those three weeks. I also planned an hour each evening in the gym. That rcally helped to ease the stress. I managed to finish the project on time, and in much better shape than when I started! Does that answer your question? 8 0: Hey, Paula, how did the interview go today? P: Oh. so-so. Pretty much the same as the last 26. 0: Ah. Well, I've got to hand it to you Paula, you certainly don't givc up easily. 9 Q: Look out! R: Ooh, too late. Oh dear, it's all over your papers. Sorry about that, these cups are very easy to knock over, aren't they? Q: Never mind. R: Hope it wasn't anything important. Er, are you here for the interviews, then? Q: Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I'm conducting the interviews, actually. It's Mr Singh. isn't it? R: Ooh! 10 S: ... 98. 99, lOO! There we are' Finished' T: Finished what, Sally? You don't mean ... ? S: Yep. Job applications. Started this morning, T: One hundred job applications?! You're kidding' 4.4 Speaking Job interviews 1:56-1:59 A Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in five years' time? A: Well, that's a difficult question to answer: let's just say that I see myself as a top performing employee in a leading company, like this one. I plan 4.6 Case study Gap years and career breaks 2:01-2:06 My gap year? Oh yes, it was a fantastic experience.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP It was between my second and third years at university. I went to Nepal to teach English. I think I learned more in that year than in three years at university. It was incredible. Everybody should do it. 2 I went to live with a family in Dublin for azyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg year before starting my degree course. Of course, it was really good for my English, and interesting from a cultural point of view. But it was pretty boring going back to school for another year, even if it was in English. 3 I've had a great year. I've been around the world. working for two or three weeks, then moving on to the next place. I've just gone back to my job, and now I have a much ,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA J, Business 2 0 Recordings clearer idea of where I'm going and what I want to achieve. My only regret is not doing something to help people. If I could do it again, I'd definitely volunteer for charity work, probably in Africa. 4 Yeah, I took a gap year before starting business school. I needed to earn some money, so I worked in a car factory. It was hell. I've never been so bored in my life. I suppose I learned some valuable lessons, but now I wish I'd done something more exciting, gone somewhere exotic. I feel I wasted a year of my life. S: Why would I want to do that? Anyway, I wouldn't know how. I'm not really into technical stuff. I: All right. Last question then; how interested are you in becoming the mayor of your favourite coffee-shop, or the queen of lipstick? S: A lipstick expert? Nah, not really my thing. But wait a minute, what about shoes? jessica Johnson, the queen of shoes? Oh, yes, I can see it now! 5.2 Vocabulary Negotiating and retailing 5 I'd been in the same job for about twenty years, and I decided I needed to step back and think about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. So Ttook a sabbatical. Fortunately my company was very understanding. I travelled in India for six months, then wrote a book about my experiences. It completely changed my outlook on life. I'd recommend it to anybody. 2:08-2:15 5 M a king de a ls So that's five hundred al12 eUrDS a box, then. And you need them by Wednesday, you say? 2 Considering this would be a regular order, I think two and a half thousand is still a bit expensive. 3 H ow about if we paid cash? Could you give us an extra 20J0? 4 No, I'm sorry, that's my final offer. I can't go any lower than that. 5 And then we'd need you to be available five or six weeks a year. Or maybe a bit less. Anyway, we can talk about it. Nothing's decided yet. 6 Yes. we usually ask for 20% now, and the balance on delivery. 7 Look, this just isn't good enough' If you don't deliver until tomorrow morning, it'll be too late! 8 Well, there's not much between us now. What do you say we split the difference? 5.1 About business Retailing ~ ~ 1 2 3 4 6 l've just started studying medicine. I wanted to get away from my parents and see the world, so I've just come back from nine months in East Africa. It was really hard. I almost came home after the first week. I'm glad I stayed, because I felt I made a difference to people's lives - a very small difference, but a difference all the same. But if I'd known what it would be like, I'm sure I wouldn't have gone. 2:07 Interviewer: Excuse me, madam, could I ask you a few questions? Shopper: It's miss actually, but all right then, if it doesn't take too long. l: Thank you, miss, only a couple of minutes. I'd like you to tell me how interested you are in some of the opportunities offered by Internet services like Facebook and Foursquare. S: Oh, I'm on Facebook, of course' jessica johnson, Miss Basildon twenty-twelve! l: Really? Actually, J don't need your name, just a rating between zero and five. Zero means you're not interested at all, five means you're very interested. S: OK. I: So, how interested are you in checking in to shopping venues and letting your friends know where you are? S: Oh, can you do that? So you can meet up for coffee, or go and tryon some shoes together? Oh, yes, that sounds cool' I: So that's a five then? Right. And what about winning gift certificates or prizes after a certain number of check-ins? S: Ooh, wow' I love free stuff, don't you? I: Uh-huh. Now, how about receiving information on special deals from stores? S: Well, yes, I s'pose so. But not too many, you know what I. mean? I can never resist a special offer' I end up spending more than J can afford! I: OK. And how interested are you in checking in to a product by scanning a UPC? S: Scanning a what? I: A UPe. You know, a bar code. S: What, on my iPhone? I: Yes. 5 2:16-2:20 five hundred at 12 euros a box two and a half thousand an extra 2% five or six weeks a year We usually ask for 200J0 now 5.3 Grammar Conditionals and recommendations ~ 2:21 Petra: OK, we have to decide how to divide this list of responsibilities between us. What are your priorities? Jan: Well, I'd really like to go the conference in Madagascar. Could I suggest thal you go to Siberia? If you agreed, I'd be willing to take my holidays in january and let you take yours in August. P: I'm sorry, but I'd really like to go to Madagascar too. I couldn't agree to your proposal, unless you were prepared to take your holidays in january and go to the exhibition in Kazakhstan. J: Hm rn ... Well, I might consider going to Kazakhstan. I've got an uncle who lives there. P: Great! J: ... providing you looked after the foreign customer at the tennis tournament - I know nothing about tennis. P: OK, we're making progress. So, can I iust summarize the position so far? You can go to Madagascar, as long as you also go to Kazakhstan, and you let me take my holidays in August. OK? J: OK But only if you do the tennis weekend. P: AU right, no problem, I'll handle the tennis, if you take your holiday in January. J: And you go to Siberia. P: Oh, now wait a minute, J never agreed to that' I couldn't possibly go to Siberia • unless you were able to . 5.4 Speaking Negotiations bargaining ~ 2:22 Part 1 Ingrid: So, Harry, you want to set up an e-business to sell music - mp3s and so on? Harry: No, not mp3s - sheet music. You know, printed music for musicians to play, like song books, orchestral parts, and so on. At the moment we sell through our network of shops in Denmark, but I'd like to set up an e-business . I: To reach customers worldwide? H : Exactly. But the problem is, we don't have the skills, the staff, or the money to do it ourselves. I: Well, Harry, Holman Multimedia can offer a complete package solution. We design, build and manage your website, and process your sales. We deal with the payments, we can even handle the logistics for you if you want. Although I suppose you'll send most of the music electronically, right? H: Yes - as PDF files. It's much easier for us, and the customer gets immediate delivery. I: Exactly. So all you have to do is make sure you have the product in stock, and count your profits! H: And pay you a monthly fee, is that right? 1: That's right, Harry. No capital investment, no new staff, no overheads. And once you start selling music all over the world, that monthly fee is going to look very small. H : All right then, Ingrid, I think we're in business. So what's next? I: That's terrific, Harry! OK, well, can you tell me exactly what you want the site to do'? You see, it all depends. ~ 2:23 Part 2, Version 1 H : So, how soon can you deliver, and how much is it going to cost? I: OK. look. I'm going to write down a figure per month here, just so it's clear, then you can tell me what you think. There, how do you feel about that? H : Wow' No, there's no way I could pay that' I: Well, l might possibly be able to bring it down a little, but only if we had a threeyear contract. H : A three-year contract! No, I can't agree to that. I: Well, in that case, I can't bring the monthly fee down, I'm afraid. H: And I can't commit myself to three years. I: Well, Harry, you have my phone number. If you change your mind, just give me a call. ~ 2:24 Part 2, Version 2 H: So, how soon can you deliver, and how much is it going to cost? I: OK, look. I'm going to write down a figure per month here, just so it's clear, then you can tell me what you think. There, how do you feel about that? H : Wow' Is there any way we could bring it down, sayzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR 100J0? I: Well, I might possibly be able to bring it down a little, but only if we had a threeyear contract. H: Well, I'd be reluctant to agree to a threeyear contract unless you could guarantee a maximum down time of 24 hours per month. Could you do that? ___j lbrBusiness2.0 I 145 I: Let me reassure you on that point, Harry. OUf sites and servers are very, very stable, and average down time is less than 24 hours per year. So we're happy to guarantee less than 24 hours per month, as long as you choose our platinum service level - but of course, it's more expensive. H: Well, I don't really want to increase the budget. Hrnrn ... What about lead time? Can you have the site up and running by next month? I: Not unless we hire another developer. I suppose we could do it, providing you paid a year's fees in advance. H:Hmm. I: Normally, development time is around three months. H: Look, let's split the difference. I can pay six months in advance, on condition that you have the site online in two months. And if you can bring the monthly fee down 50Ja and include the platinum service, I'll agree to the three-year contract. I: You're a tough negotiator, Harry. But, OK, [ think we can agree to that. H: Excellent! 2:25-2:27 2 3 I might possibly be able to bring it down a little, but only if we had a three-year contract. I might consider reducing the price, if you increased your order. I'd be reluctant to agree to a three-year contract, unless you could guarantee a maximum down time of 24 hours per month. 5.6 C ase study St John's Beach C lub ~ 2:28 Loretta: Oh, Malcolm, there you are. I just wanted a quick word. Malcolm: Sure. Shall we use Illy office? L: No, here is fine. I think I'Llhave a coffee too. M: Black, no sugar? L: Yes.Thanks, Malcolm. I saw your memo about the incentive trip - it sounds great. wish I was going! M: Well, why don't you? It would be an excellent opportunity to get to know the sales team better. L: Yes, it would, wouldn't it? But I just don't have the time, I'm afraid. Anyway, the reason I wanted to catch you was to confirm the budget. M:Ah, yes. L: I spoke to Charles. I've asked him to allocate a global budget of $28,000. That's for everything except travel, which is a separate budget. That's up about 50Jaon last year. How does that sound? M: That sounds great. Thanks, Loretta. I'm going to get one of our best negotiators to talk to a couple of travel agents, and see what sort of deal we can get. The hotels usually work with several agents, and some of them are prepared to negotiate better terms than others. L: Uh-huh. Try to persuade them to throw in some extra benefits too. After all, if we use the full budget, we're giving them a lot of business. Sometimes you can get a free upgrade to an executive suite, that kind of thing. How many people are you taking? M: Well, the top ten sales people, plus myself, and partners - that makes 22. But if we can negotiate a really good package, I'd like to take one or two more sales reps 146 along. They've all worked fantastically hard this year. L: Yes, I agree. It would encourage the reps who almost made it into the top ten. I always think it's hard on number eleven' It'll be about a week, like last year, I suppose? M: Well, again, if we can squeeze a couple more nights out of the budget, that would be great. But we'll see. L: OK, Malcolm. Let me know what you decide. M: Sure. Thanks, Loretta. 6 C om pa ny a nd com m unity 6,1 About business C orporate social responsibility ~ 2:29 Part 1 Interviewer: My guest today is Estela Maldonaldo who is the co-founder and Chief Executive of 'Beach Hut', Argentina's most successful chain of beach cafes. Estela, Beach Hut is not only a very profitable business, but it's also famous for its ethical principles. Are profit and social responsibility really compatible? Estela: Absolutely. [ opened the first Beach Hut in Pinamar in 1998 with a close friend who. like me, had just lost her job. We both felt we'd been badly treated, and we wanted to prove a point. Unlike the multinationals we used to work for, we set out to to treat our employees well, to look after the environment, and to support the local community. And of course we also wanted to make a little money' I: And today you have, how many, thirtyseven cafes? E: Yeah, number thirty-eight opens next month. I: OK, so you've grown incredibly quickly, and you've won a number of awards along the way. How exactly have you managed that? E: We've always felt that our employees should come first. Of course we love our customers, and we're very grateful to our shareholders. But our philosophy is this: if you make your staff your first priority, if you make sure they're happy and motivated, then they're going to look after your customers and so the business is going to do well. And when the business does well, shareholders are rewarded too. ~ 2:30 Part 2 I: So, Estela, tell us something about your environmental policies, how have they helped you? E: Right from the start, we wanted to be the greenest cafe in town. We do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint: we have solar panels on the roof, we recycle, we use biodegradable packaging ... I: And all your food and drink is locally sourced? E: Yes.We work with local businesses as much as possible, we want to be part of the local community, not a big brand that just takes people's money without giving anything back. But it makes good business sense too because it means we get quality produce and minimise our transport and logistic costs. TbeBusiness zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 I: Right, so this is not just about altruism, then? The bottom-line is just as important? E: Everything is linked. We can only give something back to the community if we make a profit, but taking care of the environment and the local community is very good P.R.- and that makes it easier to attract customers and to recruit good staff. It's a virtuous circle! I: I understand you also run educational programmes for children in schools. How does that help your business? E: Argentina's beaches are an incredibly beautiful and precious resource - but they're also very fragile. We send volunteer staff members to teach schoolchildren how to protect our natural environment. Of course, it doesn't have an immediate impact, and it doesn't bring customers through the door the next day. But in the medium and long term, having the environmental awards, and displaying the logos on our website and on our packaging really helps to build a positive image. The market is extremely competitive, but our customers are very loyal because they know we share the same values. They know we're not short-term driven; we have to think more long-term about building sustainable businesses, and it's the same for society ill general. If you want a society that cleans up the beaches and plants trees and uses hybrid vehicles, you have to think long-term. The short-term model just doesn't work - not for business, and not for society. 6,3 G ram m ar The passive and reported speech ~ 2:31-2:36 1 Leila Belabed: Mr Bullard, the mayor is very upset. You've just dismissed 500 people from the factory' Have you forgotten that when your company arrived, you promised to create jobs for our town? 2 Geoffrey Bullard: Well, of course I understand that you are upset, Ms Belabed. Unfortunately, new technologies have revolutionized our industry. You must understand that with new automated machinery, we will no longer need so many operators. 3 LB: I know that it is difficult to remain competitive, but what about these people and their famities? it's a disaster for them. What are you intending to do to help them, Mr Bullard? 4 GB: Please call me Geoffrey. Of course we share your concerns. We are setting up an outplacement service to help people find new jobs, and I'm confident that most of them will find work very quickly. 5 LB: But what about those who don't, Mr Bullard? How will they survive? These people don't have a lot of savings, you know! Are you offering them financial help? 6 GB: Yes,of course, Ms Belabed, you don't need to worry about that. Each person has already received a generous redundancy payment. And we're also making interestfree loans and advice available for those who want to start their own businesses. ReCOrdings. 6.4 Speaking Meetings - teamwork ~ 2:37 Anna: Do we all agree on that, then? All right. The next point on the agenda is company policy on gifts. What's your feeling? Personally, I tend to think that we need ... Stan: Sorry to interrupt, but. A: Yes,Stan. Go on. S: Well, in my opinion, accepting any kind of gift from a supplier is unwise. Would you agree, Anna? A: Well, Stan, on the whole, yes, J. would. Now, recently we had a major problem with our packaging suppliers. They were sending 'thank-yo us' to our buyer's home. S: Sorry, Anna. I don't see what you mean. Jon: Gifts, Stan. Cases of champagne, I believe. S: Champagne? Oh, that was nice of them! A: Well, I agree up to a point, but unfortunately our buyer, Mr Vieri, not only accepted the gifts, but also actively encouraged the supplier to send more. S: Well, I feel strongly that we should dismiss Mr Vieri! It's bad for the company's image. J: Stan, I see your point, but you can't just dismiss someone for making one mistake! S: So are you saying that we should keep him? I'm afraid I can't agree, Jon! It's not right, and he should leave the company. J: But Stan, don't you think that everyone should have a second chance? I mean. A: Jon, Stan, can we stick to the agenda? We're not here to talk about Mr Vieri; we're here to decide on a clear company policy for the future. S: Yes,but wouldn't you agree that his behaviour was unethical? So he should be dismissed. Magali: Could I just come in here? A: Yes,Magali, do you have any views on this issue? M: I'm sorry, Anna. When you say this issue, do you mean just our policy on gifts, or the wider issue of corporate ethics? It seems to me that we need to go further than just C: J: C: J: I: J: C: J: on whatever criteria, whether it's their age, their race, their gender, their religion, or anything else. But Jan, don't you think that's just an HR problem? J mean, they're the people who interview the candidates, not us. Nine times out of ten, we only see a short-list of the people they've already approved. It's even worse when we recruit from the agencies. That's another problem, by the way: half of the people they send us are absolutely hopeless. l' clon't know how they select them, but honestly. Yes,Christopher. I know the agencies are a problem, but I think we're getting sidetracked here. Could we agree that we'll talk about the agencies next Monday? OK. Good. So, getting back to diversity. Ines, what can we do to attract more applications from women? Well, for a start, we should offer more part-time positions. Flexible hours, longer holidays when the schools are closed, a four-day week. You know, jobs that women with families can manage. That's really obvious. I've been saying this for years' I mean, why don't we start by allowing our present staff to go part-time if they want to? I can think of at least four women who'd be delighted to work part-time: That would mean we could offer more part-time jobs to new candidates. Yes,Ines, thank you. That's an excellent idea. Shall we get HR to work on it') Christopher? That's fine by me. All right, that's decided then. All right, shall we break for coffee now, or take point three first? 6.6 Casestudy Phoenix ~ 2:39 Justin: ... so we all agree that we need to keep an eye on that one. All right, that just leaves point six on the agenda; the new site for the South West. Helen, can you bring us up to date? A: Sorry, Magali, but perhaps we should Helen: Yes,Justin. There's good news: we've break for coffee. I think we're all a bit identified three possible sites in a place tired. Could we come back to this later? called Port Katherine. Glenn: Never heard of it! 6.5 Writing Reports and minutes H: Well, it's a small town about 30 miles south ~ 2:38 of Perth. It's exactly what we were looking Jan: All right, then. Let's move on to point two for; close to Perth, but far enough away on the agenda; diversity. As you know, our not to attract too much attention from the workforce is still 80% male. What's more, environmentalists. we have very few employees from ethnic G: Well, that's good news! We don't want minorities. The general feeling within the another disaster like Cairns. Those Greens group is that we need to take measures in have absolutely no idea what this country order to reflect the increasing diversity. would look like if we didn't recycle cars: Ines: Sorry to interrupt, Jan, but when you J: Yes,all right, Glenn. Shall we let Helen say 'measures', do you mean positive finish? discrimination? Hiring women in G: Oh, yes. Sorry, mate. preference to men, for instance? Because J: Helen? that's all very well in sales and admin, but H: Thank you. Port Katherine's population I really, really can't see women doing the is only about three and half thousand, so heavy jobs in production. And anyway, I'm Glenn will be happy to know that there not sure that positive discrimination is the shouldn't be too much local resistance. right way to approach the problem. And the local authorities are desperate to 1 don't think it is either. It Christopher: No,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA attract new business and jobs to the area. seems to me that we would just go from J: Sounds good. You said there were three one extreme to another - you know, all our possible sites? employees would be middle-aged female. H: Yes,that's right. I've put all the details in J: Point taken, Christopher. But, seriously, this handout. There you are, Glenn. that's what we want to avoid - extremes. In G: Oh, yeah. Thanks. fact, what we need are measures to ensure H: Now, Site A is a good one. It's a greenfield that we don't discriminate against anyone site just on the edge of town. There are several plus points. Firstly, it's close to the highway, so access for our trucks is easy. Secondly, the price of land is reasonable. And thirdly, it's a nice flat site to build on. J: Any negatives? H: Well, just one. It's right next to the local school. G: Uh-oh! H: But I don't think it's going to be a problem. I spoke to someone at the planning department, and they were very enthusiastic. Sites Band C are also possible, but they have other problems. Site B is on a business park, so no problems with residents, but it's a bit expensive and taxes will be higher. Site C is actually in the town centre. G: Oh, yeah, perfect! 20·ton trucks in the high street' H: Actually, Glenn, it's not that bad. It's on a big old factory site near the harbour, We'd have to demolish the old building. and access would be a bit of a problem, but they could build a new road. It's possible. J: OK, thanks, Helen. Excellent work. I'll send somebody out there to start talking to the locals. G: 'Operation Charm and Diplomacy', eh? J: Yes. H: Hrnm ... Better not send Glenn, then! 7 M e rge rs a nd a cquisitions zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX 7.1 About business Risksand opportunities in M&A ~ 2:40 Interviewer: If mergers are so difficult to do well, why bother with external growth at all? Why not just grow internally? Bernard Degoulange: Well, the most common reason, and probably the best reason for a merger, is that your customers are asking you for something you can't deliver. Let's say you sell champagne. If people are satisfied with your champagne, they're going to start asking you for whisky, simply because everybody would like to be able to get the solution to all of life's problems from the same place. Now, if you can't give your customers the whisky they're asking for, you have a problem. Because however satisfied they are with your champagne, they're going to go somewhere else for whisky, and that's when you risk losing those customers. I: What advice would you give on finding the right company to acquire? BD: Personally, I have five points that I want to examine when looking at a possible acquisition: the five Gs. If I don't get good answers to at least four of them, I don't do the deal. The first of the five Gs is Goals. Are our goals compatible? Are both companies trying to achieve something similar? If not, keep looking. Secondly, Gains. I want to know if there will be real gains in terms of economies of scale. And will these gains compensate for perhaps not being able to react as quickly to new trends in the market because of the size of the organization? Being bigger is not always better. The third point is Genes - and by that I mean company culture. There's no point in trying to merge a traditional, hierarchical family business with a fast-moving start- up with a relaxed management style. It just T l» Business zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed 2.0 147 won't work, the cultural genes are too different. It's not enough to find a partner whose strengths compensate for your weaknesses, and vice versa: there has to be a real synergy in culture and personality. 7.3 Gram m ar Future form s and expressing likelihood ~ 2:42 Ashley: Emma, Happy New Year! I: OK, so, Goals, Gains and Genes. What are Emma: Happy New Year! the other two Gs? A: What are you doing all alone over here? BO: Geography and Growth. Are the J haven't had a chance to talk to you all companies based in the same city or evening. Have some more champagne! geographical area? If not, communication E: No, J shouldn't. I'm going to give up between headquarters is much more smoking and drinking this year. It's my difficult, and the Gains are harder to New Year's resolution. achieve. A: Reafly?' Well, you can start tomorrow. I: And Growth? Come on, Em, it's New Year! BO: Will the merger provide technology E: Oh, all right, just a drop. Thanks. Anyway, or skills that you don't have now, which what about you, Ashley? What's the New would takezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA too long to develop yourself, Year going to be like for you? Have you and which will unquestionably allow your made any resolutions? company to grow? If the merger will open A: No, not really. But I'm definitely going to new markets, which would otherwise be find a new job. There's no way I'm staying inaccessible, then it makes sense. at that company for another year. 1: When you've identified the right partner, E: Right. Have you got anything in mind? how can you make sure the merger goes A: No, butI'm going to read the job ads until smoothly? J find something good. I'm bound to find BO: The most important thing is to look after something better than what I do now. your people: employees, management E: Oh, I'm sure you'll find something easily. and of course customers. but especially Or you could go freelance, with the talent employees. First of all. you have to keep you've got. them focused and productive. A merger A: Freelance?' Well, I suppose J could, but [ is a wonderful opportunity for everybody think it's unlikely. It's far too complicated. to take their eye off the ball - and so it's a No, I'm just going to choose about ten great opportunity for the competition to or 12 jobs to apply for, go along to the jump in and take market share from both interviews. and we'll see what happens. companies in the merger. I'm going to take my time. not rush into Secondly You have to help employees get anything. over their feelings of loss and perhaps E: Right. J think that's very sensible. anger as quickly as possible. and accept A: So, what about you? Are you going to stay the new situation. Whenever there is a at Artip? merger, two companies die and a new E: I doubt it. company is born. It's essential to help A: Really?' Are you going to leave, or are they people get through that traumatic period, going to throw you out? to explain how things will change and E: Well, both of those are quite likely, what their new roles will be, and to get actually. The company's being taken them to accept the new organization and over in February, so we don't know what their new identity. It's essentially about will happen. I mean, they're bound to communication, sometimes counselling, make redundancies, we just don't know and compensating those who leave the how many. Anyway, I'm starting evening company, whether by choice or not. classes next week. I'm going to retrain as a marketing assistant. 7.2 Vocabulary Business perform ance A: Excellent! Well. here's to a successful New Year for both of us' 2:41 E: Yes,cheers! But, Ashley, isn't there another Oxter Holdings today confirmed that they New Year's resolution you've forgotten have increased their bid for Fraxis Corp. to to tell me about? Is that a real diamond'> $98 per share. Fraxis Corp. was floated in Who's the lucky man, then? 1993 at just $15 per share. After a sudden drop of $3 in 1994, the stock rose gradually 7.4 Speaking Presentations - visuals over the next two years to reach $50 in early 2:43-2:46 1996, when Fraxis acquired one of their smaller competitors, Nimmco. The market was A Now, my next slide shows how the number not enthusiastic about the takeover, and Fraxis of takeovers is likely to increase over the fell sharply by over 40%. It then recovered next decade. This one gives a breakdown slightly and levelled off around the $30 dollar by sector. This next slide highlights the mark for the next three years. In 2000, Fraxis probable effect on company performance. CEO Alex Firman announced an alliance And this one, this one and now this third with the European market leader Haffmann; slide show how share prices will fall. the reaction was immediate. The stock price B Now, the next slide shows some very climbed to $65 as institutional investors interesting data. As you can see - oh, rushed to share in the profits. The alliance perhaps you can't see - I'm sorry. the has been a great success; with the exception figures are rather small. Anyway, the of temporary falls to $50 in 2006 and $59 in forecast is particularly good, in contrast to 2011, Fraxis has climbed steadily to peak at the data for the last three years, which is $95, shortly after Oxter's first offer of $90 a in the, ah, smaller table, over here, which share was rejected last week. Analysts believe you, ah, can't read either. that Fraxis are unlikely to accept anything less C If you look at the next slide, you'll see than $110, so expect to see the price jump to that we collected data using a Grossman $100 plus when trading opens on Monday. scheduled EMTI questionnaire modified from the standard COF rapid assessment surveys procedure, and compensated for 148 [J,,'Business2.0 statistical significance using an unbiased reflex standard deviation algorithm. D OK. customer reactions to price and service levels after mergers: 300;0of customers noticed an improvement: 49 said things had got worse. Errn, customer satisfaction by sector: almost 90/0down in retail; stable in the service and financial sector; and 5% up for manufacturing companies. ~ 2:47 How will our customers react to a merger? My next slide shows two charts which illustrate the problem. Recently, customers of large Spanish companies were asked if they felt that prices and service had improved, remained the same or deteriorated as a result of a merger. As you will notice in the piechart, only a third of customers noticed an improvement, compared to almost half who said that things had got worse. Let's look at the bar chart, which shows customer satisfaction by sector. As you can see, after a merger, customer satisfaction falls by an average of almost nine per cent in the retail sector, whereas it remains about the same in the service and financial sector, and rises by five per cent on average for manufacturing companies. The figures seem to suggest that, on the whole, customers are always likely to react negatively to mergers. This is due to a perceived drop in levels of service after a merger. The results indicate that retailers, where service is crucial to customer satisfaction, are particularly affected, as opposed to manufacturers, who benefit from mergers. Of course, this is the result of improved product quality and design. which are the most important factors for their customers. 7.5 W riting Presentation slides zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih ~ 2:48 Good morning everyone. and thank you for coming. Two months ago, you asked me to conduct a strategic analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I'm here today to present my findings, and to make recommendations on the basis of those findings. I intend first to give a short summary of the company's position, and then to invite you to ask questions and give your reactions to my proposals. If anything is not clear, please feel free to interrupt me. First of all, I'd like to remind you of the company's main strengths. Galway Software has a reputation for innovation and quality in developing highly-specialized customer applications. We are able to provide excellent service thanks to our small team of expert engineers and developers. What's more, our finances have been carefully and cautiously managed: as you can see [rom the figures on this slide, today the company is in good financial health with practically no debt. However, there are also a number of weaknesses which must be considered. The first, small weakness is office space. We just don't have enough. The second, more significant weakness is costs. As this graph shows, our development costs have risen steadily, whereas market prices are falling. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain our profit margins. The principal explanation for these high costs is the high salaries we have to pay to attract experienced developers. A third, associated problem is Recordings recruitment: in spite of high salaries, we are finding it increasingly difficult to attract young engineers who prefer to join large international companies. This brings me to perhaps the most significant weakness, and a problem which I want to come back to in a few moments when 1 talk about threats, and that is our size. As a small company in II very specific niche market, we are vulnerable. If things went wrong with just a few of our big customers, we could have serious difficulties. But before looking at the threats, let's move on to opportunities. In particular, new technologies and a changing world economy arc opening up exciting ways of re-thinking our business activities. For example, the new member states of the European Union in Eastern Europe have excellent schools and universities: their young engineers are talented, well-trained and keen to acquire experience in companies like ours. Another possibility is to do part of our development work offshore, in countries like India where labour costs are significantly lower than in Europe. Last, but certainly not least, we must look at opportunities in our own industry: competition is fierce, and a process of consolidation is under way. Many firms are forming alliances or launching takeover bids in order to exploit synergies, to make economies of scale and to diversify into new market segments. I believe these are opportunities we should not ignore and I will be making a specific recommendation in the last part of my presentation. So, I've talked about our strengths, our weaknesses and our opportunities. I want now to explain why one of the opportunities [ have just described is also a serious threat. And finally, to look at threats: in the context of the consolidation I referred to earlier, Galway Software, as a small, successful, wellmanaged company with no debt, is a perfect target for a takeover. It is only a matter of time before a big international firm comes knocking at the door with its cheque book open .... Unless we move first. In the last part of this presentation, I am going to recommend that Galway Software should itself launch a takeover bid. There are many good reasons for this. Firstly, external growth with a reasonable amount of debt will make us less vulnerable. Secondly, a takeover will allow us to diversify into new markets, to expand our customer base and spread our risks, and to make economies of scale. And thirdly, the ideal candidate, Oranmore Video Games, which is based just 20 miles away, currently has more developers than it needs, and has a lot of unused office space. I'm going to give you a handout which gives more details of why I believe we should acquire Oranmore ... 7.6 C asestudy C alisto ~ 2:49 President: As you know, this year Calista has lost one point five million dollars. Obviously this situation cannot continue. Unless we take action now, we will go out of business next year. We have several options to consider. Our first option is to adopt the same strategy as [MM. IMM have reduced their operating expenses by 20% over the last two years. However, they have achieved this by ruthlessly cutting jobs: one fifth of IMM's staff have been made redundant. Here at Calisto we have a long tradition of looking after our staff, • and I do not wish to choose this option in the Middle East are doing financially; unless there is no other alternative. we can tell him if his prospective Our second option is to follow the customers pay, and how quickly they pay; example of our friends at Reysonido, and and, in particular, we can warn him if buy European technology which would one of his customers gets into financial reduce our cost of sales byzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 10-15 0/0. difficulty. However, we estimate that this investment I: And you give each company a rating which would increase our operating expenses by indicates how reliable they are') half a million dollars a year. JS: Yes,companies - and also countries - are A third option is to cut our prices in order given a rating. This gives us a quick guide to increase sales. We estimate a price cut to how safely you can do business with of 10% might increase next year's sales to a particular company or in a particular $'16.5 million - assuming, of course, that country Actually, there's much more than our competitors do not reduce their prices. just the rating. Clients like Daryl receive However, our cost of sales would increase detailed credit reports which help them to just under nine million dollars. decide if and how to work with different My friends, there are three more options companies. whichzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 1 have not yet discussed with you, J: 1 see. Now, what about credit insurance? but which r would like you to consider Is that something new? carefully. Option number four is a merger. J8: Well, it's relatively new over here in the IMM have offered us three million dollars, States, but not in Europe. European companies have been using it for a long which, Lll view of our desperate situation, time. Seventy per cent of European is a very reasonable offer. If we agreed to companies use credit insurance, whereas a merger with IMM, the new company in the States the figure is below 5%. would be the new market leader, and be I: Why is that? in a far better position to compete with Dylan. However, there would no doubt JS: Essentially because European firms have to export, because their internal markets be some redundancies in order to make economies of scale. are too small. Until now, the majority of American firms have done most of their Now, option live. This is a high-risk strategy, but we must consider all possible business in America, so they didn't need credit insurance unless the customer solutions. In order to compete with Dylan, we need to be bigger; one way to obtain was very risky. Nowadays, companies like Eisenhart need to export, so they're that critical size is by acquisition. Our fifth discovering the advantages of credit option is to acquire Reysonido. Reysonido are likely to accept a takeover insurance. For example, it means that in Saudi Arabia, Daryl can trade on open bid of around four million dollars. As well account, with no need for letters of credit, as synergy and economies of scale, this which take a lot of time and are relatively acquisition would also give us another bonus: access to the technology which expensive. I: I see. Talking of expense, what does credit means Reysonido's cost of sales is 10% lower than our own. Of course, we would insurance cost? JS: Well, of course, it depends on the contract. need to borrow the money, and the The more risk the insurer takes on, the repayments would represent around half a higher the premium will be. But, on million dollars per year over ten years: not average, I would say, for international so unrealistic with combined saJes of 25 credit insurance, between a quarter and million, J believe. 1% of sales. The final option is one which I sincerely hope you will not choose. That is, to close 8.2 V ocabulary International deals the company, and sell off our assets to and paym ents pay our debts. I have kept it until last in order to stress that it is a serious option. ~ 2:51-2:55 All right, I'm sure you are anxious to 1 ask questions. After that, I would like A: Bruno, have you seen this letter from those us to consider all the options in detail; people in Slovakia? everybody's contributions will be valuable. B: No, what do they want? Thank you. A: WelJ, they say they're ready to place a large order now if they can pay next year. 8 In te rn a tio n a l tra d e B: Well, you'd better do some research on the company. Make sure they can pay! But be 8.1 A bout business E xport sales and discreet. We don't want to upset them. paym ent 2 C: I'm still worried about sending these parts ~ 2:50 by sea. They're quite fragile, you know. Interviewer: Mr Sullivan, can you tell us first D: Well, don't worry. We're meeting the what exactly credit agencies do? insurance people tomorrow. If anything James Sullivan: Well, basically, we offer goes wrong, we'll be covered. a range of services in two main areas: C: But the insurance premium will be information and insurance. Some of our expensive, won't it? clients are interested in information to D: Probably. But we have to do it anyway. It's help them manage credit risk, and others one of the conditions in the contract. No come to us for insurance. But many insurance, no deal. companies, like Eisenhart Games, need 3 both information and insurance. E: Francesca, have we received a payment I: What sort of information can you provide? from Kawasaki? JS: We have details of over 50 million F: No. And I've already sent two reminders. businesses in countries all over the world. E: Two? Listen, could you give them a call? So, for example, we can help Daryl by telling him how businesses and countries Tf,cBusinessz.o 149 If we're not careful, they'll be late every month, and I don't want to have the same problems we had last year. 4 F: So, could you send the payment as soon as possible..Mr Takahashi? G: Well, it's just that there seems to be a small problem with your invoice. It's more expensive than we expected. F: I'm sorry, M r Takahashi, but the invoice is for exactly the same amount as our quote, which you accepted. G: Ah, yes. Well, as we are regular customers, could you perhaps wait two or three weeks? We just have a small cash-flow problem at the moment. I'm sure you understand, Ms Trevi. It's nothing to worry about. 5 H: Well, we'll accept YOlLrterms providing you deliver direct to our factory. I: Hmm ... Our customers normally collect the goods from the port of entry. H: But you said yourself these parts are fragile, so surely it would be better for the same forwarder to deliver all the way to the door? That way there's less risk of damage. I: Well, you have a point there, I suppose. H: And this will be a regular order, so it means a lot of business for the forwarder. I'm sure you can negotiate good terms with them. I: Yes.Yes,you're right. OK, then. It's a deal. 8.3 G ram m ar Prepositions ~ 2:56-2:65 1 A: It seems to me that with interest rates so low, property is still a better choice than the stock market. B: Yes,you're right. I think a small flat in the town centre should give a good return 2 C: I think you should talk to her. She's still upset. D: OK, OK I'll call her and tell her I'm sorry. [ didn't mean what I said. 3 E: What state is it in after the accident? F: Well, it could have been worse. Apart from a broken windscreen and headlights, there are only a few scratches on the paintwork. I was lucky. 4 G: It's amazing. She already speaks seven different languages, and she's picking up Chinese really fast! H: Yeah, some people just have a gift, I guess. 5 I: You desperately need to get some more contracts. Relying on just one big firm is so dangerous. J: Yes, [ know. But we've always done most of our turnover with them. 6 K: The Americans are much more demanding. The Food and Drug Administration are terribly strict. But if you want to sell in the States, there's no other way. L: Yes,there's no choice. We'll have to adapt the product to their norms. 7 M: What if we deliver the goods but they don't pay? N: Well, we have a policy which covers that risk. For a small percentage of the value of the goods, we will guarantee to pay you if the customer defaults. 150 C: I am not sure that at this stage a schedule is appropriate, in view of the considerable ... cultural differences between our companies. D: Well, we need to start work soon if we want to meet the deadlines. 9 C: Frau Meier, perhaps we should talk again Q: Have you had any news from Taiwan? in a few days, by telephone? R: No, not a word. It's strange. Usually they're D: Are you saying you're quitting the project?' in touch at least once a week.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE C: If you insist on putting it in those terms, 10 then, yes, I think probably that is best. S: Hey, Terry. Have you changed the 3 passwords? I can't get into the database' E: And you pay the shipping costs. T: No, I'm having the same problem. I've F: No, as I told you, our prices are ex works. tried everything but the system won't let You pay for shipping. me in. E: So you don't want to sell us your machine tools? ~ 2:66 F: No, why do you say that? I never said that! Paul: Oh, JenJ'Y,did you pick up my tickets? E: Your terms with Auckland Industries last Jenny: No, I'm picking them up this evening. year included shipping, I believe. I have to be there before six, so I'll be able F: Yes,but that was a much larger contract. to drop them off here by 6.30. E: So our order is not very important for you? P: That's great! What time's the flight? ~ 2:70-2:72 J: It's at 23.10. But it's OK - check-in doesn't open until 21.15. You've got plenty of time. 1 P: Hrnm ... I've got the finance committee A: I'm afraid I think we might need more tonight. That usually goes on until at least time to explore all the implications, and half seven. I'll only just have time to go perhaps to include some of our senior home and pick up my suitcase. I probably management in the discussions. won't see the kids for a week now. They'll B: Uh-huh, Yamada-san, correct me if I'm be in bed by quarter to eight. When do I wrong, but you seem to be saying that get back from the States again? you're not completely convinced by this J: On Sunday morning. You've got six deal. meetings between tomorrow morning and A: I'm afraid there seems to be a slight Friday. That leaves you a day to visit New misunderstanding, Mr Bryson. Let me York, and you fly back late on Saturday put it another way. We are as enthusiastic evening. about this deal as ever, but here in Japan, P: Well, I don't think I'll have much time to it is very important to take the time to visit New York. I've got the Merosom pitch consult everybody, and to be sure there is a to prepare for next Monday. I'm going to consensus. be jet-lagged on Sunday, so I'll have to do it B: Ah, yes, I understand. It's important for me before flying back. to keep my board informed too. J: Oh, yes, that's right. When do you expect 2 Merosom to announce their decision? C: I'm afraid we feel there are still quite a P: Well, they said within three weeks. By the large number of difficulties to face in way,have you got the files for the New this project, and these will take a very York meetings? considerable amount of time and money to J: Yes,they're all ready. Do want to look at resolve. them now? D: OK, Amal, have I got this right? You're P: No, I've got another meeting' saying that you're not sure we have the J: Well, you'll have to read them during the time or the money to make this project a flight, then. success? P: Hmm ... I suppose so. C: That's right. Especially in view of the J: OK. Well, I'll get on, then, unless you've considerable, er, cultural differences got any other questions'! between our companies. P: Er, yes, just one. When am I going to sleep? D: So, would I be right in saying that you are considering withdrawing from the project? 8.4 Speaking Negotiations C: No, I'm sorry, Sabine, that isn't quite what diplom acy I meant. What I was trying to say was, we need to take our different approaches to ~ 2:67-2:69 these problems into account, but I'm sure we can find solutions. A: I'm afraid I think we might need more D: Yes, I'm sure we can. Perhaps we should time to explore all the implications, and talk again in a few days, by telephone? perhaps to include some of our senior C: Yes,that would be fine. management in the discussions. 3 B: Look, Mr. Yamada, I've already been here E: And if I've understood correctly, you will a week, and I have a plane to catch this pay the shipping costs. evening. If you don't want to do this deal, F: I'm sorry, perhaps I haven't made myself just say so! I mean, when I get back, I clear. The price we quoted was ex works. have to tell my boss we have a contract, or But we can quote including shipping if you explain why I failed to get one! like. 2 E: But didn't you say you would give us the C: We feel that there are still quite a large same terms as for Auckland Industries last number of difficulties to face in this year? project, and these will take a very F: Ah, [ see, yes. Well, allow me to rephrase considerable amount of time and money to that What I meant was, we would be resolve. very happy to give you the same terms D: OK, Amal, let's sit down and work out a as Auckland,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU if you were in a position to schedule. order the same volume. 8 0: Well, sales are up 300%, we've reduced costs, our stock price has almost doubled and shareholders are delighted' Everything's worked out perfectly! P: Yes. It doesn't get any better than this. {be zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 F: But there are ten of them this time, and 8,6zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C a se study Je dda h R oya l Be a ch R e sort 2:73 Frederick: Good evening, Riaz' Riaz: Oh, hello Frederick. Everything OK? F: Yes,fine, thanks. I just wanted to give you these applications, if you've got a moment? R: Yes,of course. Have a seat. F: Thanks. R: OK, so what have we gol here? F: Well, first of all, there's Ms Koepple in room 406. She's with Cool Breeze. It's a record label based in Buenos Aires. Now, I know you don't like record companies, bUI R: Yes,Frederick, and you know very well why I don't like record companies and those vulgar rock groups they send us, always causing damage and disturbing the other guests. Argentina, you say? F: Yes. But Ms Koepple says they want to organize a big conference for their executives. There won't be any rock groups or that kind of thing, just corporate executives. So, they're applying for our credit card. R: Well, it's true we need to develop in the conference market. It's good business, and it often brings in more business by word of mouth. But Argentina ... OK, leave it with me and I'll look into it. How big is Ms Koepple's bill? F: Well, she's been here for four nights. Leaving on Saturday. She's spending a lot of money - maybe six thousand dollars so far. But she's very nice, very friendly. I'm sure she won't leave without paying. R: Hmm ... she's applying for a credit limit of twenty thousand. Let's keep an eye on her, anyway. Let me know if her account goes over ten thousand dollars, OK? F: Sure. R: What else have you got there? F: The next one is Mr Kobayashi from Tokyo. Remember him? R: Oh, yes. The second-hand car salesman? F: Yes.He's a really difficult customer. We've had to move him to a different room three times this week because he didn't like the view, or it was too far from the restaurant she's such a wonderful little old lady! R: I should really suspend their credit and insist on cash in advance. They're on, let's see ... thirty thousand dollars. It's just too big a risk. Have you seen the latest cash-flow figures? Our customers are taking longer and longer to pay, and uncollectibles have gone over 3%! I'm getting a lot of pressure from management to take firm action. F: Well, be careful; Mrs Saman told me yesterday that her' brother is a very senior government official. And remember, we have a lot of guests from Egypt now. We don't want to upset them. R: Yes, that's true. You never know who Mrs Sam an might talk to. She's a very influential old lady, All right, leave it with me, Frederick. I'll let you know what I decide tomorrow. R: Well, he may be difficult but his credit's good. He seems to have built himself quite an empire over there. Kobayashi Auto Sales is doing very well. We've never had any problem with his people. F: Well, I wouldn't buy a car from him. He never looks you in the eye, never smiles, never says 'thank you', He wants us to raise his credit limit, but I don't trust him. R: Let me see. From fifty up to a hundred thousand, eh? All right, ["IIthink about it. F: Right. And this last one is our old friend Mrs Sarnan and her team from Egypt. R: Oh, no. Are they still coming here? I thought we stopped their credit last year. F: No, the company paid up in the end, remember? R: Yes,1do now. Charming lady, of course, but that company - what's it called? Black Nile, that's it. They invented the concept of the slow payer! I think it took 18 months to get them to pay their last invoice. What does she want now? F: Well, she wants us to raise their credit limit to a hundred thousand, too. R: Oh, no way! The zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponml 2.0 151 G lo ssary T he definitions for the words in this glossary are from the zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA M a cm illa n D ictiona ry. T he red words are high-frequency words, that is to say that they are among the 7,500 which native speakers use for 90% of what they speak or write. S ee http://www.macmillandictionary.com for more information. 1 C orpora te culture ge a rbox I'gl:l{r),bokslnoun [count] a metal box that contains the parts of a vehicle or a machine that change engine power into movement. 1 .1 About busine ss W ork culture a nd pla ce me nts ma ilshot l'mellJoti noun [count] a letter or advertisement a ssignme nt /a'sammcnt/ noun [count or uncount] task given as part of your studies or your job: His first assignment as a reporter was to cover the local election. a utonomy /c.'tonomi/ noun [un count] the power to make your own decisions: New regulations have severely restricted the autonomy of doctors. be a ting l'bi:tIl)/ noun [count] the act of hitting someone hard a number of times as a punishment: been given a severe beating. The man had dre ss code Idres koud/ noun [count] a set of rules about what you should wear in a particular place or at a particular event: The dress code in our office is very formal: everybody wears a suit. I'etlketl noun [uncount] a set of rules for behaving correctly in a particular situation: Office etiquette demands that you don't read other people's messages. initia tive 1r'11lf;lt1VI noun [uncount] the ability to think of ideas and take decisions independently. Take the initiativ e: to take the first step or be the first to take action: She would have to take the initiative in order to improve their relationship. inte rn l'Il)13:(r)nlnoun [count] a student or recently qualified person who works in a job in order to get experience: Most employers prefer interns who already have some work experience. pick up /jnk 'I\pl phrasal verb [transitive] to learn information or a new skill without trying or without meaning to. e tique tte 1 .2 V oca bula ry W ork orga niza tion sent to many people at the same time. ra pport Ira:'p::l:(r)!n oun [singular or uncount] good relationship and understanding between people. ta ke the micke y /teik 0;) 'rruki/ phrase BRITISHIMORMALto laugh at somebody, usually in a friendly way. noun [count or uncount] useless materials that are left or thrown away: A bill was introduced to clean up toxic waste from local factories. wa ste Iwelst/ 1 .6 C a se study C ounse lling body la ngua ge zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO I'b o d i ,1a:IJgwlcBl noun [uncount] the movements or positions of your body that show other people what you are thinking or feeling: Their body language betrayed the tension between them. bounce ba ck I,bauns 'bzek/ phrasal verb [intransitive] to become healthy, happy or successful again after something bad has happened to you. e cho I'ebul verb [transitive] to express someone else's ideas or to say the same words that someone else has said: Blake echoed the views of many employees. he a da che I'hedelkl noun [count] a pain in your head: l'ue got a splitting headache zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP (= an extremely bad headache). ope n que stion 1,;"lUp;)n 'kwestS(:l)nlnoun [count] a question with a toh- question word, as opposed to a clo sed questio n which has a yes/no answer. outlook l'aut,lukl noun [singular] your general attitude to things: share an o utlo o k: They shared the same kind of outlook on life. pa ra phra se I'pa:r;J,freIzlverb [transitive] to express a nd re sponsibility on a da y-to-da y ba sis Ion ;Jdel to del 'bersrs/ phrase used for saying how often something happens. On a daily/ monthly/annual, etc. basis: Safety equipment was checked on a daily basis. orga nigra m h:(r)'gren;Jgra:m!noun [count] a drawing or plan that gives the names and job titles of all the staff in an organization or department. pre de ce ssor l'pri:dl,ses;J(r)1noun [count] the person who had the job before: Alexander seems to have learned nothing from the faults of his predecessors. ta ke ove r /teik ';Juv;J(r)!phrasal verb [transitive] to take control of something: IBM is taking over a much smaller company. 1 .5 W riting A pla ce me nt re port a ppe ndix /o'pendrks/ noun [count] a section giving extra what someone else has said using different words: It is particularly important when paraphrasing to be sure that you do not distort the meaning of the original statement. pe rspe ctive Ipd(r)'spekuvl noun 1 [count] a way of thinking about something: 2 [uncount] a sensible way of judging the importance of something in comparison with other things: keep so m ething in perspectiv e: It's important to keep things in perspective and not dwell on one incident. 2 C ustome r support 2 .1 About busine ss C a ll ce ntre s bus /bl\sl verb [transitive] to take someone somewhere copyca t I'kopi,kretl adjective similar to something else and to be a copy of it: copycat crimes. ta x bre a k /tseks brew noun [count] a reduction in the tax that you must pay: A tax break for college. considered details at the end of a book or document: Technical specifications are included in the appendix to Chapter 9. 152 by bus. I be zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Glossary tax holiday I,treks'holrdcr/ noun [count] a temporary period, during which time the government removes certain taxes (usually sales tax) on certain items, in order to encourage the consumption or purchase of these items. twentysomething l'twenti,sAm81lJI noun [count] refers to the age of someone who is between twenty and twentynine. 2.2 V ocabulary C ustomer service and telephoning dip !'kl\plnoun [count] a small object that holds something in position: hair clip. earth 13:(r)81 verb [transitive] BRITlSH to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the ground so that it is safe: Make sure the machine is earthed properly. retain /n'tern/ verb [transitive] to keep someone or side-panel I'sald ,pren(;)l!noun [count] a flat part of a box or other object that can be removed. slot /slot/ noun [count] a long narrow hole that you can fit something into. upset /xp'set/ adjective very sad, worried or angry about something: Why are you so upset? 2.4 S peaking D ealing with problems by telephone C ome again? /kxrn o'qen/ INFORMAL used for asking someone to repeat what they have just said. crash IkrreJ! verb [intransitive or transitive] COMPUTINGif a computer or computer program crashes, it suddenly stops working. freeze /fri:zIverb [intransitive or transitive] COMPUTINGif a computer screen freezes or is frozen you cannot move anything on it because there is something wrong with the computer. correspondence accounts payable (d,kaunts'pelgb(;))l/noun (plural] MAINLY AMERICAN a 2.6 C ase study C ybertartan S oftware come up with l,kAIn'AP W IO/phrasal verb (transitive] to think of something such as an idea or a plan. from the horse's mouth /fram Og'bo.(rjsrz l11au81INFORMAL information from the horse's mouth comes from someone who is directly involved. obsolescence I,Dbsg'les(g)ns/ noun [uncount] the state of something which is no longer used: planned obsolescence the practice of making products that will not last long, so that people will need to buy new ones. shift IS lfti noun [count] a period of work in a factory or business where some people work during the day and some work at night: a three-shift system. staff turnover /sto:f '13:(r)nguv::l(r)/ noun [count or uncount] the rate at which people leave jobs and new people arrive: a high turnover of staff/personnel something. 2.5 W riting F ormal and informal ~ record of how much money a company owes other people or companies for goods and services. A S A P I,el es er 'pi:/abbreviation as soon as possible. crack /krtek/ verb [transitive] to damage something so that a line appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces: I dropped a plate and cracked it. duplicate /'dju:phkelt/adjective made as an exact copy of something else. inconsistency l,ll1bn'slstgnsiln oun [count] something that does not match something else. patch IpretS I noun [count] a piece of software that you add to a computer program to improve it or remove a fault. T rojan (horse) l'trdud3(g)nh J:(r)s/,noun [count] COMPUTING a program that seems useful but is designed to cause damage, for example by destroying information. write-off IraTIo fl noun [count] a vehicle or machine that is so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired. swap Isw opl verb [intransitive or transitive] to give something to someone in exchange for something else: Do you want to swap seats? I'tnp(d)l! verb [transitive] to increase something so that it is three times bigger than before: He helped triple triple the value of the company. 3 P roducts and packaging 3.1 About business P ackaging focus group /foekas ,gru:plnoun [count] a small group of people who are interviewed together and give their opinions to help a company make decisions. frustration IfrA'strelS(::l)nf noun [count or un count] the feeling of being frustrated. interface 1,lI1t;)(r)'feJS/ verb [intransitive] interact and communicate with each other. provocation l,pm v;)'keIS (d)nJ noun [count or uncount] the act of doing or saying something deliberately in order to make somebody angry or upset. She bursts into tears at the slightest provocation. rage Ireld31 noun [count or uncount] a very strong feeling of anger: MAINLY JOURNALISMangry violent behaviour in a public situation: It is clear that air rage is now on the increase. resistant In'zIst(g)ntla djective able to resist something: a disease that is resistant to antibiotics. trigger l'tn g g (r)1 verb [transitive] to make something happen: to trigger an alarm. wrap /rzep,' verb [transitive]to cover something by putting something such as paper or plastic around it: I wrapped my present for my sister's birthday. 3.2 V ocabulary S pecifications and features attention-grabbing zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ 1::l'tenS (;)n ,grrebu]la djective an attention-grabbing remark or activity is one that is intended to make people notice it. bird's-eye view l,b3:dz zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ at 'vju:1noun [singular}a good view of something from a high position. blueprint /blu.pnnt/ noun [count] a drawing that shows how to build something. flu'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponm 2.0 153 noun [count] a map used for navigation in boats or planes. foolproof /fu.l.pru.f? adjective very well designed and easy to use so that it cannot fail and you cannot use it wrongly. This recipe is foolproof: it works every time. mockup l'm okApl noun [count] a model of a future product that is the same size as the real thing. ove rla y I'duvd(r),leIJnoun [count] a set of extra information that is added to a picture by a computer. re ta rda nt In'ra:(r)d(d)ntl adjective slowing down a process. cha rt ItSa:(r)tl This door is fire retardant. ta mpe r with I'tff!mpd(r),wIol phrasal verb [transitive] to touch something and change it in a way that will damage it. 3 .3 G rammar Articles, relative combinations clauses and noun bump /bxmp,' verb [intransitive or transitive] to hit against something solid: The cal' bumped into a tree. drop ca lls I'dmp ko.lz/ phrase to fail to connect incoming calls. e mpowe rme nt /tm'paootrjmant' noun [uncount] giving control or power over something. flip cove r I'ftrp ,k/Wdl noun [count] part of a mobile phone which folds over the keypad. ge t rid of Iget 'nd dvl phrasal verb [transitive] to throw away, give away or sell a possession that you no longer want: I have to get rid of myoid computer. no frills I'n;;lufnlz/ expression used for something which is good enough but has no unnecessary extra features: A simple meal with no frills. ra ting l'rertuJ/ noun [count] a measurement of how good or popular someone or something is: The guide gives restaurants a rating out of ten. l'w3:(r)k,h:l:(r)slnoun [count] a very useful piece of equipment that you use a lot: My old car was a great workhorse workhorse. 3 .4 S peaking P resentations - structure noun [count] a curved piece of metal for hanging things on; a method for getting people interested and attracted to something: Hang your coat on the hook. le cture 1'lekt,f*)1 noun [count] a talk to a group of people about a particular subject, especially at a college or university: This lecture about the Dark Ages was really hook Ihukl fascinating. ove rwhe lmingly noun [count or uncount] a metal that is made from combining two or more metals. be ne fit I'benrfrtl noun [count or uncount] an advantage you get from a product or situation. fe a ture /'fi:t,fd(r)/noun [count] an important part or aspect of a product. intuitive /rn'tju.nv/ adjective an intuitive system is easy to use because the process of operating it is very natural or obvious. plug-in I'plAginJnoun [count] COMPUTING a software addition which allows an application to perform additional functions. quibble l'kwIb(;:))lInoun [count] a complaint or criticism about something that is not important: no quibble gua ra nte e a promise to refund the customer without questioning their reasons for dissatisfaction. sta nd out I,st&nd 'aut/ phrasal verb [intransitive] to be easy to see because of being different. a lloy /'ff!brJ 3 .6 C ase study Big Jack's P izza BO G O F /'bogofl abbreviation buy one, get one free. a chequered pattern or design consists of squares in two or more different colours. dine -in I,darn 'rn/ adjective used to describe meals taken in a restaurant: dine-in cUITy. fra nchise e l,frrentSaJ'zi:1 noun [count] a person or company that has the franchise to sell a particular type of goods or services. fusion cuisine /'fjU:3ll kwr'zim/ noun [uncount] a particular style of cooking food combining Chinese and Western recipes. gourme t l'gu;:)(r)meIInoun [count] someone who knows a lot about good food and wine. slide /slaid/ verb [intransitive] to move across a smooth surface. stre ngthe n l'strelJ8(;:)nl verb [transitive] to make something stronger. thre a t 18retl noun [count or uncount] something that could cause harm. U SP /ju: es 'pi:1noun [count] BUSINESS u nique selling point! proposition: the thing that makes a product or service different from others. che que re d I'tfeb(r)d) adjective 4 C areers l?uv;:)(r)'welnlllJliladverb very strongly: They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal. ping IpIlJ/verb [transitive] COMPUTING to send an electronic signal requesting an answer from a device: I'll ping it to you later. looking for a person, animal or thing. wra p up /,rrep 'Api phrasal verb [intransitive 4 .1 About business C areer choices e a rth-sha tte ring zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM 1'3:(1')8 Sff!t(;:)1'I1)1 adjective extremely surprising and important. tra cking l'tr&kllJlnoun [uncount] the act of following or or transitive] INFORMAL to finish something: That iust about wraps it up fa)' today. 154 3.5 W riting A product description ine rtia 1l'1l3:(r)S;:)1 noun [uncount] a situation in which something does not change: a feeling of not wanting to change things. jump in a t the de e p e nd l,d3Amp'm ,ret0;:)'diip ,end) phrasal verb [intransitive] to become involved in a difficult situation with little preparation. TheBzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA usiness zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Glossary pick someone's brains I,PIk'SAIllWAllZ .bremz/expression INFORMAL to ask someone questions to get advice or information: I wanted to pick your brains about this idea I've had. posse I'posi/noun [count] INFORMAL a group of friends. start the ball rolling I,sta:(r)toe 'boil ,[;)u "I)1 expression to make something start happening. stay put l,steI'put!verb [intransitive] to remain in one place or position. treadmill/'tred,l1111lnoun [count] a situation that is very tiring or boring because you do the same things continuously. 4.2 Vocabulary Careers, personal skills and qualities controversial/,kol1tdv3:(r)S(;)1J adjective a controversial subject, opinion or decision is one that people disagree about or do not approve of. flag /fIa:g/verb [transitive)to mark something so that you will be able to find it again. headhunter l'hed,hAnt;)(r)/ noun [count] a person or company who searches for good staff and tries to persuade them to leave their jobs and go to work for another company. liaise /li'erz/verb (intransitive] if one person Iiaises with another or people liaise, they talk to each other and tell each other what they are doing, so that they can work together effectively. multitasking 1,illi\1ti'ta:skrl)1 noun [uncount] doing several things at the same time. on the spot I,onad 'spot!expression immediateLy. unconventional/,iI.llk;)n'venS(g)ngl/adjective different from what most people consider to be usual or normal. wannabe /woncbi/ noun [count] INFORMAL someone who wants to be famous or successful. 4.3 Grammar Present tenses assault course /a'so.lt,b:(r)sl noun [count] an exercise involving running, climbing and jwnping, used in military training. hand Iha:nd/verb [transitive]to give something to someone with your hand; you have to hand it to someone expression SPOKEN used for saying that you admire someone for something they have done. knock over I,IJok';)uv;)(r)1 verb [transitive]to hit something so that it falls: The car knocked him over. relevant I're\;w(d)ntladjective directly connected to what is being discussed or considered. undergraduate I,Andg(r)'gra:d3U;)tI noun [count] a student who is studying for a first degree at a college or university. You're kidding Ijo:(r) 'krdrn/expression mainly spoken used for saying that you do not believe what someone is saying. ~ 4.4 Speaking Job interviews achievement /o'tjuvmant/ noun [count] a particular thing that you have succeeded in doing after a lot of effort. cope with /'bup ,wIol verb [intransitive]to deal successfully with a difficult situation or job. rapport Irre'po:(r)1 noun [singular/uncount] a relationship in which people like, understand, and respect each other: Having good rapport with your clients is essential. regardless of Irr'ga:(r)dlgs'dvl phrase without being affected by. strength Istrel)81 noun [count] something that someone does well: Ron's main strength is his ability to motivate players. weakness /wi.knas/ noun [count] a fault or problem that makes someone less effective or attractive. 4.6 Case study Gap years and career breaks eco- li:bul prefix relating to the environment: used with some nouns and adjectives. find your feet /famd jg(r) 'fut/ expression to start to feel confident and familiar with something. step back I,step'bsek/phrasal verb [intransitive] to stop for a moment in order to consider something objectively. l'trend3;)b(d)1I adjective important and noticeable: tangiblezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG tangible evidence. underprivileged I,Alldg(r)'prrvglrd3d1 adjective not having as many advantages or opportunities as most other people. 5 M a king de a ls 5.1 About business Retailing bric:ks-and-mortar I,bnksrend'm';):(r)tg(r)1 expression a building, when you are thinking of it in connection with how much it cost to build or how muchzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba it is worth: They put their money into bricks and mortar. claw lklo:1 noun [count] the sharp curved part at the end of some animal's toes, for example a cat. hit IhIt!noun [count] a piece of information that a computer program finds for you: I searched for the name 'Mundy' and got over fifty hits. 5.4 Speaking Negotiations - bargaining down timezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF I'daun .tarm/noun [count or uncount] period during which equipment or a machine is not functional or cannot work. lead time I'Ji:d .tatm/ noun [count or uncount] the time between starting and completing a production process. package l'prekld31noun [count] a set of products or services that are sold together as one unit. reluctant /ri'lxktant/adjective not willing to do something. tentative i'tentdtrvladjective not definite or certain. TbeBusinesS2.0 155 5.5 W riting A proposal 6.4 Speaking M eetings - teamwork cash flow l'kceS ,fi;)UI noun [uncount] the rate at w hich a business takes in m oney through sales and pays it out for the things it needs to continue operating. civil servant /,slv(g)I's3:(r)v(;l)nt! noun [count] som eone w ho w orks for a governm ent departm ent. contingency plan Ibn'tm d3(d)nsi .pleen/noun [uncount) a plan that helps you to prepare for possible bad events. disabled /drs'eibfajld/ adjective som eone w ho is disabled is unable to use part of their body or brain properly because of injury or disease. mail order /rnerl ':):(r)dg(r)1 noun [uncount] a w ay of buying goods in w hich you order them by post or by telephone and they are posted to you. ethnic minority l,e8nlk m ar'noreti/ noun [count] a group of people w ho have a different culture and different traditions to m ost people living in a place. merchant account 1'1l13:(r)tS(;J)nt o.kaunt/ noun [count) a special account for perform ing e-business transactions. misconduct /nus'kondxkt/ behaviour, set-up fee I'set A p fi:1 noun the price you have to pay to have a piece of equipm ent installed. 6 Company and community noun [uncountable] unacceptable 6.5 W riting Reports and minutes derive /dr'raiv/ verb [transitive] to get a feeling from som ething e.g. pleasure, satisfaction: deriv e so m ething 6.1 About business Corporate social responsibility - ----- fro m so m ething : They derive great enjoyment from these simple games. altruism zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA /'celtru,lz(;J)m l noun [uncount] a w ay of thinking greenfield site /'gri:nfi:ld .sart.' noun [count] a piece of land and behaving that show s you care about other people and that has never been built on before. their interests m ore than you care about yourself. paternalism /pd't3:(r)n;l,lrz(;J)m /n oun [uncountJ governing biodegradable l,bal;Judl'grelddb(8)1Iadjective biodegradable like a father, by looking after people but also taking aw ay substances can be broken into very sm all parts by bacteria their freedom and responsibilities. so that they are not harm ful to the environm ent. positive discrimination /,poz;:)tlV dr.skrtrru'neij'(ajn/ noun credo /'kri:ddul noun [count] a statem ent of your beliefs. [uncount] the practice of giving special benefits to people hybrid }'halbnd! noun [count) a m ixture of different things from a group that w as treated in an unfair w ay in the past. or styles. sustainable /sa'srem obfcrl/ adjective for a long tim e at the sam e level. capable of continuing virtuous circle /'v3:(r)tJu:ls's3:(r)k(8)1/noun [singular] a process in w hich a good action or event produces a good result that also causes the process to continue so that m ore good results happen. 6.2 Vocabulary M eetings, ethical behaviour and social performance damage limitation l'dcelllld3,lm ll'teIS(g)nlnoun [uncountl the process of trying to lim it the am ount of dam age that is caused by som ething. extravagant /rk'strzevaqant/ adjective unreasonable. extrem e, excessive or misleading /rm s'ludnj' adjective giving the w rong idea or im pression and m aking you believe som ething that is not true. settlement l'set(;J)ll11:lnt! noun [count] an official agreem ent that ends an argum ent betw een tw o people or groups. 6.3 G rammar The passive and reported speech leakage /'li:kld31 noun [uncount] an am ount of liquid or gas escaping through a hole in som ething. protracted /pra'tneknd/ adjective FO R M A L continuing for a long tim e, especially longer than is norm al or necessary. stakeholder /'stelk,h;luld;l(r)1noun [count] a person or com pany that is involved in a particular organization, project, system , etc., especially because they have invested m oney in it. 156 6.6 Case study Phoenix hazardous /'hcez;:)(r)ddsladjective dangerous, especially to people's health or safety: These chemicals are hazardous to human health. resident /'rezld(:l)nt/ noun [count] a person w ho lives in a particular place. resistance /n'Z1St(:l)ns/noun [uncount] dislike of or opposition to a plan, an idea, etc. 7 M ergers and acquisitions 7.1 About business Risks and opportunities in M &A due diligence /,dju: 'd1hd3(:J)ns/noun [uncount) investigation of a com pany's activities and finances before investm ent or acquisition. gene /d3i:nl noun [count] inform ation in cells that determ ines a person's characteristics: He believes that shyness is in the genes. homogenize /hc'm odjsnarz/ verb [transitive] to m ake things the sam e, often so that the result is boring. open enrolment 1,;JU p;lnm 'rcolm ont/ noun [count] a university class w hich anybody can join. prestigious /pre'sndjos/ adverb respected and adm ired as very im portant or of a very high quality. susceptible /s;l'sept;Jb(;l)1/a djective affected. easily influenced or takeover bid I'telk,;:)uv;l(r).brd/ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP noun [count or uncount] an offer to buy the shares in a com pany and take control of it: Shareholders have accepted a takeover bid. 1be zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss 2.0 G lo s s a ry turmoil/'t3:(r)m:JIiI noun [uncount] a state of excitement or uncontrolled activity. J.2 s be in the black fbi: In 0;) 'bleek/expression to have money in your bank account or more money than you owe: We've been in the black for over a year now. bid Ibid! noun [count] an offer to give a particular amount of money for something, for example at an auction: We Ie Y charismatic /,ka:nz'ma:nkl adjective V ocabulary Businesc:;performance e 'it ~ received a bid of £5,000 for the table. Ifllt;)(r) '8ru:1 verb [intransitive] if news or infomation filters through to people, they receive it gradually or after a period of time: News of the decision filter through a charismatic person has a strong personality that makes other people like them and be attracted to them. meteoric I,mi:ti'onkl adjective becoming very successful very quickly. ruthless l'ru:8L~s!adjective willing to make other people suffer so that you can achieve your aims. slick /sltk/ adjective done in a very impressive way that seems to need very little effort. trumpet /'trAI11Pltl verb [transitive] to announce something publicly in a way that is intended to make it seem very important. filtered through to reporters. lft;)u 'te rS (;)n l noun [count or uncount] BUSINESS the sale of shares in a company for the first time. F T S E100, the l.fu ts i WAn'hxndrod/ noun [uncount] the Financial Times Stock Exchange index; an average of the prices of shares from the top 1 0 0 companies on the London stock exchange. rum our I'ru:m;)(r)1noun [count or uncount] unofficial information that mayor may not be true: He'd heard flotation 8 Inte rna tiona l tra de 8.1 About business E xport sales and payment chase /tjers/ verb [transitive] to try hard to get something you want: Many companies are still chasing debts that are more than five years old. rumours about some big financial deal. 7.4 S peaking P resentations - visuals cruciall'kru:S(;)V adjective extremely important; crucial to : Listening to customers' needs is crucial to designing good products. /dr'ncriorert/ verb [intransitive] to become worse: The economic situation is deteriorating. disposable income /dr'spouzabta)! 'nkxm/ noun [uncount] money that you have left to spend after you have paid your bills. highlight l'hal,lartl verb [transitive] to emphasize or underline part of something: The presenter highlighted the deteriorate n.eedfor a quick decision.. overload 1 ,;)u v ;)(r)'I;)u d l verb [transitive] to put too much of something on something; to present people with too much information for them to understand easily. 7.5 W riting P resentation l'k re d rt,w 3 :(r)o ill;)s l noun [uncount] ability to repay debts. level playing field 1,lev(;))1'pleuj fi:ld! noun [singular] a situation that is fair for everybody involved. take on board !,terk on 'b:l:(r)dI expression to consider an idea, to accept criticism and learn from past mistakes. think outside the box 1 '8 Il)k aut.said 0;) 'bnks/ expression to find new and unusual ways of doing things, especially solving problems. without a trace /WHYautI'l 'trers/ expression no sign that someone has been present; disappear w itho ut trace: She creditworthiness slides bullet points !'bulrt pornts/ noun [count] a circle printed before each item on a list. /dr'strrektnj/ adjective preventing you from concentrating on something: This noise outside the distracting classroom is very distracting. font Ifont! noun [count] TECHNICAL the style of letters and nwnbers used in a document. vague Ivelgl adjective not clearly explained or very detailed: Witnesses gave only a vague description of the was seen last week, then disappeared without trace. wizard l'w lz ;)(r)d I noun [count] someone who is very good at something. 8.2 V ocabulary International deals and payments file a claim zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON I,fall ;) 'klerrn/ verb [transitive] to present a claim so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with. forwarder /'f:J:(r)w~(r)d;)(r)1noun [count] firm specializing in arranging storage and shipping of merchandise on behalf of its shippers. frequent-flyer scheme /,fri:kwent'fiar;)(r).ski.m/ noun [count] a system to encourage people to travel with the same airline by giving them reductions or gifts. get behind with zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO I,get bi'harnd ,wID/phrasal verb [intransitive]zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON if you get behind with work or payments, you have not done as much work or made as many payments as you should have: She'd been zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX ill so oiten that, she was getting behind with her schoolwork. drivel: TbeB U S iness2 .0 157 8.3 G rammar P repositions drop offzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I,d ro p 'o fl phrasal verb [transitive] to take som ething to a place and not stay there long: Is it OK if I drop the documents off later? jet-lagged I'd3et,l~gd/ adjective feeling tired and som etim es confused after a long flight. pitch IPItSI noun [count] an oral proposal designed to persuade som eone to buy your product or support you. 8.4 S peaking N egotiations - diplomacy consensus /kan'sensas/ noun [un count] an opinion that all m em bers of a group agree w ith. implication l,unplI'keIS(:l)nI noun [count usually plural] a possible effect or result: We need to consider the financial implications. quit /kw rt/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to leave a job or project: She quit after only six months in the job. 8.5 W riting R equests and reminders disregard l,dIsn'ga:(r)dl to som ething. verb [transitive] to pay no attention extend /tk'stend/ verb [transitive] FO R M A L to agree to lend som eone m oney or give them credit. factoring l'f~kt:lnI)I noun [uncount] selling a com pany's receivable invoices in order to obtain funds m ore quickly. outstanding /out'stendrn/ adjective an am ount of m oney that is outstanding has not yet been paid. overdue l,dUV:l(r)'dju:1 adjective if a paym ent is overdue, it should have been paid before now . oversight j':luv;:,(r),sm tl noun [count] som ething think of w hich causes problem s later. you do not settle j'set(:l)]/ verb [transitive] to pay all the m oney you ow e som eone: He has thirty days to settle his bill. 8 .6 C ase study Jeddah R oyal Beach R esort armoury l'a:(r)m Jril noun [usually singular] a set of skills, equipm ent or pow ers that is available for som eone if they need it. loyaltyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA l'l:m itii noun [uncount] continued use of the products or services of a particular business: A high level of brand loyalty. uncollectible /xnko'lektabtajl,' w hich cannot be recovered. noun [count] a bad debt vulgar j'vA lg:l(r)1 adjective som eone w ho is rude, unpleasant, and offensive. word of mouth !,w 3:(r)d av 'm auSI expression inform ation com m unicated by people speaking inform ally to each other. 158 tt» zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B usine ss zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.0 Based on the successof the original edition, continues to offer Business English students the fundamentals and skills they need to succeed In the competitive international business environment. Why it works for Business English students: ~ . - an overview of how business works, covered right at the beginning. Topics include business organization and CVs and covering letters. - each module is clearly linked to key business topics: • Personal development • Service • Supply chain • Management and career • Salesand marketing • Enterprise • Finance • International trade Student's Book eWorkbook Teacher's Book and Teacher's Resource Disc the modular structure allows you to dip in and out. This is the course you can make your own. .I:'I":'I'''T7:''r::ri'' _ - an integral part of the course on your own computer or laptop. This includes extra language practice, tests and word lists, and audio and video you can download for on-the-go learning. -the best professionals are those with great emotional intelligence. Special speaking tasks and the case studies focus on this delicate but vital '5th skill'. 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