uoua in English - Gilbertese-English Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "uoua" into English

two is the translation of "uoua" into English. Sample translated sentence: 12 E reke otara ae kakawaki n Euangkerio aika uoua aikai ni kaineti ma “ana iango Kristo.” ↔ 12 These two Gospel accounts give us precious insight into “the mind of Christ.”

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Translations of "uoua" into English in sentences, translation memory

12 E reke otara ae kakawaki n Euangkerio aika uoua aikai ni kaineti ma “ana iango Kristo.”
12 These two Gospel accounts give us precious insight into “the mind of Christ.”
E taekina naba te kateniua ni mwakoro ni Mwakuri, te kauabwi ma uoua ao te kauabwi ma teniua ni kibu, n aron raoi teia n ara Nu Tetemanti.
He quoted also the third chapter of Acts, twenty-second and twenty-third verses, precisely as they stand in our New Testament.
I a tia ni kunea bwa uoua bukin bwai ake a irekereke ma kaokan te kakaonimaki ao bitaki ibukin anua, katei ao mwakuri.
I have found that two fundamental reasons largely account for a return to activity and for changes of attitudes, habits, and actions.
Mangaia are ni waakinan ana mwakuri ni minita Iesu, e aki tii karaui nanoia aomata ake a ongora irouna ma e katuka naba te rongorongo ae e na kaungaia aomata aika a na maiu i nanon uoua tenga te ririki imwina.
Thus as Jesus carried on his ministry, he not only comforted those who listened with faith but also laid a basis for encouraging people for thousands of years to come.
Kabwarabwarai mwakoron te boki ae na anga te aba n Turai ni kakimototoa, imwina karaoa teuana ke uoua te kaotioti iai.
Briefly outline features of the literature offer for July, then have one or two presentations demonstrated.
(1 Uea 7: 23-26, 44-46) Iai ngkanne uoua boua aika buraati ake a rangi n totoakaei aika kateaki n te kawai n rin nakon te tembora.
(1 Kings 7:23-26, 44-46) Then there were the two colossal copper pillars that stood at the entrance of the temple.
25 Ao man te itera ni baronga ae Manate: Taanaka+ ma tawaana ake iai, ao Katarimmon ma tawaana ake iai. Boni kaawa aika uoua.
25 And from the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh: Taʹa·nach+ with its pastures and Gath-rimʹmon with its pastures—two cities.
N aron anne, ngkoa, taokita a kakoaua bwa a kona ni katoka te aoraki ae te niumonia ngkana a bwenaua rabwatan te moa ae maiu, ma ni kawenea iteran rabwatana aika uoua i aon bwabwan te aoraki.
For example, at one time doctors believed that they could cure pneumonia by cutting a live chicken in two and laying the pieces on the patient’s chest.
I kakoaua, e ngae n anne, bwa kaantaninga aikana uoua aikanne bon ti tebo ao a uaia ni mwakuri ni kakorakoraira n tamneira n tatabemaniira nako ao inanon mweengara.
I believe, however, that those two purposes are precisely the same and work together to strengthen us spiritually as individuals and in our homes.
Tuanga kaain te utu bwa e na kataia ni karaurei kaara akana uoua akanne.
Ask a family member to try to separate the two colors.
9 E anga te reirei ni kairiri Bauro nakoia aomata i aon itera aika uoua ibukin te kangaanga.
9 Paul counseled individuals on both sides of the dispute.
Uoua tengaa te ririki n nako, aomata a tangiria ni karika Iesu Kristo bwa aia uea, ibukina bwa a ataia bwa e kanakomaiakaki iroun te Atua, ao e na rangi ni mwaatai ni waakina te tautaeka.
In fact, two thousand years ago, people wanted to make Jesus Christ their king because they perceived that he had been sent by God and would make a most able ruler.
Ngkana e riai, e na maroro n tatabemaniia te 16- ao 17 n-ririki uoua te tai ni katoa ririki.
If possible, he interviews each 16- and 17-year-old twice annually.
9 Ngkai Reimwanaite ao Remueraite ao Itimaeraite a bon aranaki bwa Reimwanaite, ao botaki aika uoua aikai bon Nibwaite ao Reimwanaite.
9 Now the aLamanites and the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites were called Lamanites, and the two parties were Nephites and Lamanites.
N aron naba anne, iangoi bwaai aika uoua ake e bairei Iehova bwa e na aki karaoi.
Similarly, consider two things that Jehovah has determined not to do.
Ngkai, I noori uoua kaangaanga.
Now, I do see a couple of problems.
E ngae n anne, te Ekaretia e bon taraa n ae boou i Romania, ao e bon tau kaaina i Bucharest ibukin uoua te mwaanga.
However, the Church is relatively young in Romania, and there are only enough members in Bucharest for two branches.
E raka iaon uoua te aoa imwaain ae I a roko.
It took over two hours before I finally arrived.
Kam kona n anaa te kuwiti ae tawe aei n nooria bwa te anua raa ke uoua ake kam tangiria ni kabanea nanomi iaona ngkai kam kamatebwai rongorongon te maungatabu.
You can take this quick quiz to see which attribute or two you might want to focus on as you study conference messages.
N na taekina uoua te iango i bukin te rairannano are e na uota mwaaka korakoran te katoki aoraki.
I will mention two aspects of repentance that bring great healing power.
Iai ana tabo ni koreira aika uoua tamau i Wichita, ao te taokita anne bon temanna i buakoia ake a roroko iai!
He owned two barbershops in Wichita, and the doctor was one of his clients!
Ngkai ti na kabanea te aekaki ni baeki n raiti anne inanon uoua te namwakaina.
Now the same bag of rice lasted us two months.
Tao uoua te ririki imwain anne ao e a riki te bitaki ni maiun te aomata ae rangi ni kakorakoraa ngkoa ni kaaitaraia Kristian.
About two years earlier, a fervent opposer of Christianity had a life-changing experience.
Ni waakinan te baire aio, taain bootaki ibukin uoua te iunite e kainnanoa kakiribwebweana n aron are oti n te tiata inano.
To implement this plan, meeting schedules for the two units need to overlap as shown in the chart below.
E a tia Bauro ni kairaki bwa e na korei reeta aika uoua ni kabwarabwaraa iai taekan te Tua are e aki kainnanoaki ibukin te kamaiuaki.
Paul had written at least two inspired letters in which he argued that observance of the Law was not required for salvation.