ultra high net worth - Spanish translation – Linguee

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The Bank's growth plans announced today follow the significant success
Pictet has enjoyed with clients in the
[...] region, notably ultra high net worth individuals, [...]
sovereign wealth funds, pension funds as well as central banks.
Los planes de crecimiento del Banco anunciados hoy son el resultado del �xito significativo que Pictet ha tenido con los
clientes de esa regi�n, en particular
[...] personas con rentas muy elevadas, fondos soberanos de [...]
inversi�n, fondos de pensiones y bancos centrales.
Eric has over 15 years of tax, estate and wealth
[...] planning experience for ultra-high net worth individuals and families.
Eric tiene m�s de 15 a�os de experiencia en la planificaci�n de tributos, patrimonio
[...] y fortuna para individuos y familias de alto valor adquisitivo.
Over the past 21 years, Chris has
[...] worked extensively with ultra high net worth entrepreneurs and wealthy [...]
families in such areas
as investment management, asset allocation, investment policy creation, multi-generational planning and the acquisition and financing of closely held businesses.
Durante los �ltimos 21 a�os Chris ha
[...] trabajado extensamente con empresarios de h�per alto nivel y familias de fortuna [...]
en �reas como manejo de
inversiones, distribuci�n de activos, creaci�n de pol�ticas de inversi�n, planificaci�n multi generacional y adquisici�n y financiamiento de sociedades privadas.
The second concentrated pool of
capital is the private banking
[...] community servicing ultra-high net worth individuals, [...]
which by 2010 will control 50 per cent
of the world's assets or US$ 44 trillion; only 2 to 5 per cent of their capital is currently managed on an ethical basis.
privados que
[...] prestan servicios a grandes fortunas personales, [...]
que para 2010 controlar�n el 50% de los activos mundiales,
o sea 44 billones de d�lares; s�lo entre el 2 y el 5% de sus capitales se gestiona actualmente sobre una base �tica.
Presence in the Ultra High Net Worth Family-Legislative [...]
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Alto Valor Neto"-puesta al d�a legislativa Mostrar [...]
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Since 2001, he has been an independent financial advisor to a
[...] select group of ultra high net worth clients.
Desde el 2001, se desempe�a como asesor
[...] independiente de un grupo selecto de clientes.
Credit Suisse's private equity clients include some of the world's most sophisticated
investors, such as corporate and municipal pension funds, foundations,
[...] endowments and ultra high net worth individuals.
Entre los clientes de private equity del Credit Suisse figuran algunos de los inversores m�s sofisticados del mundo, tales
como fondos de pensiones empresariales y municipales, donaciones, fondos e
[...] individuos con un patrimonio neto muy elevado.
As a Director of Baring Brothers and Managing
Director of ABN-AMRO, John provided strategic advice to
[...] companies and ultra high net worth individuals for [...]
eighteen years.
Como director de Baring Brothers y director ejecutivo
de ABN-AMRO, John ha ofrecido asesoramiento estrat�gico a
[...] empresas y a personas con un gran patrimonio durante [...]
18 a�os.
He has worked closely with ultra high net worth clients, and their families [...]
and advisors, in establishing and managing Private
Trust Companies with a focus on governance and risk management.
Adem�s, ha
[...] trabajado estrechamente con clientes de alto poder adquisitivo, con sus [...]
familias y asesores, para establecer
y gestionar Compa��as Fiduciarias Privadas, orientadas a la gesti�n y administraci�n del riesgo.
Prior to joining GenSpring, Chris was president of the Southeast and of the
Florida regions for JPMorgan Private Bank where he was responsible for over
[...] $12 billion of ultra high net worth family assets.
Antes de unirse a GenSpring, Chris fue presidente de las �reas del sureste y de
la Florida para JPMorgan Private Bank, donde manej� m�s de $12 mil
[...] milliones en activos de familias de h�per alto valor.
U.S. ultra high net worth individuals and institutions will have access to FalconView's experience, perspective and connections, combined with the reputation and tradition of renowned private banks.
Individuos no residentes de Estados Unidos con grandes patrimonios e instituciones tendr�n acceso a las conexiones, experiencia y perspectiva de FalconView, adem�s de contar con la reputaci�n y tradici�n de renombrados bancos privados.
Only for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals of at least 50 m � with us and usually which require a much more sophisticated approach of tailor made solutions which normally need of special legal structures and a very detailed financial design.
Reservado a patrimonios superiores a 50 millones de euros que requieren de un asesoramiento mas complejo ,que en muchas ocasiones necesita de la creaci�n de estructuras legales a medida y de un enfoque global del patrimonio financiero y no financiero.
Investbx expects therefore to raise funds mainly from individual private
[...] investors, including high net worth individuals.
Por lo tanto Investbx espera obtener fondos principalmente de inversores privados individuales, incluidos
[...] los particulares con un elevado patrimonio.
It is argued that since it is not economically viable for investors to visit regularly other regions for deal finding and monitoring, Investbx
will improve the situation by raising capital mainly from local investors, in
[...] particular from high net worth individuals.
Se afirma que ya que para los inversores no es econ�micamente viable desplazarse regularmente a otras regiones para buscar operaciones y efectuar su seguimiento, Investbx mejorar� la
situaci�n al obtener capital principalmente de los inversores locales, en especial
[...] de particulares con un elevado patrimonio.
Additional donations will be generated through smaller corporations, online donors and a
[...] small number of high net worth individuals.
Se obtendr�n donaciones adicionales por
intermedio de sociedades menores, donantes en l�nea y un n�mero reducido de
[...] particulares con un alto poder de inversi�n.
As well as growing in Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay, it has opened new offices
in Panama and, in March, Chile where it is
[...] looking to advise both high net worth individuals and institutional [...]
Adem�s de crecer en M�xico, Brasil y Uruguay, inaugur� nuevas oficinas en Panam�
y -en marzo- en Chile, donde intenta asesorar
[...] tanto a personas de altos ingresos como a inversionistas [...]
American law is
[...] friendly to the solicitation of high-net-worth individuals, assuming they possess [...]
sufficient net worth.
La ley estadounidense ve con buenos ojos que se hagan solicitudes a individuos con
[...] un valor financiero neto elevado, presumiendo que tengan suficiente valor neto.
He also advises high net worth individuals, [...]
including artists and sports players, on their tax planning.
Asimismo, asesora con frecuencia en cuestiones [...]
relativas a la planificaci�n tributaria de grandes patrimonios y a la tributaci�n de artistas y deportistas.
Some of them, indeed, have been successful in
attracting fairly significant inflows of net
[...] new money, as high-net-worth investors sought [...]
greater security and trustworthiness
and a rather more conservative investment policy.
Es cierto que algunos de ellos pueden hacer referencia a una
afluencia m�s o menos significativa de nuevos
[...] fondos provenientes de inversores acaudalados [...]
en b�squeda de una mayor seguridad,
m�s solvencia y una pol�tica de inversiones tendencialmente m�s conservadora.
Ultra-reliable functionality, state of the art technologies and high quality are their main features.
Una funcionalidad especialmente fiable, las tecnolog�as de vanguardia y la alta calidad son sus principales [...]
What are the implications for private banking,
[...] for the corporations and high net-worth individuals who are traditional [...]
private banking clients,
and for the governments that need to regulate an industry that is notoriously secretive and yet global in scope?
�Cu�les son las implicancias para la
banca privada, las corporaciones
[...] y personas con un elevado patrimonio neto, que son clientes [...]
de la banca privada tradicional,
y para los gobiernos que necesitan regular una industria particularmente reservada y, a�n as�, con alcance global?
RSM member firms work�for�a range of private
[...] clients from high net worth individuals and [...]
wealthy families to business owners and corporate directors.
Las Firmas miembro de RSM trabajan para una variedad de
[...] clientes privados, desde individuos con grandes [...]
patrimonios y familias adineradas hasta
due�os de negocios y directores corporativos.
Ultra high gloss, fast drying, [...]
perfect surface coating - such are the demands made by the market on the production of cosmetic
and other high quality pencils.
Alto brillo, desecaci�n r�pida, [...]
superficie resistente - estos son las demandas del mercado con respecto a la producci�n
de l�pices de calidad superior y productos cosm�ticos.
Depreciation is calculated
[...] linearly over a 20-year period, with the exception of ultra-high-speed vessels, for which the duration is limited [...]
to 15 years.
La amortizaci�n se
[...] calcula de forma lineal sobre un per�odo de 20 a�os, a excepci�n de las unidades de alta velocidad para las cuales [...]
el per�odo se limita a 15 a�os.
Our branches in Zurich and London, which grew even more rapidly and
affirmed their positioning in 2006, were boosted by the arrival of several new teams,
[...] notably in the high-net-worth segment.
Al efecto, nuestros establecimientos de Zurich y Londres - que han acelerado a�n m�s su crecimiento y afirmado su
posicionamiento en 2006 - se han fortalecido con la llegada de varios equipos, en particular
[...] en el segmento HNW (High Net Worth).
Our Private Banking division forged ahead in all its markets in 2007, particularly in the important ultra-highnet-worth segment.
El Private Banking ha seguido creciendo en todos los mercados durante el ejercicio 2007, en particular entre el gran n�mero de clientes de patrimonios muy elevados.
In the late nineties high-net-worth-individuals and US [...]
endowment funds were the first to buy into this emerging category.
A finales de los noventa,
[...] las personas con un elevado patrimonio y los fondos de [...]
dotaci�n estadounidenses fueron los primeros
en invertir en esta categor�a emergente.
In addition, business in the High Net Worth division, which is aimed [...]
mainly at advising very wealthy families and individuals
by offering them a range of highly personalised services, continued to generate very encouraging results.
Las actividades del departamento High Net Worth, dirigidas principalmente [...]
a aconsejar a las familias y a las personas m�s
acaudaladas, proponi�ndoles toda una gama de prestaciones y de servicios altamente personalizados, siguieron generando resultados muy esperanzadores.
Before moving into technology, Tim held positions in top-tier banking
institutions in Australia, managing the accounts of several publically listed
[...] Australian companies and high net worth individuals.
Antes de pasar a la tecnolog�a, Tim ocup� cargos en instituciones bancarias de primer nivel en Australia,
manejando las cuentas de diversas compa��as australianas que cotizan
[...] en bolsa y de individuos con alto poder adquisitivo.
With additional donations generated through smaller corporations, on-line donors and a small number of high-net-worth individuals, WFP estimates it will have generated US$38 million in cash donations by the end of the year.
Sumando las donaciones generadas por conducto de empresas m�s peque�as, las donaciones por Internet y algunos donantes particulares acaudalados, el PMA calcula que a final de a�o habr� generado 38 millones de d�lares en efectivo en donaciones.
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