Abeka 9th Grade Themes in Literature Test 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

Abeka 9th Grade Themes in Literature Test 10

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Men to put a twinkle in/ The proud eyes of their Maker.
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Terms in this set (19)
Men to put a twinkle in/ The proud eyes of their Maker.
Square Toed Princes
Were they to sail on until they perished or until all return became impossible? In such case they would be the authors of their own destruction.
The discovery of America
to have carried out/ A noble purpose to the noble end
Your sons did not fail. they can be depended upon. the world is in search of men built on those lines
their word of honour
But gradally, by patience and hard work, we brought order out of chaos, just as will be true of any problem if we stick to it with patience and wisdom and earnest effort
A harder task than making Bricks without straw
He started to sing as he tackled the thing/ That couldn't be done, and he did it!
It couldn't be done
Sir Roland felt what about his assignment
Grant wood became famous after he started painting scenes of where?
Grant Wood's woman with plants, was inspired by whom?
his mother
booker T washington was in charge of what institue
Who wrote keep a pluggin away
Paul Dunbar
Edgar guest wrote what?
It couldnt be done
Cyrus and Cornelius were given what test?
Hezekiah Woodbridge
Who wrote the discovery of america?
Booker T washington
Although from two different stories, how was Sir roland and Cyrus similar?
they both faced tempation to give up but accomplished their task