Physical Property of Matter | Overview & Examples - Lesson |
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Physical Property of Matter | Overview & Examples

Sydney Baxter, Derrick Arrington, Gretchen Graef
  • Author
    Sydney Baxter

    Sydney has taught high-school and university level science lessons for over 5 years. She has a Masters degree in Marine Biology from the University of Salento and an Honours Bachelor degree from the University of Guelph. She has been working for a world-renowned fisheries conservationist for over 2 years for the University of British Columbia.

  • Instructor
    Derrick Arrington

    Derrick has taught biology and chemistry at both the high school and college level. He has a master's degree in science education.

  • Expert Contributor
    Gretchen Graef

    Gretchen has a Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering. She has been an engineer, technical writer, and a teacher teaching physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.

Learn about physical properties. Understand what a physical property is and what intensive vs. extensive properties are. Explore examples of physical properties. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Physical Properties of a Useful Metal

Copper is a useful metal. It is used in jewelry and in architecture because of its reddish-brown color and other properties both physical and chemical. It is used in plumbing and in electrical wiring. Remember from the lesson that the units of density are often given in g/mL. You may also see density expressed in g/cc. The abbreviation cc stands for cubic centimeter and 1 mL = 1 cc.

Copper has a density of 8.92 g/mL, which is less dense than lead at 11.34 g/mL, but denser than aluminum at 2.7 g/mL. It melts at 1085 degree Celsius. The electrical conductivity of copper at 59,000,000 Siemens/m is the second highest after silver. Its thermal conductivity is also high at 401 Watt per meter per degree Celsius, which is much higher than the thermal conductivity of either iron or aluminum. This is why a lot of cookware is made of copper or has copper cladding on the bottom. Another property that makes copper useful is its ductility, which is its ability to be drawn into a wire.

The composition of the copper must be very pure, over 99.99% copper to allow an ingot of copper to be first drawing into copper rod and then reduced to thin wires or tubes that don't break when pushed through a die. The strength of copper is high in both compression and tension. Copper will corrode when used for plumbing, but much slower than iron.

Match the following properties with their application (there may be more than one answer for each use)


a. ductility

b. thermal conductivity

c. electrical conductivity

d. aesthetics -- color, luster

e. corrosion resistance

f. high melting point


1. Use in cookware at high temperature

2. Used to conduct electricity

3. Copper jewelry and light fixtures

4. Making wire and tubing

5. Bathroom plumbing


1. thermal conductivity, aesthetics, high melting point

2. electrical conductivity

3. aesthetics

4. ductility

5. ductility, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance

What is a physical property?

A physical property is a trait of a substance which can be measured or observed without changing the identity of a substance. When a substance undergoes a physical change, it is usually reversible.

What are examples of physical properties?

Some examples of physical properties include colour, hardness, malleability, weight, electrical conductivity, solubility, and mass. Other examples of physical properties are mass, density, size, melting point, boiling point, length, and volume.

In science, a property is often used to describe the different characteristics of a substance. These various qualities may refer to the state of matter, mass, density, oxidation, conductivity, color, bonding, etc. It is important to recognize the unique properties each substance holds, as it helps to better understand how the substance behaves in different situations. It should be noted that there are two kinds of properties in science: chemical and physical.

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  • 0:00 Definition
  • 0:49 Examples
  • 3:43 Lesson Summary

Listed below are some examples of what a physical property of matter is, grouped as intensive or extensive:

Intensive Properties:

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In chemistry, density can be defined by the mass of a unit volume of a material substance. Density can be expressed by variable {eq}d {/eq} and can estimated using the following formula: {eq}d = M / V {/eq}. Where {eq}d {/eq} is density, where {eq}M {/eq} is mass, and where {eq}V {/eq} is volume. Density is generally expressed in units of grams per cubic centimeter, although density can also be expressed in units of kilograms per cubic meter. Density is classified as an intensive property. Even though both mass and volume are extensive properties, density is a ratio of these two properties, and the ratio does not change. Therefore, density is categorized as an intensive property.

Referring back to the water example, the density of water may change according to its state of matter and associated properties. For example:

  • Density of water (at 4 degrees Celsius) = 1.000 {eq}(g/cm^3) {/eq}, with the state being liquid
  • Density of water (at 20 degrees Celsius = 0.998 {eq}(g/cm^3) {/eq}, with the state being liquid
  • Density of ice = 0.920 {eq}(g/cm^3) {/eq}, with the state being solid
  • Density of water vapor = 0.76 {eq}(g/cm^3) {/eq}, with the state being vapor

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Odor can be defined as a distinctive smell, sometimes an unpleasant one. Odor is classified as a physical property of matter as it is an observable trait that won't change the identity of a substance. In addition, odor is known to be an intensive property because it does not depend on the quantity of matter. Natural odors may be described as earthy, musty, sour, or even fishy, grassy, or herbaceous. Industrial odors often smell like iodine, petroleum, varnish, alcohol, or even medicine. Some well-known examples of odors are as follows:

  • Fragrances (florals, perfumes)
  • Fruity (non-citrous)
  • Citrus (lemon, lime, orange)
  • Woody (pine, grass)
  • Chemicals (bleach)
  • Sweet (chocolate, caramel, vanilla)
  • Minty (peppermint, eucalyptus)
  • Nutty (peanut butter, almonds)
  • Pungent (blue cheese, cigar smoke)
  • Decayed (sour milk, rotting food)

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Color is another example of a physical property, as it can be determined without changing the composition of a substance. More specifically, color is another intensive property. Here are some examples of the color of some naturally occurring matters:

  • Green (vegetation, grass, trees)
  • Blue (ocean, water, sky)
  • Pink (flowers)
  • Red (rose, blood)
  • Yellow (sun)
  • White (snow, sand)

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Hardness is another example of a physical property it is categorized as an intensive property. Hardness of matter can be defined by the ability of a material to resist fracture, deformation, or permanent indentation when a load is applied. Hardness can be expressed in Pascal units, also written as {eq}N/mm^2 {/eq}. Hardness is dependent on ductility, elasticity, stiffness, plasticity, strain, strength, toughness, viscoelasticity, and viscosity, and the property itself can be tested through various methods such as indentation tests. Outlined below are examples of the hardness of some forms of matter:

  • Ceramics
  • Concrete
  • Certain metals (iron)
  • Glass
  • Plastic

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Length is another example of a physical property, more specifically an extensive property. The unit of length refers to any arbitrarily chosen and accepted reference standard for measurement. Length can be expressed in various units of measurement but is most commonly measured by metric units, for example, in millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), meters (m), kilometers (km), etc. Length can also be measured via imperial units which include inches, feet, yards, and miles. Length as a physical property refers to the longest dimension of an object. Some examples of the length of some matters are listed below:

1 mm = the thickness of a staple

1 cm = the width of a little finger

1 m = the width of a doorway

1 km = approximately 6 city blocks

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Melting point is another physical property. In fact, it is classified as an intensive property. Melting point can be defined by the temperature at which a given solid will melt. To elaborate, when the melting point of a substance has been reached, the solid and liquid phases exist in equilibrium. In addition, the melting point of substances depends upon pressure and can vary depending on the substance. The melting point units are expressed through various units, most commonly including Kelvin {eq}[K] {/eq}, degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, or even degrees Newton.

Listed below are some examples of the various melting points for different matters:

  • Water = 0 degrees Celsius
  • Nitrogen = -209.9 degrees Celsius
  • Silver = 961.93 degrees Celsius
  • Carbon = 3500.0 degrees Celsius

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Volume is another physical property and can be defined as a quantity that expresses the amount of 3D space enclosed by a closed surface. It is an extensive property. A unit of volume is used to measure the capacity of the object or space occupied and can be measured in cubic units, for example, {eq}cm^3 {/eq} when referring to a solid, or metric units when referring to a liquid, for example; milliliters (mL), centiliters (cL), deciliters (dL), or even liters (L). Here are some examples of volumes of some matters:

1 measuring cup = 250mL

1 milk jug = 3.78L

1 basketball = 33.5{eq}cm^3 {/eq}

1 bathtub = approximately 302L

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Properties of a substance are used to describe its different characteristics and can be classified as either physical or chemical. Physical properties are what can be observed without the substance identity being altered; therefore the physical change is reversible. Some examples of physical properties include color, hardness, conductivity, density, etc.

In addition, physical properties can be broken down into intensive or extensive. Intensive properties are not dependent on the quantity of matter (example: odor), whereas extensive properties are (example: volume). Overall, physical properties are critical for scientists to measure, observe, describe, and better understand matter.

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Video Transcript

Definition of Physical Properties of Matter

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It can be in the form of solids, liquids, or gases. When you look at an object, you are able to see many of its properties. Scientists classify matter based on its chemical and physical properties that have been observed and tested. Some physical properties are only known through experimentation, while others are visible to the naked eye.

A physical property is a characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the sample. Physical properties can be used to describe mixtures as well as pure substances. Because these pure substances have uniform and unchanging compositions, they also have consistent and unchanging physical properties.

Examples of Physical Properties of Matter

There are many types of physical properties. Commonly used examples include density, color, odor, hardness, and volume. Physical properties are further classified based on whether they are extensive or intensive. Extensive physical properties are those that are dependent on the amount of the substance present. Intensive physical properties are those that do not depend on the amount of the substance present. This means they will be the same whether you have one gram or one thousand kilograms of the substance.

Density is a physical property that is determined by dividing the mass of a given amount of a substance by its volume. It is often reported in units of g/mL, which means 'grams per milliliter'. Density is an intensive property because the density of a pure substance will be the same no matter how much of it you have. For example, the density of pure gold is 19.3 g/mL. This means that whether you have .5 grams or 200.5 grams of pure gold, the density will always be 19.3 g/mL when tested. Knowing this standard value enables jewelers to determine whether or not an item is pure gold.

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