Flashpoint - 3.4.21 | The Victory Channel is LIVE with Flashpoint! 3.4.21 We are LIVE with Flashpoint, hosted by Pastor Gene Bailey and guests, One Voice Ministries: Hank and... | By The Victory Channel | Alright little business here right off the top alright folks they’re in the new Flash Point Coffee Cup. Beautiful isn’t it and it actually holds tea. You can get yours All you’ve gotta do is go to the website, but in fact, let me just show you a quick little clip about the new Coffee Cup. Hey guys. Bosh Point mugs are now available to order help support the show and order at go victory.com slash shop supplies will be limited due to high demand so secure your order today be inspired every morning or give one as a gift you can order at. Victory.com slash shop take advantage of these while they’re available. Alright so there you go if you want it, let me tell you we will sell out tonight so I uh when we sell out it will not be on the website. So if you’re watching this and you go to the website, it’s not there. it’s because we had to order more. There is no more pre order on this. we will order as soon as we get more but uh I’m confident we’ll sell out tonight but go get your cup Coffee cup. Alright. so let’s uh let me kinda start with um let me start. We’re gonna talk about a lot of things tonight but uh uh I’ve earlier today I read this post by Dennis Pra. And I and I wanted to add some things to what he said. but I wanna share parts of it with you tonight. You know one of the most highly regarded books of the twentieth century was Ernest Becker’s the denial of death winner of the 1974 bullets are surprised the book is regarded as a classic, and it’s analysis of how human beings deny their own mortality. but there’s something people deny even more than mortality evil someone should write a book on the denial of evil. Now that would be much more important because while we cannot prevent death, we can prevent evil the most. An example of the denial of evil in our day is communism, an ideology that within a period of only sixty short years created modern totalitarianism tortured starved killed deprived more people of human rights than any other ideology in human history. why people ignore or even deny communist is still bewildering to me tonight. I’m going to simply lay out the facts, but before I do I need. Another question Why is it important that every know everyone know what communism really did Well. There are three reasons. First. we have a moral obligation to the victims not to forget them just as Americans have a moral obligation to remember the victims of American slavery. we have the same obligation to to the billion of communism, especially the 100000000 who were murdered second the best way to prevent an evil from reoccurring is to confront it in all its horror, the fact that many. Today, especially young people believe communism is a viable even morally superior option for modern society It proves they know nothing about communism more record. I blame the schools for this. therefore they do not properly fear communism, which means this evil could happen again and why could it happen again? It brings us to reason number three the leaders of communist regime and the vast number of people who help those leaders, torture and slave and murder. Plus the many more people who reported on their neighbors for saying something object to the communist were nearly all normal people Of course, there were some psychopaths, but most were not which proves that any society, including free ones can devolve into communism or some evil sword Now, here’s some facts, according to the authoritative uh the black book of Communism written by six French scholars and published in the United States by Harvard University Press the numbers of people. Murdered not people now Listen, this is not people killed in combat these are ordinary civilians trying to live their lives who murdered by communist regimes. Alright here we go. Here’s the list. Latin America 150000 Vietnam 1000000 Eastern Europe a Ethiopia 1.5. 1.5000000 North Korea, 2000000 Cambodia 2000000 The Soviet Union 20000000 Many scholars believe the number was considerably higher in China. sixty. Million in these numbers are all conservative, for example in Ukraine alone, the the Soviet regime and it’s Communist Party helpers star five to 6000000 people to death within a two-year period. It’s almost inconceivable that only fourteen or 15000000 other Soviet citizens were murdered. We know they doctored the numbers and of course these numbers don’t describe the suffering endured by hundreds of millions of people who were not murdered the systematic stripping of their right to speak freely to worship to start a business or even to travel without the party’s permission. No non communist judiciary or media, the near poverty of nearly all communist countries. The imprisonment and the torture of vast numbers of people and of course the trauma suffered by the hundreds of millions of friends and relatives of the murdered and imprisoned. These numbers don’t tell you about the many starving Ukrainians who ate the flesh of people often children sometimes including their own children or their Romanian Christians whose communist prison guards forced to eat feces to compel them to renounce their faith or the frozen millions in the vast Soviet Siberian prison camp system known as gulag archipelago or the Vietnamese communism routine practice of bearing peasants alive to terrorize people into supporting the communist mouse had. Regular use of torture to punish opponents and intimidate peasants in ways, too graphic for me to even announced tonight on television and here again, I returned to the theme we started with the denial of evil people Associate evil with darkness, but that’s not accurate. It’s easy to look into the dark. It’s very hard to stare into the bright light one should therefore associate evil with extreme brightness now don’t send me emails. I know we’re talking about evil’s bad good is good. Alright. But think about it given to people rarely look head first in the true evil and those who do not confront true evil often make up evils that are much easier to confront such as this remember this systemic racism toxic masculinity and heteronormative whatever that is in twenty-first Century America the book of Psalm states this those of you who love God, you are to hate evil In other words, you can’t love God if you don’t hate evil, it’s either or there is no middle ground. And if you don’t believe in God, there’s another way of putting it those of you who love people you are to hate evil. It’s just that simple If you don’t hate communism, you don’t care about much less love people. Alright, So I know many of you are thinking. of course, I don’t endorse communism. of course. Why are we talking about this? but let me adore you to think deeper here we are today 2021. America has never been closer to communism than we are. Today right here right now and it all starts with the censorship of ideas. Read your history books that don’t align with the progressive left agenda are the ones that get shut down you and I have the solemn responsibility to stand up for freedom of speech is outlined in the first Amendment. It’s our laws. It’s our freedom of speech and we have to stand up and stop censorship in its tracks, but if you don’t stand up, you’re gonna. Result you’re gonna have to deal with the results of that stand up against those who wanna take your freedoms and most importantly here it is stand up for the judeo-christian beliefs that this nation was founded upon. That’s what it’s all about so tonight. we’re gonna dive into censorship. So let’s get started. I wanna go right now to get an update uh John Smith in California. John tell us what’s going on with the Supreme Court ban. Communism to California, It’s perfect perfect Segway Jane and by the way the people of California know who the real Neanderthal is let me just let me start with that and and speaking of Governor Newsome, the uh the recall uh past 1.9000000 signatures today so on the way to their 2000000 signature goal and uh that’s so that uh the governor’s cronies and the Secretary of State’s office will have enough to throw out that they won’t uh uh I’m sorry. That they uh that they uh want to throw out um and then uh there’s a California school board member who said that uh on a zoom meeting that you can see on YouTube that uh uh her fellow school board members were white supremacists because they wanted to bring kids back to school and uh she said, bringing them back was akin to slavery and then the city of Petaluma uh says no new gas stations uh in their city limits because they wanna be carbon neutral by 2030. And then, of course, the governor was handed as you mentioned uh another defeat by the Supreme Court first in February early February and then last Friday on the twenty-sixth as they said, uh Santa Clara County uh could not ban churches from opening uh within their city limits. Jean Yeah, John, you know in the six three Supreme Court prohibited California from enforcing a total ban on worship. uh I wanna know uh and even uh justice Thomas and Lido said today. Today’s order should have been. The lower courts in these cases should have followed the extensive guidance this court already gave regarding singing and chanting they continued. But if Hollywood may host a studio audience or film a singing competition while not a single soul may enter California’s churches synagogues and mosques something has gone seriously arise. So tell us John uh before you go what is the overall atmosphere with those that you are are there in Southern California? What are our people happy about this or they do they care? I mean one thing about California, sometimes they care sometimes they don’t sometimes they uh live and let live what what’s going on? Well, people are happy about that uh that this ban has been lifted uh many churches, including mine. I won’t mention it but have been meeting for quite a while in defiance of the band. But yeah, it’s encouraging that churches now are starting to get uh back together. Many were meeting outdoors uh and uh many were not meeting at all only only through uh online services. Thanks John Thank you very much uh listen come back soon as we have an update on uh your governor there if we’re gonna see a new. Or something happened there. Thanks for joining us tonight. uh alright tonight. Panel. Here’s our panel tonight uh Hank kuna Mike Lindell and Lance Wall now uh we’re gonna have an interesting night. I wanna play this clip. Many of you saw this. I’m gonna get uh Mike to respond to this. He actually already did a video but I need to bring you up to speed as many of you are under some false assumptions. Alright, let’s watch we’ll be right back on Inauguration Day, the Who and the CPC, They put a thing out now everyone seen Oh cove’s going down that the the rates are going. Down they’re telling you wear a double mask and do all this other stuff. Let me tell you that’s not. Super careful I hate to do it, You know I love you but due to YouTube’s guidelines we will get our whole platform. shut down. Okay um for a television from broadcasting. It’s painful to sit here and watch a dead air. Uh you know Mike uh you know uh before I go before I go to this clip with I wanna ask you. I want you to clarify cuz you clarify on Rs BN uh of what a lot of folks thought Espn did that to you. Out you knowing it no, they did not and uh for an amazing Christian uh company and they’re one of my favorites and she got me into Cpac um and what I did is we are so worried about them losing YouTube like all my other friends have lost YouTube when they rely on that business. We have a great new alternative coming out that I’m working on and I told them right before I went on, I said. I’m gonna stay away from uh Dominion and all this stuff but when. Should keep that ready in case I might go unfiltered and I say something I don’t that I can’t see so I don’t want him to lose YouTube so when I actually I was talking about Israel and what they were doing over, there were trying to make everybody take that vaccine and and then II some, I flipped it back over here and and wanted to tell everybody about what they’re doing over here and and I was glad he did it because they would lose their YouTube and uh right now they need it and YouTube their days coming. it’s so. In our country that right now that even all the voices we had they’re all suppressed right now because of these big platforms with the threat of taking them down. I mean I go through with the mainstream media all the time I can’t you know if I say the word a dominion or sue me Dominion or anything boom there, you know, I get it. That’s it you can. I just had a big station to yesterday. They recorded me. I won’t say the radio station cuz they’re a good partner, but they went they were. Afraid cuz they recorded me because they don’t wanna talk to talk about election YouTube. You can’t talk about election fraud. you can’t talk about the vaccine be in the mark of the beast. You can’t. I mean there’s so many things II didn’t know the list so I actually had them You know filter me as a protection for my friends and the great people at right side broadcast network. But of course they used that and they started attacking her and I felt bad for him, but that was uh that was me protecting uh. Protecting them and uh, but I’ll tell you want everyone to know there’s great things coming and we’re not gonna have to put up with the YouTube and Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook and all these big platforms that have monopolized us and tell us what to do to not say or to say and lose our whole livelihoods over alright. So I’m gonna put you on the spot when whenever this great great things happening. you’ve gotta come on here and let us know now I know you told Rs. BN they’d be first. I’m a little hurt with that. so you’re gonna have to come. I’ll take. I’ll take second and let us know let all the people know what’s going on there? Okay deal Absolutely. Alright for sure deal you guys are you guys are right there with him. Alright. So let’s look at this tweet uh that went out Rs BN posted uh cuz of what happened to them today uh suspended from Youtube 2 weeks because of the Trump Cpac 2021 speech, which violated uh the guidelines and election misinformation, it was approaching for me and views. They’ve removed it from their platform. Now. I think this is interesting now they didn’t remove it because of Mike Lindell they’re removed because President Trump, in fact if you. President Trump out there that uh my understanding that’s been scrubbed from everybody. uh uh I find it very interesting that this is still a concern. Listen to what Alan had to say about Mike Lindell and what happened. Oh, you gotta sell a lot of pillows to make a $1000000000 uh look uh whether Lindell was right or wrong. uh he had the right to express his views and this is part of the public debate and I don’t think unless they can demonstrate that with malice, he deliberately. Willfully knowingly to fame them. I don’t think they’re gonna get any pillows out of this. they’re not going any pillows. Uh that’s good so Amy so that’s two different things you know. we’ve got Youtube over here with the uh uh we don’t wanna show anything with President Trump and then we’ve got over here um but this this this guy Mike Lindell. He’s he’s he’s uh he’s a wildfire. He’s out of control uh and Dominion suing him. uh what kind of update can you give us on that? Well, um I invited Smart Maddox to sue me to an ES and s cuz they’re all corrupt. and here’s what I here’s your update I want everyone out there to imagine that I got people out there saying there’s rocks and nails and and and and scissors in my pillows and what would I do well? I’ll tell you what I do, I would invite all the media and all the people to say. come to my factory. go look at look inside my pillow. It’s a nice patented fill. but what what? Dominion didn’t do that there nobody can look at their machines. They don’t want that it doesn’t make sense if there’s nothing to hide why why have you stop this across our country for you know 3 months now my my question is then you got someone to go out there like me and it’s not just me over twenty people now they put these lawsuits up. They’re all fake. They can’t win when you have the evidence you’re not they’re fame in anybody when you have the evidence I have all the evidences all the evidence. It’s all gonna come out, but what Dominion did by showing me now, I can put all the evidence in the rebuttal back to them all for the public to see and when I put out absolute proof now, there’s probably double that now we have the cyber right out of the machine that shows us that translates into all the longitude latitude the Ids and the IP addresses, but I wanna tell you this shame on you. Dominion. you sued my pillow now there’s a shameful thing. I have kept stuff separate from my pillow. I’ve uh. When they told me to boycott on Cnn or Fox, I keep my ads going on both of them. I keep my pillows separate from what Mike Lindell does there’s 2500 families that work hard there and they’re both Democrat and Republicans. We’re like a big family. shame on you Dominion, but I’ll tell you what next week Wait til you see what’s coming back at you. I mean my what you did to my pillow. I can’t believe it that they you know they should all be arrested when this is all through well they probably will be. That you know for now, my goal is to get all the machines out of our country for good. Yeah. I mean we agree with that. In fact, we want listen. We’ve done this before we’re doing it again. We support Mike Lindell you’ve we thank you sir for taking the lead. You’ve really stuck your neck out there and and of course your business taking out a big box stores. uh we’re gonna do our part. Our audience is very loyal. A lot of you have done it. We’re gonna put the code up there if you wanna help Mike Lindell company get a pillow. uh I just got my geez sheets in the mail. I’m just saying I’ve been trying them out yet uh go to my pillow.com and use flash promo code flash and help a good patriot Out II noticed Mike Uh I’ve got some other news sources have quoted me have saying go support a Patriot uh Mike Lindell so we’re making the news everywhere right here on flash point. Alright. let me get uh Lance now the weigh in here and we’ve talked about uh censorship. We’re talking about uh lawsuits with Dominion Lance. I know you’ve got an opinion here somewhere. It’s I got a lot of opinions on there. you know one of them is uh Mike has this whole thing with these companies that stopped working with him and it and they do it because of the intimidation of fictitious feedback. they get what what happens is the left is organized a punishment machine and the machine is not even representative of the population so they’ll have these armies of bots and they have the ability to target the um. Service let’s say in one store or this store and then suddenly the company thinks they’re under the illusion that there’s all this uh resentment and people aren’t going to buy the exact opposite is the case in uh in Mike’s uh business for a couple of days after he gets hit with these attacks, There’s a tremendous surge of sympathetic support from people his his You know he sells more but it isn’t sustained because we don’t have any organized. In the body of Christ of creating us a drumbeat that sends the message back, I promise you that we’re getting to the place where uh people like Michael and stand and take the hits that around him and because of him there’s this mobilization of believers that are going to start to move with one voice and when these companies get real responses from Christians that say what you’re doing is wrong and we won’t do business. With you that’s the only language these companies speak, it’s economics. they’re intimidated easily They’ve got their corporate boards. They’re worried about negative publicity and so they’re being manipulated by the left At some point. There’s gonna be a backlash to this and when we organize our own response, it’s going to begin to put a resistance out there on the control of these corporations by the left because. They’re in the business of making money, they’re not trying to advocate one way or the other, but we have have got to get our solidarity behind people like Mike so that these individuals aren’t aren’t murdered in the uh in the marketplace because we don’t stand together as one, yeah, absolutely, and you know that the only way really uh Lance and I’ll set this out. actually I’ll ask uh pastor Hank and this get him into this uh listen the only option you have. Right now, if you’re used to going to these big-box stores and you don’t like what they did to a Mike Lindell uh and and the only option you have right now is to go somewhere else You’ve gotta vote with your feet and this is where typically the church falls down and we go uh well, you know whatever you know, but no, this is what you’ve gotta do. uh. in fact, you know Hank, I know Lance I know you’ve lost uh you’ve been censored uh out there and I know uh Lord of host church there in Omaha, Nebraska you’ve been censored as. I mean, do you agree with this pastor Hank. What is it that the believers have gotta do at this point Well, first of all I think of the scripture that talks about in the book of numbers and it says in numbers thirty-two. Why do you sit here while your brethren you know, fight or pursue their inheritance and we’re not talking about physical violence. You know there’s always those are gonna say that, but that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about a and a determination to do what’s right to speak up to be bold and to more than anything love your god and your country enough where you are not going to be. And just let whatever they wanna do on the left continue to do socialism is a very evil spirit, The Bible says that we have not received the spirit of bondage again unto fear, but the spirit of adoption where we cry out Abba father God is adopted this nation. He loves the United States of America. You know I think of the Bible where it talks about pillow Prophets well, Mike Lindell is a pillow prophet of a different kind and God has raised him up in this time to be a voice to speak. For God and really to rally uh what I call a righteous rebellion of those in this nation who are saying you know what we’ve had enough with what they’re trying to push down our children’s throats what they’re trying to push down our throats. There’s a righteous remnant of people within the church that are saying you know what we’ve had enough and I think this it would almost be a great thing. You know, II have uh some my pillows in my house. I love em. I love the sheets as well and I’m gonna continue and this is what you need to do. Church He’s standing up for God He’s standing up for righteousness. He’s standing up for you. You need to go out there do what Jesus did when they cut off the head of of his cousin. John The Baptist Jesus went away for a season, but he came back and he retaliated in a good way to show the love and the compassion of God and you can do that. you can show your love and compassion by getting out there supporting him. You know getting your my pillows, but here’s the thing there is so much fraud so much. That is taking place in fact it almost would be a great idea. Mike for you to put in every pill like there’s a scripture that we get you ought to put your absolute proof uh Dvd inside every pillow and and let them have a pillow talk because what he’s standing for has been absolute truth what they did to our country is injustice. It’s treasonous. It’s crimes and it deserves that righteousness and justice has their voice. It’s amazing they took 4 years. How many millions of dollars on a false Mueller report, but yet they won’t hear the truth. and that’s why they’re they’re spending over time to try to censor the truth. But I’m gonna say this last thing they can continue to try to try to silence the voice of righteousness right now and those that are taking a stand in this great nation, but they don’t realize that they are they are contesting or fighting against something that’s bigger than them and you know what it It’s the almighty God the spirit of truth himself. And is injecting himself in this nation and there are great things and God things ahead and I thank God for people like Lance Wall now and this panel uh who are standing up and and many others because we’re gonna take this nation back for God. Yeah, I agree with that. Pastor Hank Absolutely Mike. I wanna go back to you. Uh I mean you’re you’re we consider you more on that obviously on the inner circle than we are what can you tell Christians out there that are sitting at home going? Tell us something what’s gonna happen? What’s what’s going on? I know you can’t say everything but give us something to go on what you see of what we’re gonna expect coming up here. Real soon. Oh, I can tell it all. let me tell you um you guys There are great things coming and here’s what’s going to happen. Here’s how it’s gonna unfold. um you’ve all seen the movie absolute proof obviously keep getting that out there within the next 10 days or so there’s gonna be a platform. I’m putting out that’s gonna be the the vocal point where everyone can go out and there’s they can’t stop you. And all this stuff what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna put out evidence every single day more and more the stuff that’s going on right now you guys Cannot believe it and this is the machine fraud and this attack another country. What’s gonna happen is what I would say let’s go out 6 weeks. Okay. So we’re gonna have 6 weeks for us as a country as a people and this is worldwide 150000000 people have seen absolute proof now as we build. Shop and all this other evidence is shown I’m gonna come out with another documentary showing all the of the foreign interference and what we’re gonna do we once everybody’s gonna know about this in spite of the media and we’re bringing it up. We’ve got the case. It’s almost ready and when we bring it five 6 weeks before the Supreme Court now let me tell you by the time he gets there there. Everyone’s gonna see everyone’s gonna know it, including all nine of them. Justices this time they can’t they’ve already seen they have already seen the evidence they’re gonna have to accept this and I’m telling you. It’s gonna be a nine zero vote going wow. This was an attack on our country by foreign foreign actors and domestic, and I don’t know what they do after that. I’ve said that in my movie, but I will tell you this, they will do something they have to if they don’t if they send and right now what you can do right now if you wanna get involved, I became like a hob a wheel I have over 5000 people on the ground nationwide right now and we’re putting up on Lindale tv.com. we’re putting up. Um things that you can do one of the things we’re doing now in Arizona by the way great News in Arizona. Finally, the judge ruled it can go in and get the machines and open it up and do a machine audit Hallelujah. But I’ll tell you what we’re doing in Arizona. We’re recalling we’re recalling Doug Ducey We’re secretary of State for four people that blocked this from the people. We’re pulling them down like you see going on in in California. we’re gonna do this. The country I’ve I’ve uh I’m gonna be doing this rallies. They’re called recall rallies. We bring people together and everybody’s gonna take everybody in that state and the Arizona it only takes 25% on these signatures. This is real you pull these people down. We’re not gonna take it as a people and we’re getting rid of the all these people pulling them down and then whenever they do after that. Uh we’ll see I think it’s like a new election thing. I’m not sure about all that, but we’re gonna be doing that across the country and then. If uh when it gets up to the Supreme Court and that’s to say they block it, then there’s also more stuff to do because these things are opening up around the around the country. That’s the part. I can’t tell you um there’s different things because uh um it goes into. I don’t want. I don’t want like myself. I don’t even go back to Minnesota right now. I’m I’m telling everyone. I’m not back there because it puts people in danger. We have a lot of whistle blowers that are coming forward and I will tell you anyone out there right now. If you’re one of these politicians, if you’re one of these um uh people that did this to our country and it’s behind this uh and even if you’re just in the you work for Dominion or or smart Matic or es and SI if I’m you right now, you just will come forward and become and and uh try to get uh you know less time in jail and and come forward as a whistle blower because you know what everyone of them is going down every one of them like Domino’s. We’re getting our. Back we’re stopping with this is a glorious time to be alive. We are the one time in history where we it’s gonna change everything where this was an attack, communism socialism coming into our country. Everybody’s got a taste of it now this was on God’s timing, even if you’re this isn’t a Democrat or Republican thing anymore, This is uh showing you what could be and how bad it’s been that they’ve taken God out of our schools and they’ve did all these things to our. Like boiled just like a frog boiling for decades well now it’s all here, but I’ll tell you what when we get through this, it is gonna be the greatest revival for Jesus in history. It’s gonna be a coming together like you’ve never seen worldwide in our country and everywhere. Alright folks you heard it there. Mike Lindell. Alright. We’re gonna take a short break when we come back. We’re gonna talk more about this. We’re also gonna talk about volcanoes, Doctor Seuss and Hillary Clinton. Knows what’s coming up? You don’t wanna miss it be right back. Are you looking for victory? Watch 24/7 Word of faith teaching free on victory? Find us on several over the air channels Roku Apple TV Amazon Fire devices The victory app YouTube live iheartradio tune in Go Victory.com and KCM.org slash Watch slash live We’re using every available voice so you can experience victory. This is the year of divine healing health, prosperity and recovery at the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory campaign April 8th to the tenth glory to God. That’s where the glory is gonna fall next year. It’s in the local churches that are preaching and teaching and healing and going strong with the word of faith. Watch live, Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Seville right here on victory It all starts April 8 at 8 PM Eastern 7 PM Central. And we’re back for the second half of flash point. I wanna go right to a clip. Joe Biden. What am I doing here? Thank you. Thank you and I’m happy to take questions of as I’m supposed to do Nancy whatever you want me to do. Let’s go now let’s go to happy that was happy to take questions now, let’s go to what am I doing here. Uh I think he’s getting on a plane. he told me last he came in to see me last event and representatives uh Shirley Jackson Lee al Green Sylvia Garcia Lizzy Pinnell uh excuse me fie and uh what am I doing here? I’m gonna lose track here and uh. Uh you know I think uh Luca Lance now cuz he’s he’s just really wanting to say something and it’s time for Lance to say I mean Lance II know it’s funny but this is the leader of the free world who’s having a hard time. uh do you think we’re close to them trying to do something here with getting Biden out of the way well. and that’s like that’s that’s a couple of days old and we have a new one which is when he’s talking uh there in the Oval Office and he starts to. About uh Covid and the vaccine, and he’s literally has the same moment he goes um we have uh and and and he says I had a piece of paper. I had an index card. I’m supposed to my notes are on it and literally he he’s trying to remember what he’s supposed to say and he and he doesn’t have his index card for his teleprompter in his pocket. What you’ve got is, we’re making a mistake even when we talk about executive orders and stuff that is that the a Biden’s producing he is not producing. I don’t think he could coherently produce the executive order. He’s got the team that is working with frankly, it’s the Kamala Harris uh uh and left team that is right there in the wings waiting to replace him at some point and they’re causing him to put out these executive orders. I think that these odes orders that are coming out. you talked about what Michael and has talked about this here is just the index to. Of contents to the HR, one, which is the rush that they’ve got to try to federal and change the election process so that even before Mike Lindell and people can even bring up the subject of focusing in on what happened in November, they wanna be able to change the whole process to make sure that it can be repeated over and over again voting age under eighteen how to get them to vote uh the uh ballot. Making sure that there’s gonna be even more available uh for people to use what you’ve got is a uh a strange rush to try to have Joe Biden put through every odes leftist agenda he can I think so that he can take all the heat and then when he’s moved off the scene, they’re gonna put camel in as a fresh face and say well now we’re gonna get a reset and start over again and have like a journalistic romance. With uh the first female president of the United States because they work with the manipulation of all information that they’ve got what Mike said is there’s going to be a backlash and we’re saying that a populous backlash merging with an awakening, a spiritual awakening. The two are gonna fuse together and you’re going to see some forty-five or 50000000 people coming to Christ. That’s one half of the people that voted for Donald Trump that are devastated by. What’s happening, we have faith at least half of the voters are Christian The other half are low hanging fruit and it’s gonna converge together to create a sweeping reset and we’re coming into the absolute revival Battle of our lifetime right on the horizon. Yeah, I agree. in fact, Mike. I’m gonna get you to comment quickly on this. uh I mean I know you’ve seen have uh I assume the left administration here has not extended an open hand to Mike Lindell. Be that be correct? Yeah, they won’t even let me talk anywhere. Alright, so what I wanna know is uh are you seeing the same thing? We’re seeing it seems like to me and and what Lance was saying they’re in a hurry. It’s like they’re they’re chasing the clock. There’s a time limit and we gotta get all this stuff done uh even if we don’t know it and and I see uh Joe Biden, they’re just kinda being where do I go next? What do I do? uh it’s like it’s uh a it’s a consistent photo op moment one after the other. So is that what you’re saying well. Believe they’re in a there’s there’s a couple of races going on here. One of them is the big race and that is because the stuff that we’re putting together now because there’s no statute of limitations on what they did to our country and that Supreme Court will look at it this time. so they’re in that kind of a race too, But they’re also you’re right. It’s very sad that they’re putting his guy up there that has these problems and putting him up there to run these things now what their plan is, you know that. I don’t know you know when you’re getting to that I can get. I can say what I believe their plan is. I believe that they’re what they’re doing now. It’s kinda like what they did. Nazi Germany you take away communications and then they’re right now they just you know they’re coming out that Pelosi thing and doing all this stuff where you’re gonna talk about um this January 6th thing bring that back in the thing against the the president and and then you bring it against flip it back on all the people that like myself and everybody else that. A voice and you’ve suppressed us here that next wave when you take over like this communist were like they did in Nazi Germany, you take you get rid of the leaders you get rid of the voices you get rid of the voices so what if they he puts on all these executive orders, you know actually with the election part. I don’t even know why why like, but Lance was showing there That doesn’t even mean anything if you’re if the machines are still here because you just set them and forget them, I mean nobody votes in. This is how serious this machine brought in, but I suppose they’re getting that set up so that if you did lose the machines, you could still cheat by a lot of other ways So um I guess you know right now we’re in this biggest spiritual battle in history and I align with Lance that these things are gonna collide and when people are gonna come to the lord cuz they’re gonna see these miracles unfold and III believe when I heard that stuff with 2024, Donald Trump is gonna be in back in long before that long before that, I agree with that. alright. so lot of. A lot of stuff happening in fact there was a prophecy back in February, about shaking corruptions and disruptions. Watch I said, And I declared. That this election, the one that you experience in the United States would be given to my son Do you think that this nation will be stolen from him? I said that that election would be given to the children and so it shall as you enter into a new season that is upon this nation. Watch Watch the intensity of the soil. As the shaking will continue in the earth. watch as there will be your options that will mark disruptions. Interruptions of my hand and I will do it for the children those who’ve been massacred in the wombs those who walk upon the earth at this time that they will not have to live in socialism in the United States. But I also give it to the children who have been trafficking. There will be much that will be exposed in the coming seasons that are upon you and I do not speak of a delayed time. What? When and how that they have touched the children for they will be brought to justice now and I will do it for you’re entering into the season, not only of a change of seasons, but you are entering in to the season of great change and I speak it, God says even in your politics, too there you go even in your politics too, Pastor Hank even today. uh there was a news. Out about 150 children being rescued in Tennessee from child trafficking, but that’s just what there’s so much going on here that in that in that prophetic word there, I mean if you just go to Google right now and you do a search for volcano uh look what comes up all these all these eruptions that are happening. You know we just did that and we I want you to see it on on the screen here just what what it looks like when you search for volcano, I mean they’re just one after the other um pastor. What are you seeing? well? It’s what God is saying there are things that have been done that has been very dark diabolical things that have been done in secret uh not just concerning the election and and criminal acts of treason that that happened, but we’re seeing things that happen to the children and there are two things that God says, specifically, you don’t touch you don’t touch the prophets or do them any harm, but you don’t touch the children or they are like Jesus said to be better than a don’t be tied around your neck than to touch the children The eruptions are a sign of things that are. Ground or things that have been sown in the earth or or the actions and the sin of man hidden things secret things that God on purpose is bringing it to the top. now. we’re not prophesying destruction. What we’re saying is God is saying, look to a natural sign of something that I’m going to deal with with my hand. Now, I wanna read this to you. Gene. This is uh an interesting one and I’ll go very quickly. This was from 2000. 2015 and God said this. I tell you all things that have taken place in the earth that are happening. Do not fear it is a divine setup that there will be signs as you enter into the years of the volcano and their eruptions and the Lord says upon the left and upon the right they will be shaken and when this takes place some will take a hold of their head and they will say I cannot believe the things that I’m hearing is this true and God says yes. it is for I’ve waited for their arrogance to reach a certain tipping point and now I shall bring them to him. I will bring them to a place where they will now deal I will now deal with that which they’ve done in secret. It should be made known upon the housetops and that’s what the eruptions are about. There’s winds of change that are happening right now upon the earth, December 1st, God prophesied about the winds he prophesied in August of last year 2020 that this nation would go through blizzards, ice and snow, and people say well that happens any winter. No he he, he specifically, said, Watch the places that it would happen. He even said, Watch DC and they had a record break of of of over 700 years of of a drought of no snow because God said I’m using the snow as a sign of cleansing and also Psalm 6814 I dealt with Wicked Kings when it was snowing in salmon. We are in a time right now where God is saying I’ve had enough and that is why it is so important Christian to not be fighting with one another fighting against the prophets. Listen, it’s very evident and I wanna follow up with something that Mike Lindell said regarding president. Trump he made it very clear in his speech. He’s not going anywhere and when you saw the video clip, those of you that are watching tonight of of uh Biden. it’s very evident. We’re not here to you know, call out what he’s obviously having to deal with, but um as far as in a sickness or whatever is going on with him, but I can tell you this you don’t see or feel the anointing of the spirit of God upon him because he’s not been chosen and elected of God. therefore, when you listen to Donald Trump and I did and I heard his speech. Anointing of the Holy Spirit is not lifted off to that man and so we are in a reversal. we are in a reset we are in the greatest days where God is saying this nation will not be a socialistic or communist Nation. Watch and see taste and see the Lord is good and you’re about to celebrate and rejoice in these coming months and years of what God has planned and I’m excited as it unfolds So don’t lose heart. There’s great things that are coming. Yes. Man and you know Mike uh here in Texas we had quite the freeze. uh we I think we we call it the uh the winner of the broken pipes uh every every uh uh county in Texas was in a in a storm warning for the first time I think ever or at least in 100 years or something crazy like that, uh it was definitely a monumental. In fact, I saw it, I wish I had grabbed it uh news report. said this is a biblical proportions and then they were exactly right. We had quite the quite the storm. Uh Lance will get you to weigh in here real quick before I move on uh you know when you see things like this happening uh you gotta think something’s. we’re not out of the weeds yet I know as a matter of fact we started off uh flash point we were starting off uh with Ha guy the prophet right even before the election because we’ve been saying the promise that it says in Haga, which is I will overthrow the throne of Kingdoms I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms, The Lord says he’s going to be shaking the heavens and the earth the shaking that Hank is prophesy. About the weather patterns and then you’re looking up uh you know volcanic stuff the earth itself is responding to a shifting that’s happening in the hierarchy of these principalities and powers and when the Bible says that uh I’m gonna shake the heavens and the earth and I’m gonna cause my house to be filled with glory. This goes to a brother Copeland’s talking about the year of the local church, God’s rebuilding and reestablishing his people as a house that can handle his. And this overthrow the shaking is going to be to destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the hidden, which means that it’s not just spiritual hierarchies up here It’s going to be the alignment on the earth below and we saw this happen in the Soviet Union, the the You You know where we were battling with communism up until the 60s they potential uh cruise chef Kennedy uh in nuclear confrontation and then suddenly as Reagan comes in. Office as the church actually enters into a stronger phase of engagement than ever before you saw the boom, the Berlin wall came down and if it hadn’t been for bad advice in Washington Communist China would have also come down but the idea was we were gonna engage them and bring them into our world. Instead, we’ve ended up putting our mouth our head almost in the mouth of the tiger because communism is still there, but that’s. When it comes down it always shakes earthly kingdoms of the hidden, and that’s what we’re looking for right now. we’re looking for the spiritual shaking to be a disruption down here. so when you see these signs these signs of winds blowing and things shaking, it actually tells us that that we’re nearing the time when Earthly Kingdoms are going to be overturned as the strongholds to overturn the church is the key actor in this, which is why we have to uh. Have to be bolder than we’ve ever been and not back down cuz the house will be filled with glory. Yeah. Amen. Mike Lindell I’ll give you a chance to comment on that. Yeah. it’s uh you know that’s gonna be it is gonna be the best uh what they both. both said there. This is gonna be a great revival and these are to me. These are the best of times because we get to witness all of these these miracles the two we just had to get us where we’re at now and that uh and we’re it’s like. Inside of a big movie, this is just a little part of the movie, but we know what’s gonna come out the other end. It’s gonna be glorious and the church. This is bringing people people don’t look to hope when things are all going great, They look to hope when things are down, you know my addiction plan for Linda Recovery Network.org This is before this all this stuff happen everybody. that was the pathway to Jesus. They’re going people are looking for hope they’re going you know they’re in addiction and and uh. You know they’re they’re reaching out well now everybody’s looking for hope and uh and where does that hope by it’s it’s down there and the church is you know this gonna be bringing people back to the church and I believe that the church now also has to get involved in where we’re at to get through this people can’t just sit by around this time and go well. We’ll just weather the storm. This is it. I mean this is the storm. it’s uh if we don’t uh if we don’t stand up now and uh. Stand up for the Lord. I mean I it’s scary right now I wanna II will bring up but I would talk about over uh at the uh Cpac over in Israel right now, they’re making there’s a thing there. They’re making everybody take this vaccine and there’s a lawsuit against the against the government there and I’m going. okay why you know that’s mark of the beast stuff you’re making I’m taking in Germany. they’re going door to door. Well. you know what I’ll tell you if someone takes the vaccine. Then what are they worried about me? If I don’t take it, you know and this is they’re not letting it started in Spain. They’re not letting people you know go to any public place or get a job. These are what they proposed in Israel. You’re not gonna get a job. Well, you know that’s that’s in revelation. This is you know terrible what’s going on and we need we need to pray that God gives us grace and delays this so that we can get more people to Jesus before this stuff. It’s kinda like holding things back before. Uh I think they’re trying to the Devil’s trying to make things come on early here and I and uh I really believe that he gets grace. Yeah. That’s right. I appreciate that Mike uh you know, let me go back here to Hank and I just got a few minutes left here uh pastor Hank the uh what we’ve all been describing is is a desperate society that’s being censored. It’s it’s like uh it’s like a bad communist movie uh playing out right before our eyes with socialist agendas and and silencing people. What do we do? What are you II? want you to speak to the people at home that are watching going? Oh, I don’t know I mean some of them are Christians and they’ve got their hands up. Don’t know what they’re doing what should they do well. First of all we need to walk by faith and not by sight. That’s the first thing we don’t wanna put our eyes on all the things that the media is saying and all the things that are happening around us and slip into fear, but I do feel prompted to say something with you know Mike being here and maybe you’re watching tonight and you’re saying yeah. But you know, I just don’t believe that the election was stolen. I wanna just read you very very quickly. This was a prophecy August 16th of 2020 and God said this he already talked about what was gonna happen in the election. Listen to this, he said the enemy desires to bring to your election to disrupt divert deceive concerning your election, United States to try to kill still and destroy to bring diversion delay deception through chaos of a plan thing that shall shift and reshape things. As they look now, but the devil has overplayed his hands and at this time, do you think for a moment that this will be the way that it always will be so God told us ahead of time that this was gonna happen. Some already knew that I think Lance even wrote it in his book and and here’s the the bottom line Zachariah three verse nine says in 1 day God removed the iniquity of the land if God did it for them, then in 1 day or in a moment, God could open a red sea lead a nation. Into divine preservation and bring him to into their inheritance and at the same time take that same seat and cover a pursuing enemy of the left who wanted to bring them back into socialism and communism What can and is God going to do in 1 day or suddenly, and that’s what you gotta focus on this is not over God is gonna continue to interject himself and what you need to do like Lance and the different ones are saying here on this panel is engage yourself. God is. Up people who are dissatisfied there has to come a point where the flesh is between your teeth like the children of Israel who wanted quail and you say you know what we’ve had enough. Watch what God’s about to do things are gonna shift the winds are revealing it. The ground is shaking it and the volcanoes are erupting, but here’s what God’s doing he’s injecting himself and you’re gonna see the amazing Lord Rescue a nation rescue of people I’ve seen the future and it wasn’t and it didn’t look like this. There’s a new America on the rise. I agree with that, alright Lance, I see you there. Wow. Well, I’m gonna let you come in. Yeah. Yeah. Well. Thank you Jean. Thanks for letting me say this but you can see me wanting to see me and it’s already started Hank what you’re talking about in terms of shaking and we don’t wanna miss this prophetic moment because the uh both Cuomo in New York and uh Newsome in California are both now you’re watching the shaking come down into regions of the country. Happens nationally, you’re going going to start to see where the concentration of believers and prayer and where believers have been begun to engage their own um uh their own spheres of influence politically and being able like Mike’s got this platform coming out moving our voices out, they’re reorganizing in California, you’re seeing the recall effort on on governor Newsome. His policies have failed the economy is 50% performing compared to Florida, Florida and Texas. Are the model of what is happening as one uh part of this political structure is starting to crumble. The other part is beginning to be elevated and what’s happening and we’re having the mass coming off next week here and just like they did with uh Mike Lindell. We got the major corporations are all saying well, we’re gonna insist that you put the mask on when you’re in Starbucks or target, but the state itself is going to lift the mask mandate uh governor Desantis down there in Florida where they had Cpac. It’s. Prophetically, where they decide to put the these events because he was comparing the data the science of him and Texas versus New York and California, He says you shut people down you shut down business. You put yourself in debt and we’re prospering and that’s gonna continue to happen in regions of the country. That’s right. I agree with. That’s true. Amen. Alright. I know if you’ve enjoyed, I promise you doctor Seuss well Doctor Seuss as you may have. About it Tuesday he may be cancelled a lot of his uh books are being pulled from platforms around the country, but look at this If you want a book what you can uh look at their Lance, you can buy that for $900 or $600 a doctor Seuss book uh or if you really wanna go to Hillary Clinton, I might be able to get you a deal for 98¢ in the bargain basement her uh her life there you go Hillary Clinton’s book uh and alright. here’s the best. Zep the Galactic quest of captain Zep You can get your copy of this comic book at Hank and Brenda.org. It’s funny look. it’s not just for kids. I laugh too, and I’m not easy to laugh. You don’t wanna miss next Tuesday, March 8. We’re going to have David Harris junior gonna be here on our next flash point catch the news every day weekday at uh twelve eastern and five eastern you don’t wanna miss what pastor Hank says. And what Lance. Now says, and by all means you gotta watch Mike Lindell cuz who knows what Mike’s gonna say Thank you sir for being here tonight. Thank you to all of my friends. We’ll see you next time.