130+ Clean Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids - WeHaveKids Skip to main content

130+ Clean Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids

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Have fun!

Have fun!

How to Play "Never Have I Ever": The Kid Version

Why not make the conversation around the dinner table a little more animated by playing a game of family "Never Have I Ever"!

If you think this game is only for adults, think again! This version is great fun for everyone, from 1st graders to grandparents!

The game is really simple to play, making it easy to teach to the youngest players!

  1. Each player is given 10 pieces of candy.
  2. The player whose birthday is next starts the game by saying something they've never done.
  3. Any players who have done whatever it was eat a piece of candy. That's the end of this turn.
  4. The game continues with the next player making a statement.
  5. The game is over when there's only one piece of candy left in play. That player wins!

Different Ways to Play "Never Have I Ever"

10 Finger Rules

Even if you don't have candy, you can still play this game with your family. Instead of handing out candy to everyone, each player holds up their hands, like they're going to give a high five.

This time, instead of eating a piece of candy, they'll put a finger down. Once all your fingers are down, you're out!

Balloon Fight Rules

Take the fun outside for this great, summertime version!

In this version, players are given 10 water balloons.

Whenever a player makes a statement, whoever has done it, has to pick up one of their balloons and throw it at another player. Be careful who you pick, because they might throw one your way next turn!

The player with the last water balloon wins!

4 Player Team Rules

Combine your pieces of candy.

You can play in teams easily by following the simple rules, with one main rule change. Teammates are not able to respond to each others' statements. Meaning, if your teammate has done whatever you stated, your team is not penalized. The team with the last piece of candy wins.

If you and your family are ready for something more challenging, you can also try Double or Nothing Rules.

Double or Nothing Team Rules

Double or Nothing rules requires a bit more strategy.

The first rule is still the same. If you make a statement, and someone on the other team has done it, they eat a piece of candy...

However; if both players on the other team have done it, they both have to eat 2 pieces of candy.


If neither of the players on the other team have done it either, you and your teammate are required to eat a piece each.

"I Have" & "I Never" Sign Rules

This version is more of an open discussion rather than a game. Before starting, participants will need to do two things:

  1. Create a list of "Never Have I Ever" statements. You can use the lists below, or have participants write down statements and put them in a bowl.
  2. Each participant must make two signs, one saying 'I Have" and one saying "I Never".

One person reads a statement and everyone holds up a sign saying whether they have or have never done the action. No points are awarded, but it's still a fun way to learn more about each other.


Gross Never Have I Ever Questions

Because we've all peed in the pool, right?

That's Gross!

  1. Never have I ever picked my nose and ate it.
  2. Never have I ever ate food that had fallen on the floor.
  3. Never have I ever eaten brussels sprouts.
  4. Never have I ever eaten a raw egg.
  5. Never have I ever used someone else's toothbrush.
  6. Never have I ever had to kiss my brother or sister.
  7. Never have I ever smelled someone else's BO.
  8. Never have I ever picked a scab and ate it.
  9. Never have I ever stuck my hand in ketchup.
  10. Never have I ever used the bathroom and not washed my hands.
  11. Never have I ever thrown up on someone.
  12. Never have I ever wet the bed at someone else's house.
  13. Never have I ever eaten food from the trash can.
  14. Never have I ever walked in on someone in the bathroom.
  15. Never have I ever licked someone's food.
  16. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.
  17. Never have I ever double dipped.
  18. Never have I ever put something other than my finger in my nose.
  19. Never have I ever eaten something that was expired.
  20. Never have I ever eaten a bug.
  21. Never have I ever played in the mud.
  22. Never have I ever farted in the car.
  23. Never have I ever found week old food in my room.
  24. Never have I ever had a cockroach on me.
  25. Never have I ever spit in someone's drink.
  26. Never have I ever touched a worm.
  27. Never have I ever eaten a bug intentionally.
  28. Never have I ever been gratified by the amount of ear wax I got out of my ear.
  29. Never have I ever pooped my pants.
  30. Never have I ever let a dog lick my face.
  31. Never have I ever eaten something off the ground and realized it wasn't food.
  32. Never have I ever eaten a spoonful of a condiment.
  33. Never have I ever found someone else's hair in my food and continued eating.

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

It's not game night with the family if you aren't laughing together!

Funny Facts

  1. Never have I ever written and mailed Santa a letter.
  2. Never have I ever played video games for more than 4 hours in a day.
  3. Never have I ever tried to convince a sibling that something I did was actually something they did.
  4. Never have I ever stuck my finger in a birthday cake.
  5. Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.
  6. Never have I ever stayed awake all night after watching something scary.
  7. Never have I ever had an argument with myself... and lost.
  8. Never have I ever thought of escape plans from an alien, ninja or zombie invasion.
  9. Never have I ever eaten cold pizza.
  10. Never have I ever sang along with Blue’s Clues.
  11. Never have I ever watched a Star Wars marathon.
  12. Never have I ever eaten a large pizza by myself.
  13. Never have I ever jumped into a trash can or dumpster.
  14. Never have I ever eaten a whole box of Little Debbie snack cakes by myself.
  15. Never have I ever eaten the insides of oreos and put them back in the container.
  16. Never have I ever tried to strategically time farts with loud noises.
  17. Never have I ever tried cutting my own hair.
  18. Never have I ever eaten raw cookie dough.
  19. Never have I ever experimented with ants and magnifying glasses.
  20. Never have I ever wanted to be an astronaut.
  21. Never have I ever had sushi.
  22. Never have I ever made silly faces at myself in a mirror.
  23. Never have I ever pretended to have my own cooking show.
  24. Never have I ever rocked out to disco.
  25. Never have I ever eaten so much candy I was sick to my stomach.
  26. Never have I ever drank more than 2 cans of soda in a day.
  27. Never have I ever accidentally put clothes on backwards and not noticed.
  28. Never have I ever accidentally worn shoes on the wrong feet without noticing.
  29. Never have I ever had the wind blow me down.
  30. Never have I ever made up a fake language with my friends.
  31. Never have I ever played a prank on adults.
  32. Never have I ever made a prank phone call.
  33. Never have I ever spun around so much that I threw up.

Family Never Have I Ever Questions

Get to know the members of your family a little better!

Family Life

  1. Never have I ever sneaked desert before dinner.
  2. Never have I ever lied about doing my chores.
  3. Never have I ever put stuff under my bed or in my closet and pretended I cleaned my room.
  4. Never have I ever fed the dog under the table.
  5. Never have I ever drank milk from the jug.
  6. Never have I ever tried on my parents' shoes.
  7. Never have I ever been embarrassed by my parents.
  8. Never have I ever fought with my brother or sister.
  9. Never have I ever played a prank on my brother or sister while they were sleeping.
  10. Never have I ever watched something on TV that I knew I wasn't allowed to.
  11. Never have I ever hid something under my mattress.
  12. Never have I ever didn't like something my mom cooked.
  13. Never have I ever paid my brother or sister to do my chores for me.
  14. Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  15. Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
  16. Never have I ever gotten my brother or sister in trouble.
  17. Never have I ever taken money out of Mom's purse.
  18. Never have I ever asked Dad something after Mom already said "no."
  19. Never have I ever found Christmas presents before Christmas.
  20. Never have I ever eavesdropped on my parents arguments.
  21. Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth.
  22. Never have I ever been the only one in the family not to catch a cold.
  23. Never have I ever been to a website I knew I shouldn't.
  24. Never have I ever gotten something I didn't want for Christmas, but pretended to be happy.
  25. Never have I ever broken my parents' rules intentionally to see what happens.
  26. Never have I ever sat at the table by myself after dinner because I wouldn't eat my vegetables.
  27. Never have I ever tried to trick the Tooth Fairy.
  28. Never have I ever had to use Dad's hankerchief.
  29. Never have I ever made my brother or sister think they were adopted.
  30. Never have I ever drew a mustache on my brother or sister while they slept.
  31. Never have I ever slept in til after noon during summer break.
  32. Never have I ever tried on Mom's jewelry.
  33. Never have I ever locked myself out of the house on accident.
  34. Never have I ever ordered something on Amazon using Mom and Dad's card.
  35. Never have I ever eaten old candy I've found in mom's purse.

School Days

  1. Never have I ever been sent to the principle's office.
  2. Never have I ever gotten straight A's.
  3. Never have I ever copied from someone else's paper.
  4. Never have I ever used the excuse, "My dog ate my homework."
  5. Never have I ever believed cooties existed.
  6. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
  7. Never have I ever written my parent's signature on something.
  8. Never have I ever been on a field trip.
  9. Never have I ever chewed on my pencil.
  10. Never have I ever gotten an F.
  11. Never have I ever written a note to someone I liked.
  12. Never have I ever played tetherball.
  13. Never have I ever cheated during hide-and-seek.
  14. Never have I ever tried to change a grade on a report card.
  15. Never have I ever gotten into a fight at school.
  16. Never have I ever lied to a teacher.
  17. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  18. Never have I ever gone to the clinic.
  19. Never have I ever fallen off playground equipment.
  20. Never have I ever skipped class.
  21. Never have I ever written a book report without reading the book.
  22. Never have I ever thrown something out of the schoolbus window.
  23. Never have I ever fallen asleep on the schoolbus.
  24. Never have I ever missed the schoolbus.
  25. Never have I ever added a teacher as a friend on social media.
  26. Never have I ever texted a teacher.
  27. Never have I ever had a class pet.
  28. Never have I ever done 'show and tell.'
  29. Never have I ever swapped lunches with someone else.
  30. Never have I ever been part of a school musical.
  31. Never have I ever played on a sports team at school.
  32. Never have I ever danced at a school dance.
  33. Never have I ever been a teacher's pet.

Family Edition Never Have I Ever


jj on August 23, 2020:

loved it

Sandra Uribe on August 16, 2020:

Thank you!

Ashley on August 13, 2020:

You wrote “principle”, and it should be Principal. Be sure to check grammar, spelling, etc... before posting stuff for kids.

Thank you.

Lely on August 13, 2020:

All great, but you’ve gotta spell dessert right in #1 of Family Life. TWO esses. Just remember Strawberry Shortcake!

p on August 10, 2020:

it was amazing


hi on July 23, 2020:

Some are useful while others don't

Bobbi Jo on July 12, 2020:

Does you do these questions???

fufu on July 10, 2020:

it alright

Juliet on July 06, 2020:

This is so fun to do with your family and friends. I played this with my brother and on some of the questions we were like...I have

hhhhhh on July 03, 2020:

i love it

rosie on June 19, 2020:

i love these questions

Katherine on June 12, 2020:

So I kinda stayed up all night right now I am actually. So when I came across the question have you ever stayed up all night I was like ... maybe... how did this know... lol very fun loved it though I just read it to myself lol

Banana on June 11, 2020:

Love it

kool one in the house3490 on May 25, 2020:

i was doing a youtude vid with this i love them

Ciara on May 21, 2020:

I Loved the Never Have I Ever Questions Can You Do More?!?!

Jennifer on May 19, 2020:

I loved these ideas!

Toluwalase on May 19, 2020:

I love this it helped our family game night

Angela on May 19, 2020:

I want to play with you

Jeleah on May 13, 2020:

I made a youtube vidd nice app

Amy on May 11, 2020:

I did a YouTube video

Alyssa on May 08, 2020:

I played this with my brother and grandma and it was so fun!!

Elena on May 08, 2020:

This was so fun with my sister that's seven and her baby

Sheryl Meier on May 08, 2020:

I love this game it’s so fun

The WatermelonWarrior on May 05, 2020:

This was so fun to play, I plop splat this game 100%.

daredivel21 on May 04, 2020:

I loved this my sister and I played this it was amazing.

Jessica Tavares on April 25, 2020:

I love it it’s so fun and I played it with my cousin and she was surprised there were 33 questions

Johnson on April 25, 2020:

I love this game

willom on April 25, 2020:

this is fun

young sav 5 on April 21, 2020:

i am playing with my family right now

dnhg on April 20, 2020:

i love these never have i ever i never had think of these by my self

leah on April 20, 2020:

me and my friend loved this we had so much fun

Oof oof on April 17, 2020:

Yes me and my boyfriend enjoyed it very much! Whoever did this should be a celebrity like me!

that ho C; on April 15, 2020:

this thing sucs PERIODT.

Dancer21 on April 11, 2020:

These are easy

Sosowowgirl on April 04, 2020:

I like it

nayamary on March 31, 2020:

i love this try it



That was a fun game and my brother laughed so hard

Jayla on March 21, 2020:

This game is so fun and with the corona going on and having to stay at home it’s a great family game to play

Hunter on March 16, 2020:

Loved the game caught something while playing funny

Cool on March 15, 2020:

I loved it

Savage on March 04, 2020:


hi on February 27, 2020:

Did this for school project bonding and loved it. We made up some as we went and heard some funny things

Silly Obby From Roblox on February 20, 2020:


laylay on February 19, 2020:

some of these where embbarising

Your mom on February 18, 2020:

I made a youtube video on theese questions

Chloe on February 17, 2020:

Your game is so cool thanks

Hello on January 23, 2020:

I love it this game is cool and really fun to play to your friends thanks for the game it was awesome

Azize tekin on January 23, 2020:

I love this game

IMWEIRD on December 21, 2019:

These are so much fun. I'm on a road trip and have had so much fun

your weird on November 23, 2019:

your weird

666 on November 05, 2019:

nice little game

Yeet on October 18, 2019:

I’m doing this for a sleepover and these are so funny! Hahahahaha I love it!

sarah on October 10, 2019:

I love it soooooooooooo much I'm all ways playing this. Number 1 game. hahaahahahahahahahahahah

Laila on September 30, 2019:

i did these while im bored at home they are very fun

Shina on September 04, 2019:

These are good questions

??? on July 23, 2019:

These are such good questions!!!

kerker on July 14, 2019:

I love ❤ this website it gives all the answers for the game

??? on July 11, 2019:

I love them! It’s just... some of them got too embarrassing for me...

Famous on July 02, 2019:

I what to do this questions on my channel but my annoying sister won’t do it with me so we can’t do never have I ever

daniel raddclife on June 28, 2019:

more pls tutta love the jokes

Madison Hyde on April 13, 2019:

These are awesome! Love the funny, family, and school ones the best! Great ideas!

Amiyah lyons on March 24, 2019:

Hey these cause hilarious stories

Tesshodgson2007@gmail.com on March 15, 2019:

Cool game.

Gabi and Amelia on March 12, 2019:

Good but boring!

melissa on March 05, 2019:

Lol. I love these. Thank you so much

Hailey on January 05, 2019:


Mystery on January 04, 2019:

I like these questions

Tiffinany blanc on January 02, 2019:

Hi I really enjoyed this me and my cousin joseph played this it was really fun but some of the questions ive heard of before and some of the questions I did not understand but other than that good would you rather questions

TittieLover101 on December 29, 2018:

I Love Ava She Is So Hot And Sexy And Cute

A Angel on December 21, 2018:

Love it

Faith on December 13, 2018:

What i have not been in a limbo

yasmine on December 10, 2018:

i did mine in my viedo and i engoied doing never have i ever and it was very funny.

Indias rainbow sparkle on December 09, 2018:

the questions was so funny please make more questions like this thankyou bye

i dont like it on December 08, 2018:

sorry to say but this is a lame website and it was boring and i didnt have fun!!! sorry :/

awesomeo rech on December 07, 2018:

Thanks so much for great never have i ever ideas! great for parties!

ava on November 21, 2018:

i loved them hope everyone loved it to

Isabelle Phillips on October 13, 2018:

Lol love this

Kalia on October 12, 2018:

There are funny never have i aver question

Alexandra on September 29, 2018:

So good

Ruby on September 23, 2018:

This is funny I guess

i dont put my name online on September 20, 2018:

magical potato! I've done...a lot of these

Fallen on September 16, 2018:

Awesome website

May on September 03, 2018:

this is pretty cool! and this is a good website!

Nyasia on August 26, 2018:

I love this app this app is great I played it with my best friend on the phone

Connor on August 21, 2018:

this website is very usefull

hayley on August 17, 2018:

omg this was funny and fun

C on August 17, 2018:


H on August 12, 2018:

It is soo fun I love it

Cathrin on August 11, 2018:

Got bored in like 2 mins

lex and liv on August 10, 2018:

We loved the Never Have I Ever quetions. They were so fun to awsner!

haley on August 09, 2018:

this is not fun any more after 3 rounds

Krystyna on August 03, 2018:

We had great fun !!!!

2Girls on July 24, 2018:

I luv it me and my sister enjoyed playing this game thank u so much!!!!

cookie crunch chop on July 21, 2018:

how do you print the form

neber on July 15, 2018:

Never have you ever peed your pants.

Rupp on July 11, 2018:

So fun with my brother and sister cat was laying on me till I finish it i guess he loved it to

holly on July 10, 2018:

love it

Emily on July 01, 2018:

I love these

Sasha on June 29, 2018:

I loved this!!! Me and my friends Brittany and Jessica had so much fun playing this game at our sleepover!!! #fabulous!!!

Madison on June 25, 2018:

It was so fun I played with my cousin
