Causes Of Crime In The Philippines |

Causes Of Crime In The Philippines

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Crimes: Causes and Punishment in the Philippines
The Philippines government has long been unsuccessful at solving crimes; it is also one of the major problems in the society. Also, crimes have extremely affected the country’s economic growth (News Junkie, 2013). According to Sison (2014), crimes are committed due to extreme hunger and for purely economic reasons such as lack of education, unemployment and population growth because of this reasons, people are forcing to do crimes such as pickpockets and snatching. Crimes are committed in areas where the urban poor live. Additionally, the corruption of the politicians also added in blocking the social and economic development. However, in the last years, people actively witnessed the stealing of the politicians. As the effect, Filipinos end up paying overpriced goods, low maintenance of the services and low quality of the infrastructure. Moreover, the breakdown of marriage and family added in why people committing crimes; such as lack of dedication of the parents in disciplining their children, loss of love and lack of guidance (Hererra, 2014).
As the result, children tend to have a much weaker sense of connection with their families and prone to abuse its member to satisfy their unmet necessities or desires which contributes to the loss of sense of community and to the breakdown of neighborhoods into violent crimes. They can also learn on how to take drugs and other crimes to sustain their needs(Hererra, 2014).