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slang The buttocks. The term comes from rhyming slang in which "Khyber" is short for "Khyber Pass," which rhymes with "ass" or "arse." (The Khyber Pass is a narrow mountain pass on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.) Primarily heard in UK. It's icy out there, so take it slow, or you'll end up on your Khyber!

Khyber Pass

slang The buttocks. The term comes from rhyming slang in which "Khyber Pass" rhymes with "ass" or "arse." (The Khyber Pass is a narrow mountain pass on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.) Primarily heard in UK. It's icy out there, so take it slow, or you'll end up on your Khyber Pass!
See also: Khyber, pass
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