The Mexican American War Flashcards | Quizlet
How did the annexation of Texas push the US into conflict with Mexico?
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How did the annexation of Texas push the US into conflict with Mexico?
What led the United States to go to war with Mexico in 1846?
No justification for war, Mexico had refused to sell the southwest. The Mexican War was inspired by the expansionist fervor manifest destiny, a majority of Americans supported the war.
Why was the war controversial in America?
What was the real principal reason the US wanted to go to war?
When the Mexican government still refused to negotiate, as the Mexican negotiators of 1848 complained, it was new to launch a war because a country refused to sell part of its territory to a neighbor.
. How did California play into the larger issues that made up the Mexican-American War?
The aim was California's incorporation into the United States.
What is Manifest Destiny?
Divine right to expand (regardless of national borders)
How was this reflected in the war between the US and Mexico?
How did James Polk reflect the nation's obsession with land?
James Polk was considered a Democrat and strongly supported expansion; which was Manifest Destiny.
A. What did expansion represent for the average American?
What group primarily benefitted from the war with Mexico?
What legislation were they responding to?
Who was Zachary Taylor?
Why was he selected for the task of approaching the Mexicans?
What did the US do in the Oregon Territory?
What did this signal to the Mexican people?
What was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?