Talking About Days and Dates in Spanish Grammar - Lesson |
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Talking About Days and Dates in Spanish Grammar

Lesson Transcript
Instructor Ashley Garcias-Casas
Knowing the structure of dates in Spanish is key to make plans or properly talk about specific times of the year. Learn the different structures used when talking about days and dates in Spanish and how to respond when someone asks what day it is. Explore a dialogue example using the vocabulary and review the key grammar points of this Spanish vocabulary. Updated: 03/02/2023

Before we start this lesson on the days and dates in Spanish, I'm willing to bet that you've already seen a few examples and can maybe even recognize the structure of dates in Spanish. For example, take a look at el cinco de mayo. Can you tell me what date that is in English? That's right! May 5th!

El cinco de mayo. What vocabulary do we recognize in this phrase? We have a number (cinco) and a month (mayo). To say the date in Spanish we use the structure:

El día de mes de año. (The (number/day) of (month) of (year).)

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  • 0:07 What's the Date?
  • 2:01 What Day is Today?
  • 3:41 Dialogue
  • 5:01 Review

There are two questions commonly used to ask about days and dates. ¿Qué fecha es? (What is the date?)... to which we would respond with the previously mentioned structure. Hoy es el 15 de octubre. (Today is October 15th.)

¿Qué fecha es? is used to ask about the date, but if we wanted to ask which day of the week it is today, then we ask what is below.

¿Qué día es hoy?

To respond to this question we would use the structure:

Hoy es (día de la semana).

Let's look again at those two questions and answers.

¿Qué fecha es hoy? (What is the date today?)

Hoy es el 15 de octubre (Today is October 15th.)

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Now that we know the basics, let's take a look inside a college campus as a group of students are talking about their class schedules.

Hola. Soy la estudiante nueva. (Hi. I'm the new student.)

Bienvenida. Pon tu nombre y la fecha. (Welcome. Put your name and date.)

¿Qué fecha es hoy? (What's the date today?)

Hoy es el 25 de agosto. (Today is August 25th.)

¿Qué día es mañana? (What day is tomorrow?)

Mañana es jueves. (Tomorrow is Thursday.)

Los jueves tengo la clase de matemáticas 51. (On Thursday I have Math 51.)

¿Qué clase tienes los viernes? (What class do you have on Friday?)

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To finish up this lesson, let's take a look back at the key grammar points for days and dates.

To ask the date we say, ¿Qué fecha es hoy?

To respond, the order is different than in English so remember to follow the structure:

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After watching this lesson, you should be able to interpret different grammatical structures for discussing dates and days with individuals in Spanish.

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