at odds with the world

at odds with the world

Displeased with or unsettled in one's life. I thought I would be happier once school started up again, but I still feel at odds with the world.
See also: odds, world
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

at odds with the world


at odds with yourself

If someone is at odds with the world or at odds with themselves, they are unhappy and not sure about what they want from life. I generally felt at odds with the world at that time. He willingly admits that he was still at odds with himself.
See also: odds, world
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012
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References in classic literature ?
People in difficulty and distress, or in any manner at odds with the world, can endure a vast amount of harsh treatment, and perhaps be only the stronger for it; whereas they give way at once before the simplest expression of what they perceive to be genuine sympathy.
The revelation comes as Kenya experiences a public health crisis following an acute shortage of mercaptopurine, which is used for leukaemia treatment, and carboplatin that fights ovarian, oesophageal, bladder, breast, lung and cervical cancers.The absence of cancer drugs from Kemsa's essential list of medicines is at odds with the World Health Organisation (WHO) which has included the medications in its rank of critical health products.
Except this time it's fear of Trump, of losing 50 years of progress, an America at odds with the world.
It was an engaging and expressive performance of a work whose soft and luscious string harmonies were at odds with the world in which it was composed (its London premiere was postponed because of V-1 flying bombs).
There is a patience to her writing that is at odds with the world, and in the land where this overhaul is sought, a solace.
Her memoir chronicles how she evolves from an immigrant girl at odds with the world into an intellectual woman grappling with what it means to belong.
REMEMBER Me c4 11.30pM PREMIERE Emilie de Ravin and Robert Pattinson (both below, left) are soulmates at odds with the world. They fall in love in the summer of 2001.
But he also made them cry at the way he was constantly at odds with the world. Wisdom was the ultimate slapstick artist, toppling his pint-sized frame to the floor time and time again.
A tragically flawed and tormented hero at odds with the world around him (a wonderfully pungent 19th Century London), deathly dark humour, explosions of savagery: This is Jhe stuff of nightmares.
A tragically flawed and tormented hero at odds with the world around him (a wonderfully pungent 19th-century London), deathly dark humour, explosions of savagery: this is the stuff of nightmares.
Don Quixote seems a declaration of his own philosophical credo as well as a genuine re-creation of Miguel de Cervantes' classic novel about the idealist at odds with the world. The choreographer's belief in the "eternal feminine" inspired nearly all his ballets, but in Don Quixote he tapped both the sacred and demonic sources of his devotion.
But as Bush spoke of 'reaching out to our friends and allies', he appeared to be at odds with the world leader who has backed him most staunchly.
It is a tragic but all-too-familiar tale of a booze-soaked, drug-abusing thespian, constantly at odds with the world and himself.
It is a tragic but all-too-familiar tale of a booze-soaked, drug-abusing thespian,constantly at odds with the world and himself.
His findings are at odds with the World Health Organisation (Who) which has said the virus has a death rate of between 5pc and 6pc.