Pollution Overview, Types & Examples - Lesson | Study.com
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Pollution Overview, Types & Examples

Courtney Durso, Rebecca Gillaspy
  • Author
    Courtney Durso

    Courtney is a certified Biology and Physics teacher from Pennsylvania. She has an undergraduate degree from Penn State University in Animal Bioscience, a master's degree from Arcadia University in Secondary Education, and is currently pursuing her second master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Gannon University. Courtney has ten years of instructional experience in a classroom.

  • Instructor
    Rebecca Gillaspy

    Dr. Gillaspy has taught health science at University of Phoenix and Ashford University and has a degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic.

Understand the definition of pollution. Learn about the types of pollution that affect the environment including physical, chemical, and biological pollution. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What are some types of pollution?

There are many types of pollution. Generally, pollution can be classified as air, land, or water pollution. Additional types of pollution, such as sound and light, are less traditionally recognized.

How does biological pollution affect the environment?

Biological pollution is often environmentally derived, meaning it's from the environment. It can have both positive and potentially negative effects on the environment.

What is an example of biological pollution?

Biological pollution is when naturally derived substances cause harm to humans. An example of a biological pollutant is pollen because it can cause allergies in humans.

What is the biological pollution of water?

Biological pollution of water is the buildup of biologically derived substances in water, such as bacteria or fungus. One example of biological pollution in water is the presence of coliform bacteria. The presence of this bacteria indicates there has been fecal contamination of water.

Pollution is the act of a harmful or damaging substance being released into the environment. The harmful or damaging substance is called a pollutant. There are typically five recognized categories of pollution or examples of pollution: air, land, water, noise, and light. Air pollution is usually caused by the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Land and water pollution are usually caused by the inadvertent release of a harmful substance or the runoff of a harmful substance. Noise pollution is not caused by a tangible substance but rather the noise of a busy environment, such as a city. Finally, light pollution is caused by the cumulative effect of many lights on the night sky. Light pollution has proven to be detrimental to nocturnal animals, disrupting their ambient environments.

Types and Examples of Environmental Pollution

The environmental pollution definition is the damaging effects to Earth, specifically land, air, and water, caused by human activity. Examples of environmental pollution include air, water, and soil pollution. Environmental pollution is caused by the actions of humans. Air pollution has a variety of causes related to human activity. Air pollution can be caused by small particulates present in the air, such as soot or ash from the burning of a substance. Air pollution can also be caused by the release of toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide, from the burning of fossil fuels. Water pollution has many causes, including litter, such as plastic bags and bottles, entering the watershed, runoff from fertilizer, oil spills, and the disposal of raw sewage directly into a watershed. Land, or soil, pollution is defined by the presence of toxic substances in soil or litter.

There are a variety of ways to reduce environmental pollution. One prominent way to reduce air pollution is by using cleaner forms of energy. The burning of fossil fuels releases toxic gases into the atmosphere, negatively affecting plants and animal life. Another way to reduce pollution is to be more mindful of the waste we produce. Recycling products and goods help keep materials out of landfills. One way to reduce pollution, which is growing in popularity, is through green products. This means using natural products to accomplish tasks, such as cleaning, traditionally done with harmful chemicals.

An example of water pollution.

Picture of Water Pollution

Physical Pollution

Physical pollution is when materials or objects are introduced into the environment, causing toxicity or harm. Litter, such as the incorrect disposal of water bottles, is considered a primary type of physical pollution.

Litter on a beach.

Picture of litter on beach

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  • 0:05 Pollution
  • 1:32 Physical Pollution
  • 3:00 Chemical Pollution
  • 5:00 Biological Pollution
  • 6:19 Lesson Summary

Environmental pollution is anything released into the environment that can cause harm. A pollutant is a substance or object that is released into the environment that causes harm. Examples of environmental pollution include air, land, and water pollution. Types of pollution include physical pollution, chemical pollution, and biological pollution. Physical pollution is often the result of improper waste disposal or landfills. Litter, such as improperly disposed water bottles, can cause harm to plant and animal life. Landfills are areas for waste disposal covered with soil. Chemical Pollution results from the release of harmful or toxic chemicals into the environment, often as the result of industrial waste. Runoff of fertilizers is another form of chemical pollution. When fertilizers runoff into watersheds, they can lead to an increase in aquatic plant life. This increased plant life depletes oxygen levels for other aquatic organisms. Biological pollution are environmentally derived substances that can cause human harm. An example of a biological pollutant is pollen. Pollen is biologically derived but can cause humans to have allergies. Biological pollutants can adapt to their surroundings because of their biological origins.

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Ask someone to describe pollution, and you will get a variety of answers. For some, their mind turns to factories that spew out black smoke into the atmosphere. Others might think about pollution in rivers and streams that is not easily seen but leads to the loss of fish and other aquatic life. Still others will look at the side of the road and notice litter that was carelessly thrown out. Each of these individuals is correct in their description of pollution, and we see that pollution takes many forms. In this lesson, we will learn about different types of pollution and how they impact the environment.

A pollutant is a substance that pollutes the air, water or land. This term is used to describe things in the environment that do not belong. In a broader sense, the term 'pollutant' has even been used to describe undesirable levels of sound or light. For example, the lights and never-ending traffic noise on the Las Vegas Strip are examples of light and noise pollutants.

Pollution is the presence of a pollutant in the environment and is often the result of human actions. Pollution has a detrimental effect on the environment. Animals, fish and other aquatic life, plants and humans all suffer when pollution is not controlled.

Physical Pollution

Of the different types of pollution, physical pollution may be the most recognizable. Simply stated, physical pollution is the introduction of discarded materials into the environment. Physical pollution is what you might refer to as trash and is the direct result of human actions. In other words, nature does not produce physical pollution because in natural systems, all byproducts or wastes are eventually recycled back into the environment. For example, in nature, a fallen tree will degrade and eventually return nutrients to the soil.

However, physical pollutants, such as discarded water bottles and plastic bags along with waste materials from industrial or manufacturing processes, do not naturally degrade and can accumulate or leach chemicals into the ground or water supplies as they breakdown. Physical pollutants are often sent to landfills, which are designated areas for trash disposal in which the waste is dumped and then covered by soil.

Landfills keep physical pollutants confined to one area, and many modern landfills are lined with layers of clay or plastic to prevent leakage. However, as buried waste products and organic matter decompose, they can release methane gas, carbon dioxide and other gases that are harmful to the environment.

Chemical Pollution

Chemical pollution is another type of pollution. It is defined as the introduction of chemicals into the environment. Chemicals may not be seen by the naked eye, but they can cause problems in all areas of the environment, from the air we breathe to the freshwater we drink to the soil we use for growing crops.

Agricultural practices are one example of a chemical pollution source. Pesticides used to control insects and fertilizers used to make soil more fertile contain nitrogen, phosphorus and other chemicals. These chemicals can run off of a farmer's field and enter waterways. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilize tiny plant life in the body of water, causing rapid growth and eventually depleting oxygen levels in the water to the point where fish and other species of life cannot survive. Chemical pollution from pesticides and fertilizers can also contaminate soil if used in excess. Other sources of soil contamination include the leaking of chemicals from mines and landfills.

Chemical pollution is also seen in the air. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, release chemical pollutants into the atmosphere. These fossil fuels may be used in our vehicles or by utilities or industries. These chemical pollutants are referred to as greenhouse gases, which are gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation and trap heat.

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