A review of Timmay's hedge fund book | Page 23 | Elite Trader

A review of Timmay's hedge fund book

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by timvodas, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. You really think you're winning? You're delusional--my book isn't even available yet and the publicity train hasn't even begun. Seriously man, when this is all over, apply the lessons you learn to help your trading.
    #221     Sep 6, 2007
  2. EXACTLY--my book's audience is much bigger than the little trading community. Why shouldn't everybody be able to learn about hedge funds ans trading?
    #222     Sep 6, 2007
  3. He knows more now thanks to my book
    #223     Sep 6, 2007
  4. EPrado


    Now you are giving me trading advice???

    I would take trading advice from Grady Harp before I would listen to you.

    #224     Sep 6, 2007
  5. spinoza


    Tim, since completing the book does your Funds losing long position in Cygnus E Transactions (CYGT) still account for your poor performance? (Don't refer us to your book; need to know about why you still lose money AFTER book completion)

    Seems like the bleeding from that bad trade should be over now?

    #225     Sep 6, 2007
  6. Thanks I just remembered Dave Goodboy talking about Trendfollowing and how he basically wrote a review out of his ass and got burned...then Timmay is running around making it sound like the review process is all legitimate and shit.
    #226     Sep 6, 2007
  7. Look, it's very simple, if somebody likes the book, they're gonna give a good review. Professional courtesy my ass--you're not gonna stick your name on something you don't like and before I sent this book out, I'm sure the majority of people on my list didn't think very highly of me, just like you guys.
    #227     Sep 6, 2007
  8. Marketsmurfer himself said he didn't like the Trendfollowing...but yet he STILL said it was on his top 10 book list of all time....

    It is on the forum

    Just funny how it all works....

    Damn Tim I can't believe you threw your boy Dave under the bus like that...just wrote him off as non credible...ouch, after all the heralding he has done for you.... for shame
    #228     Sep 6, 2007
  9. Cutten


    There's one point I should make that most people are missing - a fund which has an high inverse correlation to the S&P is extremely valuable, even if it's absolute performance is relatively poor. The reason is that it allows you to use leverage on the long side, offset by an equal investment into the short fund.

    E.g. you could go 120% long the S&P, and put 20% into a short fund returning on average 0% yet which rises by 1.5 times the S&P's decline during corrections. During up moves you would make 1.2 times the S&P return, and during corrections you would lose only 0.9 times the S&P's decline. In other words, you would outperform both on the upside and downside, with lower overall volatility. This happens despite the short fund making *nothing* over the long-run.

    The criticism of the recent 35%+ drawdown is perfectly justified however, unless he made spectacular returns off the recent decline. A good short-fund should basically tread water during bull markets, and make hay during declines.
    #229     Sep 6, 2007
  10. Okay, so explain this:

    You see? He says it himself...he wrote it as a professional courtesy...and then magically realized he didn't like it anymore......

    I'm just saying...you act like it some crazy story I am making up that people write each other reviews without really thinking...

    Go ahead, respond and throw your boy Smurfer/Dave Goodboy under the bus again.

    There's more out there if you need it.

    Don't try to act like well known people (and I use the term loosely) aren't shills and publicity whores for each other).

    Once again busted.
    #230     Sep 6, 2007