Antonio in Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare | Character & Analysis - Lesson |
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Antonio in Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare | Character & Analysis

Bryan Truong, Lucy Barnhouse
  • Author
    Bryan Truong

    Bryan has taught English Language Arts (ELA) & English as a Second Language (ESL) for over 5 years. They have a bachelors in secondary education from Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.

  • Instructor
    Lucy Barnhouse
Learn about Antonio in the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Discover Antonio's character in this comedy, along with an analysis of his role in the play. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to Antonio in the Twelfth Night?

Antonio is arrested by Count Orsino's men and accuses Viola (Cesario) of abandoning him when he mistakes her for Sebastian. He is then arrested and brought out in the final act of the play when it is revealed that Sebastian and Viola are twins. It is unknown what happens to him at the end of the play because he is ignored after it is revealed that Sebastion and Viola (Cesario) are twins.

What kind of character is Antonio in Twelfth Night?

Antonio is a minor character in Twelfth Night who is loyal, forthright, and courageous. He ultimately falls in love with Sebastian, which is unresolved by the end of the play.

What does Antonio want in Twelfth Night?

Antonio has fallen in love with Sebastian and wishes to stay by his side. He does so at a risk to himself and follows him to Illyria where he is a wanted man.

Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeare's most popular comedies. The play focuses on themes of love and excess. Characters throughout the play fall in love immediately and completely and due to the fraternal twins Sebastian and Viola, who disguised herself as a man named Cesario, they often confuse who they have fallen in love with.

The minor character Antonio in Twelfth Night saves the male half of the twins, Sebastian, from drowning and immediately falls in love with him. Sebastian throughout the play shows gratitude to his savior but does not ever return the strong feelings of love that Antonio has.

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  • 0:03 Antonio's Place in…
  • 0:39 Antonio's Scenes in…
  • 6:15 Lesson Summary

Antonio was a sea captain who saves the major character Sebastian. He immediately falls in love with him and follows Sebastian to Illyria, the main setting of the play to be near him. This is an irrational decision on Antonio's part because he is a wanted man in Illyria and is fairly well known by Orsino's court. Going to Illyria with Sebastian is dangerous to him because of his former role in a battle between his ship and Orsino's.

Antonio's love for Sebastian is so strong that he disregards his own safety to follow Sebastian. It is in Illyria he mistakes Sebastian's twin, Viola, disguised as a man, and intervenes in a fight on her behalf. He is then arrested and rebuked by Viola because they are complete strangers, and he is made to look like a fool.

Antonio in Twelfth Night is a minor character in the play, but an important one to both the story and the theme. He embodies the themes of unrequited love and love at first sight. Antonio also brings Sebastian to Illyria which begins the climax of the play by having several characters, including Antonio, mistake Sebastian and Viola for each other.

Antonio in Act II

Antonio's first appearance is in Act II of the play. He is first revealed with the surviving twin, Sebastian. Antonio is a ship captain who finds Sebastian and saves him from drowning. He is shown to be immediately infatuated with Sebastian and implores Sebastian several times to stay with him:


"If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant" (2.1.34–35).

Antonio's love for Sebastian is immediate and he even places himself in danger to ensure that he is allowed to remain with him.

Sebastian is determined to go to Orsino's court where Antonio is a wanted man. Even though it puts Antonio at great risk, he is so in love with Sebastian that he decides that it is worth the risk to journey with him to Orsino's domain:


"I am bound to the Count Orsino's court: farewell" (2.1.41–42).


"I have many enemies in Orsino's court,

Else would I very shortly see thee there:

But come what may, I do adore thee so,

That danger shall seem sport, and I will go" (2.1.44–47).

Antonio in Act III

Antonio is again seen with Sebastian, but this time they are in Illyria the realm of Orsino. Antonio attempts to disguise himself so that he is not arrested for his past crimes, but his love for Sebastian gets him into trouble.

Antonio treats Sebastian like a small child or a helpless lover when they first arrive. Antonio gives Sebastian his wallet with all of his money so that Sebastian can enjoy seeing the sites of the city and purchase any souvenirs he may find:


"Haply your eye shall light upon some toy

You have desire to purchase" (3.3.48–49).

Antonio's love can be seen in his treatment of Sebastian. Antonio offers Sebastian all of his money to buy trinkets and calls out to him to make sure he gets to their lodgings on time. Sebastian's responses to Antonio's advances are often abrupt and dismissive. Sebastian is grateful to Antonio but clearly does not reciprocate the feelings of love and infatuation that Antonio has.

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Antonio is infatuated with Sebastian. He saves the male half of the twins and then proceeds to follow him throughout the play. He risks his life several times for Sebastian. First, by saving him from the sea and, second, by accompanying him to Illyria. It can be argued that he risks his life a third time during the duel, but it is Viola whom he mistakes for Sebastian.

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Antonio is a minor character in the play but quickly gets caught in the gender-swapped mix-up of Viola and Sebastian. He is an extremely serious character which is in direct contrast with almost every other character in the play, which makes his serious and direct demeanor almost comical. All of his actions in the play are fueled by his unrequited love for Sebastian.

His role in the play adds another layer of confusion to the twins as they maneuver around Illyria, and he also embodies the theme of instantaneous love. He is the only character in the play that intentionally pursues a same-sex relationship. Antonio is completely aware that Sebastian is a male, and Sebastian's beauty amazes him, which leads to decisions that endanger him.

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Antonio is a minor character in the play Twelfth Night. He is a courageous, loyal, and forthright character. He first appears in Act II after he saves Sebastian from drowning and immediately falls in love with him. This relationship is completely one-sided and adds to the themes of excess love and unrequited love. Antonio follows Sebastian despite putting himself in danger. This can be seen in the lines: "But come what may, I do adore thee so, /That danger shall seem sport, and I will go?" (2.1.44–47). Antonio convinces himself that it will be okay by thinking that the danger will be fun and worth it to stay by Sebastian's side.

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Video Transcript

Antonio's Place in Twelfth Night

Antonio is a secondary character in Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night. Like many secondary characters in romantic comedies, he is more sure of himself and his own feelings than the main protagonists are. Unlike many characters in Twelfth Night, he never wears a disguise, even when his true identity puts him in danger. This says much about Antonio's forthrightness: he's always direct, never disguising who he is or what he feels. The latter is particularly poignant as, along with almost everyone else in the play, Antonio harbors unrequited love.

Antonio's Scenes in Twelfth Night

We first meet Antonio at the beginning of Act II. He and Sebastian (one of the play's twins) enter in mid-conversation. Sebastian, obviously upset, is doing most of the talking, but Antonio gets the first line, asking Sebastian to stay longer - or at least to let Antonio go with him. Antonio has saved Sebastian's life, bodily pulling the shipwreck victim from the sea (II,i,20-22). We learn of Antonio's courage in this act through Sebastian, as the captain is no boaster. Sebastian is distraught because he believes his twin sister to have drowned. Antonio's patient concern for the young man reveals both his loyalty and his love. Sebastian tells Antonio that he'll go alone to the court of Duke Orsino. Left alone on the seashore, Antonio muses that the court is full of his enemies, which would make it unwise for him to follow Sebastian. He experiences a moment of truth when he confronts his own feelings for the other man, concluding:

'But come what may, I do adore thee so
That danger shall seem sport, and I will go' (II,i,46-47).

Antonio's next appearance isn't until Act III, scene iii. Once again, he and Sebastian enter in mid-conversation. Sebastian is saying, apparently for the last of many times, that Antonio really didn't have to go to the trouble of coming with him. Antonio's response is to confess his unrequited love: 'I could not stay behind you: my desire, / More sharp than filed steel, did spur me forth' (III,iii,4-5). Also, he adds, he was worried about Sebastian coming to grief in the rough streets of the town. Antonio's touchingly direct confession, no less than his warning, flies right over Sebastian's head: he responds with the Shakespearean equivalent of 'Thanks, man!' (III,iii,14-20).

He also invites Antonio to go sight-seeing with him, an invitation Antonio refuses because he is actually in mortal danger. Antonio confesses that, in a fight against Orsino's ships, he made himself so conspicuous that there's now a price on his head, even though trade relations with Antonio's city have been restored (III,iii,26-39). Orsino tells Sebastian to meet him at a discreet inn later and gives the young man his purse, so that he can buy something if he wants. This generosity is on display in Antonio's next scene as well.

Act III, scene iv is lengthy, and Antonio makes a dramatic entrance toward its end, demonstrating once again his courage and loyalty. Antonio has left the safety of the inn to look for Sebastian, whose arrival is delayed. Antonio, in his searching, comes upon Sebastian about to fight a duel. This youthful recklessness is par for the course for Sebastian. The 'young man' he goes to save is really Sebastian's twin sister Viola, wearing her brother's clothes. Antonio has no way of knowing this, and in his panic, typically direct, he shouts as he rushes into the scene:

'Put up your sword. If this young gentleman
Have done offense, I take the fault on me:
If you offend him, I for him defy you' (III,iv,326-328).

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