watch (out) for something | meaning of watch (out) for something in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

watch (out) for something

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishwatch (out) for something phrasal verbREADYto pay close attention in a particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want to avoid something bad  She stepped outside to watch for the cab.  What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house? watch→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswatch (out) for They can keep their roster intact and watch for continued improvement from their young group as preparation for next season.Beyond this opened a small glass-sided cubicle from which a senior clerk could watch for frivolity among the underlings.I think he wants to keep watching for land.Doyle watched for movement inside the cab, but saw none.During follow-up examinations, we watch for signs of attachment and confidence.
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