Wandering Jew Care: How To Grow The Tradescantia Plant

Tradescantia Care: Growing The Wandering Jew Plant

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The Tradescantia plant is commonly known as the Wandering Jew plant – an attractive vining plant whose distinctive leaves bear stripes of purple, white, green, and silver.

The botanical name for the tricolor wandering jew? Tradescantia zebrina!

wandering jew plantsPin

The wandering jew from the genus Tradescantia is a native of Mexico who earned its common name thanks to the plant’s ability to root easily, spread, and thrive in a wide variety of conditions.

This plant comes from the spiderwort family (Commelinaceae) and is also known as Zebrina pendula or inch plant.

Another popular wandering jew variety is Tradescantia pallida – with deep purple leaves and goes by several common names like purple wandering jew, purple queen, and purple heart.

There are several other wandering jew varieties with green and white variegated leaves.

A variegated green plant draping over the edge of a metal planter on a patio with red brick pavers.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

Tradescantia displays small 3-petaled pink, white, or purple flowers.

Wandering Jew Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina
  • Common Name(s): Wandering Jew, Inch Plant, Spiderwort
  • Synonyms: Zebrina pendula, Zebrina purpusii
  • Family & Origin: Commelinaceae family, native to Mexico and Central America
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: 9-11
  • Size: Grows up to 2-3 feet long
  • Flowering: Produces small, purple flowers in the summer
  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light
  • Humidity: Tolerates low humidity but prefers higher humidity levels
  • Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 55-75°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry, do not overwater
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs; watch for root rot if overwatered
  • Propagation: Propagated through stem cuttings
  • Plant Uses: Used as a trailing plant in hanging baskets or as a ground cover in gardens. Can also be used as an indoor plant.

In the “old days” before the advent of garden centers and nurseries carrying a wide variety of houseplants, housewives and gardeners shared cuttings of plants freely.

Cuttings of the wandering jew traveled broadly from home to home and proved itself adaptable and capable of thriving in almost any setting.

Purple wandering Jew plant on sidewalkPin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

This reminded people of the wanderings of the Jews of biblical times, hence the nickname.

This easy-care plant grows indoors or out in a variety of settings.

In this article, we will provide best practice instructions on how to grow and care for Tradescantia and provide some words of caution regarding another invasive species related to it, Tradescantia fluminensis. Read on to learn more.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Tips

Wandering Jew vines do well in pots planted in a 60/40 peat moss and perlite potting mixture or with an all-purpose potting mixture.

Lush green and purple foliage of plants on a speckled concrete ground.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

This indoor plant makes an exceptionally beautiful hanging basket plant.

Lighting can vary from medium indirect light to even direct sun. Likewise, this hardy plant does well in room temperatures ranging from 55° – 75° degrees Fahrenheit.

NOTE: Tradescantia Plants will achieve the most vibrant, bright colors in high, bright, indirect sunlight and at consistently warmer temperatures.

Like most houseplants, the Wandering Jew does not like soggy roots. Translation – Too much water leads to root rot.

A vibrant display of green and purple plants with bright red bromeliad flowers.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, then water deeply. If desired, use a half-strength general liquid houseplant fertilizer two times monthly.

Do not water directly into the crown of the plant. Doing so may encourage rotting of the stems and the roots.

These plants like a humid environment, so add a humidifier or, between watering, mist the leaf surface frequently.

Continue misting through the winter, but cut back on watering. Generally speaking, watering once a week should work.

Purple-leaved plant over a brick pavement.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

During the winter, reduce watering to two times monthly, and do not fertilize.

Pruning and grooming play an important role in caring for your Wandering Jew indoors.

These houseplants are vigorous growers and send out long tendrils and stems on a regular, ongoing basis. Keep these trimmed or pinched back at leaf nodes to encourage your new bushier growth and fuller plants.

Propagation of this rambling plant is very easy.

Simply clip off the long stem cuttings (3” length) during the spring and summer months and root them in moist potting soil or in water.

Purple and green foliage with delicate flowers.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

Growing Wandering Jew As An Outdoor Plant

Wandering Jew thrives in a temperate climate with fairly high humidity. Hardy in USDA Zones 9-11.

Tradescantia tricolor makes a good ground cover in spots receiving bright indirect light, such as around the base of tall trees, which are shady areas.

They also serve as a great ornamental and basket plant.

Planting is simplicity itself. You can use four-inch plants in pots purchased from a nursery or use cuttings of stem tips from your houseplant for repotting or creating new starts.

A lush wandering Jew plant with purple and green leaves in a greenhouse setting.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

You’ll get the best results planting in rich, well-drained soil.

Be sure to cover the roots or sink your cuttings 3″ to 5″ inches into the soil. Keep a moist soil until the plant becomes established.

After this, weekly regular watering should suffice. Applying liquid fertilizer once a week or apply a slow release fertilizer to help to develop a healthy root system.

Keep plants pinched back and pruned to encourage them to grow bushy rather than in a spindly and trailing manner.

NOTE: Some people report skin irritation when coming in contact with the sap when handling cuttings.

Wandering Purple Jew plants will die back outdoors during the cold winter months. Fear not, if you plant correctly and help establish a good root system they will reappear come springtime.

lilac wandering jew flowersPin

Three Best Ways To Root Tradescantia

  1. Poke the ends of cuttings into fresh potting soil and keep the soilless mix moist for a few weeks. During the rooting process (rooting hormone is not needed), keep plants in partial shade. Once rooted, transfer them to pots and water as you would a mature plant.
  2. Simply lay cuttings on the surface of the moist potting mix. Press the cutting joint into the soil mix to make good contact. Roots will form at the joint. Once the plant becomes established, transfer it to its own pot with drainage holes.
  3. Place cuttings in a glass or bottle of water set on a sunny windowsill. Once roots emerge, transfer cuttings into pots. Keep the soil moist for a few weeks until the cuttings adjust and establish themselves in the soil.
A lush green potted vine plant with variegated leaves indoors near a staircase with terracotta tiles.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

Replacing The Wandering Jew Sometimes Becomes Necessary

This houseplant does not usually live for long periods of time like a Hoya the wax plant or grandma’s African violet plant. Luckily, it regenerates itself easily.

If your Wandering Jew begins looking shabby, loses foliage easily, and gets too leggy, you may want to simply toss it into the compost pile and replace it with one of its offspring.

Alternatively, you could try cutting the foliage back to the roots to see if it will regenerate.

Pests and diseases rarely attack Wandering Jew, but occasionally, you’ll discover spider mites and aphids on the leaves and stems.

A hanging purple plant over moss-covered brick pavement with other green plants around.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

When this happens, simply cut back the affected areas and dispose of the cuttings in a sealed plastic bag.

Spray plants vigorously with water to knock off any errant pests. Depending on the infestation, this should take care of the problem.

If it does not, turn to natural insecticides for killing any remaining aphids and prevent reinfestation.

NOTE: Don’t compost diseased or pest-infested plants.

Beware Of The Wandering Jew’s Invasive Cousin!

So far, we’ve discussed the wandering jew – Tradescantia pallid. Another variety, known as Tradescantia fluminensis, is solid green and produces white blooms.

Close-up of fuzzy green leaves with small pink flowers beginning to bloom.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

This wandering Jew variety thrives in USDA zones 9 through 11. In fact, it does so well that it can quickly become invasive. You must take great care to prevent it from taking over your entire yard.

In subtropical areas such as New Zealand and Australia and in the southern United States, it has become a serious invasive plant problem.

Wandering Jew Propagation

Close-up of a purple and green wandering jew (Tradescantia zebrina) plant with visible leaf detail.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

It propagates itself with wild abandon, and new starts grow readily from stem segments.

Inclement weather only encourages this because the segments can float and travel far and wide to establish themselves in new homes.

Eradicating Tradescantia fluminensis or even cutting it back by hand may encourage the plant to spread.

A lush Tradescantia zebrina (wandering jew) plant with green-purple leaves under a greenhouse roof.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

Very often, people regret introducing this “Wandering Jew” in their gardens. They often end up having to use a strong herbicide to kill it off.

Should The Green Wandering Jew Be Avoided Entirely?

Tradescantia fluminensis can be a good garden addition, and it does well as a groundcover in Brazil and Argentina, from whence it hails.

If you want Tradescantia fluminensis in your garden, look for the Innocence variety.

Close-up of purple and silver-tinged leaves of a Tradescantia zebrina plant, against a backdrop of a gray surface and yellow floor.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

It’s more attractive and less invasive than the common varieties. It prefers damper and shadier areas and thrives in lower shade with moist soil.

More on Tradescantia:

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