We recognize the importance of being responsible with your data, and that includes being transparent about the data we’ve collected, including the reasons for collection and the data we have related to your use of our websites and apps.

When you submit a request for a portable copy of your data, the data we return is delivered as a zip file, named “twc_dsr_data.zip,” and is best opened and viewed on a computer instead of a mobile device. It contains various folders and files within. The files are in .json format and are the output of how this data is stored, without any manipulation, so that you have the full data set we maintain about your use of our products. To view a .json file from your local hard drive, you will need to use an application like a text editor (e.g., Microsoft Notepad, Apple TextEdit, etc.) or a browser that supports viewing these files (e.g., Chrome, Firefox). The data in the file follows the "dataField":"dataValue" pattern. The dateTime field value is in epoch format which can be converted to a calendar date/time using an epoch converter available online.

You may wish to refer to these links when reviewing your data file:

The Weather Channel Products (including The Weather Channel Apps, Storm Radar Mobile App, and weather.com)
Weather Underground Products (including Weather Underground Mobile Apps, wunderground.com, and Personal Weather Stations)