Unscramble Words - SCRABBLE word finder
Unscramble Words
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Word Finder

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New Unscramble Words engine

New Word Finder engine. We have more options to find words faster in SCRABBLE and Words with Friends. Word finder just needs you to choose the correct dictionary. Word finding became our hobby and we always looking to find words faster and our interface is now cleaner.

Unscramble Words

Word find like the pros. Do you want to just look up a word or find the best word to play in SCRABBLE or Words with Friends. Unscramble Words takes letters in any order and runs the servers word finder code and shows you every word. Click the word to see the in depth definition. Thus the name word finder. Unscramble Words lets you enter wildcard letters which represent all letters. So you can enter AB?? and all words up to 4 letters with AB will be shown. Our Word Finder engine uses Microsoft technology. Our Word Unscrambler database is SQL Server. Enter some letters and see Unscramble Words find your words. Our Word Finder technology was developed in house with many friends helping us freely and we thank them.

We are the Original Word Finder

We keep our interface black and white and simple to use. SCRABBLE word finder will make you better as you remember the best words over time. Same goes with Words with Friends cheat. You have fun playing like a pro and increase your vocabulary. We never minded other sites copying us. They even called us for the code. None of them knew how to handle wild cards until we told them. Now you see many sites doing what we do. But like KFC we are the original. Our code is probably running half these sites.

Word finder Examples

Enter the letters VELOST . Word finder shows a six letter word VOLTES. You also see the words LOVES SOLVE STOLE STOVE and your vocabulary is already increasing. A child will be having enjoyment as well as increasing their vocabulary without even knowing it. This is the exciting part for us as we love education. When they don't know a word they can click the word to get the definition shown. Creating this tool was a joy for us. We know you will love it.

Word finder Examples

Additionaly we took two years to add a new security layer that has been in the works for a couple of years. It is our personal malware scanner that finds and kills malware in the ads. This came just in time because a wave of hackers launched an attack this summer and we blocked all their ads via our new scanner. So we know it works and our word finder is ten times safer than any other word finding website. And no they can't have this code like the original source code. This code we will keep proprietary.