Distinctives - Wesley Biblical Seminary


Come experience the difference at Wesley Biblical Seminary. We are a place where:

The Bible is the final Authority. At WBS, we believe in the supreme authority of the Word of God which stands written in the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible, all therein being divinely inspired by Almighty God and therefore without error or defect in the autographs. Believing the Bible to be the Word of God written, the only infallible rule of faith and practice, Wesley Biblical Seminary asserts the authority of Scripture alone over the life of the Church and its individual members. We therefore believe that a reverent and loyal approach to the study of the Bible recognizes and affirms its full inspiration and its absolute trustworthiness as the divinely revealed and authoritative Word of God.

Holiness is Essential. At WBS we believe in a second definite work of grace subsequent to regeneration, accomplished by the Holy Spirit, thereby purifying the heart from original sin and empowering for continuous growth in grace, victorious living and fruitful service. The result of this epochal experience—termed perfect love and/or entire sanctification—is maintained by faith as expressed in continuous obedience to God’s revealed will, thus giving perfect cleansing moment by moment (Acts 15:8-9); 1 Thess 5:23; 1 John 1:7-9, 4:13-21). Life in the Spirit is dynamically expressed in maturing and enabling grace to progress from glory to glory in personal holiness and Christian mission (2 Cor 3:18).

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