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a board game similar to ludo, played by people in the navy
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| Recreational spaces enjoyed by the crew feature televisions and sofas, as well as popular board games including the traditional Navy game of Uckers.
Losing the daily round of Uckers, a traditional military board-game, would consign the 28-year-old to a shift of servitude, at the beck and call of his bell-ringing comrades.
The relaxed setting of the Uckers board outside the airmen's VHR (very high readiness) tent belies both the fierce competitive edge to the game and the ever-present threat of a call to scramble to the Apaches.
Captain Simon Beattie, Harry's flight commander, explains the Uckers routine: "It's always the thing we do first in the morning, with my flight.
Especially when you've cheated the whole way round!" Harry defended his Uckers record amid rumours he was not as good at the game as he is on the PlayStation.
Similar to Ludo, Uckers is traditionally a Royal Navy game, but it is also very popular in the Army Air Corps.
You can join in a giant game of the classic Battleships plus quoits, bowls, the traditional game of Uckers and the chance to launch your own boat in the mini harbour.
Once upon a time,Yorkie was the ultimate macho treat advertised by tr uckers. Our smiley trucker friends remained the symbol for Yorkie bars for years and years until last year, that is when Nestle relaunched Yorkie with a new ``not for girls'' campaign.