When God Turns Out The Lights (33 of 39) - James Merritt - Sermon Outlines and Preaching Ideas

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by James Merritt

Scripture: REVELATION 18
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When god turns out the lights (33 of 39)
Dr. James Merritt
Revelation 18


1. I take my title from the statement in v.23, ''the light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore... There is coming a day when the one who is the light of the world, will turn out the lights of the world, now the code name that is used here for the world is ''Babylon.''

2. In biblical thought, Babylon represents several things. Sometimes it represents a place. The city of Babylon is mentioned more than 260 times in the bible; more than any other city with the exception of Jerusalem.

3. Sometimes it represents a power. The city of Babylon was the headquarters of one of the greatest kings who ever lived, Nebuchadnezzar. This was the city of the king who destroyed Judea, that destroyed Jerusalem, that destroyed Solomon's temple, this city was the headquarters of the nation that took god's people into captivity. One of the greatest kingdoms of all time was the kingdom of Babylon.

4. But more than that it also represents a philosophy. The first mention of babel in the bible is in the 11th chapter of genesis. There we are told that a man by the name of nimrod built a tower that was meant to go all the way to heaven, this was man's first attempt at humanism. It was the first attempt to establish a kingdom, a state, a religion, a way of life and thought that totally excluded god.

5. In fact, the name nimrod literally means ''rebel.'' Babylon is a picture of the spiritual, moral, intellectual and philosophical rebellion of this world against god since the beginning of time.

6. Nimrod, who was the ruler of the first Babylon, is a picture, a type of the antichrist who will rule over the last Babylon. The city of Babylon, Satan's hellish city, is the counterpart of the new Jerusalem, god's holy city.

7. So keep in mind that Babylon is used here, as it is used so many places in the bible, as a code word for any value system, any philosophical system, any mor ...

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