Vietnamese BL List | Wiki | ~BL•Drama~ Amino

Vietnamese BL List



My Rating :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
UPDATES? ♡I really hope so ╥﹏╥♡
⟵🖤 The ones that I liked the most


- Rommates {on YouTube by CiF TV}

- My Brother {On YouTube by CiF TV} ⟵🖤

- Neighbor Guy {On YouTube By CiF TV} ⟵🖤

- Football Guys {Season 1&2} ⟵🖤

- Safe Boys In The City ⟵🖤

- Comet, I Love You ⟵🖤

- My Monster In Law ⟵🖤

- Active Boys ⟵🖤

- Because Of Meeting You

- Lost In Paradise {Season 1&2}

- Stage of Love

- My Best Boyfriend

- TienTai the series/Sea Him the series

- Fools

- You Are My Boy

- Follow My Sunshine



♡Movies/Short Film♡

- One Day For Love

- Forever Love

- Sorry But I Love

- Love, Don't Run

- Love Me! Do You Dare?

- The Intractable Brother ⟵Didn't watch

- Soundless Wind Chime ⟵Didn't watch too

- Promise You Will Be Happy

- Forever Yours

- Coming Home ⟵🖤

- Silence Love {¿?}

- Two Mugs              

- Paradise In Heart

- My Sky ⟵🖤

- Last Happiness

- I Love You, Buddy

- I Don't Want You To Be Alone

- The Person Who Always Goes Behind

- Sai Gon! I Love You

- Expecting Love

- The Lost Ring ⟵🖤

- A Love Appointement

- Will You Love Me Tomorrow

- Gaydar

- My Love Story

- Let Love Heal

- Gold Melody

- Những Chú Mèo Tội Lỗi

- The day you came

- Ocean separates lands, not our souls {¿?}


Anyways, I did not write all of them here, but if you want to see more series/movies, just go on google or any other search engines to find some or you can always ask me in private or not, and I will be more than happy to find some stuff for you♡

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hello, I am looking for a Vietnamese drama/ film. It is about a boy who you see in the beginning prepared to jump of the roof because he discovers that he has aids. But he lands on another boy. He takes him to the doctors and he ends up staying with him for a month to look after him. They end up falling for each other. The guy that got hurt was a masseuse.

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1 Reply 06/01/21

Sorry for the verry late reply

But I think I know what you are talking about

I'm at

School rn but I'll be sure to make some researches and go back to you with answers once I can or once I get back home :blush: :sparkling_heart:

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0 Reply 09/08/21

hello, I am looking for a Vietnamese drama/ film. It is about a boy who you see in the beginning prepared to jump of the roof because he discovers that he has aids. But he lands on another boy. He takes him to the doctors and he ends up staying with him for a month to look after him. They end up falling for each other. The guy that got hurt was a masseuse.

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0 Reply 06/01/21

hii gy ive basically watched all thai bl 555>>please help me with some new steamy ones like tharntype but not thai if u gett me thankuu

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1 Reply 02/07/21

Steamy ones...

Uhh I'd say Roundabout (japanese movie, but its very explicit)

Sei no gekiyaku (very explicit too and there are many scenes who could traumatize you I guess, taboo, kidnapping...)

The accident (hongkong 1999 movie, dont know if hard to find, but a while ago I was able to find srt. Files for eng subs and I downladed the movie)

Lan Yu (also kinda old, youtube, chinese)

Indigo no kibun (japanese series, also very explicit)

Ofc, there is also, HIStory 3: Trapped

Together with me the series

Its complicated the series

Takumi-Kun (the japanese movie series, all on youtube, quality kinda sucks but worth it)

If you want more suggestion just ask me in private and I'll make a more profond search for the steamy bl's♡

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0 Reply 02/07/21

I just started watching 1000stars. First episode is beyond amazing. But now i have to wait a goddamn week. Anyways,i am new in this community.Hello everyone.

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1 Reply 02/01/21

Yes, I know, this series will have a lot of potential :relieved:

And ofc you have to wait a whole week :joy: , its like that for every new series

But yeah, welcome and I hope you have a nice time here

If you want more suggestions or more series to watch you can ask me in private or not and you know, I'll be happy to help you :sparkling_heart: :blush:

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0 Reply 02/01/21
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