Losing weight takes hard work, persistence, and the resilience to weather a setback. But sustainable weight loss solutions are out there—you just have to find what works for you. To help you identify some tactics that are actually worth trying, we spoke with eight women who've dropped 50 pounds or more, and have kept the weight off. Get inspired by their before and after photos, and use their winning strategies yourself: 

Get to the root cause of your extra pounds.

Julia Holloman, 61, has lost and kept off 164 pounds since her weight-loss surgery almost 12 years ago. Her passion is to help others on their own weight-loss journeys. She shares the story of her success in her book Out of Obesity and into the Promised Land, and on her blog, Miles to Go.

“I believe that the most important part of my success was going beyond the physical to discover why I got to be 160 pounds overweight in the first place. There are many possible causes of obesity other than food and bad eating habits—hormones, medications, sleep apnea, emotional and environmental related issues. Likewise, weight-loss surgery isn’t a quick fix. It requires learning how to regain health, keeping the weight off, and examining all areas of your life. I had to work on the inside as well as the outside. Being willing and committed to changing your life physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and relationally are just as crucial as losing weight.”

MORE: Why I Regret My Weight-Loss Surgery

Make yourself a priority.

Erika Nicole Kendall, 34, had several “come to fitness moments” that turned her slowly but surely away from fast food and a 300-plus frame and toward a healthier her. She’s down 94 pounds and motivates hundreds of other folks trying to improve their health through her site A Black Girl’s Guide to Weight Loss.

“What has been most essential for me on my weight-loss journey is to really deconstruct what I think it means to be ‘motivated.’ I won't always feel this kind of overwhelming desire to get up and do something that doesn't make me money or feed my family. In fact, the things I have to do that affect me and me alone are often the things I feel the least 'motivated' to do. I'm so used to sacrificing things for my family that it skews my idea of what it means to be motivated to do something. If I remind myself that I deserve to be cared for just as much as my children, then it debunks my thinking about what is and isn't necessary. I am just as important, and in need of maintenance as the people I love, so it's less about needing to be 'motivated' and more about just handling business.” (Here are 26 things women need to stop feeling so guilty about.)

Find someone to keep you accountable.

For over three decades, Jeverna Michelle King, 38, says she turned to the comfort of food when life felt painful or presented her with challenges. Eating became a ritual of comfort for temporarily numbing her feelings, and she wasn't sure how to break the cycle. But after seeking out the help of a health coach and becoming an active member of the community that her coach built, the numbers on the scale took a turn for the better. Now she’s 82 pounds lighter and hoping to help others through her own health coaching business.

“Finding [a health coach and a community] to offer nonjudgmental encouragement and accountability and adopting weekly habits of health can make all the difference ... For so long I tried to lose weight thinking I could do it on my own, only to fall back into unhealthy thinking and destructive behaviors. Old habits would sneak back in when I had an emotional day and derail me from any progress I had made. I also tried working out countless hours only to see the scale not budging. By changing the way I thought about myself, I’ve experienced a genuine transformation of soul, mind, and body.”

Ease into fitness—and lose weight—with walking. Here's how to get started:

preview for Walk Stronger: How to Start Walking When You Have 50+ Pounds To Lose


Push through setbacks.

Marnita Wiggins-Nichols, 56, lost an astonishing 175 pounds over the course of two years through healthy eating and exercise. Since losing the weight, she’s become a vegetarian who fills her plate with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, and, yes, even a bit of dark chocolate. And most importantly, she doesn’t let fluctuating scale numbers get her down. She shares her story and helps others on her Facebook page Beat the Bulge, Let’s Get Healthy!

“My advice if you’re looking to lose weight? Devise a personal plan. Don't make it too complex. You’ll have ups and downs; I know I do. My weight will sometimes fluctuate 10 to 15 pounds, but I remind myself that I'm human. No matter how disciplined I am, I still enjoy food. I have a lot of self-talks, and I find other things to occupy myself with when I have those urges to over-indulge. When I do give in to the urges, I simply get back on track the next day. Weight loss must become a lifestyle, not a diet.”

MORE: What 5 Women Want You To Know About Losing 50-Plus Pounds

Focus on getting strong—not slim.

Kim Losee, 36, lost 100 pounds and found a new calling as a personal trainer and fitness blogger. She says three things were key to her success: a trainer to guide her through workouts, focusing on healthy diet changes, and building muscle. She helps others “make their amazing happen” through her blog Pudge Gets Fit.

“My trainer refused to let me quit on myself. He also helped me understand nutrition, which was the second key to my success. He taught me how to still eat foods I love without sabotaging my goals and how I could finally get off the fad diet wagon. The third key was strength training—which built the lean muscle and in turn raised my metabolic rate. By putting these three elements together, I’m finally in a body I love. My knee problems, back problems, and even asthma are all almost completely gone. I have tons of energy that comes from fueling my body properly. One hundred pounds gone, with no gimmicks, no fad diets, and no pills! Now I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and public speaker, and I’m passionate about helping other people rewrite their stories.” (If you haven't strength-trained in a while, or ever, here are the 6 best moves to get started.)

Shake up your diet.

At 272 pounds, Teresa Dragg, 53, had resigned herself to a life of looking “fluffy.” But then she challenged herself to two months of plant-based eating, and her outlook on her health shifted permanently. Instead of a crutch, food became fuel for a body she loved. She’s lost 73 pounds on a vegan diet.

“Giving up all meat, dairy, and eggs sounded impossible, but I was game. I set small goals along the way and hit 199 pounds at my one-year mark. I’m down three sizes, and 73 pounds are gone forever! But the weight loss isn't the only benefit. I now have normal blood pressure, I no longer need a CPAP machine for sleeping, and I regularly go on 2- to 3-mile hikes and train for 5K races. These are things I never thought possible, but I'm [able to do them] by choosing life and trusting God for the strength and persistence needed along the journey. The vegan way of life is sometimes misunderstood, but for me, it's the only way to live.”

MORE: 5 Vegan Dinners With As Much Protein As A Chicken Breast

Shift your mindset.

Alisha Gordon, 35, says she’s never been what society considers “small”—in personality, hair, or body. That was always fine with her, but in January of 2017, she resolved to do something hard: take care of herself. With the help of a friend and wellness coach, she shifted to a low-carb diet. With a trainer, she learned to embrace any progress, no matter how slow. The result?: 72 pounds gone in one year.

“This past year is the first time in my whole life I’ve succeeded at losing weight, but more importantly, succeeded at taking care of me. As much as we focus on the food and exercise, the real work happens in the mindchanging what we believe we deserve, countering the narrative told to women that to care for self is selfish. What this process has taught me is that when we learn to take care of ourselves, we actually create more room to care for others. Change your mind, change your body, change your life!”

Continue to challenge yourself.

When Julie Farmer, 51, joined Weight Watchers in 2009, she knew she had found her path to sustainable health. She set a goal weight for the very first time, and slowly but surely carved off 50 pounds. She’s now a Weight Watchers Leader and blogs about weight loss, health, and her life at The Weight of My Weight.

“I’ve always planned to live to be 100. I finally realized that if I was going to do that, then I needed to change some bad habits, incorporate some new habits, and make those changes last forever. One way I set myself up for success was by starting my blog. Not only is the connection a great accountability tool, but it also encourages me to constantly try new foods, try new exercises, challenge myself, and share my experiences, good or bad, with others. Last year, I had a double mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis, and I credit my quick recovery to the health changes I’ve made over the last several years. I still have surgeries ahead, but I’m confident I’ll be able to heal quickly again. Surrounding myself with like-minded people has been key for me to be able to continue to live a full life filled with healthy habits.”