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Traducción de some – Diccionario Inglés-Español


strong /sʌm/
weak /səm/
strong /sʌm/
weak /səm/


strong /sʌm/
weak /səm/
strong /sʌm/
weak /səm/
an amount or number of something that is not stated or not known; a part of something
If you need more paper then just take some.
"Would you like to have dinner with us?" "No thanks, I've already had some." "¿Te gustaría cenar con nosotros?" "No gracias, ya he comido algo."
Some of you here have already met Imran.
Have some of this champagne - it's very good.
some people
Some have compared his work to Picasso's. Algunos han comparado su trabajo al de Picasso.
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  • We've got a lot of apples if you'd like some.
  • There's a cake here - would you like some?
  • I had some of Jean's bread and it was good.
  • There's plenty of coffee here if you'd like some.
  • Some of you will know Ron already.

(Traducción de some del Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Traducción of some | Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español

indicates an unspecified amount
algo un poco
I have some work to finish. Tengo algo de trabajo que terminar.
Would you like some wine with your meal? ¿Te gustaría un poco de vino con la comida?
indicates an unspecified number
algunos‎/nas algo
Some people in the group don’t agree. Algunas personas en el grupo no están de acuerdo.
There are some books on my desk. Hay algunos libros en mi escritorio.
indicates part of a number or amount of people or things, not all of them
Some dogs can be aggressive. Algunos perros pueden ser agresivos.
indicates a large amount or number
algo de
He left some time ago. Se fue hace un tiempo.
quite some
emphasizes that there is a lot
There’s been quite some improvement in her work this year. Este año ha mejorado bastante su trabajo.
indicates an unspecified person or thing
alguno‎/na alguien un/una
She’s crying because some guy told her she was fat. Ella está llorando porque un tipo le dijo que estaba gorda.
indicates you think sth is very good
bueno‎/na del bueno / de la buena
That was some meal she cooked us last night! ¡Esa comida que nos preparó anoche fue de la buena!

(Traducción de some del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

un poco alguno/na algo
It’s delicious cake – would you like some? Es un pastel delicioso , ¿te gustaría un poco?
Most people here speak two languages and some speak more. La mayoría de la gente aquí habla dos idiomas y algunos hablan más.
Some of the students will find this activity difficult. A algunos estudiantes esta actividad les parecerá difícil.

(Traducción de some del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

indicates an approximate figure
como unos/as
There were some 50,000 people at the concert. Había unas 50.000 personas en el concierto.

(Traducción de some del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

Ejemplos de some

It is of interest to discuss some qualitative aspects of the solution before carrying out the calculation.
Some made a forced return from leave, expressing a sense of urgency uncharacteristic of ordinary project life.
The oboe, on the other hand, offers very little for the eye, though some players attempt to compensate for this with grand gestures.
It is quite clear then that an artificial frame of some kind does not exclude the possibility of an organic development.
The problem is that each player's use indirectly interferes with the other's use and that some arrangement is necessary to reconcile both uses.
In this case, some cells may be understained.
In large new housing estates alone, some 100,000 new dwellings a year are planned to be built.
The first is that the noun in this construction already has some of the semantics of an ordinary verb.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de some

en chino (tradicional)
未知的數目, 一些,若干, 大量…
en chino (simplificado)
未知的数目, 一些,若干, 大量…
en portugués
um pouco de, algum, alguma…
en más idiomas
in Marathi
en japonés
en turco
en francés
en catalán
in Dutch
in Tamil
in Hindi
in Gujarati
en danés
in Swedish
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Urdu
in Ukrainian
en ruso
in Telugu
en árabe
in Bengali
en checo
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en coreano
en italiano
थोडे, बराच, बरीच…
いくらか, いくつか, 一部(の人、物)…
biraz, bir miktar, az…
du / de l’ / de la, des, quelques…
una mica de, alguns, algunes…
wat, sommige, een paar…
குறிப்பிடப்படாத அல்லது அறியப்படாத ஒன்றின் அளவு அல்லது எண்ணிக்கை, ஏதோ ஒன்றின் ஒரு பகுதி, ஒரு பெரிய தொகை அல்லது ஏதாவது எண்…
थोड़ा, कुछ, काफी…
થોડું, થોડી, કોઈ…
nogle, nogen, noget…
några, en del, lite…
sedikit, sesetengah, seorang dua…
etwas, einige, gewisse…
noe, litt, noen…
کچھ, کوئی, کچھ لوگ…
якийсь, деякий, деяк…
какое-то количество, немного, несколько…
కొంత, కొన్ని, ఒక దానిలో చాలా లేక ఒక దాని సంఖ్య…
কিছু, এমন কিছুর পরিমাণ বা সংখ্যা যা বলা হয়নি বা জানা যায়নি, কোনোকিছুর একটা অংশ…
několik, trochu, nějaký…
sedikit, beberapa, tertentu…
บางส่วน, บางคน, เล็กน้อย…
một vài, vài ba, một lượng không xác định…
trochę, kilka, parę…
조금, 일부의, 어떤…
un po’ (di), del, della…
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the fact that people or animals do what they are told to do

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