Snowdin Shopkeeper | Wiki | Undertale Amino
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Snowdin Shopkeeper



Creator Temmie Chang
Location Snowdin
Species Anthropomorphic Bunny
Items she sells Tough Glove (50G) Manly Bandana (50G) Bisicle (15G price before Papyrus, 30G after Papyrus, 45G after Undyne, 70G after CORE) Cinnamon Bunny (25G)


Snowdin Shopkeeper-[BC]——·Personality·——


[B]True Pacifist 

[C]She seems to be a laid back, and pretty chill bunn

True Pacifist

She seems to be a laid back, and pretty chill bunny. Not much is known about this character, due to the fact that she has no name and she has not much things to say.

Genocide Route

She seems to be a scared bunny when she says “Please don't hurt my family.” Again, not much is known about this character, because of lack of development on the character.

· · · · Appearance · · · ·

Snowdin Shopkeeper-[BC]——·Personality·——


[B]True Pacifist 

[C]She seems to be a laid back, and pretty chill bunn
Concept art of Snowdin Shopkeeper (Courtesy of Undertale Wiki)

The shopkeeper is a purple bunny, probably because of the shadow. She has a hat on with a ribbon separating the brim and the head cover. She wears lipstick and has buck teeth like a bunny. She wears a strapped tank top and some pants. The true color of her is not revealed, due to the shadow of whatever looms over her.


“Hello, traveller. How may I help you?”

“Huh? Sell somethin'? Does this look like a pawn shop?”

“Life is the usual. A little claustrophobic.”

“Long story short, we all decided to leave the ruins and head for the end of the caverns.”

:rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:

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Purple?! I've always seen her as beige/tan coloured.

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0 Reply 06/07/17
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