Jesus often used the term “walking in the light” to describe our walk with Him. He means that if we follow Him, we will have an easier time making choices and seeing which way to go with decisions. That’s a wonderful perk. Let’s see how right he is by trying to find treasure in the dark in this Bible game

Jesus and the prophets frequently used “light” to symbolize  goodness. This game will help to give the symbol a little more “illumination!” Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

“Walking in the Light” Bible Game

Materials needed: Bag of buttons or pennies (several hundred of each. If these are not available, use balled up little pieces of aluminum foil), blindfolds (one for each child), bag of candy for prizes.

Preparation: Ball up 300 pieces of aluminum foil if you’re using foil. Put all pieces in a large bowl, and keep it out of sight.

Object of the Bible Game: To find the most treasure and understand how much easier it is to find your life’s treasures while in the light of God, rather than the darkness of the world.

Instructions: Take all of your students out in the corridor just outside your classroom. Bring blindfolds. Tell them that when they get back in the classroom,
there will be treasure for them to find. Hold up one penny (button or piece of aluminum foil) so they can identify it as treasure. Tell them that they will be able
to exchange their “treasure” for candy after they find everything.

At the same time have your assistant get out the treasure bowl. She should also toss maybe ten pieces of treasure onto the floor. She should turn out the lights to
make the darkness even greater and hold the treasure bowl in her arms quietly.

Have students put on blindfolds and reenter the classroom. They should scour for treasure. Give them several minutes to get a piece or two and then become

Say, “You are looking for treasure in the darkness. It’s kind of frustrating, isn’t it?“ And “Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we were looking in a great light?”

Turn on the light switch and tell them to take off their blindfolds.

If we walk in the light of Christ, we can often see clearly the things in life we need to see to make the best decisions. Look in the light. Your
treasure was always right in front of you, wasn’t it? Now you have light to see that.

Move all children to the edge of the rug or play area and have the assistant dump the treasure out just so the students can have fun gathering pieces.

Now let’s do what Christians do and share our wealth rather than hoarding it. Everyone sit down and put your treasure in front of you. Start sharing with others who have less. The person with the most treasure at the end actually losses.

Let the children divide up the treasure. Give out prizes at the end evenly.

While this candy tastes good, let’s keep in mind that one of the greatest prizes we have on planet earth is the Light of the World – Jesus!


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