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Donnerstag, 04.04.2024, 16:00 Uhr (WIAS-ESH)
Forschungsseminar Mathematische Modelle der Photonik
Prof. Dmitry Turaev, Imperial College London, GB:
4-winged Lorenz attractors
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Weierstraß-Institut, Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Erdgeschoss, Erhard-Schmidt-Hörsaal

We show that bifurcations of periodic orbits with multipliers (-1,i,-i) can lead to the birth of pseudohyperbolic Lorenz-like attractors of three different types: one is a discrete analogue of the classical Lorenz attractor, and the other two are new:two- and four-winged Simo angels. These three attractors exist in an orientation-reversing, three-dimensional, quadratic Henon map. This implies the abundance of such attractors in a class of systems with homoclinic tangencies. Our analysis is based on the study of a normal form for this bifurcation, a slow-fast three-dimensional system of differential equations with a Z4-symmetry. The existence of the continuous-time counterparts of the pseudohyperbolic attractors is established for the normal form as a part of an extensive numerical analysis of its bifurcations. In particular, we establish that all three types of continuous-time pseudohyperbolic attractors are born out of a certain Z4-symmetric heteroclinic configurations with three saddles.

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Forschungsseminar Mathematische Modelle der Photonik

WIAS Berlin
Dienstag, 02.04.2024, 15:00 Uhr (WIAS-405-406)
Seminar Modern Methods in Applied Stochastics and Nonparametric Statistics
Dr. Vaios Laschos, WIAS Berlin:
Optimal transport meets rough paths
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Weierstraß-Institut, Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, 4. Etage, Raum: 405/406

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