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Sims4 Reaping Skill + Soul Reaper Career



Now for all ages!

Ever since I first heard of the Sims 4 I knew I wanted a lot to do with the Grim Reaper.  I mean ... obviously.  And I was really intrigued when I heard about the hidden Reaping skill!  What could it be for? 

Oh, it's for nothing?  That sucks.  And it's gone now, eliminated with one of the patches.  Great.  

Also, when you look at the Sims4 Reaper you see he has a book always with him.  Wouldn't it be neat if you could read that?  

Oh, you can't?  That sucks.

But you know what?  I just cannot leave that be.  And so I ripped out the Reaping Skill from an older version of the game and put it back using a mod!  Moreover, I altered the book carried by the Reaper in both the Sims 4 AND The Sims Freeplay to allow you to read and write in it thereby levelling up this skill legitimately.  Where's the blue book from?  Well, when I rip the textures from Sims Freeplay they usually have their colours corrupted when opened in Photoshop.  Obviously I can fix that but I may as well use that corrupted texture as a whole new item, or that's how I see it anyway.

AND it's no longer useless.  Mastering the Reaping Skill grants you the isGrimReaper trait - the same trait used by the Grim Reaper in the game.  No more using cheats to get it.  If you want to have some halfway legitimate way of obtaining that you now can.

But that's not all!  I mean we already have ways of getting that trait, right?  So, on top of that, I've opened up the Soul Reaper career.  Now YOU can have YOUR Sim be the Grim Reaper.  The one that arrives to take souls away into the netherworld.  If you happen to be in the household with the Grim Reaper he'll stop what he's doing and do his reaping thing.

Just buy the books from a bookshelf.  Reading or writing in them will max out the Reaping skill and give you the actual NPC Grim reaper trait.  This opens up the Reaper's job.

Apply to be a Soul Reaper from a computer like any job.  I guess they've modernized.
- People who already have the Reaper trait can apply for Soul Reaping work immediately.
- You can use the book to remove the Reaper trait.

Use this cheat to add the career (essential for Toddlers):
Careers.add_career career_Adult_NPC_GrimReaper

You can use the book to quit the job and remove the trait if you're tired of your Sim being a Reaper. 

German translation by Dimenarius & DawnWarden

Issues / Notes: 

- Grim Reapers added to your family using "Add to family" retain their jobs as a Soul Reaper.  A last exception happens when killing a child when part of the family immediately after this.  Don't know why, but it doesn't appear to affect anything.

- Sims can write all they like and not really stop.  So you may want to check on them just in case they get carried away.

- Children and Toddlers have stretched limbs when doing Reaping animations.  Toddlers have stretched limbs when they write in the book.  

I REALLY wanted to get them to write with a quill like the Freeplay Reaper does, but I just couldn't crack that nut.  Maybe one day.

My other Grim Reaper Mods include
Grim Reaper Actions Unlocker - Swim!  Woohoo!  Clubs!  This relates to actions normally restricted for Grim (and others).
Grim Reaper Optionals - No Spooky voice or float by default.  You can assign them (and various other things) via traits.

Update June 25 2018

Seasons.  OMFG Seasons.  

So Seasons updated the way Sims4 does skills.  Oh, and thought balloons.  Oh and books too.  Basically, I made a whole new object from a new book and imported what I could from the old one while modifying things almost from scratch to get it right.

I tried to make the Sim writing in the book quit after a while, but no dice.  I got him to quit after a time, sure, but then he will never wanted to write again.  Which is NOT what I want.  So I left it as-is.  Maybe if I tried over and over again .... but good enough is good enough and this is good enough for me!

Anyway now the mod works as well as it ever has.  Have fun!

Update July 20 2018
Writing is no longer never ending.  Also I think Sims won't automatically go to the book and start writing, but it's hard to say.  

Update July 30 2018
I think I may have stopped autonomous reading, but it's also hard to say.

Update November 22 2018
Added get Famous perks, but I don't think they'll do anything since this isn't a rabbithole career.  Well ... may as well keep the XML up to date.

Update April 22 2019
Updated for version1.51.77.1020.  I've also hardcoded the newer ghost icons within the package.

Update December 15 2019
Merged the three packages, delete previous versions before updating (Gauntlet101010_4_Book_Reaping_Skill, Gauntlet101010_FPt4_Book_Reaping_Skill, Gauntlet101010_FPt4_Book_Reaping_Skill_2).  Opened the career up to children and toddlers!

Update February 23 2020
Updated to include a long requested change: an interaction to remove the Grim Reaper trait.  It will also erase your progress in the Reaping skill and boot you from the Career in one go.  In addition I've opened up the trait to pets and added in status locks for Vampires, Plantsims, Robots, and (obviously) Pets.  But you'll have to use cheats to get and remove the trait from pets.  In order to make this change changes had to be made directly to the Reaper trait and buff.

Update February 29 2020
I belatedly realized that I edited the trait and buff on Grim Reaper optional.  So status locks for robots and Plantsims as well as unlocks for animals have been spun out into that as "vanilla unlocks"

Update March 30 2020
At some point reading stopped working to advance the Reaping skill past level 5.  This has now been fixed.  Also fixed are the thought balloons for the Advanced book (the book of life).

Update June 6 2020
Minor update - quitting the career doesn't have blank text in the dialog menu and Death By Flies should show up as an image when reading.

Update October 2 2020
At some point the "Soul Reaper" job description stopped appearing if he's on the job when someone dies and he's the playable character.  Despite that, he still on the job and will still reap souls.  I don't know what changed that behavior.  I also missed some drink effects that relate to death from Eco Living - fixed that.  Looked into making the reaping action something the user can do ... that broke it.  But I thought I'd mention.

January 25 2021
Fixed glitches.  The job "Soul Reaper" appears over his head like it did originally 8.. through no action of my own.

March 4 2021
Figured out how to make the reaper job work as a secondary career!  So your Sim can now earn money at a real job while doing Reaping whenever they want.   This seems to solve the conflict with schools, but I'm not entirely sure about that.  I also made the "inspect" interaction visible AND user-initiated as well as autonomous.  This should help people see where it is in the queue.  It does NOT help on no autonomy, though (you'd think it would).  It isn't available when Grim's in the process of Reaping a Sim, so it has some weird behavior. 

August 27 2021
Updated for Cottage Living.  Chickens fight Grim in this pack, but only if he's a teen - elder.  This update allows chickens to fight toddlers and children who can also be entered into the Reaper career thanks to this mod.  Without it they just stand there awkwardly in front of the chicken. 

February 20 2023
Tried to implement a lot, but only succeeded in one thing.  You can now Grant Clemency when playing as a Reaper doing his job.  That's right, you can choose to spare downed sims.  When testing this I found that Grim would lose the "inspect" interaction after a time.  After looking into it I think it has to do with this being a user directed interaction in one of my previous changes interacting with a simulation lag fix.  So I've turned off that feature.  You can see it in the queue, but can't tell Grim to do it.  

July 21 2023
Horsie update!  Well, sort of.  I wish I could say I added clemency to horses, but it turns out Grim is just unable to grant clemency to them!  I did some testing and no, it just ain't happening.  Maybe I'll try again, but I don't see it working.  You see my clemency interaction is just a clone of the "death finalize" interaction with the "fail" and "success" outcomes being the same - both leading to resurrection.  Except when Grim tries to resurrect a horse a tombstone just pops up!  It works for humans, cats, dogs, small dogs, and even FOXES - the cored small dogs cottage living came with - but horses are just a no go!  Oh well.  I updated deaths to give out the midlife crisis event they were supposed to from growing together, took out the "you must be in school" text because, ever since High School Years (or maybe sooner than that?), it no longer glitches out, amended the death finalized interactions introduced with Horses, and added a German translation by Dimenarius (thanks!).  

August 21 2023
Removed the locations filter I didn't realize affected Grim's availability.  I also changed the image associated with the job.

September 29 2023
Missed a Russian string.  That has now been added.

December 8, 2023
New Russian translation by Dawn Warden containing more missing strings from the previous translation.  Also updated for For Rent with a revive interaction for mold death.

December 22, 2023
French translation by Poincare, removed unnecessary tuning to allow for a recent ghost Servo mod.  

February 29, 2024
Apparently the French translation overrode the English one for Book 3.  Woops!

March 2, 2024
Oddities with the skill description have been fixed.……
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© 2018 - 2024 Gauntlet101010
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Dimenarius's avatar

Hey. It's me again. It's been a while.

I noticed issues in my translation and I fixed some stuff in it. I missed a blank interaction for "writing the names of the dead" and fixed it.

There were also some other missing lines which I have brought back. I hope I covered all of them. To be honest I fixed it once I got your updated version but forgot to upload it. Sorry...

I uploaded my fixed string table here:

Just like before import it into your main mod through Sims 4 Studio and you can then include it with the next patch.

Sorry for the inconvenience and for providing the update so late. Other projects of mine were catching my attention and I was a bit away from Sims 4 for a while because of it.