Chapter 6 Stats 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 6 Stats 1

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the center of a normal curve is _______
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the center of a normal curve is _______
Z distribution
A normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 is called ______
the uniform, normal, and exponential distributions are _______ distributions
For a continuous random variable
For any continuous random variable, the probability that the random variable takes on exactly a specific value is equal to _____
the same
For a uniform probability density function, the height of the distribution is __________ at each value of x
the same
A uniform probability distribution is a continuous probability distributions where the probability that the random variable assumes a value in any interval of equal length is
.5, added/subtracted
When a continuous probability distribution is used to approximate a discrete probability distribution a value of _____ is _____ from the value of x
continuous, time, distance
The exponential probability distribution is used with a _______ random variable and is used when _____ or ______ is involved
Larger values of the standard deviation result in a normal curve that is _______
For a normal distribution, a negative value of z indicates a z that ____ of the mean
The Standard deviation of a standard normal distribution is equal to ____
A continuous random variable may assume _____ values over an interval
If the mean of a normal distribution is negative, the standard deviation is _______.
The highest point of a normal curve occurs at the ______.