American history exam 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

American history exam 4

Why did American scientists start to develop a superbomb in 1942? a. They did not want the Germans to develop one first.
b. Japan was working on a similar weapon.
c. Roosevelt was planning an attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
d. The United States planned to attack the Soviet Union after the war.
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Why did American scientists start to develop a superbomb in 1942? a. They did not want the Germans to develop one first.
b. Japan was working on a similar weapon.
c. Roosevelt was planning an attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
d. The United States planned to attack the Soviet Union after the war.
A reluctant isolationist, President Roosevelt believed during the 1930s that
a. the United States should cease trading with Latin America.
b. international amity was the key to ending the Depression.
c. free trade was necessary for America's domestic prosperity.
d. the United States should stay out of Europe's internal affairs.
During the six-month battle to force the withdrawal of Japanese forces from Guadalcanal in February 1943, it became clear that
a. the United States could not win a decisive military victory against Japan.
b. it would be extremely costly and difficult to defeat Japan.
c. the United States needed the British navy to win an all-out military campaign in the Pacific.
d. the Marines in the Pacific lacked coordination.
The reluctance of the United States to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi oppression was primarily due to
a. pro-German sympathies.
b. overpopulation.
c. anti-Semitism.
d. anti-immigrant sentiment.
Which statement describes the significance of the U.S and British landing in Sicily in July 1943?
a. It was the first Allied encounter with Italian armed forces.
b. It was a disastrous defeat for the Allies.
c. It was the start of what would become the French campaign.
d. It marked the end of Mussolini's fascism.
Why did President Roosevelt authorize the roundup and internment of all Americans of Japanese descent in 1942?
a. Any male members of their families had refused to register for the draft.
b. The government wanted to use strategically placed prison camps to prevent Japan from launching an air attack on the West Coast.
c. The government had evidence that Japanese Americans were a threat to national security following the events at Pearl Harbor.
d. A large number of people believed that Japanese Americans were potential sources of espionage and subversion.
Which statement describes the relationship between American ethnic minorities and the armed forces during World War II?
a. They were barred from serving in the armed forces during the first two years of the war.
b. They fought in large numbers in the armed forces despite discriminatory treatment.
c. The government discouraged them from serving in the armed forces.
d. They were largely uninterested in serving in the armed forces.
The Double V campaign called for both victory in the war and victory for
a. Republicans in Congress.
b. Thomas Dewey in the presidential election of 1944.
c. African Americans fighting racial prejudice at home.
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt in the presidential election of 1944.
Which event occurred as a result of the Nazi-Soviet treaty of nonaggression in August 1939?
a. Hitler's invasion of Poland
b. England's confirmation of the effectiveness of appeasement
c. The end of Hitler's aggression in Europe
d. The U.S. declaration of war against Germany
Which factors made it possible for dictators to gain and maintain power in Nicaragua and Cuba after the implementation of the good neighbor policy?
a. The federal government could not afford to mount military efforts to defeat and remove them.
b. They received open military support from the Roosevelt administration and British diplomats.
c. They had private support from U.S. businessmen and tacit support from the Roosevelt administration.
d. They received overt support from European business interests, who depended on their imports.
How did American labor unions respond to the production demands of World War II?
a. They volunteered to enlist one-half of their workers in the armed forces.
b. They demanded increases in overtime pay for the duration of the war.
c. They granted the government's request that they pledge not to strike.
d. They agreed to disband temporarily to focus on production.
In the Atlantic Charter in August of 1941, the United States and England agreed to
a. protect the freedom of the seas, free trade, and the right of national self-determination.
b. take over leadership of the League of Nations for the duration of the wars in Europe and Asia.
c. suspend all shipping between the two countries and let only naval vessels through foreign waters.
d. declare the Atlantic Ocean off limits to the Third Reich and its allies.
The purpose of the Eisenhower Doctrine was to
a. aid any Middle Eastern nation requesting assistance against armed aggression from any country controlled by international communism.
b. promote democracy and capitalism around the world through art, literature, music, and other cultural media.
c. protect and defend the state of Israel from any threats mounted by Arab or Islamist terrorists with full military force.
d. assume the obligation to monitor human rights violations in Latin America and address them with diplomatic and military solutions, if necessary.
What allowed the United States to emerge from World War II as the most powerful nation in the world?
a. It had both a monopoly on atomic weapons and expanded production capacity.
b. Its heroic role in the war made other nations willing to submit to American authority.
c. The public was solidly behind the presidential administration.
d. Government economists had prepared for the postwar economic downturn.
In February 1948, while Congress debated the Marshall Plan, the Soviet Union was
a. undermining western efforts to establish a republic in Germany.
b. staging a coup and installing a Communist regime in Czechoslovakia.c. staging a coup and installing a Communist regime in Greece.
d. making overtures to U.S. allies in Asia.