Wes Borland on His Past: "Eugh, What Was I Thinking?" | MetalSucks

Wes Borland on His Past: “Eugh, What Was I Thinking?”


In an interview on this week’s episode of The MetalSucks podcast, Limp Bizkit guitarist Wes Borland — who is currently promoting his new Big Dumb Face album — talks about his experience in Black Light Burns, where he first learned the essentials of being a frontman in a band.

“There are a bunch of elements of [Black Light Burns] that I’m not happy with, like I wish it hadn’t been leaning goth, because I think I’m kind of embarrassed by that now. But whatever, it is what it is. I’m embarrassed by LOTS of stuff that I do, like right after I do it.

“It’s sort of like, you look back and it’s like you publicly made your haircut in high school every few years. You made that public, and went ‘Look! This is me!’ and then it’s constantly out there forever and you have to look back on it in years and go ‘Eugh, what was I thinking?’

“But, I don’t know. It was my main gig for years, it was a huge learning experience of the things that work and things that don’t, and it kinda taught me what I wanna do going forward and where I want to take myself musically. But after our last record… I closed the door on it and said I was never going to do it again, but now I’m kind of wanting to do things that I said I would never want to do again, for some reason.”

Earlier on in the podcast, Wes spoke about how happy he is with his solo album Crystal Machete and how that and his new Big Dumb Face album Where Is Duke Lion? are the only works he’s totally proud of. Wes also mentions that he’s been working on a lot of new material, including new material for Limp Bizkit that he says he doesn’t “really care” about. Later on, Wes lets his feelings on his work with Bizkit slip a little more:

“Yeah, I’ve been lucky enough to not actually have to get a day job. I don’t want to call Bizkit my day job, but it is in a lot of ways.”

Yikes, Wes, everything okay over there? He later says that he’s incredibly grateful to always be working in music, but I don’t think he’s incredibly grateful to always be working in Limp Bizkit.

Listen to the full episode below.

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