YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – Utopia Video Nightclub in Youngstown has closed, according to a post on its Facebook page.

According to the post, the business opened its doors in October 2005 to fill a gap for the LGBTQ2 community but noted challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic that it could not overcome.

The post says the business and venue has been sold.

“Today, we announce that Utopia’s ‘last call’ has arrived, and we’ve sold the business and venue. There are ups and downs in any business cycle. But the steadfast committment of the LGBTQ2 community in supporting Utopia for over 16 years, will stand the test of time, as generations of our community reminisce and recall all the good times we all had together,” read the post.

The new owner is unknown, and online county auditor records have not yet been updated.

Those at the business thanked people for their support over the years.