FLOUNDER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of flounder in English

(Definition of flounder from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of flounder from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of flounder from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of flounder

The examination of flounders for additional macro- and microparasites was undertaken in conjunction with the examination for metacercarial cysts.
In addition, the different feeding habits employed by flounders in the upper and middle estuary affect this parameter to a certain extent.
Digeneans require invertebrates as intermediate hosts to complete their life cycle and thus the distribution of invertebrates determines the presence of digeneans in flounders.
An agent is said to be floundering if it stays in the sleep state forever.
Other professional historians often floundered for lack of this sort of assistance.
They subsequently remain within the flounders as they travel back upstream.
Muscle squashes were carried out on a small subsample of the flounders used for the epidemiological survey.
Nevertheless, the overriding fact remained that flounders at both locations were dominated, or co-dominated, by estuarine parasites.
Third-stage larvae, fourth-stage larvae, immature and mature adults were found in flounders from the éresund throughout the year.
In the experimentally infected flounders the worms survived and grew to maturity.
Their imperial ambition floundered because it was "inspired by a regional patriotism that failed to enlarge itself beyond its own limits".
Moreover, this can in turn lead to a specialised program that has a computed answer while the original program flounders.
The system floundered, however, when technological warfare advances meant that sailing ships were replaced with faster ships able to disable and sink vessels from an extended distance.
His political ambitions have floundered.
In relatively short order, however, many of the new democracies undergoing market reforms appear to have floundered as a result, in large part, of political corruption.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Translations of flounder

in Chinese (Traditional)
困難重重, 艱苦掙扎, 不知所措…
in Chinese (Simplified)
困难重重, 艰苦挣扎, 不知所措…
in Spanish
encontrarse en apuros, platija, patalear…
in Portuguese
debater-se, estar em apuros, linguado…
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in Turkish
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in Dutch
in Czech
in Danish
in Indonesian
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in Malay
in German
in Norwegian
in Ukrainian
in Russian
batmamak için çırpınmak, debelenmek, bocalamak…
patauger (péniblement)…
plácat se…
sprælle, fægte med arme og ben…
ตะเกียกตะกายฝ่า (น้ำ, โคลน)…
loạng choạng…
miotać się, plątać się, kuleć…
sprattla, tumla, rulla…
sprelle, kaste seg fram og tilbake…
барахтаться, пребывать в нерешительности, быть сбитым с толку…
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