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A group of people smiling, celebrating at the Green Impact Awards.

What does the Cambridge University's Sustainability Team do? 

Virtually every aspect of activity across the University has some sustainability impact. As this agenda is so broad, every individual working or studying at the University has a role to play in taking action to reduce their impact during their time at Cambridge.

Cambridge is strongest when we work together. That’s true for all aspects of University life and never more so than to work against climate change. There are many ways to be part of making the University a more sustainable place.

How can you get involved?

Sustainability Champions 

Join your colleagues in our voluntary staff network and provide a focal point for environmental issues in your workplace.

Green Impact

Create and work with a team in your department, college or building to implement a range of environmental actions and get recognition at the annual awards ceremony.

LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework)

Sign up to LEAF to help you make changes in your lab space that improve the carbon footprint of your work.


Get environmental messages across to your team or Department using our posters, stickers and more!

Find out more and keep up to date