TRANQUILITY - Translation in Chinese - lcp

tranquility {noun}

tranquility (also: peace, serene)
宁静 [nínɡ jìnɡ] {noun}
tranquility (also: welfare, peace, well-being)
安宁 [ānníng] {noun}
tranquility (also: equilibrium, quiet, serenity, hush, quietude, calmness)
安静 [ānjìng] {noun}
平静 [pínɡ jìnɡ] {noun}

English How to use "tranquility" in a sentence

One of his coping mechanisms was to leave his classroom for the tranquility of a special resource room or even to come home.
We hereby witness the enormous potentials of creative imagination that an artist wields when "emotions are recollected in tranquility".
He worked himself and his fans up to a chaotic frenzy in his live concerts only to effortlessly transcend into sublime tranquility.
It looks polished yet playful in a child's room, and it is calming enough to be used in hospitals or other spaces that require tranquility.
While the hippies are noticeably absent, the bright green foliage and the general tranquility of the image reminds us of the 1971 commercial.

English How to use "tranquilizer" in a sentence

An attempt to use tranquilizer darts on it failed.
Another tranquilizer would have taken several minutes to take effect.
It took four tranquilizer darts but eventually the elephant was knocked out.
Police ultimately cornered the bull in someone's backyard, but the animal, hit by multiple tranquilizer darts, died shortly thereafter.
More recently, the state has seen a rise of carfentanil use, an elephant tranquilizer so dangerous that a tiny flake can trigger an overdose.

English How to use "tranquil" in a sentence

In this example "tranquil" is a predicative adjective linked through the verb "is" (another inflected form of "be") to the subject "the lake".
It is believed that his performances of bhajans and devotional music have the ability to carry the listener into a tranquil, relaxed and serene world.
The new facility offers easy access, free parking and valet services, spacious and tranquil public areas and on-site food services.
The product of those tranquil sessions is an album of incredibly haunting performances, up close, personal, and timeless.
As the process of filming demanded her to be extroverted, the new music she was creating became hushed and tranquil as a way to escape.

Synonyms (English) for "tranquility":

  • antianxiety agent
  • ataractic
  • ataractic agent
  • ataractic drug
  • tranquilliser
  • tranquillizer