AMISTAD - Translation in English - lcp

What is the translation of "amistad" in English?

es amistad = en

"amistad" in English


amistad verdadera {f}

English translations powered by Oxford Languages

amistad feminine noun

1. (entre personas, países) friendshipentabló or trabó or hizo amistad con ella he struck up a friendship with her, he became or made friends with hernos une una gran amistad there's a great bond of friendship between usrompimos las amistades we stopped being friends, we're not friends any more2. amistades (feminine plural) (amigos) friends (plural)

amistad {feminine}

(SL) Se dice que en la necesidad se conoce la amistad.
(SL) They say that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Nuestro Grupo político mantiene una estrecha amistad y cooperación con los Estados Unidos de América.
Our Group is a close friend and partner of the United States of America and always has been.
Para aceptar o rechazar una solicitud de amistad, accede a Orkut y búscala en la parte superior de tu página principal.
To accept or decline a friend request, sign in to Orkut and look for your friend requests at the top of your homepage.
Espero que la amistad que simboliza este puente termine imponiéndose.
I hope that friendship prevails in this area, the friendship symbolised by this bridge.
Por una enemistad política y por una amistad personal: ¡Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
To personal friendship and political enmity: 'Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
Por una enemistad política y por una amistad personal:¡Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
To personal friendship and political enmity: 'Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
El Ministro de Exteriores indonesio ha invocado, con razón, el Tratado de Amistad y Cooperación.
The Indonesian Foreign Minister has rightly invoked the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

Spanish English Contextual examples of "amistad" in English

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

¿Podría constituir su amistad con el señor Latsis un conflicto de intereses?
Could your friendship, sir, with Mr Latsis possibly be a conflict of interest?
Soy miembro de comité de la Asociación para la Amistad entre Azerbaiyán y Suecia.
I am a committee member of the Azerbaijani-Swedish Friendship Association.
Por una enemistad política y por una amistad personal: ¡Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
To personal friendship and political enmity: 'Benvenuto, Signor Prodi! '
Hemos cooperado juntos y espero gozar en el futuro de su profunda amistad.
We have worked together and I now look forward to a deep friendship in the future.
Por supuesto, todavía tenemos nuestras afinidades políticas y nuestra amistad personal.
Of course, we still have our political affinities and our personal friendship.
Por una enemistad política y por una amistad personal:¡Benvenuto, Signor Prodi!
To personal friendship and political enmity: 'Benvenuto, Signor Prodi! '
Sin embargo, la verdadera amistad también entraña formular críticas cuando procede.
Yet true friendship also means voicing criticism where criticism is due.
Solamente así uno puede realmente brindar una mano de amistad a los demás.
Only in that way can you actually extend the hand of friendship to others.
No digamos de otras naciones con las que no estamos vinculados por la vía de la amistad.
Nor should nations with which we are not on friendly terms, needless to say!
Ha estado en vigor, durante 10 años, un acuerdo de amistad y cooperación.
A partnership and cooperation agreement has been in place for 10 years.
Han sido jornadas de paz y reconciliación, amistad y solidaridad.
They have been days of peace and reconciliation, of friendship and solidarity.
Nuestra amistad es tan grande que no hay barreras de partido entre nosotros.
Our friendship is so strong that no party barriers come between us.
Esta amistad constituye el centro mismo de nuestro ministerio sacerdotal ".(57)
This is what is at the very core of our priestly ministry".(57)
Espero que la amistad que simboliza este puente termine imponiéndose.
I hope that friendship prevails in this area, the friendship symbolised by this bridge.
Ello no ha perjudicado nuestra amistad ni nuestro trabajo común en beneficio de Europa.
However, this has not affected our friendship or the work we have done together for Europe.
Habrá amistad, serenidad, apertura, pero también habrá severidad en la ampliación.
There will be friendship, calm, openness but also a certain strictness in the enlargement process.
Es decir que la amistad daneso-bávara ha quedado restablecida.
Well that puts the friendship between Denmark and Bavaria back on terra firma.
¿Se basa en una simpatía personal o una amistad con algún diputado no inscrito en concreto?
Is it based on a personal liking for or friendship with a particular non-attached Member?
Esta amistad constituye el centro mismo de nuestro ministerio sacerdotal ".(57)
expression of friendship than this? This is what is at the very core of our priestly ministry".(57)
Sin embargo, la amistad no tiene nada que ver con la ceguera, sino con la voluntad de ser honesto.
However, friendship does not mean blindness but the willingness to be honest.
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Spanish How to use "amistad" in a sentence

Nadie deja de arder con fuego dentro sin antes saber lo que es el calor de la amistad.
Amigo mío, narra la historia de una hermosa amistad.
Es un cuento escrito al amparo de la infancia y la amistad entre niñas, y el modo en que nos sentíamos poderosas.
Visita a tus amistades si sabes que no obstaculizarán tu camino.
Ese mismo encuentro que quizás se lo contaron sólo a sus amistades más íntimas, o quizás ni eso.

Spanish How to use "amistar" in a sentence

Entonces, el lazo, aparte de que quiere decir amarrar, amistar y unir, también tiene una connotación social y estética.
Siempre nos amistamos y cada día que pasa me siento más parecido a él.
Influidos por un pensamiento transgresor y revolucionario todos los jóvenes de esa época amistaron y fueron compañeros de lucha.
Romper con la vida universitaria, romper con las horas de sueño, romper las amistadas, romper con lo que querías ser y hacer.
La amistada puede ser válida, duradera y reconfortante sin tantos requisitos.

Spanish How to use "amistades" in a sentence

También es un mito que son los hombres quienes intentan convertir sus amistades en aventuras.
Pero aparecen amistades que tienen que ver con la actividad que uno desarrolla.
Aparte de estas dos excepciones, no tengo amistades en la política.
Solamente he querido conocer personas y crear amistades.
Entonces empiezan a vestirse de la forma que les gusta y hacen amistades con personas con las que sienten afinidad.

Spanish How to use "amistad verdadera" in a sentence

Aprecio mucho la amistad verdadera y sincera que tengo ahora!
La amistad verdadera, por su parte, no está fundamentada en nada distinto que el amor.
El trabajo en solitario va minando la amistad verdadera.
La amistad verdadera no puede ser unidireccional, tiene que ir de un lado a otro, y viceversa.
Porque en la amistad verdadera lo principal es el respeto y el saber aceptar a los demás, y los que critiquen..

Spanish How to use "friendship" in a sentence

The very home that she left to find genuine love and lasting friendships.
Nevertheless, the teasing, sardonic element continues through their friendship.
For scholars, the pine was the emblem of longevity and tenacity, as well as constance in friendship.
They felt that the faith and friendship which inspired them in the cordillera do not emerge from these pages.
The primary purpose of the club is the promotion of friendship.

Spanish How to use "amity" in a sentence

It is altogether different when the parties are not living in amity but are separated, or about to separate.
The treaty contains provisions which ensures perpetual peace and everlasting amity between the two countries.
Their ostensible motto was amity, commerce and religion.
First, this level of amity is not common.
It stresses upon the necessity of maintaining amity betwee different communities for a peaceful co-existence.

Spanish How to use "bring together" in a sentence

The initial goal of the project was to bring together women working in the intersections of art, media, and technology for a meal and discussion.
Programs and workshops are designed to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines and countries.
This ongoing project aims to bring together geological data from all nations into a digital database and thus transform them into a single computer language.
Begun in 2010, this program aims to bring together educators and professionals in order to better understand the needs of autistic spectrum students.
Wood was able to bring together a new style of council administration with only three standing committees and all councillors members of these committees.

Spanish How to use "friendships" in a sentence

It's part of the process, these friendships you gain on the way.
With age and success, it sometimes happens that early friendships fall away.
I have learned much about my own journey from my friendships with survivors.
The reality star admitted he was shocked by their actions and said it could put their friendships at risk.
For women, friendships are actually critical to our qualify of life.

Spanish How to use "friends" in a sentence

She then persuades him that his friends will eventually move on, and suggests they get back together.
Hamlet welcomes them as excellent good friends, but, seeing through their guise, comments that they won't deal justly with him about their mission.
As a symbol of defiance he and his friends took to occasionally briefly blasting the music out of the window.
They eventually become friends, and frequently sit together in class.
He drew pictures with crayons on sidewalks, and invented stories for his friends about knights and legends.

Spanish How to use "true friendship" in a sentence

There is a need that the celebration should make us revisit the notion of true friendship.
That's the sign of true friendship... or when you spend too much time with someone.
The actor has even written the screenplay and directed this film which celebrates true friendship.
True friendship that lasts is unconditional and based on creating career wins for one another.
But because our foundation is true friendship, we can remain friends today.