government Flashcards | Quizlet


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Terms in this set (631)
Historically speaking, "state" has multiple meanings: nation, country, institution, or society.

A sovereign state places power in the hands of the people.

Natural rights exist for all people regardless of their place of birth or class.

States recognize an individual's natural rights at all times.

The state is the main political unit in the world.
statetyrannyinalienabledictatorshipvestigesovereigntyinnate a politically organized body of people occupying a definite territory that has sovereignty and a government

form of government in which absolute power is held by one person

government characterized by unreasonable abuse of power

evidence of something no longer existing

inherent; characteristic of natural rights

born in; inherited

having supreme, absolute power
The state of nature is one where people live in peace and honor each other's natural rights.

The state determines what is good for the people; people do what is good for the state.

States are accountable, too, and serve at the will of the people.

Man will forfeit his interests for the good of the general population.

Life is brutish, nasty, and short-lived.
The king's authority is absolute.