Quiz & Worksheet - Pyrexia Causes & Symptoms | Study.com

What is Pyrexia? | Definition, Causes & Symptoms - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

What is considered to be a normal body temperature for a human in Fahrenheit degrees?

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1. Which method of taking a temperature measures core body temperature?

2. What structure in the brain is responsible for the regulation of body temperature?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

The quiz and worksheet will evaluate how much you know about pyrexia. You can expect to be tested on medication that is used to reduce fevers and the name of the communicators that are used to activate the hypothalamus.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

Utilize the assessment tools to test yourself on:

  • The method of taking a temperature that gives the reader the core body temperature
  • Medication that is used to reduce fevers
  • Communicators that are used to activate the hypothalamus
  • The brain structure that controls the body's temperature
  • The normal body temperature

Skills Practiced

  • Reading comprehension- ensure that you draw the most important information from the related lesson on pyrexia
  • Knowledge application- use your knowledge to answer a question about the normal body temperature
  • Information recall- access the knowledge you've gained regarding the temperature taking method that gives the reader the core body temperature

Additional Learning

To learn more about pyrexia, go over the lesson titled What is Pyrexia? - Definition, Causes & Symptoms. The lesson has the following objectives:

  • Identify why pyrexia is a natural immune response
  • Review the different ways a temperature can be taken
  • Learn about the role the body plays in regulating the temperature
  • Recall the treatment options available for pyrexia
  • Learn about the severe cases of pyrexia